Codes and Frequencies
Code | Label |
1 | Catholic | 284,645 |
2 | Protestant | 353,781 |
3 | Pentecostal/Charismatic | 456,261 |
4 | Other Christians | 208,209 |
5 | Islam | 302,577 |
6 | Traditional | 159,911 |
7 | No religion | 115,438 |
8 | Other | 13,311 |
Can't find the category you are looking for? Try the Detailed codes
This variable indicates the religion of the person.
- Ghana 2000: All persons
- Ghana: 2000
Questionnaire Text
P09 Religion: What is (name's) religious affiliation?
[] 1 Catholic
[] 2 Protestant
[] 3 Pentecostal/Charismatic
[] 4 Other Christians
[] 5 Islam
[] 6 Traditional
[] 7 No religion
[] 8 Other
[] 2 Protestant
[] 3 Pentecostal/Charismatic
[] 4 Other Christians
[] 5 Islam
[] 6 Traditional
[] 7 No religion
[] 8 Other
P09 Religion: What is (name's) religious affiliation?
Write in the cross check header code the appropriate answer and mark X in the box provided against the mentioned religious affiliation.
Four types of Christians are categorised:
1. Catholic - Christians who belong to the Catholic faith
2. Protestant - These are made up of mainly the Churches that belong the
Christian Council and include; Anglican, Methodist, Presbytarian, AME Zion, Lutheran, E.P. Church, Salvation Army, F'eden Church, etc.
3. Pentecostal/Charismatic- It comprises Churches which are mainly under the Ghana Pentecostal Council and include: the Apostolic Church, Foursquare Gospel Church, Christ Apostolic Church, Assemblies of God, Church of Pentecost, International Central Gospel Church, Action Chapel, Praise Valley Temple, Rhema Christian Centre, Word Miracle Church International, International Bible Worship Centre, Victory Bible Church, Jubilee International Church, Light House Chapel, etc.
2. Protestant - These are made up of mainly the Churches that belong the
Christian Council and include; Anglican, Methodist, Presbytarian, AME Zion, Lutheran, E.P. Church, Salvation Army, F'eden Church, etc.
3. Pentecostal/Charismatic- It comprises Churches which are mainly under the Ghana Pentecostal Council and include: the Apostolic Church, Foursquare Gospel Church, Christ Apostolic Church, Assemblies of God, Church of Pentecost, International Central Gospel Church, Action Chapel, Praise Valley Temple, Rhema Christian Centre, Word Miracle Church International, International Bible Worship Centre, Victory Bible Church, Jubilee International Church, Light House Chapel, etc.
[p. 39]
4. Other Christian - Other Christians include members of the SDA Church,
Mosama Disco Christo Church, Church of Christ, Kristo Asafo, Odifo Nkansah/Awoyo, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Jehovah Witness, Church Universal and Triumphant, Salvation Army, etc.
5. Islam (Moslem) - These are made up of people who mainly use the Holy
Quoran as their book of instruction. They include the following sects: Al-Suna, Tijani, Alhamadiyya and orthodox Moslems
6. Traditional Religion- Includes all the indigenous Ghanaian religions like the
worship of "abosom" or "small gods" "tigare", Africania Religion and other different forms of ancestor worship.
7. No Religion - Some people do not have any religious beliefs and thus do
not belong to any religion.
8. Other Specify - These include Eckankar, Bahai, Hinduism, Buddhism,
Hare-Khrisna, Yoga and all Transcedental Meditation religions.
Mosama Disco Christo Church, Church of Christ, Kristo Asafo, Odifo Nkansah/Awoyo, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Jehovah Witness, Church Universal and Triumphant, Salvation Army, etc.
5. Islam (Moslem) - These are made up of people who mainly use the Holy
Quoran as their book of instruction. They include the following sects: Al-Suna, Tijani, Alhamadiyya and orthodox Moslems
6. Traditional Religion- Includes all the indigenous Ghanaian religions like the
worship of "abosom" or "small gods" "tigare", Africania Religion and other different forms of ancestor worship.
7. No Religion - Some people do not have any religious beliefs and thus do
not belong to any religion.
8. Other Specify - These include Eckankar, Bahai, Hinduism, Buddhism,
Hare-Khrisna, Yoga and all Transcedental Meditation religions.