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Level of schooling

Questionnaire Text

Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

20. What is the highest grade or year of elementary or secondary school you ever attended? (See instruction booklet).
[] No schooling
[] Kindergarten
[] Elementary or secondary (grade or year)

[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8
[] 9
[] 10
[] 11
[] 12
[] 13

[Questions 22-40 were asked of persons age 15+, per question 21.]

23. How many years of schooling have you had since secondary school?

[] University

[] None
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6

[] Other (See instruction booklet)

[] None
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3

24. Do you have a university degree, certificate or diploma?

Mark highest academic qualification.
[] Non university degree, certificate or diploma
[] Yes, a university certificate or diploma (below Bachelor level
[] Yes, Bachelor degree
[] Yes, first professional degree
[] Yes, a Master's or equivalent or earned Doctorate (e.g. Ph.D., Ed. D.)

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Fill one circle only to indicate highest grade or year attended. (Persons currently enrolled should give their present grade or year.)
Fill the circle for "No schooling" for children in day nurseries and nursery schools that do not have an educational programme.
Persons studying to complete a regular school grade by private instruction, correspondence or part-time attendance at class should report the grade or year in which these courses would be included in the regular day-time programme.
Persons who received their education outside of Canada or who did not attend a regular graded school, should make the best possible estimate of the level of schooling completed. The following guides may help:
(1) Grade 13 is Senior matriculation year in Ontario and British Columbia.
(2) Grade 12 is the Senior Matriculation year in Nova Scotia, Quebec and the Prairie
(3) Newfoundland, New Brunswick and Prince Edward island do not have Senior
Matriculation. The normal school leaving years (Junior matriculation) are Grade 12 in Prince Edward island and New Brunswick, and Grade 11 in Newfoundland.
(4) In the Classical Colleges of Quebec, "Versification" is considered equivalent to Grade
11, and "Belles-Lettres" as beyond the secondary level (see Question 23).
(5) In the British school system, 5th Form (Grammar school or Public school) is to be
equated to Grade 13, and 6th Form to the first year at university.
(6) In the continental system, the first four years of Middle School (Lyceum, Gymnasium, College, etc.) correspond to Grades 9 to 12.

Fill one circle only on each line.
If you have attended only part of a year at university or have attended the qualifying year, fill
the circle for "University 1".
If you have completed the 2nd (Sophomore) year at university but have taken three years to do
so, fill the circle for "University 2".
If you completed the 1st year in an Arts course then transferred to Medicine (or any other
faculty) and completed the 1st year of it, fill the circle for "University 2".
"Other" type of post-secondary schooling includes trade or business schools, institutes of
technology, community colleges, CEGEP's (in Quebec), teachers' colleges, schools of nursing, etc. Be sure to fill the appropriate circle (None, 1, 2, 3 +).
If you took one year in each of two different types of post-secondary schools (e.g., one year at
a technical institute and one year at teachers' college), fill the circle for "Other 2".

"Yes, a university certificate or diploma (below Bachelor level)"

Fill this circle if you have completed a university certificate or diploma course, but have no university degree.

"Yes, Bachelor degree"
Fill this circle if your highest academic qualification is a Bachelor degree in the faculties of Arts, Science or Commerce (e.g., B.A., B. Sc., B. Comm. in a general or an honours course).

"Yes, First Professional degree"
Fill this circle if your highest academic qualification is a first level university degree in such specialized fields as medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, law, theology, education, engineering, architecture, forestry, etc.

"Yes, a Master's or equivalent, or earned Doctorate"
Fill this circle if you have an M.A., M. Sc., or other Master's degree or equivalent post-graduate diploma or certificate in medicine. If you have an earned Doctorate such as a Ph.D. or Ed. D., fill in this circle also.