Codes and Frequencies
Code | Label |
0 | NIU (not in universe) | 3,670,960 |
1 | Elementary (grades 1-4) | 10,617,451 |
2 | Middle - 1st cycle (grades 5 to 8) | 1,554,806 |
3 | Middle - 2nd cycle (grades 9 to 11) | 673,925 |
4 | Higher education | 247,667 |
5 | None | 7,999,455 |
9 | Unknown | 25,452 |
Can't find the category you are looking for? Try the Detailed codes
This variable indicates the highest level of schooling completed (elementary, etc.)
- Brazil 1970: Persons age 5+
- Brazil: 1970
Questionnaire Text
Only for people 5 years and older
[Applies to questions 15 - 17]
17. If currently in school or attended school, indicate the last grade and/or level that was passed
Question 17 - If you attend or attended school, indicate the last grade/year and level passed
(Only for persons age 5 or over)
Record the last grade in the highest-level course passed.
For example: for those who are attending the 2nd grade of primary school, the 1st grade box will be marked; for those who interrupted their studies in the 3rd year of junior high school (ginásio), the 2nd year box will be marked.
In the cases listed below, indicate:
a) Box 1 for those who are attending the 1st grade elementary;
b) the course being taken and not the last grade concluded for persons who are attending junior high school preparation [admissão, usually 5th grade], college entrance exam, preparation (vestibular), Article 99, and adult literacy courses;
c) junior high school preparation for those who are attending the 6th grade of the primary course;
d) Box 0 - None, for those who are not attending or have never attended school;
e) 2nd grade/year for those who are simultaneously attending the 3rd year of senior high school and the college entrance exam course.
b) the course being taken and not the last grade concluded for persons who are attending junior high school preparation [admissão, usually 5th grade], college entrance exam, preparation (vestibular), Article 99, and adult literacy courses;
c) junior high school preparation for those who are attending the 6th grade of the primary course;
d) Box 0 - None, for those who are not attending or have never attended school;
e) 2nd grade/year for those who are simultaneously attending the 3rd year of senior high school and the college entrance exam course.
Elementary - For those who have concluded one year of Primary school or its equivalent [grades 1-4], such as elementary-level professional courses; and for persons who are attending the 1st grade elementary, adult literacy courses and junior high school preparation (admissão).
[p. 38]
Junior High School [6th to 8th year/grade] - For persons who have concluded one year of Junior High School [curso ginasial - 6th to 8th year/grade] or some other course on an equivalent level and for persons who are taking the Article 99 course for junior high school (ginasial) examination;
Senior high school (Médio - 2º ciclo) - For those who have concluded one year in the Classical or the Scientific course [High School - 9th to 11th year/grade] or some other course on an equivalent level and for persons who are taking the Article 99 course for the senior high school examination or college entrance examination;
Higher Education - For persons who have concluded a year in Higher Education, such as Law, Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Engineering, Economics, Architecture, Agronomy, Military school, Denominational Seminary, Philosophy, etc.
None - for persons who answered No in the previous question.
Senior high school (Médio - 2º ciclo) - For those who have concluded one year in the Classical or the Scientific course [High School - 9th to 11th year/grade] or some other course on an equivalent level and for persons who are taking the Article 99 course for the senior high school examination or college entrance examination;
Higher Education - For persons who have concluded a year in Higher Education, such as Law, Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Engineering, Economics, Architecture, Agronomy, Military school, Denominational Seminary, Philosophy, etc.
None - for persons who answered No in the previous question.