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Level of the last grade concluded

Questionnaire Text

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Only for people 5 years and older
[Applies to questions 15 - 17]

17. If currently in school or attended school, indicate the last grade and/or level that was passed

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Question 17 - If you attend or attended school, indicate the last grade/year and level passed

(Only for persons age 5 or over)

Record the last grade in the highest-level course passed.

For example: for those who are attending the 2nd grade of primary school, the 1st grade box will be marked; for those who interrupted their studies in the 3rd year of junior high school (ginásio), the 2nd year box will be marked.

In the cases listed below, indicate:

a) Box 1 for those who are attending the 1st grade elementary;
b) the course being taken and not the last grade concluded for persons who are attending junior high school preparation [admissão, usually 5th grade], college entrance exam, preparation (vestibular), Article 99, and adult literacy courses;
c) junior high school preparation for those who are attending the 6th grade of the primary course;
d) Box 0 - None, for those who are not attending or have never attended school;
e) 2nd grade/year for those who are simultaneously attending the 3rd year of senior high school and the college entrance exam course.


Elementary - For those who have concluded one year of Primary school or its equivalent [grades 1-4], such as elementary-level professional courses; and for persons who are attending the 1st grade elementary, adult literacy courses and junior high school preparation (admissão).

[p. 38]

Junior High School [6th to 8th year/grade] - For persons who have concluded one year of Junior High School [curso ginasial - 6th to 8th year/grade] or some other course on an equivalent level and for persons who are taking the Article 99 course for junior high school (ginasial) examination;
Senior high school (Médio - 2º ciclo) - For those who have concluded one year in the Classical or the Scientific course [High School - 9th to 11th year/grade] or some other course on an equivalent level and for persons who are taking the Article 99 course for the senior high school examination or college entrance examination;
Higher Education - For persons who have concluded a year in Higher Education, such as Law, Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Engineering, Economics, Architecture, Agronomy, Military school, Denominational Seminary, Philosophy, etc.
None - for persons who answered No in the previous question.