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Commuting: location of residence and workplace or school

Questionnaire Text

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For students and employed persons
[Questions 12-14 were asked of students or employed persons only age 6 and older]

14. Is your work place (school) located in the same house (on the same property) as your dwelling [noted] above left?

[] Yes, in the same house, or on the same property (e.g. agricultural worker, at-home worker, etc.)

When in another house (on another property):

a) Do you travel daily to return to this dwelling?
[] Yes, daily
[] No, not daily (e.g. every two days, weekly, monthly)

b) How long do you estimate for the daily commute to the work site (school)?
[] Up to 15 minutes
[] 16-30 min.
[] 31-45 min.
[] 46-60 min.
[] More than 60 min.
[] Unable to estimate due to alternating sites of work (e.g. for operators)

c) Predominantly used transportation method on the daily commute to the work site or school (longest distance)
[] None (on foot)
[] Car, motorcycle, moped
[] Train, suburban rail
[] Tram, subway
[] Bus, trolley-bus, work bus, school bus
[] Other (e.g. bike, taxi, boat, etc.)

For Question 14, if work location (school) [is] in that house: Persons, who do not return daily to this dwelling, should answer sub-questions b and c in addition, namely for the daily route from the residence at the work (school) location to the work site (school).

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Question 14 of the persons sheet

Question 14 must be answered by both pupils and students, as well as employed persons. Only unemployed persons and active duty personnel are exempt from answering--because they currently do not attend school or go to a work site.

For those persons whose dwelling and work site or school lie in the same house or on the same property (above left on the persons sheet and for question 13 the same address), mark the box "yes, on the same property" and with that have answered the question completely. All other persons must answer the sub-questions a) as well as b) and c). Whoever does not return to their home daily (within 24 hours) but has accommodations on the work site, answers Questions b) and c) for the commute to the accommodations at the work location to the work site.