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Educational attainment, Egypt

Questionnaire Text

Egypt 1986
Egypt 1996
Egypt 2006
Egypt 1986 — source variable EG1986A_EDATTAIN — Educational attainment
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Part B: Individual data

7. Educational status or last educational certificate
[Question 7 was asked of persons 10 years and over.]

[] 1 Underage
[] 2 Illiterate
[] 3 Read and write (literate)
[] 4 Certificate
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Educational status or the last certificate: Column number (7)
For the person who is less than (10) years put a circle round Number (1)
For the person (10) years and over put a circle:

Circle number (2) for the illiterate person
Circle number (3) for persons who read and write but, they have no educational certificate
If the person has an educational certificate writes the last certificate he has got next to the word certificate with mentioning the specialization if there is any:
Bachelor of accountancy trade

Bachelor of electric engineering
Agricultural secondary school
Azharya secondary school etc.

Egypt 1996 — source variable EG1996A_LIT — Literate
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7. Educational status or last educational certificate
[Question 7 was asked of persons 10 years and over.]

[] 1 Under age
[] 2 Illiterate
[] 3 Read and write (literate)
[] 4 Certificate

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The educational status or the name of the highest certificate column No.(7)
For the person less than (10) years fill in ink the circle in front of No.(1) and as for the person (10) years and over fill in ink the circle:
In front of No.(2) for the illiterate
In front of No.(3) for those who read and write but, they have no certificate

Those who read and write and having an educational certificate write in front of the word highest certificate, the certificate that the person has got.

Egypt 1996 — source variable EG1996A_DEGREE — Educational level
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7. Educational status or last educational certificate
[Question 7 was asked of persons 10 years and over.]

[] 1 Under age
[] 2 Illiterate
[] 3 Read and write (literate)
[] 4 Certificate

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The educational status or the name of the highest certificate column No.(7)
For the person less than (10) years fill in ink the circle in front of No.(1) and as for the person (10) years and over fill in ink the circle:
In front of No.(2) for the illiterate
In front of No.(3) for those who read and write but, they have no certificate

Those who read and write and having an educational certificate write in front of the word highest certificate, the certificate that the person has got.

Egypt 2006 — source variable EG2006A_EDLEVEL — Educational level (main code)
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7. Education status, or the highest education certificate
[Age 10 or older]

[] 1 Under age
[] 2 Illiterate
[] 3 Read and write without certificate
[] 4 Primary
[] 5 Preparatory
[] 6 Intermediate degree
[] 7 Above intermediate degree
[] 8 University degree
[] 9 Above university degree (specify the highest degree and specialization) ________

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Table 1: Household characteristics

9. Educational level or the highest degree (for those 10 years and older)
There are 2 squares on the right, and 4 squares on the left.

Fill only the 2 squares on the right, leaving the rest of the squares to be coded by the Information Technology sector.

One of the following answers is written:

1. Member is below age
2. Member is illiterate
3. Member who can read and write with no certificate
4. Illiteracy eradication: for the member who was enrolled in illiteracy eradication classes and completed his/her studies and got an illiteracy eradication certificate
5. Member who obtained elementary school certificate (general / azhari)
6. Member who obtained preparatory certificate (general / industrial / agricultural / commercial)
7. Intermediate degree (general / commercial / industrial / agricultural)
8. Above intermediate degree
9. University degree
10. Higher diploma
11. Masters degree
12. Doctorate degree

If the member has a degree, the correct code is written inside the square on the right, and the highest scientific degree he/she obtained and his/her specialization are written below the squares. Nothing will be written in the four squares on the left so that the Information Technology sector can code the degree.

[Example has been omitted.]

If number (7) or (8) is marked, then the degree and specialization are written on the line below the squares, for example: (general secondary certificate - vocational secondary; commerce - vocational secondary; industry - 2 years post-secondary; commerce - vocational institute; 2 years post secondary - industry vocational institute, etc.) and the 4 squares on the left are blank to be coded by the Information Technology sector.