Codes and Frequencies
An 'X' indicates the category is available for that sample
Code | Label |
170005 | Antioquia | X | X |
170008 | Atlántico | X | X |
170011 | Bogotá D.C., Cundinamarca | X | X |
170013 | Bolívar, Sucre | X | X |
170015 | Boyacá, Casanare | X | X |
170018 | Caquetá | X | X |
170019 | Cauca | X | X |
170023 | Cordoba | X | X |
170027 | Chocó | X | X |
170041 | Huila | X | X |
170044 | La Guajira | X | X |
170050 | Meta | X | X |
170052 | Nariño | X | X |
170054 | Cesar, Norte De Santander, Magdalena | X | X |
170066 | Caldas, Quindío, Risaralda | X | X |
170068 | Santander | X | X |
170073 | Tolima | X | X |
170076 | Valle Del Cauca | X | X |
170081 | Arauca | X | X |
170086 | Putumayo | X | X |
170088 | Archipiélago De San Andrés Y Providencia | X | X |
170095 | Amazonas, Guaviare, Vaupés, Vichada, Guainía | X | X |
170097 | Abroad | X | X |
170098 | Unknown | · | X |
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Explore how IPUMS created this variable
Most IPUMS data transformations are performed using variable harmonization tables that specify how each value in the source data is recoded. Some variables also require programming logic in addition to the harmonization table. The harmonization documents for this variable are:
- Harmonization table
- No supplemental programming
- Instructions for interpreting harmonization documents
MIG1_P_CO indicates the person's department of previous residence within Colombia. Persons who never migrated across departments are coded to their department of current residence.
Click on the Source Variables tab for information on place of residence for each sample year. Source variables may contain more geographic unit detail but are not suitable for cross-temporal comparison.
Comparability — General
Where boundaries changed over time, units were harmonized to create units with boundaries that remain stable over time. Where officially-defined departments have populations under 20,000, they have been regionalized (combined) with neighboring departments.
Boundary changes and confidentiality issues:
- Sucre split from Bolivar in 1967
- Casanare split from Boyacá in 1974.
- Cesar split from Magdalena in 1967
- Boundaries changed between Cesar and Norte de Santander sometime between 1993 and 2005
- QuindÃo split from Caldas in 1966.
- Risaralda split from Caldas in 1967.
- Bogotá and Cundinamarca are represented as a single unit named Cundinamarca/Federal District in the 1964 and 1973 censuses, but were separately enumerated in all the later samples after changes constitutional terms.
- Guaviare split from Vaupés in 1982.
- Amazonas, Guaviare, Vaupés, Vichada, are combined for confidentiality reasons.
Missing departments: The 1993 sample is missing 2 departments.
- GuainÃa
- Vaupés
In 1964, fewer departments are specified in MIG1_P_CO than in DEPTCO (department of residence for the household). DEPTCO codes households into modern departments that did not exist in 1964, on the basis of their municipality of residence. A direct correspondence of MIG1_P_CO and DEPTCO codes in 1964 is only possible by recombining DEPTCO departments into the 1964 classification. The non-historical departments available in DEPTCO are codes 20, 63, 66, 70 and 85.
See also MIGCO3 for recoded municipality of previous residence. For the country of residence of international migrants, see MIGCTRYP (Country of previous residence).
- Colombia 1964: All persons
- Colombia 1973: All persons
- Colombia: 1964, 1973
