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P-29 Level of education
What is the highest level of education that (the person) has completed?
For a person with grade 12, probe whether he/she has a university exemption or not.
For a person with a certificate or a diploma, probe whether he/she has grade 12 (std 10) or not.
Write code in the box.
[] 00 Grade 0
[] 01 Grade 1
[] 02 Grade 2
[] 03 Grade 3/ Std 1/ ABET 1
[] 04 Grade 4/ Std 2
[] 05 Grade 5/ Std 3/ ABET 2
[] 06 Grade 6/ Std 4
[] 07 Grade 7/ Std 5/ ABET 3
[] 08 Grade 8/ Std 6
[] 09 Grade 9/ Std 7/ ABET 4
[] 10 Grade 10/Std 8/ NTCI
[] 11 Grade 11/ Std 9/ NTCII
[] 12 Attended Grade 12, but not completed Grade 12
[] 13 Grade 12 / Std 10/ NTCIII (without university exemption)
[] 14 Grade 12/ Std 10 (with university exemption)
[] 15 Certificate with [less than] Std 10/Gr.12
[] 16 Diploma with [less than] Std 10/Gr.12
[] 17 Certificate with Std 10/Gr.12
[] 18 Diploma with Std 10 /Gr.12
[] 19 Bachelors degree
[] 20 BTech
[] 21 Post graduate diploma
[] 22 Honours degree
[] 23 Higher degree (Masters/PhD)
[] 24 No schooling
[] 98 Out of scope (children under five
years of age)
_ _

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(P-29) Level of education: What is the highest level of education that (the person) has completed?
We are interested in the highest level of education that the person has completed, not the level they are currently studying. Thus a pupil at school who is in Grade 9 has completed Grade 8.

If grade 11 is mentioned, probe whether he/she has attended grade 12 but not completed it.

NTC 1 stands for the National Technical Certificate on first year level.
If grade 12 is mentioned, probe whether he/she has a university exemption or not and code accordingly.

If a certificate or diploma, probe whether he/she has a grade 12 or not.

NB: If the person is less than 5 years of age, write code 98

If the person is 5 years or older and had no schooling, write code 24.