Questionnaire Text

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P-03 Age
What is (the person)'s age in completed years?
If age not known ask for an estimate of age. If no one is able to estimate, write 998.
For babies less than 1 year write 000 for age. For a person 7 years and 10 months write 007 for age.
Age (in years): _ _ _ _
Transcribe the answer to F-02 on the flap

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

(P-03) Age: What is (the person's) age in completed years?
Ask the age for each person.

Note that the age must be given in completed years, i.e. age at last birthday.

For babies younger than one year, write 000 for age and for person 7 years and 10 months old write 007 for age.

If the age is not known at all, ask for an estimate. If no one in the household is able to estimate the age, write in 998. Please note an answer for each person must always be provided in the boxes for this question.
  • Remember to transcribe the age (or 998) given to F-02 to the flap for each person in the household.