Codes and Frequencies
Code | Label |
0 | NIU (not in universe) | 98,552 |
1 | Yes | 154,480 |
2 | No | 92,138 |
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This variable indicates whether or not the household has a television.
- South Africa 2007: Non-institutional households
- South Africa: 2007
Questionnaire Text
H-10 Household goods
Does the household have any of the following?
Mark appropriate box with an X
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 2 No
(H-10) Household goods: Does the household have any of the following?
Mark each item/facility that the household has with an X.
All these items should be in working order. If the person can receive calls on the landline telephone or cell phone but cannot use the phone to make calls, this still qualifies as a "Yes".
Mark the "Yes" box for cell phones if at least one member of the household has the full-time use of one.
If more than one household has the right to use an item, e.g., a refrigerator or a computer in a common space, mark the "Yes" box.
The purpose is not to look at the number of items in the dwelling unit, but rather to measure how many households have access to these items.
In order to have Internet facilities, the person should also have a computer and a cell phone and/or a landline telephone. We are referring to Internet facilities and a computer in the household not those that the person may have access to at work.