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Province of residence 5 years ago

Questionnaire Text

Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

Persons born before 4/1994 (5 years old and over) answer the following questions:

[Respond questions 8 to 12]

8. Where was the place of usual residence of (Name) 5 years ago (on 31st March 1994)

Person with no place of usual residence on 31/3/1994 record the place where she/he was present on 31/3/1994

[] 1 Same Commune
[] 2 Different Commune in the same district
[] 3 Different District in the same province

____ (Name of District)
_ _

[] 4 Different Province

____ (Name of Province)
_ _ _

[] 5 Overseas [Go on to question 10]

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question 8: Where was the place of usual residence of (name) 5 years ago (on 31st March 1994)

a. Same commune/ward: if respondent still lives at the same commune/ward (listed in the commune/ward on the cover of the enumeration form) as s/he lived 5 years ago, interviewers select code "1", skip question 9 and ask question 10.

b. Different commune/ward in the same district: if respondent previously lived in a different commune/ward in the same district as the currently actual place of residence, interviewers select code "2", and ask questions 9.

c. Different district in the same province: if respondent previously lived in a different district in the same province as the currently actual place of residence, interviewers select code "3" and write down name of that district in the given line and ask question 9.

d. Different province/city: if respondent previously lived in different province/city from the current actual place of residence, interviewers select code "4" and write down name of that province/city in the given line and ask question 9.

e. Overseas: if respondent lived aboard before March 31, 1994, interviewers select code "5" and skip to question 10.

Note: If a respondent lived in a different actual district/province of residence on March 31, 1994, but that district/province's name has been changed due to changes in administrative boundary or renaming of that district/province, etc., interviewers should report new district/provincial name of the previous usual place of residence, and do not fill in the old name of that district/province (appendix 8). If interviewers do not know a new name of that previous district/province of residence, interviewers can fill in name of that district/province as reported by respondents.

For persons who do not have actual place of residence on March 31, 1994, interviewers report address where they were present on March 31, 1994.