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(Only for those 5 years of age or older)

11. What was the highest grade, year or semester completed, and at what level of schooling?

[] None
[] Primary

____ Grade

[] Middle (secondary)

____ Year
____ Semester

[] Superior

____ Year
____ Semester

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Question 11

-- What was the last grade, year, or semester completed, and at what educational level?

The last grade, year, or semester completed, and the educational level corresponding to completed studies is requested of the enumerated person

There are three educational levels:

Primary education [Elementary]

The education provided by elementary or primary schools with the purpose of providing a solid base of reading, writing, and arithmetic.

Intermediate education [Secondary]

The education provided by institutions of intermediate education: High schools, middle schools, technical schools, teaching school (Escuelas Normales), etc. The prerequisite for entering these schools is the completion of the last grade in elementary.

Superior education

The education provided by National and Private Universities, University Institutes, Teacher's Schools, Polytechnic Universities, Technical Colleges, Colegios Universitarios, Private University Institutes, and Military Institutes where the minimum requirement for entrance is the completion of the last grade in intermediate education.

Important: This question refers to the last year, grade, or semester completed and not one that was interrupted or one that is currently being studied. When the person declares not to have completed any grade or year, the oval corresponding to "none" should be filled out.

This includes those who are in and not yet completed preschool or the first grade of elementary school.