Questionnaire Text

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F. Work activity

Only for persons age 14 or older

F.2 Characteristics of the main job

68. What does the establishment that you work for produce or do?

[Question 68 was asked of persons age 14 or older who worked last week or had a job or business to return to, as per questions 62, 63, and 64.]

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Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
F) Work activity
(Only for people age 14 or older)

This section of the questionnaire will be carried out only for people age 14 or older.

This collection of questions intends to investigate not only the current occupational status of a person, but also the basic characteristics of the employed, unemployed, and inactive.

The concepts and criteria to determine the occupational status of the population are those recommended by the International Office of Work (OIT), recognized by the different social actors of the country.

Who are the employed? They are all those who worked for at least an hour the week previous to the survey or that didn't work because of vacations, a sickness or accident, work conflict, or job interruption because of bad weather, or lack of raw materials, but he has employment to which it is sure he will return.

Characteristics of the main job

68. What does the establishment where you work do or produce?

We are interested in knowing the branch of the activity of the establishment where the individual carries out his work. The branch of economic activity is determined by the goods and services that he produces and the nature of the process that carries out the establishment.

The name or social reason of the company should not be put under any of the concepts. You must always specify if it deals with a wholesale or retail commercial endeavor and what it is that this sells and in the case of industry, what it is that it produces and in what material.

Following the example in question 67 you should indicate the work carried out in the high school.

As an example a brief list of uniform international industrial classifications currently used by the ECH are transcribed below.

[p. 49]

If the establishment carries out more than one activity, you must investigate about which of them is the most important.