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10 Education (for persons aged 6 and above)

[] 1 Completed high education
[] 2 Basic high education
[] 3 Primary high education
[] 4 Uncompleted high education (for those who graduated before 1996)
[] 5 Completed secondary education
[] 6 Basic secondary education
[] 7 Primary education
[] 8 Do not have primary education
[] 9 Can't write
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Question 10 - Your education (for persons aged 6 and above)

Persons aged 6 and above are filled with a mark that corresponds to the one of the mentioned variant of response.

Determining the responder's educational level you should have in mind that educational levels, established in Ukraine since 1996 under the current legislation, conditionally meet the educational levels functioned before 1996, as follows:

Current educational levels [and corresponding] educational levels functioned before 1996

a. completed high education, basic high education - high education
b. primary high education, completed general secondary education - specialized secondary education, uncompleted high education, general secondary education
c. basic general secondary education, primary general education - uncompleted secondary education, primary education

Completed high education is marked to those who graduated from the higher educational establishment - academy, institute, conservatory, university or other equivalent higher educational establishments that provide educational and qualification levels: specialist, master.

Basic high education is marked to those who graduated from the higher educational establishment - college and other equivalent higher educational establishments that provide educational and qualification level: bachelor.

Primary high education is marked to those who graduated from the technical school, specialized school or other equivalent higher educational establishments that provide educational and qualification level: junior specialist, as well as those who in 1996 and earlier graduated from the technical school, specialized school or other specialized secondary educational establishment.

Uncompleted high education is marked to those who in 1996 and earlier studied in higher educational establishments, have passed a half or more than a half period of study but have not completed it. Those who in 1996 and earlier studied in higher educational establishments and have passed less than a half period of study are marked with the level of education that they had before entering the higher educational establishment.

Completed general secondary education is marked to those who graduated from high school: eleven/ten years of study; graduated from pre-revolutionary gymnasium [a secondary school that prepares pupils for university], non-classical secondary school, for-profit specialized school or other secondary general school.

Persons who have completed vocational school and got along with the profession and qualification of skilled worker complete general secondary education or got the profession and qualification of skilled worker on the basis of secondary education are marked with complete general secondary, other persons are marked with the level of education that they had before entering this school.

Basic general secondary education is marked to those who graduated from primary school, that is to those who completed eight years of school in 1963-1989, seven-year school or 7 classes in 1961 and earlier, 8, 9 classes of middle school in 1963-1989, 10 classes of eleven-year school; are studying in the 10-11th forms; in vocational school (except persons with complete general secondary education); dropped out of the 8th form in 1959/60 academic year and earlier; of the 9th form in 1988/89 academic year and earlier; of the 10-11th forms or of the vocational school (except persons with complete general secondary education).

Primary general education is marked to those who finished primary school or 3 classes in 1972 and later; 6-4 classes; 7 classes in 1960 and later; 8 classes in 1990 and later; are studying in the 5-9th forms; dropped out of the 4th form in 1972/73 academic year and later; of the 5-7th forms, of the 8th form in the 1960/61 school year and later; of the 9th form in 1989/90 academic year and later.


Do not have primary general education is marked to persons aged 6 years and above (both to those who study and those who do not study), persons who do not have primary general education but can read and write in any language or just read (even if slowly).

Determining the level of education of persons who did not get complete general secondary education one should be guided by the Supplemented table (Appendix 2).

Persons aged 6 years and above who cannot read are marked with illiterate.

Graduation from correspondence and evening schools, as well as school of external studies is equated with graduation from the respective educational establishment. Those who graduated from educational establishments that do not provide general education (e.g., instructor-auditing schools, retraining and refresher courses, etc.), as well as those who are studying in these educational establishments are marked with education got by them before entering these educational establishments.

The answer to this question is not filled for children younger than 6 years.

If you have difficulties with determining the level of education it is necessary to write down the name of higher type of educational establishments finished by respondent in the box "Graduated educational establishment, how many classes (courses), what year". Write down how many classes (courses) were completed and when in a specially outlined boxes.