Questionnaire Text

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B. All persons
[Questions 1-19 were asked of all persons.]

5. Age

How old is [the respondent]? _ _

Write and shade age in complete years. If under 1 year write 0. For 97 years and above write 97
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
3.0 General explanations of census questions

In the 2012 population and housing census, there will be three types of questionnaires which will comprise questions based on the information required to be collected. There will be a community questionnaire with five major sections which will be used in all the areas where census is taking place and will be filled in by the census enumerator three days before census day. The community questionnaire will collect information on community services such as schools, hospitals, health centers, markets, financial services, cattle dip [places for washing livestock], sources of water, environment, and events/incidences that occurred in communities in the past one year that were troublesome/disturbing, and catastrophic events that took place in the past five years.
The short questionnaire will have 37 questions and the long questionnaire will have 62 questions. In areas where the short questionnaire will be use, the long questionnaire will not be used, and in places where the long questionnaire will be used, the short questionnaire will not be used. 70 percent of the census areas will use a short questionnaire and the remaining percentage will use the long questionnaire. All the questions found in the short questionnaire are also found in the long questionnaire; therefore, these questions will be answered by everyone wherever either questionnaire is used. These questions will ask about the name of the head of the household; names of all the people who slept in the respective house the night before August 26th, 2012, and the relationships of these people to the head of the household.
Other questions that follow ask about sex, age, disability status, marital status, citizenship and place of residence, place where the household member spends most of his/her time, and whether or not the household member has a birth certificate. Other questions will focus on general and reproduction-related death in the household; agricultural questions; number of livestock and fish keeping; education for people with ages of four and above; getting the number of households with at least one household member who has social security fund membership; and Tanzanians who live in foreign countries.
For those who will be asked questions from the long questionnaire, they'll be required to answer extra questions which will ask about the following; place of birth, place lived in 2011, whether or not parents are alive, economic activities for people who are five years and above, child-bearing status for women aged 12 and above, and on house characteristics and asset/property ownership.
All these questions aim at meeting the various current and future needs of the nation for planning and implementation purposes of various development programs. Therefore, we ask that everyone needs to understand and pay attention to all the questions so that they can answer them correctly.