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Section 3 Education -- For all persons

14(a). Highest level of (non--vocational) educational attainment
What is (N) [the respondent's] highest level of educational attainment (non-vocational)?

[] 1 None
Skip to Q 15

[] 2 Nursery/Kindergarten
[] 3 Primary (P)
[] 4 Secondary (S)
[] 5 University (U)
[] 6 Other
[] 8 Not applicable (NA)
[] 9 Not stated (NS)
Skip to Q.15

14(b). Years of schooling at highest level
How many years of schooling (at the highest level of educational attainment) did (N) [the respondent] have?

[] 0 Less than a year
[] 1 1 year
[] 2 2 years
[] 3 3 years
[] 4 4 years
[] 5 5 years
[] 6 6 years
[] 7 7 years or more
[] 9 Not stated
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Section 3 Education

These questions are to be answered for every individual. Whereas it is pointless to put all of these questions in respect of infants and very young children, a response position must still be ticked in question 11[a] for every individual. Please note skip instructions in questions 11[a] and 14[a].

Question 11 - Attendance at school/universities

In part [a] indicate whether the person is attending school or university. If the answer is yes, state in part [b] whether it is full-time or part-time attendance.
Question 12 - Type of school now being attended
This question seeks to find out the type of school now being attended by those answering "yes" in Question 11[a]. The following types are specified:

[01] Nursery/Kindergarten
[10] Private Primary
[11] Government and Assisted Primary
[20] Junior Secondary
[21] Trade/Vocational
[22] Youth Camp
[30] Senior Comprehensive
[31] Private Secondary
[32] Government and Assisted Secondary
[33] Composite
[34] Technical Institute
[60] University
[98] Other
[99] Not stated

Be sure to write in the name of the school being attended before writing the relevant code in the box.

Note that included under "other" are schools for the blind, the deaf, and other forms of disability.
Question 14[b] - Years of formal schooling at highest level
Tick the appropriate box which indicates the number of completed years' schooling the individual had at the highest level indicated at question 14[a].