Questionnaire Text

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Section 1 Characteristics -- For all persons

4. What is (N) [the respondent's] date of birth/age in completed years?

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Section 1 Characteristics

Question 4 - Date of birth / Age

You are required to write in the date of birth i.e. the day, month and year of birth for each person in the household. If the date of birth cannot be given, it is necessary to have, at least, a current estimate of the age of the person in completed years since the last birthday or as at 12th May, 1980. During the preliminary enumeration it must be ascertained by you whether any member of the household has a birthday between the day you are enumerating the household and census day. You will find it necessary to circle the "person number" e.g. 01 of all persons who will be aged fifteen years between 1st January and 12th May, 1980 i.e. date of birth between 1st January and 12th May, 1965. Young persons of the female sex born between the 1st January and 12th May, 1966 should be also identified. Such identification will assist you with sections 4, economic activity; 5, training and 8, income which apply to all persons fifteen years old and over; while section 7, fertility applies to females fourteen years old not attending primary or secondary school. For persons 99 years old and over, record age and date of birth. Every effort should be made to obtain the date of birth.

There may be instances, especially in the case of old people, where respondents do not remember their correct ages. Perhaps reference to some outstanding events, such as World Wars I 1914-1918 and II, 1939-1945, fires, floods, or hurricanes, may be helpful. By referring to such events and by considering other information available about the individual make every effort to estimate his age. Do not leave this question blank. Obtain some estimate from the respondent.