Codes and Frequencies
Code | Label |
0 | Not related | 15,397 |
1 | Household head | 121,113 |
2 | Spouse | 80,151 |
3 | Child | 126,773 |
4 | Brother or sister | 20,267 |
5 | Father or mother | 2,703 |
6 | Father-in-law or mother-in-law | 1,005 |
7 | Grandchild | 19,327 |
8 | Other relative | 198,123 |
Can't find the category you are looking for? Try the Detailed codes
This variable indicates the person's relationship to the household head.
- Togo 2010: All persons
- Togo: 2010
Questionnaire Text
For all persons
[Columns P01 to P10B were asked of all persons]
[Columns P01 to P10B were asked of all persons]
(P03) Family relationship with head of household
What is the family tie of [the respondent] to the head of household?
[] 1 CM Head of household
[] 2 EP Spouse
[] 3 FF Son or daughter
[] 4 FS Brother or sister
[] 5 PM Father or mother
[] 6 BP Father-in-law or mother-in-law
[] 7 PF Grandson or granddaughter
[] 8 AP Other relative
[] 0 SP No family relation to head of household
[] 1 CM Head of household
[] 2 EP Spouse
[] 3 FF Son or daughter
[] 4 FS Brother or sister
[] 5 PM Father or mother
[] 6 BP Father-in-law or mother-in-law
[] 7 PF Grandson or granddaughter
[] 8 AP Other relative
[] 0 SP No family relation to head of household
A- Sociodemographic characteristics
Column P03: Family relationship link to head of household
To determine the family relationship link with the CM, pose the following question: "What is the family relationship link of [the respondent] with the Head of Household?" and record the abbreviation of the statement as presented in column P03 on the dotted lines, then record the appropriate code in the corresponding box.
The responses to this question are pre-coded and are presented as follows:
1. CM: Head of household
2. EP: Spouse
3. FF: Son or daughter
4. PM: Father or mother
5. BP: Father-in-law or mother-in-law
6. PF: Grandson or granddaughter
7. AP: Other relative
8. SP: No link as relative
2. EP: Spouse
3. FF: Son or daughter
4. PM: Father or mother
5. BP: Father-in-law or mother-in-law
6. PF: Grandson or granddaughter
7. AP: Other relative
8. SP: No link as relative