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14. Professional activity

____ 14a. Individual profession
____ 14b. Position in the enterprise
____ 14c. Activity of the enterprise
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Column 14 (a, b and c): For this question, it is equally important that the enumerator collect as precise a response as possible. This question concerns all people who already have a job and people who are looking for a job.

Column 14c reports on the activity genre of the company. Below, we will define a few different activity genres of companies. Once the profession of the enumerated person has been established, as well as his status within the company, the enumerator should then determine the activity genre of the company (and indicate the corresponding number from this list below):

1) Farming, forestry, fishing
2) Mining industries (example: CTMB, SOTOMA, SIMCO, etc...)
3) Manufacturing industries (food, drink, textiles, etc...)
4) Construction
5) Electricity, gas, water, sanitation services
6) Commerce, banks and insurance
7) Transportation, communications
8) Service and administration
9) Other

This number will be written down in column 13c. For those who do not work, write "none" in columns 13b and c.