Questionnaire Text

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Details of persons in the household -- All household members
[Questions 1 to 14: All persons]

4. What is [the respondent's] age in completed years?

If less than one year, code "0", if over 95, code "95".
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Q4 "What is [respondent's] age in completed years?"
  • Starting with the first person listed "Person 01"; ask, "What is [respondent's] age in completed years?"
  • You must record the person's exact age in completed years on census night.
  • For babies less than one year, write and shade "00" because the child has not yet lived one complete year.
  • If the person is over 94 years of age, write and shade "95". For example, if a person is 98 years old, write and shade "95".
  • In recording the age of a person check whether any documentary evidence such as birth certificate, age assessment certificate, passport, identity card, etc. is available and use it.

[Below the text is a form showing questions 4. This illustration is omitted here]

  • If the respondent does not know the age of a person, ask them to estimate the age using the calendar of historical events, ask them if the person was born around some event listed or what events the person remembers.
  • Historical calendar example with ages of persons born in the last column:

The following is a table showing examples of historical events [table]:
[Column headings:]
(A) Event description
(B) Month
(C) Year
(D) Age/duration in years

Event description: Independence
Month: Blank
Year: 1956
Age/duration in years: 51

Event description: Coup by General Abboud
Month: Blank
Year: 1957
Age/duration in years: 50

Event description: Juba and Wau massacre
Month: Blank
Year: 1965
Age/duration in years: 42

  • Do a quick check to make sure the ages given make sense in relation to the age of other household members. For example, if a child's age is 15 years and the parent's age is 25, then this would mean that the parent was 10 years old when the child was born.
  • If an age seems incorrect, ask the respondent if the information seems correct and work with the respondent to get the correct ages of all persons.