Questionnaire Text

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4. What is [the respondent's] age in completed years?
If less than one year, code "0", if over 95, code "95".
_ _

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Q4 "What is [respondent's] age in completed years?"
  • Starting with the first person listed "Person 01"; ask, "What is [respondent's] age in completed years?"
  • You must record the person's exact age in completed years on census night.
  • For babies less than one year, write and shade "00" because the child has not yet lived one complete year.
  • If the person is over 94 years of age, write and shade "95". For example, if a person is 98 years old, write and shade "95".
  • In recording the age of a person check whether any documentary evidence such as birth certificate, age assessment certificate, passport, identity card, etc. is available and use it.

[Below the text is a form showing questions 4. This illustration is omitted here]

  • If the respondent does not know the age of a person, ask them to estimate the age using the calendar of historical events, ask them if the person was born around some event listed or what events the person remembers.
  • Historical calendar example with ages of persons born in the last column:

The following is a table showing examples of historical events [table]:
[Column headings:]
(A) Event description
(B) Month
(C) Year
(D) Age/duration in years

Event description: Independence
Month: Blank
Year: 1956
Age/duration in years: 51

Event description: Coup by General Abboud
Month: Blank
Year: 1957
Age/duration in years: 50

Event description: Juba and Wau massacre
Month: Blank
Year: 1965
Age/duration in years: 42

  • Do a quick check to make sure the ages given make sense in relation to the age of other household members. For example, if a child's age is 15 years and the parent's age is 25, then this would mean that the parent was 10 years old when the child was born.
  • If an age seems incorrect, ask the respondent if the information seems correct and work with the respondent to get the correct ages of all persons.

Sex, relationship, and age should never be left blank.