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23. Place of work
___ 23.1 Full name of the unit (company, autonomous enterprise, institution, organization, etc.) and of the sub-unit (section, workshop, factory, store) where the person is working

___ _ _ 23.2 Main activity of the unit/sub-unit where the person works:

23.3 Location of the place of work:
[] Urban area
[] Rural area
[] 1 in the same locality
[] 2 other place the same county
[] 3 other county
[] 4 other country

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Place of work (item 23)

72. Place of work is the location in which currently employed person performs economic or social activity. The enumerator will record as place of work the declaration of the enumerated person regarding:

-- the full name of the unit (company, autonomous body, institution, organization), of the sub-unit (section, work shop, factory, store) where the person is working;
-- the main activity of the unit/sub-unit where the person is working;
-- geographical location of the place of work (the same locality, other locality of the county, other country).

23.1 The unit's and sub-unit's name, where the person currently performs the job will be recorded clearly without abbreviations.

-- As economic and social unit - will be recorded the autonomous body, the commercial society, the enterprise, the institution (financial, administrative, educational, etc), the cooperative (of production, of consumption, or of credit) the store, the organization, association, etc., where the enumerated person is working.

For example: Autonomous Body for Transportation from Bucharest, Cooperative for
consumption from Novaci, Commercial Company for Agricultural Mechanization from Blaj, Commercial Society for Electromotor trade from Timisoara, National Romanian Bank, The craftsmen Cooperative the Metal, Bees Breeding Association, The Post and Telecommunication School Group, The Caritas Clinic Hospital.

-- If the kind of activity is not obvious from the unit denomination, then after the denomination registration it is compulsory to write the kind of the main activity of the unit.

For example: The Company Vulcan SA -- for boilers production and energy equipment,
Commercial Company Remat SA from Gorj -- recycling of the re-usable materials, Commercial Society Delicia Com Limited - retail trade, Commercial Society East Limited -- for import -- export activity.

-- When the enumerated person is working in a sub-unit, having a distinct activity within the economic or social unit performing activities necessary, also, for other units (the plant, factory, section, computer station, transportation division, oil derrick, exploitation, cafeteria, presentation and selling shop, kindergarten, hostel, etc) the enumerator will also record, after the name of the unit, the name of the sub-unit.

-- When from the sub-unit's name it is not clear the kind of main activity of this, the name of the unit will be written, by indicating the kind of the activity, and then the sub-unit name unit and its kind of activity will be registered too.

For example: Commercial Company Sidex -- the coke chemical plant, (Commercial Company

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Aversa SA -- for pumps production -- "the cafeteria, Commercial Company "Rul" for ball-bearings production --"the Computer station", The Share Holders Company "Garments Resita - "The kindergarten".

-- In the case when the economic or social units have a territorial spread of the sub-units, will be recorded both the name of the unit and the name of locality and then the name of the sub-unit and the name of locality where the enumerated person is working.

For example: Ditrigaz Northern Tirgu Mures -- the distribution branch of the natural gas in Arad.

23.2 The main (current) activity of the unit/sub-unit where the enumerated person is working -- the enumerator will record the main activity of the place of work as follows:

-- the main activity of the unit -- whether the enumerated person is performing its occupation in an economic or social unit without sub - units, or is performing a management activity.
-- the main activity of the sub-unit -- whether the person is stating that ge is working in a sub-unit (separately organized), whose name was recorded on the form at the item 23.1.

For example: for a person who works in Autonomous Company Body for Transportations, on the Repairs plant, will be recorded the activity of the sub-unit, in our case will be written the activity of the Repairs plant and not the name of the unit.

These are considered as separate activities, and will be recorded so, the following activities, too:

-- research, design, informatics - performed on sections, work shops, offices or separate compartments
-- equipment repairs, achieved in separate sections (factories)
-- construction equipment- assembling achieved in special sub-units (working-sites)
-- wrapping production by specialized sub-units, needed for selling the main products of the unit, by indicating the kind of used material for wrapping (wood, metal, glass, etc.).

-- For persons who are working on auxiliary services of the unit (accounting, marketing, consultancy, supply, selling, etc.) will be recorded as the main activity of that unit, and not the activities performed on the separate sections.

The same procedure will be followed up, also, with the auto-transportation activities, equipment's repairs, research-development, design, and informatics when these activities are not performed on separate special organized sections.

For example: when a person is working on Autonomous Transportation Company Body, in the financial-accounting division, will be recorded the unit's activity -- transportations.

-- For persons who are working on the annex sub-units (nursery, kindergarten, club, hostel for non-family people, sport complex, dispensary or medical clinic) will be recorded the activity performed by these sub-units.

The enumerator will record the activity of the place of work and not the concrete activity of the enumerated person.

For example: for a person who is working for checking clocking- in and off- of the personnel to the
Aversa Company -- turnery shop, will be written as activity of place of work " turnery metal goods" - (it means the activity of the unit and not "checking clocking personnel" (person' s activity).
[p. 56]

The codifying of the Place of work will be done by the codifiers on the basis of the "Code list of the activities of the national economy - for the use of the census staff". Table regarding particular situation when a separate staff of codifiers are going to codify the data.