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Class of worker

Questionnaire Text

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III. Economic characteristics

For those 12 years of age and older

Ask questions 18 through 20 only if you marked 1, 2 or 3 above.

20. What is the category or position you held in the performance of your work?

[] 1 Public sector employee
[] 2 Private sector employee
[] 3 Manual laborer, day laborer, or domestic employee
[] 4 Owner or boss
[] 5 Own-account worker
[] 6 Unpaid family worker

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
III. For people 12 years old and older. Economic characteristics.

Question 20. What category or position do you hold in your occupation?

Read each of the options and make an X in the corresponding box.

[A depiction of question 19 to the right of the preceding text is omitted here.]

Keep in mind the following definitions:

Public or private employee: A person whose occupation involves intellectual effort more than physical effort, who works for a set pay, salary or commission, for an owner or employer (be they public or private). Managers, directors, secretary, office personnel, etc. are all employees.

[Drawings of employment status categories are omitted here.]

Worker, journeyman, domestic servant: A person who's occupation involves mainly physical work, and is paid daily, monthly, weekly, or by contract, "by tips" or "in kind." This group includes construction workers, foremen, estate or yard workers, domestic employees, milkmen, drivers, etc.

Employer or owner: A person who runs their own economic company or exercises a profession or office, having one or more paid employees (employees or workers), not including domestic servants.

[P. 53]

Self-employed: A person who runs their own company or business and who exercises a profession or office on their own, without having any paid employees under them.

Unpaid family worker: A person who works 15 hours or more during the week in a company or business run by a member of their family, without receiving any pay for their work.