Questionnaire Text

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B. Educational characteristics

Only for those persons 7 years of age and older
[Questions 11 to 14 were asked of persons age 7 and older]

11. What is your highest grade or course completed in an institution of regular schooling?

Write the grade or course on the appropriate line. Also indicate the degrees obtained (regular and other schooling).

[] 00 None
[] 99 Unknown
[] 1 ____ Primary
[] 2 ____ Basic
[] 3 ____ Humanities secondary
[] 4 ____ High school
[] 5 ____ Teacher-training
[] 6 ____ University

____ Degrees obtained (specify)

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
IV. Information about the Population

B. Educational characteristics
These questions are asked only of persons seven years old and older.

11. Level of instruction
We understand as regular education, that given in schools, private schools, and universities (public or private) and that given by other institutions that extend equivalent degrees, even if they are of different nature (military schools and institutions, seminaries, technical or vocational schools, agricultural schools, etc.).

Not considered as institutions for regular education: the academies for clothing design and production, short-hand, hair dressing, dancing, etc.

If the enumerated person does not have any passed grade, mark the box, "none".
If he/she studied only in the elementary school, note in the line "elementary", and next to the printed 1, write the last grade passed, in numbers.

The same procedure should be followed for the levels of study. For persons who have done "literacy courses for adults", you should use the following equivalencies:

Adult literacy / Regular elementary education
1st cycle passed / 3rd grade passed
2nd cycle passed / 5th grade passed
3rd cycle passed / 6th grade passed

The secondary education is shown divided according to specialties.
On the line "degrees obtained" you should note all of those obtain by the enumerated person, from regular education institutions or not.

11. What is the last grade or course that you passed in regular educational institutions?

[] 00 None
[] 99 Not known
[] 1 Elementary
[] 2 Basic [or middle school]
[] 3 Humanistic Secondary
[] 4 Commercial Secondary
[] 5 Teacher's training
[] 6 University
Degrees obtained (specify) ____