Questionnaire Text

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P4. Date of Birth

Enter month and year
___ Mo.
___ Yr.

P5. What is [respondent]'s age as of his/her last birthday?

___ If age is less than one year, enter "00".
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P5 What is age as of his/her last birthday?

Age, sex and marital status are essential for inclusion in a census for the purposes of analyzing factors of population changes and preparing population estimates and forecasts. Information on these topics are also needed for actuarial analysis of probability of survival and other related life-table functions.

For purposes of this census, age as of last birthday refers to the interval of time between the date of birth and before May 1, 1990, expressed in completed years.

Determine the age of each household member by asking the respondent "What is ______'s age as of his/her last birthday?".

If during your visit, a member of the household has just celebrated his last birthday on or after May 1, 1990, then you have to report his age in his previous birthday. For example, a person has just celebrated his 24th birthday on May 2, 1990, then the age to be reported for this person should be 23 and not 24.

Enter the age of every person 1 year old and over in completed years. However, for persons less than 1 year old, enter 00. Entries on age should consist of two digits. For ages 1 to 9, prefix zero (0). For example, 02, 07, etc.

However, for persons 100 years and over, enter the age in three digits as reported.

Always ask the age of the person even if the date of birth is already given. Do not compute for the person's age from the reported date of birth.

If the exact age is not known, ask for an estimate.

Note that the examples are expressed in whole years. Never make an entry containing a fraction such as 7 1/2, 5 years and 2 mos., etc.

Extra care should be exercised as the respondent may give incorrect information either from ignorance or forgetfulness, or for some other reasons like a desire to conceal one's age. Therefore, probe the answer for unreasonable inconsistencies of the ages among husband and wife and children.

It may also help to ask an aged person to recall some well- known local, national or world event in the past by which his age may be associated, or if he is older or younger than some prominent persons. If all possible means have been exhausted and the respondent is unable to give the correct information, enter his best estimate.

Age as of Last Birthday Conversion Table (Appendix D) will help you check the reported age of a person against his date of birth. Refer to this table when checking your entries on age for consistency.