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3. What is your age in complete years?
Years _ _

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Question Number 3: What is your age in complete years?
Write down the age of the person in complete years on their last birthday. For those under one year, mark the corresponding circle.
If the person is 99 years old or more write down "98" in the corresponding spaces; and if the person is less than 10 years old, put a 0 in front of it [the age]. Example:

[Below the text is a picture of a filled out question.]

[p. 52]

Some persons have the tendency to lower or raise their age or round their age to numbers ending in 0 or 5. They say they are 50 when they are actually 49, or that they are 55 when they are actually 56. If any doubt about answering the question is observed, try to obtain the exact age through their personal identity card.
When the person does not know their age and does not have a personal identity card, estimate the age based on the age of a woman when she had her oldest baby to the current age of that child; or how old when getting married or [consensually] united and remembering how many years that they have been married or [consensually] united.