Questionnaire Text

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Only for persons aged 6 years and above
[Questions 8-10 are asked of persons who are aged 6 years and above.]

8. Can ____ read and write?

(If read only 1, if read and write 2, and if illiterate 3)

[] 1 Read only (skip to column 10)
[] 2 Read and write
[] 3 Illiterate (skip to column 10)

9. What is ____ level of education passed?

(Only code 2 in column 8)
[Question 9 was asked of persons who can read and write, per question 8.]

1. Level passed: ____

2. Field of study for above SLC: ____

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Column 9: What ____ is level of education passed?
[] 1. Level passed ____
[] 2. Field of study for SLC above ____

This question has two parts: level passed and field of study for SLC and above. The meaning of level of education passed (for read and write) refers the level passed of formal education or which of the level of study is completed by the respondent. For collecting the information on educational qualification, level passed should be written. If the level passed is SLC and above then the major field of study should also be mentioned.

1. Level passed: For the level passed, the educational qualification of the highest level passed by the respondent should be mentioned. If the respondent has passed the examination of different subjects of the same level then any one among the level passed should be mentioned as reporting interests of the respondents; however, the ongoing level should not be mentioned. In case of formal education, if the person studied in all types of educational institution like school, campus (college) or university and passed some level, then he/she should have the certificate of educational level passed. If the level passed is in school level then level passed should be ranges from 1 to 10 or SLC. For campus or university level, level passed might be certificate level (intermediate), diploma, degree, PhD etc. The respondents should be asked for their highest level passed and should be written after confirming it.

Example: If Pramila Kumari Chaudhary is studying on class nine, then level passed for her should be mentioned class 8. If any person appeared in SLC but the result is not published then the level passed should be written as class 10. For those people who failed the examination of SLC the level passed should also be written as class 10. For those who have old Nepali educational qualification, they should be asked for their level passed and it should be mentioned same as their answer e.g. Nepali 7, Nepali 11, etc. For the person studied Sanskrit, the level passed: prathama (level first), madhyama (intermediate), Sastri (equivalent to diploma) acharya (equivalent to master degree) should be asked and written carefully. For those respondents who have taken training only, mention the level passed only if their level is clear.

Note: If the person can read and write but a formal level is not passed, then "simple" should be written for mentioning the level passed.

2. Major Field for SLC above: If the level passed of the respondent is SLC or above, IA, BA, MA, etc., then the major field should be mentioned after specifying the level passed. For those respondent whose level passed is certificate and above, the major field of study among humanities, commerce, science, education, engineering medical science, etc., should be mentioned clearly.