Questionnaire Text

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Questions to be answered by all persons

4a. Was he/she born in the present municipality or residence?

[] Yes
[] No

5. If not born in the present municipality of residence, in what province was he/she born?

If born abroad please turn to question 5 at the back of this page.

[] GR
[] FR
[] DR
[] OV
[] GLD
[] UTR
[] N-H
[] Z-H
[] ZLD
[] N-B
[] L

N.B. The following question is to be answered only if none of the answers preprinted in question 5 at the front of this page is applicable

5. What country and what municipality was he/she born in?
As country of birth should be regarded the country in which the municipality of birth is situated presently.

Municipality of birth: ____
Country of birth: ____

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question 4a [Born in this municipality]
Answer this question also with a yes, if the place where the person is born currently lies within the border from the current living community.

Question 5 [Province of birth]
Do not check off a province for people born in Eastern- or Southern Flevoland, nor answer question 5 on the backside.