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Relationship to head of household

Questionnaire Text

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Section D: Questions about the Population
Enumerator: Ask questions to all of the people listed in Section C.

1. Person No./ Name:

_ _ (from section C)
Name: ________
2. What is (the person)'s relationship to the head of the household?
[] 1 Head
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P2. What is (the respondent)'s relationship to the head of the household

This question intends to know how each person in the household is related to the head of household. Read the question and wait for the response. Then, mark an X in the corresponding number. There must be one answer only.

Note that in each household there should be only one Head. That is why the first page of Section D is dedicated to the head of household, while the other pages are for the rest of the members, who will be enumerated in the order mentioned above.

Note: The kinship should be defined in relation to the head of household.

The kinship relations used for the purpose of this Census are:

  • Husband/wife is the person united by marriage, or is Living together as married partners, to the head of household.
  • Son/daughter is the biological/adopted child of the head of household.
  • Father/mother are the head of household's parents.
  • Stepson/stepdaughter is the biological son of the head of household's husband/wife.
  • Son in law/daughter in law is the husband or wife of the head of household's daughter or son.
  • Grandson/granddaughter is the son or daughter of the head of household's son or daughter
  • Other kinship refers to the person who belongs to another category not mentioned above (for instance, cousins, nephews, godsons, etc.).
  • No kinship refers to the person who has no kinship with the head of household (Example: two friends who decide to share a flat but are not relatives.)