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[Questions B16-B19 are for persons age 10 and older]

B17. Economic activity - type of activity last week
What was [the respondent] doing the last 7 days?


[] 01 Mlimi [subsistence farmer]
[] 02 Employee
[] 03 Family business worker
[] 04 Self-employed
[] 05 Employer


[] 06 Worked before, seeking work
[] 07 Worked before, non seeking work
[] 08 Never worked before, seeking work


[] 09 Non-worker (never worked before and not seeking work)
[] 10 Home worker
[] 11 Student
[] 12 Other

[For codes 09-12]: If female, skip to B20. Otherwise, go to the next person or to Part C.

B19. Economic activity: industry

What is this person's trade or business? _________
For example: construction, agriculture, transport, manufacturing, community services, etc.

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Part B: Characteristics of Individual Household Members

4. Persons age 10 years or older

Industry: The classification of a person's industry is based on the nature of the product or service provided by the organization for which he/she works. For example, those persons who work in the bakery are in the "food manufacturing" industry whether their occupation is that of manager, cook or night watchman. In the case of people who provide a service, for example a dentist or barber, you should give details of their industry or describe the type of their work (that is "dental clinic" or "barber shop"). In the particular case of the dentist or a barber, these details are obvious; but in the case (for example) of persons working in these places as "cleaners," it is clearly not sufficient to write merely "health" or "shop". Note: You should not give the name of a person's employers to describe their industry.
Industry responses are based on the Standard International Classification (ISIC) given in Appendix C. This system classifies industry into 9 broad divisions, each of which is further sub-divided into 4 digit specific subcategories. These subcategories enable as to identify a particular industry within a broad industrial division. For instance, under "Agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing," specific subcategories such as "Tea growing" or "Tobacco growing" are shown separately.
Other examples of occupation and industry would be:
a.) A man may be a driver on a tea farm in which case his occupation is driver and his industry is tea growing. Another man may be a driver in a factory, in which case his occupation is driver and his industry is the one in which the factory is engaged; e.g. if making clothes, clothing industry. Similarly, a driver may work for a stage coach in which case his industry is transportation. A person who sells second-hand clothes (kaunjika) will be classified as second-hand clothes vendor or kaunjika vendor as his/her occupation, but his/her specific industry group will be 'Other Retail Trade'.
b.) Similarly, it is possible to have people who do the same kind of work in one organization and yet may be in different industries, an example of which would be a clerk working for ADMARC which has different industries, e.g. "Agriculture, trade and transportation". In such cases you will have to ask in which section or department of the organization the person works. Where you have doubts as to the proper industry of a person treat the main activity of the organization as his industry.
c.) Most government departments fall under the broad industrial group of community, social and personnel services but further subdivided into different subgroups. For instance, a civil servant working as an accounts clerk in the department of Human Resource Management and Development: his occupation will be accounts clerk while his industrial group will be public administration and defense. A primary school teacher working in a government school will have teacher as his occupation and the industrial group as government school. On the other hand, a primary school teacher working in a private school will have private school as his industry.

B19. Industry: Write the actual industry in which each person is or was working in the space provided in B19 and leave the four boxes blank. If you are not sure about a person's industry, then just state clearly what the person does and the appropriate industry will be put in the office. However, this should only be done as a last resort after you have failed to identify the appropriate industry.