Questionnaire Text

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In strict confidence
Ministry of Economic Planning and Development
Central Statistical Office

Population Census

Night of 1-2 July 1990

For persons aged 12 years and over:

22 Tertiary education

(a) Duration of schooling ____
How many months of schooling or training has the person completed in universities or similar post-secondary institutions?
Write as appropriate:
Less than 1 month
1 month
36 months, etc.
Please report vocational and technical training in col. 23.
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Stop at column 18 for children under 2 years of age
Note that columns 19-21 are for persons aged 2 years and over

Column 22a
Duration of tertiary education
For every person aged 12 years or over, write the total number of months of schooling or training which he/she has received in universities. Include also the number or months spent ln postsecondary institutions offering courses similar to University courses, for example, professional programs in engineering, accountancy, law, pharmacy, or computer science.
Any training received at the postsecondary level should be counted as tertiary education, for example, diploma or PGCE course in teacher training at the Mauritius Institute of Education. However, training courses below the tertiary (or university) level should be included in columns 23a and 23b; for example, a certificate course in teacher training for primary school teachers, or a certificate course in nursing for student nurses, are not of a post-secondary level and should be reported in columns 23a and 23b.

If the person is now receiving tertiary education, insert the duration up to now; do not insert the total number of months during which the course is going to last.

lf the person received tertiary education by correspondence, or through private or part-time study, please convert the accumulated training to the equivalent number of months in the full-time regular program.

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Please note that the duration is to be reported in months. For full-time regular courses, consider one academic year as equivalent to 12 months, even though the actual training during the year may have been for somewhat less than 12 months.

If the person has had no training in universities or similar postsecondary institutions, write 'nil'. Write 'nil' also for persons who are too young to go to university. Do not leave the space blank.