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12. Education:
[] 1 Completed high
[] 2 Non completed high
[] 3 Technical vocational
[] 4 General education Grade 9-10
[] 5 General education Grade 4-8
[] 6 Primary
[] 7 Literate
[] 8 Illiterate

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Question Twelve. Education

181. Complete High. People who graduated from University of Institute either locally or internationally shall be considered as being educated at "Complete High" level.
Also people who graduated from the Pedagogical Institute before the year of 1959 shall be considered to be as having a "Complete High" education.

182. Incomplete High. People who are studying at Universities or Institutes or people who graduated from the Pedagogical Institute after the year of 1959 or graduates from of Marxism -- Leninism Evening Institute or Institute of Eastern Studies or two years courses at Party's Institute shall be considered to be as having an "Incomplete High" education.

183. Vocational School. People who graduated from technicums or vocational schools or music and dance schools either in Mongolia or abroad shall be considered as having education of a Vocational School.

184. Education of Secondary School. People who finished the 10th grade of a secondary school shall be considered to be as having "complete secondary education"; people who finished the 7th (by an old system) or the 8th grade as having "incomplete secondary education" and people who finished the only 4th (by an old system) or the 3rd grade as having "primary education".

185. Literate or Illiterate. This question shall be answered by those people who are older than 11 and do not have any education. A person who can read and write in Cyrillic or old Mongolian script or any other county's language shall be considered as literate. However, if the person is not able to read at all he/she shall be considered illiterate.

186. School children of the second and third grades shall be considered as literate.

187. For school children of the first grade or children mentally retarded who are younger than 9 and do not go to school the section for education shall not be filled out.