Questionnaire Text

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P4) Relationship to head of household
What is the relationship of [Name] to the head of the household?

Record the number in front of the suitable response after the instructions on the bottom of the page.

[] 01 Head of household
[] 02 Spouse of head of household
[] 03 Son or daughter of head of household
[] 04 Brother or sister of head of household
[] 05 Father or mother of head of household
[] 06 Grandchild
[] 07 Nephew/niece
[] 08 Uncle/Aunt
[] 09 Daughter-in-law/Son-in-law
[] 10 Other relative of head of household
[] 11 Servant
[] 12 Not related to head of household
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image Relationship with CM (Column P4)
For this question, refer to the order that you have followed in column P2 listing the members of the household. If the advised order registration is respected, column P4 is easily completed by writing the code corresponding to the modality. The CM code is "01"; his wife is "02," his children "03" and so on in accordance with the planned codes at the bottom of the questionnaire (page 2).