10. Disability / Handicap
[] 01 Blindness
[] 02 Difficult seeing
[] 03 Leprosy
[] 04 Tryponosomiasis
[] 05 Tuberculosis
[] 06 Mental disorder
[] 07 Onchocerciasis
[] 08 Deaf, mute, deaf and mute
[] 09 Difficult hearing
[] 10 Disability in the limbs
10. Column P10: Handicaps
This question deals with the main disease source of disability or handicap that the Malian population is suffering from. These diseases are labeled "Handicap" because they contribute to ill health of the individual, to a slower economic activity, and to a lower level of productivity. In some cases they may even prevent any production effort. For this, the question to be asked to the household head for each household member will be: "Does name have any disability or handicap?"
The number corresponding to the given answer must be written in Column P10, while following the instructions given below [none was specified in this document].