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Type of activity

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For individuals 6 years of age and older.
[Questions 14-22]

18. Type of economic activity


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This is the second group of questions related to the characteristics of the household members. It relates only to persons aged 6 and older. Put a dash or a hyphen (-) for persons of less than 6 years in questions 14 to 25.

[Questions] 18 - 22. Economic Activity:

Questions 18 to 22 have to do with the economic activity of the people enumerated, i.e, their occupation. To fill in their forms pay careful attention to the following directions:

a. Only ask these question of household members who are 6 years and older. Put a dash or a hyphen (-) for those less than 6 years old.

[Page 32]

b. To obtain information on economic activity use the month (30 days) prior to the census interview as the point of reference.

However, for people who work in the agricultural sector (farming, breeding animals, fishing and forestry) this reference period is brought to [illegible] 12 months, taking into account the seasonal nature of employment in this sector. Rural work is carried out during a fixed period which does not correspond to the date of the census.

18. Type of work

This expresses the relation between a person and the work this person currently does. Determining this information allows the division of the population into the working and non-working populations.

a. The working population
The working population includes all employed workers and the unemployed.

- Employed workers (ACO): This category includes all persons who have been employed in any job for the month preceding the census interview. For workers in the agricultural sector (farming, animal raising, fishing and forestry), this will be for the year preceding the census.
- Unemployed (CHO): The unemployed category includes the people who were not employed during the month preceding the census, but who were [looking for] a paid or paying job, include those people who had never worked.

b. The non-working population
This population includes the people who do not have any paid work. It includes:
- Housewives and unpaid household help, who do not have any other paid work and take care of household jobs at home. (Paid servants, on the other hand, are categorized with the working population.)
- High school and university students: persons of either sex who dedicate all their time to studying in an academic institution, either public or private, and who do not engage in any paid work. Classify Koranic students and students in functional literacy centers as working or non-working depending on whether they spend more time studying than working and vice versa.
- Retired people and those with a private income: persons of either sex who do not work and who have an income from property other than investments, royalties or pensions from previous employment.

[Page 33]

- The physically disabled are those whose physical state precludes any type of work.
- Other person not included in the preceding categories: Ask all members of the household aged 6 years or older the following questions: "Did you work last month?"

If the answer is YES put ACO in column 10.
If the answer is NO then ask: "Were you looking for work?" If the answer is YES then write CHO in column 18. If the answer is NO write INAC in column 18.

Special case: Housewives who do other paid work (field work, saleswoman, pottery, crafts, etc.) in addition to their house work should be categorized as employed working population, or ACO. Pay special attention to the possibility of dual work among women.

For workers in the agricultural sector the period of reference is the last 12 months.