Questionnaire Text

Armenia 2001 Egypt 1986 Kenya 1999 Romania 2002
Armenia 2011 Egypt 1996 Kenya 2009 Romania 2011
Belarus 1999 Egypt 2006 Kyrgyzstan 1999 Russia 2002
Benin 1979 El Salvador 1992 Kyrgyzstan 2009 Russia 2010
Benin 1992 El Salvador 2007 Lesotho 1996 Rwanda 1991
Benin 2002 Ethiopia 1984 Lesotho 2006 Rwanda 2002
Benin 2013 Ethiopia 1994 Malawi 2008 Slovenia 2002
Brazil 1970 Ethiopia 2007 Malaysia 1970 South Sudan 2008
Brazil 1980 Ghana 2010 Malaysia 1980 Spain 1981
Brazil 1991 Guatemala 1964 Mali 1987 Spain 1991
Brazil 2000 Guatemala 1981 Mali 1998 Spain 2001
Brazil 2010 Guatemala 1994 Mali 2009 Spain 2011
Cambodia 1998 Guinea 1996 Mexico 1960 Sudan 2008
Cambodia 2004 Guinea 2014 Mexico 1970 Thailand 1970
Cambodia 2008 Haiti 1971 Mexico 1995 Thailand 1980
Cambodia 2013 Haiti 1982 Mongolia 2000 Thailand 1990
Cambodia 2019 Haiti 2003 Morocco 1982 Thailand 2000
Cameroon 1976 Indonesia 1971 Morocco 1994 Togo 1960
Cameroon 1987 Indonesia 1980 Morocco 2004 Togo 2010
Cameroon 2005 Indonesia 1985 Myanmar 2014 Trinidad and Tobago 1970
Chile 1960 Indonesia 1990 Nepal 2001 Uganda 1991
Colombia 1964 Indonesia 1995 Nepal 2011 Uganda 2002
Colombia 1973 Indonesia 2005 Pakistan 1973 Uganda 2014
Costa Rica 1963 Iran 2006 Panama 1960 Uruguay 2006
Cuba 2002 Iraq 1997 Panama 1980 Uruguay 2011
Cuba 2012 Israel 2008 Paraguay 1992 Venezuela 1981
Ecuador 1962 Jamaica 1982 Philippines 1990 Zambia 1990
Ecuador 1974 Jamaica 1991 Poland 2002 Zambia 2000
Ecuador 1982 Jamaica 2001 Romania 1977 Zambia 2010
Ecuador 2001 Jordan 2004 Romania 1992
Armenia 2001 — source variable AM2001A_RESYR — Year began living current locality
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Is not completed for temporary presents
[Questions 16-32 were asked of persons absent and permanently present only. Persons who are temporarily present are not included.]

Q17: What is the year since you have continuously lived in your current residence?

_ _ _ _ Year

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Question 17

The date when you began permanently living here

In this column the date is written (for example 1946, 1981, 2000 and so on) for when the replier began permanently living in the given city or in the rural area.

For those people who moved from one place to the other and came back again, the date of return when they permanently began living in that settlement is written.

Armenia 2011 — source variable AM2011A_MIGYR — Year of arrival to current residence
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13. Living continuously in the given settlement since birth:

[] Yes
[] No

If no, then indicate

13.1. The year since a person continuously lives in the current settlement ___
13.2. Previous residence-country, in the case of Armenia-Marz and settlement ___
13.3. What kind of settlement a person came from___
[] Urban
[] Rural
13.4. Main reason of changing the residence:
[] From other countries as a consequence of war actions
[] From other countries because of fear to be exposed to persecution for racial, national, religious belong, membership to any social group or for political convictions
[] Family
[] Repatriation
[] Other
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Question 16

The date since when you have permanently been living here

In this column the date is written (for example 1946, 1981, 2000 and so on), since when the replier has permanently been living in the given city or in the rural area.
For those people who moved from one place to the other and came back again the date of return is written since when they have permanently been living in that settlement.

Belarus 1999 — source variable BY1999A_RESDUR — Year began permanently living this settlement or rural area
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16. Have you been living permanently in this urban settlement or rural area of this district since birth?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

[If no to question 16 specify]

___ a) The year in which you permanently started living here

___ b) Previous place of residence (specify country; for the Republic of Belarus specify region, Minsk-City)

c) What type of settlement did you come from?

[] 1 Urban
[] 2 Rural

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Question 16. Have you continuously been living in this urban settlement or rural area of this district since birth?

"Yes" should be marked for persons who have continuously been living in a given urban settlement or rural area of a given administrative district since birth.

Continuity is not affected by:
- move from one rural area to another within the same administrative district;
- move from a given urban settlement or rural area of a given administrative district for active duty service commitment or abroad for official business trip;
- all moves from a given urban settlement or rural area of a given administrative district, which are not related to relocation.

Continuity of residence does not depend on registration and the nature thereof (whether permanent or temporary) and is not affected by the change of address within the same urban settlement or rural area of the same administrative district.

"No" is to be marked for persons who have been living in the urban settlement not since birth, those inclusive who were born here, but moved for permanent residence to other urban settlements or rural areas.

"No" is also to be marked for persons who have been living in the rural area of a given administrative district not since birth, those inclusive who were born here, but moved for permanent residence to other urban settlements or rural areas of other administrative districts.

For person answering to this question in negative the answers to the following questions are to be completed:

a) the year since which you have permanently been living here

The year should be indicated since which a person questioned has continuously been living in a given urban settlement or rural area of a given administrative district. For persons (both born here and those living here not since birth) who moved from this urban settlement or rural area of a given administrative district for permanent residence to other places, the year since which they have permanently been living here after return, is to be indicated.

b) previous place of residence

For persons coming from the territories of the Republic of Belarus the name of the region or the city of Minsk is to be indicated. For those coming from foreign countries the name of the country where they have come from should be specified.

c) what settlement have you come from?

The code is to be marked, which corresponds to one of the responses listed.

If a person questioned has come from a city or urban type settlement (or industrial community), "urban" is to be marked, if from a rural locality -- "rural" should be labeled. In this case, the administrative-territorial changes taking place after the move of the person from his/her previous place of permanent residence are not to be taken into account. For instance, if the rural locality where the person lived before his/her move to the given settlement was later converted to urban one or included within the city limits, the label "rural" is still to be used.

Benin 1979 — source variable BJ1979A_RESDUR — Duration of residence
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Demographic characteristics (for all person)

(7) Duration of stay _ _

Write down the duration:

- in days if less than one month
- in months if less than one year
- in years if more than one year
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Demographic Characteristics (for each household member)

Column (7): Duration of stay
Ask the interviewee, when he moved to the census location. Report the duration in days for those with less than a month-long stay, in elapsed months for those with less than a year-long stay, and in elapsed years for those with more than a one year-long stay.

- For a person who has lived in the location of the census for 3 days, report 3 days.
- For a person present here for 40 days, report 1 month; for a person present here for 1 year and 2 months or 1 year and 8 months, report 1 year.

Benin 1992 — source variable BJ1992A_RESDUR — Duration of residence
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Residents only
[Question in columns 12 - 13 asked only of residents.]

(12) Duration of residency _ _

[Continue fill in duration of residency in number of years start from 00 to 50 years and above]

00 for less than one year
01 for one year
02 for 2 years
50 for 50 years and above
88 for visitors
98 for since birth
99 for undeclared
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II. How to fill out the questionnaire (Document RGPH 2 Number 1).

Columns (12) and (13): Ask these questions only to residents.

Column (12): Duration of residency or stay
Ask the interviewee for the length of time he has spent in the urban district or sub-prefecture (where he is counted). Write down this duration in fully spent years in the appropriate grid.
For persons who never changed sub-prefectures or urban districts and who have been living in the area for at least 98 years, report 98

[] For less than a year, write down 00
[] For 3 years, write down 03
[] For 40 years, write down 40
[] For 1 year and 2 months, write down 01
[] For 1 year and 10 months, write down 01
This column is not to be used for "Visitors."

The census agent shall not mark anything down in the grid.

Benin 2013 — source variable BJ2013A_RESDUR — Duration in current residence (years)
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Residents only
[Questions 13 to 16 were asked of residents]

14. Duration of stay in current residence - What is the duration of [the person's] stay in this township?

Report the number of years: _ _
"00" if less than one year
"97" if 97 or more years
"98" if since birth
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14. Duration in current residence

This is the time, in number of elapsed years [number of full years that elapsed], since the person has settled into the commune of the current residence.

Q: "Since how many years do you/[the respondent] live in this commune?"

If the birth commune is identical to the current residence and the previous residence, the counted person has thus never migrated: they have lived in their current residence commune since birth.
If the answer is "since birth," note the code "98" in the boxes of the line corresponding to the registration number of the counted person.
If the residency duration is less than one year, note "00" in the boxes reserved to that effect, respecting the counted person's registration order.
For persons having residency duration of less than 98 years, write down the duration of residency in the boxes reserved to that effect.
For persons having residency duration of 97 years or more, write down "97" in the boxes reserved to that effect.

Brazil 1970 — source variable BR1970A_DURRESID2 — Length of residence in current municipality
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Only for people who answered "no" to question 10
[Applies to questions 11 - 14]

12. How long lived in this municipality?

[] 1 less than 1 year
[] 2 1 year
[] 3 2 years
[] 4 3 years
[] 5 4 years
[] 6 5 years
[] 7 6-10 years
[] 8 11 years or more

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Question 12 - How Long Have You Lived in This Municipality?

(Only for those who answered No to Question 10)

Record in full years how long the respondent has lived in the municipality, as of the most recent date when he or she established residence.

Brazil 1980 — source variable BR1980A_LENGHTMU — Length of residence in current municipality
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Only for residents present or absent (Question 2 codes 2 or 4)
[Applies to questions 13 - 18]

17. How many years lived in this municipality (If born or always lived in the municipality, respond Born)

[] 0 less than 1 year
[] 1 1 year
[] 2 2 years
[] 3 3 years
[] 4 4 years
[] 5 5 years
[] 6 6-9 years
[] 7 10 years or more
[] 8 born

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Question 13 to 18 - Migrations

These questions will only be filled out for Present residents or absent residents, that is, for a person who marked Box 2 or 4 in Question 2.
For the responses to Questions 14 to 18, do not consider as migrant a person who is temporarily absent for reasons of attendance at school, health treatment, assistance to a relative or friend, military service, professional training, scholarship or farm work, who will return shortly, as soon as there is no more reason to be absent.

Question 17 - How many years has the person lived in this municipality

Mark the box corresponding to the number of complete and uninterrupted years that the enumerated person has lived in the current municipality of residence.
For natives of the municipality who once emigrated to another municipality and later returned, record how long the person has lived in the municipality since his or her last return.
If the enumerated person was born and always lived in the current municipality of residence, mark Box 8 - Was born.

Brazil 1991 — source variable BR1991A_NYRLIVMU — Years living in the municipality
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[Questions 15-18 only for people who responded number three on question 14]

17/18. Number of years lived without interruption

_ _ number of years in state
_ _ number of years in municipality

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Question 17/18 - How long has the person has lived uninterruptedly
In this state - the complete number of years that the person has lived in the state of current residence. For persons born in the state of current residence who migrated to another state or foreign country and later returned, record the time they have been living since last returning; and
In this municipality - the complete number of years that the person has lived in the municipality of current residence. For persons born in the municipality who migrated to another municipality or foreign country and then returned, record the time they have been living since last returning.
In both cases:
a) if the number of years is less than 10, complete with one zero to the left; or
b) when the time lived is less than 1 year, record 00.

Brazil 2000 — source variable BR2000A_DURMUNI — Duration of residence in this municipality
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4.16 How many years lived in municipality without interruption?
_ _ years

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Question 4.16 - How long have you uninterruptedly lived in this municipality?

Record how many full years the person has lived in the municipality where he or she currently lives, without interruption, until July 31, 2000.

For persons who have migrated to another municipality or foreign country and later returned, record how long they have lived in the municipality since last returning.

When the person has lived in the municipality for less than one (1) year, record 0 (zero).

Brazil 2010 — source variable BR2010A_YRSMUNI — Number of years living in this municipality
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6. Resident characteristics

Internal migration and international immigration

[Questions 6.23 and 6.24 were asked of persons who have ever lived somewhere other than their current town (per Question 6.18).]

6.24 For how long have you lived without interruption in this municipality?
(If less than 1 year, record zero)
Number of years____

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6.24 - How long have you lived continuously in this town/municipality?
(If less than one year, record zero)

- Record the number of complete years a person has lived in the municipality, without interruption, until July 31, 2010;
- Record the time of residence since the last return for a person who has migrated to another municipality and then returned, and
- Register 0 (zero) when the duration of residence is less than one (1) year.

Cambodia 1998 — source variable KH1998A_RESDUR — Duration of stay in current village
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10 Previous Residence
Where have you been living before?
If always lived in this village, enter code 1 and skip to 13.
If in another village, give name of district of that village and write name of province within brackets.
If outside Cambodia, write name of Country.

11 Duration of Stay

How long have you lived in this village? (Enter Code from list below)
Codes for Column 11 Duration of Stay

00 Less than 1 year
01 1 to less than 2 years
02 2 to less than 3 years
10 10 to less than 11 years
20 20 to less than 21 years
97 97 to less than 98 years
98 98 years and over.

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Column 11: Duration of Stay

91. The question on duration of stay refers to duration of stay in village of enumeration since coming from last previous residence. This question "how long have you lived in this village?" is to be administered only if answer in Column 10 is that the place of last residence was another village in Cambodia or in a country outside Cambodia. In other words, the answer in Column 10 is not Code 1. Duration of stay should be recorded in Column 11 using the codes for column 11 given on the questionnaire itself. If answer in Column 10 is Code 1, put a dash (--) in Column 11.

91.1 If a person is reported to have resided in a village (since coming from last previous residence) for less than 1 year, record 00; if from 1 year to less than 2 years, record 01; if from 2 years to less than 3 years record 02 and so on. For 98 years and over, record 98 only.

Cambodia 2004 — source variable KH2004A_RESDUR — Duration of stay in current village (years)
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Form B: Household questionnaire Part 2

For all persons
[Questions 10 to 23 were asked of all persons]

[Questions 14 and 15 were asked of persons who ever lived outside the village where they are currently residing, as per question 13]

[14] Duration of stay

How long have you lived in this village? Enter code from the list below [not all the possible responses are represented.]

[] 00 Less than 1 year
[] 01 1 to less than 2 years
[] 02 2 to less than 3 years
[] 10 10 to less than 11 years
[] 20 20 to less than 21 years
[] 97 97 to less than 98 years
[] 98 98 years and over
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52. Instructions for filing-in Column 1 to 23 of Form B: Part 2
You have to collect information in part 2 for all persons mentioned in Statement and Statement 1.2 of Part 1. Some of the following questions have been answered in Part 1. Therefore there will be no need to ask these questions again. In such cases all you have to do is to copy the information in the appropriate columns.

67. Column 14: Duration of stay
The question on duration of stay refers to duration of stay in village of enumeration since coming from last previous residence. This question "how long have you lived in this village?" is to be administered only if answer in Column 13 is that the place of last residence was another village in Cambodia or in a country outside Cambodia. In other words, the answer in Column 13 is not Code
1. Duration of stay should be recorded in Column 14 using the codes for column 14 given on the questionnaire itself. If answer in Column 13 is Code 1, skip to column 16.
67.1 If a person is reported to have resided in a village (since coming from last previous residence) for less than 1 year, record 00; if from 1 year to less than 2 years, record 01; if from 2 years to less than 3 years, record 02 and so on. For 98 years and over, record 98 only.

Cambodia 2008 — source variable KH2008A_DURRES — Duration of stay in village
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11. Duration of stay: how long have you lived in this village?
[Question 11 is asked of persons who ever lived outside the village where they are currently residing, as per question 10.]

(Enter code from list below)

[] 00 Less than 1 year
[] 01 Between 1 and 2 years
[] 02 Between 2 and 3 years
[] 10 Between 10 and 11 years
[] 20 Between 20 and 21 years
[] 97 Between 97 and 98 years
[] 98 98 years and over

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Column 11: Duration of Stay

91. The question on duration of stay refers to the duration of stay in the village of enumeration since coming from the last previous residence. This question, "how long have you lived in this village?" is to be administered only if the answer in Column 10 is that the place of last residence was another village in Cambodia or in a country outside Cambodia. In other words, the answer in Column 10 is not Code 1. Duration of stay should be recorded in Column 11 using the codes for Column 11 given on the questionnaire itself. If the answer in Column 10 is Code 1, put a dash (-) in Column 11.
91.1 If a person is reported to have resided in a village (since coming from last previous residence) for less than 1 year, record 00; if from 1 year to less than 2 years, record 01; if from 2 years to less than 3 years record 02 and so on. For 98 years and over, record 98 only.

Cambodia 2013 — source variable KH2013A_RESDUR — Duration of stay in the village (years)
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For all persons
[Questions 10 to 25 were asked of all persons]

[Questions 14 and 15 were asked of persons who ever lived outside the village where they are currently residing, as per question 13]

14. Duration of stay

How long have you lived in this village? Enter code from the list below [not all the possible responses are represented.]

[] 00 Less than 1 year
[] 01 1 year to less than 2 years
[] 02 2 years to less 3 years
[] 03 3 years to less than 4 years
[] 04 4 years to less than 5 years
[] 10 10 years to less than 11 years
[] 20 20 years to less than 21 years
[] 97 97 years to less than 98 years
[] 98 98 years and over
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52. Instructions for filling-in column 1 to 25 of Form B: part 2

You have to collect information in part 2 for all persons mentioned in statement 1.1 and statement 1.2 of part 1. Some of the following questions have been answered in part 1. Therefore there will be no need to ask these questions again. In such cases all you have to do is to copy the information in the appropriate column.

67. Column 14: duration of stay

The question on duration of stay refers to duration of stay in village of enumeration since coming from last previous residence. This question "how long have you lived in this village?" is to be administered only if answer in column 13 is that the place of last residence was another village in Cambodia or in a country outside Cambodia. In other words, the answer in column 13 is not Code 1. Duration of stay should be recorded in column 14 using the codes for column 14 given on the questionnaire itself.

67.1 If a person is reported to have resided in a village (since coming from last previous residence) for less than 1 year, record 00; if from 1 year to less than 2 years, record 01; if from 2 years to less than 3 years, record 02 and so on. For 98 years and over, record 98 only.

Cambodia 2019 — source variable KH2019A_RESDUR — Duration of stay in current village
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Form B household questionnaire part 2

Individual particulars
[This section except for questions 6 and 8 are to be completed by all persons]

13. Duration of stay

How long has the person lived in this village _ _

Cameroon 1976 — source variable CM1976A_RESDUR — Length of residence
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13) Length of residence
Have you ever lived in another district for more than 6 months?

Mark yes or no in column 13.

If yes, for how much time have you lived in the current district? Mark the number of years in 14a or the number of months in 14b for those who have lived there for less than a year.
If no, mark a line in 14a, 14b, and 15.

14a) Years
14b) Months

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a) Columns 1 to 16:

Fill out for each person.

First take inventory of all the people to mark by filling out columns 1 to 6 for each person. Next ask the other individual questions (columns 7 to 25), filling out line by line.

Column 13, 14a, 14b: Usual residence (length of time):

Column 13-ask if the person has already lived for more than 6 months in another district than the district that is his or her usual residence, meaning if she already lived in another district. Mark YES or NO.

-If YES, ask how long the person lived in the district where she currently lives (since the last change of residence). If it's for more than a year mark the number of years passed in 14a and mark a line in 14b. If it's less than a year, mark a line in 14a and mark the number of months passed in 14b.

-If NO, mark a line in the columns 14a and 14b and 15. In fact, if the individual has always lived in the same district, she didn't formerly live anywhere else.

Cameroon 1987 — source variable CM1987A_DURRES — Duration of current residence
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[Questions on persons]

[Ask to] residents (list all persons usually residing in the household, whether present or absent) and visitors (list all persons who do not usually reside in the household, but who spent the night preceding the interview in the household.

The whole population
[Questions 1-14 were asked of all persons.]

P12. Duration of residence

If yes in P11, for how long has [the respondent] resided in the present subdivision? Put the number of years since the last change of residence.

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c) Filling in pages 2 and 3

1. Columns P1 to P14: The whole population
These columns are to be filled in for all the members of the household: residents and visitors.
Ask the head of the household or the person who answers your questions to give you the names of all present and absent residents (for less than six months) of the household. Classify them under column P2 in the following order:
- Head of household,
- Unmarried children of the head of the household whose mother does not live in the household
- Spouse of the head of the household followed by his or her unmarried children beginning with the oldest.

Where the head of the household is a polygamist, each of his wives must be followed by her unmarried children beginning with the oldest, if they are members of the household.
- Married children of the head of the household or of his wife (wives) followed by their spouses.
- Relatives of the head of me household or of his spouse(s): ascendants (father, mother, grandparents), descendants (grandchildren, great grandchildren) whose parents are not members of the household; collaterals (brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, nephews, cousins)
- Persons not related to the head of the household or to his spouse(s): friends, lodgers, house servants, employees who are members of the household

All these persons who are related or not to the head of the household will be followed if necessary by their spouse (s) and children if the latter are members of the household
If after such classification, the head of the household realizes that he has forgotten a resident member of the household, write down his name after the other resident members.
Once all the residents of the household have been listed, ask if there are visitors in the household. If so, also classify them as in the previous case.
After this inventory of the members, first fill in columns P1 to P5 for all the members and, as from column P6 fill in, line by line, the individual questions for each of them.

Column P12: Duration of residence
Note that this column concerns only persons for whom you have written a sub-division or district, a locality or a country, in column P11.
Their duration of residence is therefore the number of years spent in their place of usual residence.
a) If you have written no for a person in column P11: put a dash in column P12.
b) If you have written a sub-division or district, a locality or a country in column P11 for a person: write in column P12 the number of complete years since his last change of residence if the date of settling is known. Write 00 for all those whose duration is less than one year.
If the only the year of settling is known then subtract that year from 1986 to obtain the number of complete years since his last change of residence.
Taking the previous examples:

1) You have written no in column P11: put a dash in column 12 because the person has never changed residence.
2) You have written Mbalmayo in .column P11: write 01 in column. P12 because the person has been living in Yaounde for one year since he left Mbalmayo.
3 )You have written Siingrnelima in column P11: write 00 in column P12 because the person has been living in Mbalmayo for 8 months since he left Sangmelima.

Cameroon 2005 — source variable CM2005A_RESDUR — Number of years in current place of residence
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13. Length of time spent at usual place of residence
For how many years has each person been living in this subdivision? _ _
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13. Length of stay
This is the amount of time in years passed (whole number of years passed) since the person moved to the quarter or district where they currently live.
Q. How many years have you lived/has ______ lived in this quarter/district/country?

If a person is a resident, that means they are a long term resident in the quarter/district you are surveying.

a) If the quarter or the district of birth is the same as the current location of residence and as the former location of residence, then the person in question has never moved, they live in the current quarter/district since birth.
-Mark "since birth" on the dotted line corresponding to the registration order number of the surveyed person.

If the length of the residence is less than one year,
-Mark '00' in the reserved space while respecting the registration order number of the surveyed person.

For people who have had a length of residence of less than 98 years,
-Mark the length of residence in the reserved space

For people who have a length of stay over to or equal to 98 years,
-Mark 98 in the reserved spaces

Chile 1960 — source variable CL1960A_RESDUR — Number of years person has lived in place of enumeration
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8. Year ____

Write the year in which the person came to live in the place of enumeration. If the person has always lived in the place of enumeration, write "always." If the person is a resident in transit, write "in transit."
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Column 8: Year. Record the year in which the person came to live or reside at the place being enumerated.

Colombia 1964 — source variable CO1964A_DURRES — Period of time in current residence
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8. Time ____
For those born in other municipalities, write the length of time spent in the current place. If it is less than one year, write the months. Examples, 0/12, 3/12, 7/12, 11/12, etc. For those who were born in the municipality where they are registered, write the word 'always'.

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Column No. 8 - How long have you lived in this municipality?

In this column the number of continuous years that a person has lived recently within the limits of the municipality where the enumeration is done will be written down.

[p. 18]

The continuous years will be counted backwards from the census date. When one has not stayed a complete year in the municipality of enumeration the number of months in fractions of twelve will be written down.

For those born in the municipality in which they are being enumerated and who are present on the census date, the word always will be registered.

Colombia 1973 — source variable CO1973A_RESIDDUR — How long has lived here
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A. General characteristics (for all the persons in the household).
[Applies to questions 1 - 9]

8. How long has he/she lived in this municipality?

(Where the person is answering the census)

[] 99 Always (all of his/her life)
If more than one year: how many? __ __
[] 00 Less than one year

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Section A. General characteristics

[Below the text is a form.]

Section A. General characteristics will be filled out for all the persons of a census household who spent the night of October 23 to 24 in the dwelling.

Do not forget to include newborns, minors and the elderly.
[Applies to questions 1 - 9]

Question No. 8. Time of residence

[Below the text is a form.]

Mark with an "x" the box "always (all life)", when a person has lived their whole life, in the municipality where enumerated, without moving for large periods and without having ever lived in another place.

When the time that a person lived in another municipality other than where enumerated is more than one year, write down the years in the corresponding box.

Take into account that years of residence until the moment of the Census should be registered as time left.

When the time that a person lived in another municipality other than where enumerated is less than one year, mark with an "x" the box "less than 1 years". In this category persons in transit are included.

Always put a zero to the left, when the number of years that a person lives in the municipality is less than 10 years.

Time left is considered living in a place, from the date in which a person lived for the last time in the place where enumerated, until the day of the census.

For persons in transit, it will be taken as time of residence in which they lived in the municipality in which enumerated.

Costa Rica 1963 — source variable CR1963A_RESDUR — Years of residence in current Canton
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6. How long have you lived in this canton?

Mark the box "always" if the person has only lived in this canton. Otherwise write the number of years.

[] Always
____ Number of years

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Line No. 6.-How long have you lived in this canton?

Ask the question and write down the response in the corresponding space.

When a person has resided always in the same place in which you are interviewing them, simply mark with an "X" the box "Always"; in the contrary case, write down the number of completed years that they have resided in the canton. When a person has not resided a complete year in the canton, write "Less than 1" in the space that says: "No. of years".

Cuba 2002 — source variable CU2002A_RESDUR — Length of stay in this municipality
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Section IV. Information about the person

9. How long have you lived in this municipality since you moved from the previous municipality or country?

[Question 9 was asked of persons who had not always lived in the present municipality, per question 8.]

Years _____
[] 00 Less than one year
[] 99 Does not know

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Question 9. How long have you lived in this municipality since you moved here from the previous municipality or country?

With this question, we will know the time that has passed since the last residency change for the person.

9. How long have you lived in this municipality since you moved here from the previous municipality or country?
Years [ _ _ ]
[] 00 Less than one year
[] 99 Does not know

We will ask: How long have you lived in this municipality since you moved from the previous municipality or country?

We will not the number that the interviewee declares. In the case that the time is one year or more, numbers will be written in the spaces next to the alternative for years. If the time lived here is less than one year, you will mark the box 'less than one year' and if he/she does not know how long ago he/she moved, mark box 99 (Does not know).

Cuba 2012 — source variable CU2012A_RESDUR — Years in current residence
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Section IV. Personal data
[Applies to questions 1-23]

9. How long have you lived here since moving from the previous place of residence?

Years _ _
[] 00 Less than one year
[] 99 Unknown
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Section IV. Personal Data.

Question 9. How long have you lived here since moving from the previous place of residence?
This question asks for the amount of time that has passed since the person's last change of residence.
You will ask: How long have you lived here since moving from the previous place of residence?
Write down the number provided by the interviewee. In the event that one year or more has passed, the numbers will be noted in the boxes next to the option "Years"; if the declared time is less, then the box "Less than one year" will be checked. If the time is not known, mark box 99 ("Does not know").
[Figure omitted]

Ecuador 1962 — source variable EC1962A_RESYRS — Years of residence
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VI. (9) ____How many years residing in this place?
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Column 9: How many years have you lived in this locality?. Indicate the number of years that the person being enumerated has been living in the city or rural parish that you are enumerating.

Ecuador 1974 — source variable EC1974A_RESDUR — Period of residence
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7. How long have you lived in the place indicated?
Write the period of residence in the place indicated in question 6. If living there less than one year, write "00."

[] XX Always - Skip to question 9

____ Number of years

[] 99 Unknown

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Question No. 7

[The following directions refer to a graphic representing question 7, "how long have you lived in your place of usual residence?", in this section of the enumeration form.]

Mark an x in the box always when the person being enumerated states that they have lived their whole life in the same place of usual residence, and continue directly to question no. 9. Otherwise record the number of years of usual residence and continue with question no. 8.

Ecuador 1982 — source variable EC1982A_RESYRS — Years of residence in city or rural parish
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7. How long have you lived in the place indicated?
Write the period of residence in the place indicated in question 6. If living there less than one year, write "00."

[] 98 Always (Skip to question 9)

____ Number of years

[] 99 Unknown

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Question 7. How long have you lived in the place indicated?

Mark the box always with an X when the person being enumerated has always lived in the place indicated in the previous question.

In this case, continue directly to question 9.

If the person doesn't report always or all of the time, record on the appropriate line the number of years that the informant reports; if it is less than 1 year, record 00.

Ecuador 2001 — source variable EC2001A_YRSLIVE — Years lived in the place indicated
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9. How long have you lived in the place indicated in the previous question? If less than one year, write "00".
[ ] 98 Always

_ _ Number of years
_ _ Number of months

[ ] 99 Don't know

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Question 9.- How long have you lived in the place indicated in the previous question?

[There is a picture of question 9 from this section of the enumeration form.]

Record the amount of time they have lived in the place indicated in question 8 (where do you usually live?) as the place of usual residence. If they've lived there less than a month, record "00."

If the informant indicates having always lived there, mark the corresponding box.

Egypt 1986 — source variable EG1986A_RESDUR — Duration of residence in years
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Part B: Individual data

19. Previous residence prior to the present ____

20. Cause of changing previous residence

[] 1 Work
[] 2 Study
[] 3 Marriage
[] 4 Divorce/Widowed
[] 5 Accompanied
[] 6 Other
[] 7 No change
21. Duration of residence prior to the present ____
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The duration of residence in the recent place of residence in years: column number (20)
The duration of residence in the present place of residence is deemed by complete years from the date of the person's presence in that place of residence even if the place of residence is changed with the place of recent residence (city/ village).
If the duration of residence is less than one year, write (months).
If the duration of the residence in the recent city or village was temporarily disrupted, writes the last duration of residence.
The temporary visit, summer holiday and tourism exclude the duration.

Egypt 1996 — source variable EG1996A_RESDUR — Duration of residence (in years)
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21. Duration of residence prior to the present ____
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The duration of residence in the present place of residence in years column No.(21)
The duration of residence in the present place of residence is counted by complete years form the date of the person's presence in it however the place of residence is changed within the place of present residence (city/ village)
If the duration of residence is less than one year write (months)
If the duration of the residence in the present city or village is cut by mobilizing outside it, then coming back to it again, write the last duration of residence.
Regarding that temporary visit or tourism and the like do not cut the duration.

Egypt 2006 — source variable EG2006A_DURRES — Duration of stay at place of residence, in years
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[Questions 15-20 for all persons]

20. Duration in years of residing at the current address _ _

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Table 1: Household characteristics

19. Duration of continuous stay at the current place of residence
It is completed for the duration of stay of the member in the same town or district, in years.


1. The age of the member must be taken into account given that it is not logical that the duration of stay would be larger than age.

2. If the member moved from one urban district to another inside the same town or urban governorate, such as the Governorate of Cairo, the duration of stay must be summed up; however, if the member moved from an urban district to a rural district or vice versa inside any rural governorate, only the last duration of stay is recorded.

3. As for a foreigner, his/her duration of stay is calculated since his/her date of arrival to Egypt, regardless of his/her domestic migration.

El Salvador 1992 — source variable SV1992A_RESYR — Year of arrival in current residence
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V. Information on members of the household

1. All persons

9a. How long have you lived here?

[] Always - skip to question 10
[] Since _ _ _ _ (year)

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9a. Length of residence
How long have you lived here?
This will be marked as "Always" when asked of a person who never has moved from the township or town [canton] where the interview is taking place.

[pg. 44]

The "Year of arrival" will be recorded when the person moved from a town or township [canton], department or country to the place of the interview; consequently the change of residence within the town or township [canton] should not be recorded.

El Salvador 2007 — source variable SV2007A_ARRIVYR — Year of arrival to current municipality
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8. How long have you lived in this municipal capital [cabecera] or canton?
[] 1 Always (go to question 9)
Since the year /_/_/_/_/
[] 2 Where did you live before?
Municipal capital or canton______________
Municipality ________________
Department ________________
[] 3 In another country
Name of country _______________

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Question 8: For how long have you lived in this capital or canton?
A) Circle number "1", "Always", if the person has been living since birth in the municipal capital or canton in which the interview takes place, then go to question 9. Otherwise write the year of arrival.

B) Ask, "Where did you used to live?" if the respondent was living in another capital or canton. Remember to write the complete names of the capital or canton, municipality and department.

C) If the person lived in another country, write the name of the country.

Ethiopia 1984 — source variable ET1984A_DURRES — Duration of continuous residence in current town
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27. What is the number of years [person] has continuously lived in this wereda?

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Column 27 - How long have you lived continuously in the town you currently live in?

The number of full years the household member has lived continuously in the town he/she currently lives in since he/she began to live in the town will be registered in column 27, and the corresponding code will be entered in card column 50. Some people move to other towns, weredas, districts or regions from an urban area where they have lived for a short period and where they were residing at the time of the census and then return to the urban area they originally were living and resume staying there. The time period these people live continuously in the urban area is from the time they returned to the urban area to settle and up until the time of the census date. People leaving the town they were living in for less than six months and returning to the town will be considered as having lived in the town continuously. It is very important to understand and be careful that the data to be filled in the card column under column 27 is only the duration the household member has lived in the town continuously. When filling card column 50 under column 27, follow the options below.

X = For those who have lived in the town since birth and until the census date and also for new born babies.
0 = For those who have lived continuously in the town for less than one year.
1 = For those who have lived continuously in the town for one year and over but less than two years
2 = For those who have lived continuously in the town for two years and over but less than three years
3 = For those who have lived continuously in the town for three years and over but less than four years
4 = For those who have lived continuously in the town for four years and over but less than five years
5 = For those who have lived continuously in the town for five years and over but less than six years
6 = For those who have lived continuously in the town for six to nine years
7 = For those who have lived continuously in the town for ten to fifteen years
8 = For those who have lived continuously in the town for over fifteen years

Ethiopia 1994 — source variable ET1994A_DURRES — Duration of continuous residence in Wereda
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Section III: Detailed particulars of household members

Migration status

23. What is the number of years [person] has continuously lived in rural part of this Woreda?

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Columns 23 - 24: Migration
Prior to collecting the required information on migration, it is very important to understand the concept of migration. Understanding how a given individual is considered to be a migrant in a given locality during a census period and setting up the criteria to respond the question is crucial. Based on the type of place of residence (i.e urban and rural areas), different meanings and criteria are set to define migration or a person as a migrant. Therefore, before executing the actual data collection, it is necessary and mandatory to understand the meanings and criteria used to define the term migration or a migrant person for both urban and rural settings. The detail on the meaning and criteria used to define migration for rural areas is given as follows.

In Rural Areas

A person is considered to be a migrant during the time of the census if he/she is found to have crossed the defined boundary of the woreda where he/she was previously residing. Moreover, even though the person does not cross the boundary of the woreda , but is found to have shifted his/her usual place of residence from a given rural kebele to an urban area of the same woreda during the time of the census, he/she will be considered a migrant. Nonetheless, an individual is not regarded as a migrant if the person is found to have changed his/her usual place of residence from a given rural kebele or farmer association to another rural kebele of the same woreda.

In addition to the above criteria, the following cases have to be considered when identifying an individual as a migrant in rural settings:

a. Regardless of whether the person decides to return back or stay where he/she is, if the individual reports a duration of six months or more of the period from when he/she left the woreda where he/she previously resided to the time of the census, he/she will be considered a migrant.
b. If the person has no any intention to return back to his/her previous place of residence, even if the duration of the period from when he/she left the woreda where he/she previously residing to the time of the enumeration is less than six months, the person will be considered a migrant.
c. The person will not be considered a migrant if the duration of the period from when he/she left the woreda where he/she previously resided to the time of the enumeration is less than six months and he/she has decided to return back to his/her previous place of residence (woreda).
Column 23 - 24: Duration of Migration

Column 23: What is the number of years (name) has continuously lived in this rural woreda?
In this column all persons covered by the census will be asked the numbers of years they continuously lived in their rural woreda . The relevant code should be entered in the space provided. If the person has continuously lived in the rural woreda since birth, code 8 should be entered.

In addition, it is imperative to have a clear understanding of the following cases to collect the required information on migration during the period of census.

In some cases there are conditions where a person is born in a hospital or health service institution which is located outside the woreda in which his/her household resides. In this situation, the place of birth of the person is considered to be the place where his/her household resides rather than the location of the hospital or health service institution. Because of this, the individual is not considered as a migrant during enumeration.
In a similar condition where a woman gave birth to a child in the residence of her parents or other relatives and then returned to her household, the place of birth of the child is the location where the mother and her household resides, not the residence of the mother's parents or relatives.

In order to clearly state the criteria given earlier to define migration or a migrant person and to enhance the understanding of the enumerator, examples are provided.

During enumeration, persons who have not lived in a rural part of the woreda (place of enumeration) since birth are divided into two categories:

1. Those who were born out of the present rural woreda
2. Those who were born in the same rural area of a given woreda but after sometime they left their place of birth and stayed in other woreda or urban area of the same woreda but returned back to their place of birth. This refers to those who returned back after staying for six months or more away from their place of birth

For example, a person called Kebede Terefe was born in Selam rural kebele of Kewet woreda and he lived in his place of birth continuously for 13 years after birth. He then left his place of birth and started to live in Shewa Robit town of the same woreda for 5 consecutive years. He then returned to his place of birth 2 years prior to the time of the census. In this situation, the number of years Kebede Terefe lived continuously in the woreda (area of enumeration) is two years, from the time he retuned back to Selam rural kebele from Shewa Robit town to the period of the census. The thirteen years he lived continuously in his place of birth after he was born is not included.

Based on the criteria and example given above, the codes for the possible responses for column 23 are given as follows:

0 = those have lived continuously for less than one year in the place of enumeration, i.e. in rural area of the woreda
1 = those have lived continuously for 1 year in the place of enumeration, i.e. in rural area of the woreda
2 = those who have lived continuously for 2 years in the place of enumeration, i.e. in rural area of the woreda
3 = those who have lived continuously for 3 years in the place of enumeration, i.e. in rural area of the woreda
4 = for those who have lived continuously for 4 years in the place of enumeration, rural area of the woreda
5 = those who have lived continuously for 5 to 6 years in the place of enumeration, i.e. in rural area of the woreda
6 = those who have lived continuously for 7 to 9 years in the place of enumeration, i.e. in rural area of the woreda
7 = those who have lived continuously for 10 years or more in the place of enumeration, i.e. in rural area of the woreda
8 = those who have lived continuously since birth in the place of enumeration, i.e. in rural area of the woreda.

Hence, based on the response obtained from the respondent, the necessary code from the given alternatives will be entered in space provided. For example, for a person who reports that he has lived continuously in the area of enumeration for less than a year, code 0 will be entered. Similarly, code 5 will be recorded for those who have been living continuously for 5 to 6 years in the place of enumeration.

Ethiopia 2007 — source variable ET2007A_DURRES — Years of continuous residence in town or rural part of wereda
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Section 3: Details of persons in the household

13. What is the number of years [the respondent] has continuously lived in this town or the rural part of this Wereda?

[] 1 Below 1 year
[] 2 1 year
[] 3 2 years
[] 4 3 years
[] 5 4 years
[] 6 5-6 years
[] 7 7-9 years
[] 8 10 years and above
[] 9 Since birth
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Question 13-15:- Migration

Prior to collecting the required information on migration, it is very important to have a knowledge regarding what the concept migration stands for. Question like how a given individual is considered to be a migrant in a given locality during a census period and setting up the criteria to respond the question is so crucial. Based on the type of place of residence i.e urban and rural areas, different meanings and criteria are set to define migration or a person as a migrant. Therefore, before executing the actual data collection, it is necessary and mandatory to understand the meanings and criteria used to define the term migration or a migrant person for both urban and rural settings. Hence the detail on the meaning and criteria used to define migration for both rural and urban areas are different and given as follows.

In Rural Areas:
A person is considered to be a migrant during the time of the census if he/she is found to have crossed the defined boundary of the "woreda" where he/she was previously residing. Moreover, even though the person does not cross the boundary of the woreda but found to have shifted his/her usual place of residence from a given rural kebele to an urban area of the same woreda during the time of the census, he/she will be taken as a migrant. Nonetheless, an individual is not regarded as a migrant in condition where a person is found to have changed his/her usual place of residence from a given rural kebele or farmer association to another rural kebele of the same woreda.

In addition to the above criteria, the following cases have to be considered to identify whether an individual is a migrant or not in rural settings.

Whether the person decides to return back or stay where he/she is, if the individual reports that the length of duration from the period he/she left the woreda where he/she previously residing to the time of the census is six months or more, he/she will be considered as a migrant.
Even though the length of duration from the period the individual left the woreda where he/she previously residing to the time of the enumeration is less than six months and if he/she has no any intention to return back to his/her previous place of residence (woreda), the person will be considered as a migrant.

However, the person will not be considered as a migrant if the length of duration from the period the individual left the woreda where he/she previously residing to the time of the enumeration is less than six months and he/she has decided to return back to his/her previous place of residence (woreda).

In Urban Areas:
In urban areas a person will be enumerated as a migrant if the individual fulfills the following criteria;

The person is a migrant if the individual was born in or came from any other urban or rural dwellings of the country or if his/her previous usual place of residence was any urban areas of the same woreda or another woreda and the length of duration from the period he/she left his/her previous place of residence to the time of the census is six months or more.
Even though the length of duration from the period the individual left his/her previous place of residence to the time of enumeration is less than six months and if he/she has no any intention to return back to his/her previous place of residence, the person will be taken as a migrant.
However, the person will not be considered as a migrant if the length of duration from the period the individual left his/her previous place of residence to the time of enumeration is less than six months and he/she has decided to return back to his/her previous place of residence.

Question 13:- About Duration of Migration

For urban areas: What is the number of years [the respondent] has continuously lived in this urban area?

For rural areas: What is the number of years [the respondent] has continuously lived in this rural woreda?

The ways to present this question to the respondent are different according to the place where the area of enumerations is found. For the respondent residing in an urban enumeration area, the question will be asked as, "for how long you used to live continuously in this urban area?" However, if the place of enumeration is found in rural areas the question will be presented to the respondent as follows; "for how long you used to live continuously in this rural woreda?"

All members of a given household will be asked the question and the necessary code from the given options will be shaded for each member based on the response provided by the respondent.

In addition to what is stated previously, the following cases are imperative to have a clear understanding so as to collect the required information on migration during the period of census.

In some cases there are conditions where a person is born in a hospital or health service giving institution which is located out of the woreda in which his/her household is residing. Under this situation the place of birth of the person is considered to be the place where his/her household is residing rather than the hospital or health service giving institution. Because of this, the individual is not considered as a migrant during enumeration.

In a similar condition where a woman gave birth to a child in a residence of her parents or relatives and return back to her household, the place of birth of the child is the place where the mother and her household is living, not the residence of her parents or relatives.

There are conditions when individuals did not use to live in a rural part of a woreda or an urban area since birth but after sometimes they started to live continuously in that rural area of the woreda or urban area. Under this circumstance, such members of a household will be asked for how long they start to live continuously in the rural woreda or urban area and the necessary code will be assigned based on the information to be obtained. The information to be filled will be in completed years. For instance, if the information given is 3 years and one month, the number of years to be considered will be 3 years.

In order to clearly state the criteria given earlier to define migration or a migrant person and to enhance the understandings of the enumerator, the following examples are provided.

A. During enumeration persons who did not use to live in a rural part of the woreda (place of enumeration) since birth are divided in to two categories
Those who were born in any rural and urban areas of another woreda or urban areas of the same woreda;

Those who were born in the same rural area of a given woreda but after sometime they left they place of birth and stayed in other woreda or urban area of the same woreda but return back to their place of birth. This refers to those who returned back after stayed for six months or more away from their place of birth

For example,
A person called Megerssa Tullu was born in Chefa rural kebele of Ginir Woreda and he used to live in his place of birth continuously for 15 years since birth. Shortly he left his place of birth and started to live in Ginir town of the same woreda for 5 consecutive years. But the person returned back to his place of birth 2 years prior to the time of the census. Under this situation the number of years Megerssa Tullu have lived continuously in the woreda (area of enumeration) is the duration from the time he retuned back to Chefa rural kebele from Ginir town to the period of the census, two years. The fifteen years he used to live continuously in his place of birth after he was born is not considered.

B. At the time of census, persons who do not continuously live since the time of birth in the urban area are also grouped in to two.

Those who were born away from the place of enumeration: This refers to those who were born in other urban areas or any rural areas of the country.

Those who were born in the present area of enumeration but for some periods of time they had lived in other urban areas or any rural localities and shortly returned back to their place of birth or the current place of enumeration. This refers to those who once upon a time used to live continuously in other urban areas or any rural dwellings for six months or more but found to be in their place of birth during enumeration.

For example,
A man named Tesfaye Kebede was born in place of enumeration called Goro town of Goro woreda and he used to live in his place of birth continuously for 8 years since birth. Later on he left his place of birth and started to live in Meliyu town of the same woreda for 5 consecutive years. But the person is found to have returned back to his place of birth at the time of census. Under this condition the number of years individual has lived continuously in the area of enumeration is the duration from the time he retuned back to his place of birth or from Meliyu town to the period of the census. The 8 years he used to live continuously in his place of birth before he went to Meliyu town is not considered.

A person called Yimer Ali used to live continuously in his place of birth, Dessie town from the time of birth to age of 8. Shortly he left his place of birth and started to live in Nekemte town of Oromia Region for 5 years and later on he returned back to his place of birth 3 months prior to the time of census. Under this situation the number of years the person has lived continuously in the Dessie town (area of enumeration) is the duration from the time he retuned back to Dessie town from Nekemte town to the period of the census, i.e. only three months.
Based on the above given detailed examples and criteria, the codes for the possible responses for question 13 are given as follows:

0 = for those who used to live continuously for less than a year in the place of enumeration; i.e. either urban or rural area of the woreda

1 = for those who used to live continuously for 1 year in the place of enumeration; i.e. either urban or rural area of the woreda

2 = for those who used to live continuously for 2 years in the place of enumeration; i.e. either urban or rural area of the woreda

3 = for those who used to live continuously for 3 years in the place of enumeration; i.e. either urban or rural area of the woreda

4 = for those who used to live continuously for 4 years in the place of enumeration; i.e. either urban or rural area of the woreda

5 = for those who used to live continuously for 5 to 6 years in the place of enumeration; i.e. either urban or rural area of the woreda

6 = for those who used to live continuously for 7 to 9 years in the place of enumeration; i.e. either urban or rural area of the woreda

7 = for those who used to live continuously for 10 years or more in the place of enumeration; i.e. either urban or rural area of the woreda

8 = for those who used to live continuously since birth in the place of enumeration; i.e. either urban or rural area of the woreda.

Hence, based on the response obtained from the respondent the necessary code from the given alternative will be taken and marked. For example, for a person who reports that he used to live continuously in the area of enumeration for less than a year, code 0 will be marked. Similarly, code 5 will be marked for those have been living for 5 to 6 years in the place of enumeration continuously etc...

Ghana 2010 — source variable GH2010A_YRSHERE — Number of years lived at place of enumeration
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[Questions P00-P20 were asked for persons in both the household and non-household populations.]

P08. Number of years lived in this village/town.
[P08 was asked of all persons who had not been living in their current village or town since birth (responded "no" to P05).]
For how long has [the respondent] been living in this village or town? _ _

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P08. Number of years lived in this village or town: For how long has (name) been living in this village or town?

This question should only be asked of persons who answer 'No' in P05 (i.e. not born in this town or village where enumeration is taking place) and also those who answer 'No' in P07 (i.e. not lived in this town or village since birth). Note that breaks in duration of residence lasting less than 12 months should be disregarded. Also, note that for persons who have made multiple movements of 1 year or more, you should consider the last duration of stay as the number of years lived in the town or village. Write down the response in the appropriate boxes.

Guatemala 1964 — source variable GT1964A_RESDUR — Years of residence in current municipality
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11. How many years has the person lived in this municipality?

[] 1 Always
[] Number of years _ _
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General characteristics

Ask these questions for all of the persons, independent of their age or other situation:

Question 11: For how many years has the person resided in this municipality?

When the person has always resided in the place where the census is being taken, you should simply mark the small box that corresponds to "always". For the contrary case, note in the respective line the number of complete years that the person has resided in the municipality. When the person has not resided in the municipality for a complete year, you should write "less than 1" in the space that says "number of years."

Guatemala 1981 — source variable GT1981A_RESDUR — Number of years of residence in this municipality
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VII. People in the census household

For all individuals
[Questions 9, 10 and 12 were asked for all persons]

10. Period of residence

How long have you lived in this municipality?
[] 1 Always
_ _ _ _ Number of years
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B. Second block: geographical characteristics (for all persons)

The questions relating to geographical characteristics are designed to study internal and international migration of the population.

It is desired to find out the total number of migrants and the patterns of these movements as well as the principal characteristics of this population.

Question 10: period of residence

1. How to formulate the question

For how many years have you lived in this municipality?

2. How to record the data

If the person has always lived in the municipality of the place of usual residence at the time of enumeration, the number "1. Always" is circled.

If the enumerated person has changed residences, moving to the current municipality of usual residence, the number of years living in this municipality is written in the space provided. If the time of residence is less than one year, "00" is recorded.

[p. 71]

3. Example:

[These instructions refer to a graphic of question 10 of the census form]

Guatemala 1994 — source variable GT1994A_RESDUR — Years of residence in current municipality
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VII. People in the census household

9. Time of residency

How many years have you resided in this municipality?

[] 98 Always, (go to number 12)
[] [If have lived outside the municipality, write the numbers of years since reside in the municipality]
Number of years _ _
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3.3.4 Section VII: Persons in the census household

The first seven questions sets in this section refer to family relationship, age, sex, current marital status, ethnic group, death of mother and disability.

Questions 8-12 refer to the person's migration and ethnic characteristics. Only questions 11 and 12 are for persons aged three and older.

Questions 13-15 refer to literacy, level of education and attendance at school and are intended for persons aged seven and older.

The four following questions (16-19) refer to the person's type of economic activity, principal employment, branch of activity, and occupational category. They are also intended for persons aged seven and older.

The last five questions (20-24) cover fertility, and are intended only for females aged 12 and older.

The housing form has enough space to record a maximum of ten person, and so the section is repeated an equal number of times. The information about each person who spends the night in the homeless shelter should be written in the same order as they were listed in section V, "list of persons."

If the homeless shelter has more than ten persons, use an additional form.

Section VII is designed to allow you to record the complete information about one person. Write the person's order number in the grid space according to the list in section V. Spell out completely the first names and complete surnames of each person.

9. Length of residence
Length of residence is the length of time, up to the census date, that a person lived in the municipality where his/her place of permanent residence is located. Express the number in complete years.

[A graphic of box 9, "Length of residence," is reproduced on the right-hand side of the page.]

Ask, "For how many years have you been living in this municipality?"

If the person has always lived in the municipality in which the enumeration is taking place, mark an X in the circle corresponding to option 98, "always," and go to question set 12, "Ethnic characteristics."

If the person has not always lived in the municipality, ask how many years he/she has lived there and write in digits the number of years.

If the length of residence is less than one year, write 00 in the appropriate grid space. The number of years a person has resided in the municipality cannot be greater than the person's age.

Guinea 1996 — source variable GN1996A_RESDUR — Duration of residence
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Resident Population (Present and Absent)
[Questions P09 to P12 were asked of the resident population.]

P11 Duration of residence

[] 0 Since birth
[] 1 Less than a year
[] 2 1 to 4 years
[] 3 5 to 9 years
[] 4 10 years or more

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Column P11: Length of Residence
The variable "length of residence" refers to the time elapsed between the enumerated person's arrival in his/her current residence (prefecture of current residence) and the date of the census. Evidently, during this period the person in question did not stay in another prefecture or outside of the country for at least six months. Ultimately, the length of residence is the period of time denoted by the last change of residence. It may be the last change of residence from one prefecture to another in Guinea, or the last change in the country of residence, when moving from another country to Guinea, where the person settles in a specific prefecture until the date of the census. The notion of "length of residence" thus brings into play 2 places of residence, marking as it does a change in residence: the current place of residence or the last place of residence; and the previous place of residence or the next to last place of residence. A special case is that of persons enumerated without interruption since their birth in the prefecture of their birth. There is thus no change in place of residence as such. Strictly speaking, in this case the length of residence is equal to the individual in question. However, for the purposes of the census, in all cases where there has never been a change in the prefecture in which the person resides in the course of his/her lifetime, the appropriate response is "Dnaiss ___ 0", i.e., this individual has resided in the prefecture where he/she currently resides since birth. In this specific case, the prefecture where he/she currently resides is the one that should be [entered] in column P07, "place of birth" as well as in column P12, "Place of previous residence." That is the meaning of "Dnaiss." The other possible responses are numeric and express the length of stay in number of years. Those responses apply in the case where you have established that the individual being enumerated has changed his/her prefecture or country of residence. To obtain an appropriate response, keep in mind 2 variables at the same time-"Length of residence" and "Place of previous residence" and in light of this ask the following 2 questions:

[p. 43]

Since when have you lived in this prefecture?

In which prefecture in Guinea, or in which country, did you reside before moving to the prefecture where you currently reside.

To be more efficient you should first compare the place of current residence. In this way it will be easier for you to assess the answers and consequently to take the correct approach.

Guinea 2014 — source variable GN2014A_RESDUR — Length of residence
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III. Individual characteristics

[Questions 9-12 were asked of present or absent residents]

P09. Length of residency

For how many years has [the respondent] lived in this prefecture? _ _

Enter: 99 if since birth, go to P11; 95 if 95 years or more; 00 if less than a year.

Haiti 1971 — source variable HT1971A_DURRES — Length of residence in municipality of permanent residence (in years)
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7. Length of time living in this Municipality [commune]
The length of time living is the period up to the time of the census and expressed in years passed, during which each person has lived in this county which is his usual residence.
[] 1 1 year
[] 2 1-4 years
[] 3 5-9 years
[] 4 10-14 years
[] 5 15-19 years
[] 6 20-24 years
[] 7 25-29 years
[] 8 30-34 years
[] 9 35-39 years
[] 10 40-44 years
[] 11 45+ years
[] 12 Born in the same Municipality [commune]

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Column 7- Length of Residence in this Municipality: The length of residence is the period each person has resided in the municipality which is his/her place of permanent residence, ending at the time of the census and expressed in completed years. Mark an 'x' in the number range corresponding to the number of years of residence in the municipality. If the person is enumerated in the municipality where he or she was born, mark an 'x' in the last square on the bottom right.

Example 1: Paul has been residing in the municipality for 7 years.

pg 29

1. [ ] 1 year
2. [ ] 1-4 years
3. [X] 5-9 years
4. [ ] 10-14 years

Example 2: Pierre was born in the municipality where he was enumerated.
10. [ ] 40-44 years
11. [ ] 45 years or more
12. [X] Born in the municipality

Haiti 1982 — source variable HT1982A_DURRES — Length of residence
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B. Migrations
For all persons (except question 9 only concerns people aged 5 and beyond).
[Questions 7-9 were asked of all persons; question 9 was only asked of persons 5 years of age and older.]

8. Length of Residence: How long has this person lived in the current city (or rural area)?

[] 0 Has always lived here
[] 1 Less than 1 year
[] 2 1-4 years
[] 3 5-9 years
[] 4 10 years or more
[] 9 Can't remember

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B) Migration
[Questions 7-9.]
[Question 7-9 were asked of all persons, except question 9 was only asked of persons 5 years of age or older and who have lived at the current city for less than 5 years.]

Question 8: Length of stay in the residence
69. The length of stay in the residence is the period of time expressed in years during which the person resided uninterrupted in the location where he is counted for the census.

Haiti 2003 — source variable HT2003A_RESBPL — Length of residence in the city, district, or communal section
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12. How long has this person lived in this city, this district or this municipal sector?
[] 01 Since birth
[] 02 Less than one year
[] 03 One to four (1-4) years
[] 04 Five to nine (5-9) years
[] 05 Ten (10) years or more
[] 06 Don't know

Indonesia 1971 — source variable ID1971A_DURPROV — Duration of residence in current province
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Individual form
[Section I is the same as Section I: Household and Living Unit Information above]

II. For all ages

[Questions 14-15 were asked of persons who have ever lived in another province, as per question 13]

15. Total years lived in present province

_ _

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6.15. Question 15: Length of living in current province
6.15.1. Concept and definition
This is defined as the number of years a person has lived in the current province, starting from the day he/she moved from the last province up until the enumeration of the 1971 Census.

Amat, who was born in Semarang, moved and lived in DKI Jakarta for 3 years. Then he moved back to Semarang. Therefore, the length of living in the current province starts from the day he moved back to Semarang after he lived in DKI Jakarta in 3 years.

6.15.2. Procedure
Question 15 is only defined for a person who has lived in another province before the current province. For this case, ask this question:
"How long have you lived here?"
Fill in the question by putting a dash (-) in the appropriate box. If the answer is less than a year, then fill in "00".

Amat, who was born in Semarang and had lived in DKI Jakarta for 3 years, moved back and stays in Semarang.

The length of living in the current province starts from the day he moved back to Semarang from Jakarta, up until the day of the enumeration. For example, he arrived in Semarang on 15 August 1967 and the enumeration was conducted on 25 September 1971. Therefore, he has lived in Semarang for 4 years.

Note: For a person who has lived in the current province for more than 50 years, put a dash (-) in the "more than 50 years" box only and leave the other boxes blank.

Indonesia 1980 — source variable ID1980A_DURPROV — Duration of residence in present province
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All persons
VII. Characteristics of individual household members

12. Duration of residence in present province

Years _ _

Indonesia 1985 — source variable ID1985A_DURPROV — Length of time lived in current regency/municipality
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VII. A. All ages
[Questions 1-13 were asked of persons of all ages]

Q.9 Duration of time living in the current regency/municipality


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X. Information on household members

A. Block VII: General information on household members
1. The objective of this block is to record information on items such as sex, age, schooling status, and activities conducted during the past week for every household member, starting with the member with serial number "01" and continuing to the last household member.

2. Method of filling out the form
Circle one of the codes corresponding to the respondent's answer, and then write the code in the box on the right.

B. Block VII. A: Persons of all ages

Question 9: Length of time lived in current regency/municipality
Fill in the length of time in years, rounded downward, that the respondent has lived in the current regency/municipality.

Indonesia 1990 — source variable ID1990A_DURPROV — Duration of residence in current province
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VI. Household member characteristics

VI-A: All ages
[Questions 1-13.]

9. Ever lived in another province?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (skip to question 12)

10. Last dwelling before moving to this province
[Question 10 was asked of persons who have lived in another province, per question 9.]

Province: ____

11. Duration of living in this province
[Question 11 was asked of persons who have lived in another province, per question 9.]

_ _ years

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Question 9: Ever lived in another province?
Ask the respondent if he/she ever lived in another province for a period of six months or more. If the respondent answers "Yes" then circle code 1 and put the code into the available box. If the respondent answer "No" circle code 2 and put the code into the available box and go to Question 12.

Question 10: Last residence before living in the current province
Fill in the name and code of the respondent's last province of residence before living in the current province in the provided box.

Question 11: The duration lived in the current province
Fill in how many years has the respondent lived in the current province.
Note: Code province for Question 8, 10, and 14 can be seen in Block III of the SP90-S Questionnaire

Example for questions 8-11
During enumeration Bakri has already lived in Surabaya for 1 year and 11 months. Before he lived in Surabaya he has lived in Bogor for 2 years and 6 month for study. Before living in Bogor Bakri has worked in Kabupaten Situbondo for 5 years. Bakri was born in Semarang, though his parents at that time lived in Kecamatan Cakung, Kabupaten Bekasi, West Java. His mother went to Semarang and back to Cakung when Bakri was 2 weeks old. Bakri lived in Cakung until he finished his senior high school (SMTA) and moved to Kabupaten Situbondo. It should be noted that because of the extension of Province DKI Jakarta, Kecamatan Cakung became part of the DKI Jakarta province.

Indonesia 1995 — source variable ID1995A_DURRESID — Duration of residence in current village (yrs)
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V. Characteristics of individual household members

511. Duration of residence in present village

_ _ years

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6.5 Block V. General characteristics of household members
This block is used to record personal characteristics such as sex, age, mobility of living, attained education, school participation and the daily language used by each household members, starting from the first serial number of the household member until the last one.

Block V is asked to all household members
In order to fill in this block, the enumerator should try to directly interview the respondent.

Question 511: How long has lived in the current village / kelurahan
Fill in how many years the respondent has lived in the current village. If less than one year, put in a "0" and mark a "00" in the provided boxes.

Indonesia 2005 — source variable ID2005A_RESYRS — Length of stay at current regency (years)
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[Questions 609 - 615 were asked of persons who answered "Yes" in question 608.]

610. How long have you lived in this current regency/municipality?

Years _ _

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Question 610: Duration of living in present regency/municipality
Write the length of time in years that the respondent has lived in the present regency/municipality. If the length of time is less than 1 year, write "0" year and record "00" in the boxes provided.

Iran 2006 — source variable IR2006A_DURRES — Duration of residence in this city/village
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For present and temporarily absent individuals (codes 1 and 2 from column 6)
[Questions 14-15 were asked of present and temporarily absent individuals]

15. Duration of residence in this city/village

For code 1 in column 14
For less than 1 year, include --.

Duration _ _

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20. Immigration status, Columns 14 to 18
Fill these columns only for present or temporarily absent members of the household (codes 1 and 2 in column 6) and leave it blank for other cases.
- Do not fill these columns for normal unsettled households; leave it blank.

20.2. Duration of residence in this city/village (in years), Column 15
Fill this column only for people who have changed their place of residence since October 1996 (code 1 in column 14), and leave it blank for others. For this purpose, ask them the duration of their residence in this city or village and write down the result in the form of a two digit number in years. For instance, for someone who has been living here for 4 years and 11 months, write "04" in this column. For those who haven't been living there for more than one year, write "--".
Since you ask this question only from people who have been living in this city/village from October 1996 or after, the number you write in this column cannot be bigger than 10.
Remember that the duration of residence in this city/village is the time during which they have started living here constantly through the enumeration time.

Iraq 1997 — source variable IQ1997A_RESDURY — Years in current residential place
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Residential status

55. Residential period in the recent place of residency

[] 1 From birth
[] 2 Less than a year
[] 3 One year or more ____

Previous place of residence:

56. Governorate or abroad

[] 1 In this governorate ____
[] 2 Abroad ____

57. Administrative unit

[] 1 Urban
[] 2 Rural

58. Reason for changing the place of residency

[] 1 Job
[] 2 Transfer of posting
[] 3 Appointment
[] 4 War
[] 5 Marriage or divorce or windowed
[] 6 Study or finishing studies
[] 7 Accompanying family
[] 8 To get a better living
[] 9 Other

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(The fields 55-58 are specialized for residency and they are recorded for all population)

55. Residential period in the recent place of residency:
Recorded in this field the residential period in the recent place of residency for each person from the household persons. If the person doesn't change his place of residency and he dwells from his birth in his place of residency this is indicated by the sign (x) in the square opposite to the phrase (from birth) if the residential period of a person in the recent city or village less than one year indicated by the sign (x) in the square opposite to the phrase (less than one year). If the residential period of a person one year and more indicated by the sign (x) in the square opposite to the phrase (one year and more) with mentioning the number of years inside the square indicated for that.

Israel 2008 — source variable IL2008A_RESYR — Year moving to the locality
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Questions on length of residence in the dwelling and in the locality
[Questions 33-38]

33. In what year did you move into the dwelling?

[] 1 In the past year (2008/2008-2009)
[] 2 In the past five years, but not in the past year (2003-2007) (Go to Question No. 37)
[] 3 Before more than five years (2003 and before) (Go to Question No. 38)

38. In what year did you move into the locality you live in today? ____

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Part E: Place of Residence

2. Instructions for answering questions

c. Year of entry into locality
The answers to this question will allow us to process data on the population composition in the locality. This is basic information for analyzing the characteristics of the residents living in the locality over different periods of time.
Question 4.100 - In what year did you begin living in the locality where you live today?
A person who lived in this locality in the past, left it, and returned to live in it:

- If a person lived outside of the locality for less than 10 straight years - register the earlier year of entry.
- If a person lived outside the locality for more than 10 straight years - register the latter year of entry.

Jamaica 1982 — source variable JM1982A_YRSPAR — Number of years lived in this parish
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Section 3: Migration
[All persons]

15. Number of years lived in this parish: _ _

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Section 3 - Migration

5.29 General
Questions 15 to 18 deal with the movement of persons from parish to parish and into Jamaica. Questions 15 to 17 apply to all individuals, local or foreign born, while Question 18 relates to persons born abroad only.

5.30 Question 15 - Number of Years Lived in this Parish

[Image omitted here]

Mark, as described above, the number of years that the individual has been residing in the present parish. If the individual was born in this parish, and at the time of the Census is resident in the same parish, and has never resided in another parish then the number of years will be the same as the age of the individual recorded at Question 9.
If the individual had previously resided in this parish and then lived outside of it, mark the number of years since his last return to reside in this parish.

Jamaica 1991 — source variable JM1991A_YRPARISH — Year moved to current parish
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4.5. In what year did you / did [the respondent] come to live in this Parish? 19 _ _
If not stated, record "99".
For years before 1900, score "00".

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Section 4 - Birthplace and residence

These questions are to be asked of all persons.

These questions are intended to study internal migration or the movement of people between the parishes in Jamaica. Movements apply only to those taking place between parishes and residence abroad is not regarded as a move for the purpose of studying internal migration.

5.50 Question 4.5 Year of entry into Parish
This question is to be asked only of persons born in Jamaica (See Q4.3). Write in the last two digits of the year in the boxes provided, for persons entering the parish before 1900, record "00".

If the individual was born in the parish and at the end of the census is resident in the same parish and has never resided in another parish then the year of entry will be the same as the year of birth recorded at Q3.3a.


If the individual had previously resided in this parish and then lived outside of it for 6 months or more, record the year in which he/she last returned to reside in this parish.

If the individual has resided abroad but has not lived in any other parish in Jamaica then he is not regarded as having lived outside of his parish of birth. In this case the year of entry will be the same as the year of birth.

Jamaica 2001 — source variable JM2001A_YRPAR — Year moved to live in parish of residence
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[Questions 2.3 - 2.10 are for all persons who are usual residents of the household. If not usual resident of household, interview ended at questions 2.2]

2.5 In what year did you/did [the respondent] come to live in this parish?

_ _ _ _
[] Not stated

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Section 2: Birthplace and residence
[All persons]

These questions are very important for the main reasons that they:
(1) Will establish the "de jure" population on which the final Census tabulations will be based. The "de jure" count identifies persons at their usual place of residence.

(2) Are important for studying movement of the population between parishes in Jamaica. Movements apply only to those taking place between parishes. Residence abroad is not regarded as a move for the purpose of studying internal migration.

5.60 Questions 2.5: Year of entry into the parish

This question is to be asked only to persons born in Jamaica (see Q2.3). Write in the four digits of the year in the boxes provided. If the respondent was not born in the parish of enumeration, record the year when he/she came to live in the parish. For persons who have moved in and out of the parish, [record] the most recent year. If the individual was born in the parish, at the time of the census is resident in the same parish, and has never resided in another parish, then the year of entry will be the same as the year of birth. If only the age is given you must calculate the year of birth. You have to remember to ask these additional questions, which do not appear on the questionnaire. If, for example, the respondent was born in St. Ann and you are enumerating in St. Ann, you should ask "Have you ever lived outside of St. Ann for six months or more?" If "No", score the year of birth. If "Yes", say "In what year did you return to St. Ann?" and score appropriately.

If the individual had previously resided in this parish and then lived outside of it for 6 months or more, record the year in which he/she last returned to reside in this parish.

If the individual has resided abroad but has not lived in any other parish in Jamaica, then he is not to be regarded as having lived outside of his parish of birth. In this case also, the year of entry will be the same as the year of birth.

Jordan 2004 — source variable JO2004A_RESDUR — Duration of residence in current place (Jordanians) and in Jordan (non-Jordanians) in years
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217. Duration of residence in current place (for Jordanians) and in Jordan (for non-Jordanians) in years _ _

Kenya 1999 — source variable KE1999A_DURYEAR — Year moved to current residence
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Duration of residence:

When did [the respondent] move to this district?
Code "00" in P-18 and P-19 if enumerated in district of birth. Write "99" in P-18 and P-19 if not known.

P-18. Month ____
P-19. Year ____

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Columns P18-19: Duration of residence

78. When did this person move to this district? This question is applicable to all persons enumerated outside their district of birth.

(a) Record the month in P18 (e.g."05" for May) and year in P19 (e.g. "97" for 1997). Check to see that the person's age is consistent with duration of residence i.e. the person's age must always be greater or equal to duration of residence.

(b) For all persons enumerated in their district of birth, write "00" in the boxes in columns p18-19.

(c) Write "99" in the boxes in columns P18-19 if the date one moved is not known or not stated.

Kenya 2009 — source variable KE2009A_RESDURYR — Year when person moved to current district
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A: Information regarding all persons
[Questions P-00 to P-23 were asked of all persons in conventional households or refugee camps].

Duration of residence
P-20, P-21. When did [person] move to the current district?

Month_ _
Year _ _ _ _

For respondents enumerated in their district of birth, code month and year of birth. If date of movement is not known, write "99" for month and "9999" for year.

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- Section A: Information regarding all persons. This information is contained in columns P00 to P23. Questions in this section will apply to all persons.

29. Columns P20?P21: Duration of residence

Ask: When did [the respondent] move to the current district?

29.1 Record the month in P20 (e.g. "05" for May) and year in P21 (e.g. 1997). Check to see that the person's age is consistent with duration of residence i.e. the person's age must always be greater or equal to duration of residence.
29.2 For all persons enumerated in their district of birth, write date of birth in the boxes in columns P20?P21.
29.3 If the date one moved is not known or not stated, write "99" for month in the columns P20 and "9999" for year in column P21

Kyrgyzstan 1999 — source variable KG1999A_YRMOVE — Year moved
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9. Residing temporarily from birth in that populated area
[] 1 Yes (skip to question 10)
[] 2 No

If no, specify
a) The year you have been temporarily residing here 1 _ _ _
b) Place of previous residence (name of town, rayon, country) ____ _ _ _ _
c) From what populated area have you moved from?

[] 3 From urban
[] 4 From rural

d) Are you a refugee?

[] 5 Yes
[] 6 No

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Question 9. Has the person permanently been living in this settlement since birth?

Question 9 is neither asked of those temporary residents nor completed.

Code 1 "Yes" is to be encircled for persons that have continuously been living in this settlement since birth, in which case the continuity of residence is not considered broken by:
move from one rural settlement to another within the same administrative district or move from one district of the city of Bishkek to another one;
departure from this settlement for compulsory military service or business trip;
all departures from this settlement not connected with the change of permanent place of residence.

Continuity of residence does not depend on the registration or its character (permanent or temporary) and is not considered broken by changing the address within the same administrative district.

If the answer is "Yes", the enumerator is to go to question 10.

Code 2 "No" is to be circled for persons living in this settlement not since birth, those inclusive who were born here, but moved from this settlement for permanent residence to other administrative district.

For persons who changed their place of residence the following data are to be completed in special boxes:
a)since which year have you been permanently live here, i.e. in this settlement? For persons (both born here and those living here not since birth) who moved from this settlement for permanent residence to other places, the year since which they have permanently been living here after return, is to be indicated;
b) previous place of residence: the name of city or district in the Kyrgyz Republic or the name of the country of near or far abroad is to be entered, e.g., the city of Naryn, the city of Osh, Solokukski district, Russia, Ukraine, etc.
c) what settlement have you come from?
If a person questioned has come from a city or urban type settlement, code 3 "urban" is to be marked; if from a rural locality, code 4 "rural" should be labeled. In this case, the administrative-territorial changes taking place after the move of the person from his/her previous place of permanent residence are not to be taken into account.
d) are you a refugee or a forced migrant?
This question is to be only asked of persons who changed their place of residence in the period from 1989 to March 1999.

Code 5 "Yes" is to be marked for persons who as a result of exacerbation of interethnic relations or armed conflicts in the territory of their residence were forced to change their permanent place of residence because violence was committed to them or members of their families or there was a jeopardy for them to be persecuted because of national identity, confession, language, and also because of social identity or political opinions.

Code 6 "No" is to be used for persons who changed the place of their permanent residence for any other reason, e.g., because of arrival for training or new place of employment, for family or other similar reasons.

Kyrgyzstan 2009 — source variable KG2009A_YRMOVED — Year moved to current settlement
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9. Constantly residing
9.1 Residing temporarily from birth in this settlement

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

If "NO" specify

The year you have been temporarily residing here ________
Place of previous residence (name a town, rayon, country)

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Question 9. Place of residence
The enumerator is not to put question 9 to temporary residents or fill it in.

Subquestion 9.1. Has the person lived in this settlement since birth?

Code 1 "Yes" is to be encircled for permanent residents in this settlement.
If the answer is "No", the enumerator should go to the subquestions:

?) the year since which he/she has permanently lived here and fill in the relevant box "year";
b) previous place of residence ? the name of the city or district in the Kyrgyz Republic or the name of the country where the person interviewed used to live earlier is to be filled in. For instance, the city of Naryn, the city of Osh, the Sokoluksky district, Russia, Ukraine, etc.

Lesotho 1996 — source variable LS1996A_RESDUR — Duration of residence in current village or town (since 1986)
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Section B. For all persons

13. If (the respondent) has moved since 1986, for how long has (the respondent) lived here?

Enter number of years. Enter 00 for less than 1 year. Enter 99 for don't know.
Not applicable for no move at all.

_ _ Number of years
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2. Part B of questionnaire
(Questionnaire concerning the individual members of the household) the questions are marked by numbers to be read from left to right.

The first two columns must be completed before entries are made anywhere else in the questionnaire.

120. Column 13: If (name) has moved, for how long has s/he lived here?
Give here the duration of residence in this village/town. Changing of houses within a village/town should be regarded as no move at all. If a person left the household (village) for a period of six months or more and later returned to this household/village give duration as only the latest period of stay. For present members of the household write duration of residence as obtained. For visitors inquire if they lived with the household for six months or less, then enter 00; if not consider them as members of the household.

Lesotho 2006 — source variable LS2006A_RESDUR — Years of residence in the village
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Section B. List of household members

17. For how long has (the respondent) lived in this village/town?

Enter number of years. Enter 00 for less than 1 year.

_ _ Number of years
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Part B of the questionnaire
For all persons

86. Column 17: For how long has (name) lived in this village?

Give here the duration of residence of each eligible household member in this village/town. Changing of houses within a vi11age/town should be regarded as no move at all. If a person left the household (village) for a period of six months or more and later returned to this household/village, give duration for the latest period of stay only. For present members of the household write duration of residence as obtained. For visitors inquire if they lived with the household for six months or less, then enter 00; if you do not consider them as members of the household.

Malawi 2008 — source variable MW2008A_RESDUR — Duration of residence (years)
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[Questions P9-P13 were asked of usual residents]

P12. How long has [the respondent] been living continuously in his/her current place of residence? _ _ _

Record "000" if younger than 1 year
Record his/her age if the residence has not changed since birth

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Questions for usual members of households
Questions P09 to P013 should only be asked to the usual members of that household.

P12. Duration on current place of residence
Ask for the duration of residence in the current place of where the respondent is currently staying. If it is less than 1 year, record and shade 0 in three rows of digits. If he/she has been staying in the place for 5 years, code "005" and then shade 0 in the first row of digits, 0 in the second row and 5 in the third row. If the place of residence has not changed since birth, record his/her age.

Note: P12 refers to inter-district movement, not within the district, except for Lilongwe, Zomba, Blantyre and Mzuzu.

For example: If a person has shifted from Lilongwe rural to Lilongwe City, record how long she/he has stayed in Lilongwe City. On the other hand, if a person has shifted places within Lilongwe City, then there has been no movement. This applies to all urban areas of Blantyre, Zomba, Lilongwe, and Mzuzu.

However, if there has been movement within district -- say from TA Kaphuka to Dedza BOMA -- then record the period stayed in Dedza district.

Malaysia 1970 — source variable MY1970A_LIVLOC — Period of residence in present locality
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22. How long in total have you lived in this kampong, town, etc.? (in years)
[] Less than 1
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6-10
[] 11-20
[] Over 20

Malaysia 1980 — source variable MY1980A_RESDURH — Duration of residence in present locality
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20. How long have you lived in this kampung/town? (in years)

[] Less than 1
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6-9
[] 10
[] 11-20
[] 21 and over
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Question 20
This question obtains information on the number of years the person has been living in this locality. A locality is a kampung, town, estate, etc. It is any area with a name.

The person may have lived in the locality for some time (perhaps he has always lived here) but he may not have lived in this house for all that time. It is quite common for a person to live in several houses in the one kampong or town. In marking down the years in the locality you are to ignore moves to different houses in the same locality.

In large towns there may be a number of kampungs or suburbs within the boundaries of the town. Movements between these kampungs or between suburbs are to be ignored. For purposes of this question, the person is considered to have always lived in the one place i.e. the town.

The meaning of the figures against each of the boxes is the same as those explained for Question 19.

Note - If the person is only a visitor you are still to mark the appropriate box.

Mali 1987 — source variable ML1987A_RESDUR — Duration of residence
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9. Duration of residence
_ _

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9. Length of Residence

The length of residence is how long the person you are interviewing has lived in the place where he is enumerated. It is expressed in completed years. To get the length of residence you might ask a question like, "How long have you been living in this town". Write the answer as follows:

a. For individuals born in the province of the census and never having stayed in another province or abroad, write a dash or a hyphen in column 9. This does not pertain to them.

b. For individuals born in the state of the census but who have had a stay of at least 6 months outside of the state, the length of residence is equal to the amount of time past, in completed years, since their most recent return to the province of the census.

c. For individuals born in another province or abroad, the length of residence is the time which has passed, expressed in completed years, since their last arrival in the state where they are enumerated

The length of all stays should be written in completed years

For individuals whose length of residence in the region is less than one year write 0Y. For individuals whose length of residence in the region is 8 years, write 8Y. For individuals whose length of residence in the region is 16 years, write 16Y. Etc...

Mali 1998 — source variable ML1998A_RESDUR — Duration of residence
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Section B: Individual Characteristics

11. Duration of residence, in years

_ _

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1.2.1. Questions for ALL Household Members

11. Column P11: duration of residence

This questions applies only to the household members who are Resident-Present (RP) or Resident-Absent (RA). The duration of residence is the length of the period during which the interviewed person has stayed in the place of the census.

This duration is expressed in integer number of years. The question to be asked for asking about the duration of residence is: "For how many years has name been usually living here?"

[Page 27]

Then write the answer as such:

a. For the persons born in the same province as that of the census, and who have never lived in another province nor abroad, write "not applicable" as a hyphen (--) in Column P11.

b. For the persons born in the same province as that of the census, but who have lived at least six (6) months outside of the province, the duration of residence will be the time spent in integer number of years since the last move into the province of the census.

c. For the persons born outside of the province of the census or abroad, the duration of residence will be the time spent in integer number of years since the last move into the province of the census.

Note that all durations of residence shall be counted in integer number of years.

Example: write:

00 -- persons whose duration of residence in the province is less than one year.
08 -- persons whose duration of residence in the province is equal to 8 years.
16 -- persons whose duration of residence in the province is equal to 16 years and 5 months, etc...

Mali 2009 — source variable ML2009A_DURRES — Length of residence or stay in years
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P14) Length of residence/stay
For how many years has [Name] continuously lived here?

_ _
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image Duration of residence (Column P14)
This question is intended for residents of the household (PR and AR). The length of residence is the period since the respondent first resided at the place of enumeration. It is expressed in completed years. Ask the following question: "For how many years has [NAME] regularly lived here?."

a. For individuals born in the circle of the census and have never made a trip to another circle or abroad for a period of more than six (6) months, the agent reports the age of the column P9 in column P14. This involves people who answered "No" to question P13.
b. For individuals who have already spent at least six (6) months outside the circle, the length of residence is the time in years passed since the last entry into the circle of the census. This involves people who answered "Yes" to question P13.

[Omitted example]

[pg. 26]

Instructions: For a person who has resided for more than 6 months in another village of the same circle where he is surveyed, the agent should not consider the previous village as a place of previous residence. The previous place of residence is outside of the circle in which the person is surveyed.

We must remember that all lengths of residence should be recorded in completed years.

The agent must put "00" for individuals whose length of residence in the circle is less than one year.

Mexico 1960 — source variable MX1960A_RESDUR — Number of years living in locality
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12. How many years has the person lived in this state, if the person was not born in the state where the census is being taken

Columns 12 and 13: If the person is not a native of this place or of a place within the same state, ask how long he/she has lived here, and write this number in column 12. Pay attention that column 13 is for the persons who are not native of this state. In column 13, write the name of the state where the person lived before living here. If the person lived in a foreign country before living here, write the name of the foreign country in column 13. In the case of persons who lived in another country temporarily for a period of less than six months, do not count the country where he/she lived, but count the state of the Republic where he/she lived before the temporary stay in another country, when it is not the same one where he/she lives now.

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Change of Place of Residence

Columns 12 and 13 should only be written in when the enumerated is not a native of the place where the enumeration is being done.

Column 12. If the enumerated is not a native of the federal entity in which they are being enumerated, the enumerator will ask them how many years they have lived in this place, and that number should be written in Column 12.

Column 13. When the enumerated is not a native of the entity in which they are enumerated, the name of the entity in which they lived immediately before living in the place of enumeration should be written in column 13. If the enumerated lived in a foreign country, the name of the foreign country should be written in column 13. In a case where the enumerated lived outside the country for a period of less than 6 months, the name of the foreign country where they lived will not be written, rather the name of the entity of the Republic [P. 19] in which they lived before their temporary stay outside of the country will be written, as long as it is not the entity in which thy are currently living. Example: In filling in columns 12 and 13: The enumeration is being done in the state of Oaxaca, the enumerated in a native of the state of Nuevo Leon and has been living in Oaxaca for 10 years. Then number 10 should be written in column 12, and "Nuevo Leon" should be written in column 13.

Mexico 1970 — source variable MX1970A_RESDUR — Period of residence
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4. Place of residency

How long has this person been living in this state or federal entity?

Mark with an X or write the number of years.
[ ] Always T
[ ] Less than one year 99
For _____ years

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Place of Residence

Column 4


This regards finding out the amount of time that the person has been living in the federal entity (be it state, territory, or federal district), not in the municipality, delegation, city, town or villa, etc., in which the interview is being carried out.

For those people who have lived their whole lives in this federal entity, the circle in front of "always" should be marked.

For people who have lived less than one year in that federal entity or state, the circle in front of "less than one year" should be marked.

For people who have lived in this federal entity for one year or more, write, in the corresponding space, the number of years that they have lived in the federal entity.

The people who have "not" always lived in that state should be asked: "in which state of the republic or foreign country did you live before?" clearly write the name of this state or foreign country.

Some people could have changed from entity or country of residence more than one time; in that case, write the name of the most recent entity or country in which they lived before.

If a person, at some period in their lives, went to live in some other state or country (not including vacations or trips), and returned to this state, the amount of time that has passed since they returned to live in the state should be considered the time of residence; the name of the state or of the foreign country where they lived immediately before should be written.

Mexico 1995 — source variable MX1995A_RESDURY — Time in current residence in years
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Time of current residence
4.5 How many months or years has (Name) been living in (the interview location) (since coming for the last time)?
Write down a single answer

Less than a month 00, Write down in 4.5A
Does not know 99, Write down in 4.5A

4.5A Months ____
4.5B Years ____

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IV Migration

In this section the changes of habitual residence of the population from one entity to another or to a country other than Mexico are registered.

[graphic of the question from the census form]

Migration is understood to be a change in habitual residence from one entity to another or from one municipality (delegation) to another (internal migration); also from one country to another (international migration).

This section contains two focuses described below:

To investigate the state and international migration (number of people who came to or left Mexico), based on the previous place of residence (questions 4.1 to 4.5).

To know the place of residence on a set date (November 1990) and therefore the migration at the municipal and state level as well as international immigration (questions 4.6 to 4.7).

4.5 Time of current residence

This question refers to the time that a person has been living in the entity of the interview.

The expression "since the last time arrived" is used when the informant declares the time lived in many occasions in the same entity. If this is the case, ask to only be reported the time past since returning the last time.

It is important to mention that the answer of this question is written down in months or years.

[p. 99]

If they give you answers like "since I arrived in 1986," calculate the time the current residence, in the following manner.

Subtract the year that the person arrived at the entity (1986) from the year of the interview (1995), (1995-1986=9), to determine that the time lived is nine years.

Reintroducing the already mentioned situation, the person born in Mérida, Yucatán, who at six years of age moved to Jalisco, in the moment of the interview has been living in the current residence (Jalisco) 25 years. Also when 99 is written down, "Does not know," it should be only in the month column (4.5A)

Mexico 1995 — source variable MX1995A_RESDURM — Duration in current residence in months
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Time of current residence
4.5 How many months or years has (Name) been living in (the interview location) (since coming for the last time)?
Write down a single answer

Less than a month 00, Write down in 4.5A
Does not know 99, Write down in 4.5A

4.5A Months ____
4.5B Years ____

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IV Migration

In this section the changes of habitual residence of the population from one entity to another or to a country other than Mexico are registered.

[graphic of the question from the census form]

Migration is understood to be a change in habitual residence from one entity to another or from one municipality (delegation) to another (internal migration); also from one country to another (international migration).

This section contains two focuses described below:

To investigate the state and international migration (number of people who came to or left Mexico), based on the previous place of residence (questions 4.1 to 4.5).

To know the place of residence on a set date (November 1990) and therefore the migration at the municipal and state level as well as international immigration (questions 4.6 to 4.7).

4.5 Time of current residence

This question refers to the time that a person has been living in the entity of the interview.

The expression "since the last time arrived" is used when the informant declares the time lived in many occasions in the same entity. If this is the case, ask to only be reported the time past since returning the last time.

It is important to mention that the answer of this question is written down in months or years.

[p. 99]

If they give you answers like "since I arrived in 1986," calculate the time the current residence, in the following manner.

Subtract the year that the person arrived at the entity (1986) from the year of the interview (1995), (1995-1986=9), to determine that the time lived is nine years.

Reintroducing the already mentioned situation, the person born in Mérida, Yucatán, who at six years of age moved to Jalisco, in the moment of the interview has been living in the current residence (Jalisco) 25 years. Also when 99 is written down, "Does not know," it should be only in the month column (4.5A)

Mongolia 2000 — source variable MN2000A_MIGYR — Year moved to current residence
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All persons should answer.
[Questions 1-9.]

8. How long have you been living at usual residence?

[] 1 Since birth [skip to question 11.]
[] 2 Moved in
Aimag, capital city/ country ____ _ _
Year moved in 19 _ _

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Question: Eight.

How long have you been living at usual residence? Circle code-1, during the census time if the person has lived in that place since her or his birth time. However, if the person was born in the place where he or she lives at present but moved to another place in a previous time for more than a six months period and then they came back, the enumerator should not circle code "since birth". The code "since birth" should be circled only for those people who have been living in that place uninterrupted since birth time. If the person moved in, code--2 will be circled. If the person was born in the place that he or she lived but moved to another place in a previous time more than a six months period and came back, this will be defined as "moved in".

Also people who are responding on behalf of others living abroad should give the permanent address of those people where they lived in Mongolia prior.

[p. 21]

People like those with citizenship in Mongolia but born abroad and with foreign citizenship living in Mongolia for a long time should be enumerated as "moved in". Skip Questions 9-10 and ask Q--11 of those people who answered that they were living in the present place since birth time.

We will not consider how many times a person has moved and how many different places the person lived prior to the census of those people who responded "moved in". Only the place the person lived just before the census will be noted in the space behind category aimag, capital city/country/. See the appropriate code from annex-1 for those people who answered moved in and see codes from annex-5 for those with Mongolian citizenship who came from abroad and those with foreign citizenship living in Mongolia during the census time.

The year the person moved in the present place will be recorded as the year the person moved in.

Morocco 1982 — source variable MA1982A_RESYRS — Years at current residence (commune)
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Q11: Duration of residence
Specify the duration of residence in the place where the person currently lives.
For persons who never moved from the place where they are enumerated, write "MRA = same as actual residence".


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11. Length of residence
Remember the length of the residence in the town or village where the person lives. For people who never changed their town or village of residence, write "MRA".

Morocco 1994 — source variable MA1994A_DURRES — Duration of residence (in current town/village)
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Q12. Length of residence:
Remember the length of residence in a town or village where the person lives. For people who have never changed their town or village of residence, write "99".


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Individuals: (multiple records)

Q12. Length of residence: ____

Remember length of residence in town or village where person lives. For people who have never changed their town of village of residence write "99".

Morocco 2004 — source variable MA2004A_DURRES — Duration at current residence, in years
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Q22: Duration of residence: at current residence. For individuals who have changed place of residence note the number of years in the current place of residence.

Myanmar 2014 — source variable MM2014A_RESDUR — Duration of residence
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For all members of the household (1 through 18)
[Question 1 through 18 were asked of all persons living in the household.]

Place of usual residence

15. Duration in place of usual residence (in years)_ _

If less than 1 year write "00".
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Question 15: Duration in place of usual residence (completed years)

156. Ask "how many years has [the respondent] lived in current place of usual residence?" This is the number of years in completed years a person has lived in the township where he/she usual resides. This must be written in completed years. This is the number of years a person has been continuously living in this place without migration to other place for long periods.

157. If the exact number of years is not known, try to estimate the number of years as you did for age of the respondent. If less than one year write "00". Kindly note that the visitors in a household will have their usual place of residence elsewhere and hence it should be asked with respect to that place

158. For a person being enumerated in a township where he/she was born and have never moved, the number of years should be the same as their age since they have stayed in that township throughout their life.

Nepal 2001 — source variable NP2001A_DURRES — Duration of residence at the district of enumeration
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4. Where is ____ place of birth?
(Code must be encircled, if the place of birth is other district or other country the name must be specified)

[] 1 Same district (skip to question 7)
[] 2 Other district ____

i. VDC ____
ii. Municipality ____

[] 3 Other countries ____

Only for code 2 and 3 in question 4
[Questions 5 and 6 were asked of persons whose district of birth is different from the present district of residence, per question 4.]

5. What is ____ duration of stay here?

(Completed years must be given: 00 for less than 1 year)

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Column 5: What is duration of stay here?
(Only for that person whose place of birth is another district or another country; it means that the birth place is not in the current living place).

Duration of stay in this district refers to the interval of time, from birth up to the census, in the place of enumeration and also the interval of time of living in other places in the same district regularly from the initial moment. The duration of residence should be mentioned in the completed years; if one year is not completed then write '00'. If the complete duration stay is 3 years and 7 months then write 3 years only. Residence refers to the usual place of residence.

Example: Four years ago, Dhanalaxmi Maharjan was living in Kathmandu district, currently she is living in Bhaktapur. Indra Maharjan aged 9, the son of Dhanalaxmi Maharjan is also living with his mother. The birth of Indra Maharjan was taken place in Patan hospital when they were living in Kathmandu. The parent's home of Dahanalaxmi Maharjan is Patan and her birth was also taken place in Patan. Now for the purpose of expressing the place of birth and duration of stay for both persons, the place of birth for Dhanalaxmi is Lalitpur and duration of stay in this district should be mentioned 4 years. For Indra Maharjan, the birth place is Kathmandu and duration of stay in this district 4 years should be mentioned.

Nepal 2011 — source variable NP2011A_RESDUR — Years in district of residence
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Personal Information

[17] How long [the respondent] has been staying here?

Only for code 2 and 3 in Question 16. [For respondents who have moved to this district at some point in their lives.]
[Write down completed year; enter "00" if less than one year]
Year ____
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Migration [columns 16-19]

Column 17: how long [the respondent] have been living here?
(Only for those whose birthplace were in another district or country)

This question is asked to persons whose birthplace is different from where they are living currently, i.e. it was in another district or country. This means the person was not born in this country but migrated from elsewhere. Ask such person how many years since he or she migrated here and write clearly in number. E.g. If he or she has been living here for 3 years and seven months, the completed years is 3 years and write it as 3. If they have not even completed one year, write "00". Living means that the person has been usually in the place.

Pakistan 1973 — source variable PK1973A_RESDUR — Duration of continuous residence
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Internal migration
[Questions 8-10.]

9. Duration of continuous residence in this locality (write duration in completed years) ____

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5.3 Duration of continuous residence in this locality. (Sample area Col. 9)
The question will be asked of how long this member of household (by entered name) has been residing in this area (sample area). This period will be counted since that person used to live in this locality regularly and period spent till this survey. By area means present in that village, town or city in which his housing unit is situated. If he has gone out from this area on leave, business tour, for medical treatment, to see someone, etc for a few days, even then it will be considered that his stay in this area is continuous. The enumerators will write duration of residence of every member of the household in completed years. If the duration of residence is less than one year then write less than one year.

Panama 1960 — source variable PA1960A_RESDUR — Duration of residence
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7. Since when have you lived in this city, town or hamlet?
Write the year. If the person has always lived here or is in transit mark the appropriate box and do not ask question number 8.

[] X Always
[] Y In transit
Since ____ (year)

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(Applicable to persons of all ages)
(Questions 1-10)

Question 7 Since when have you lived in this city, town or hamlet?

Mark this box (Always []X) if the enumerated person has lived in the city, town or hamlet where he/she is being enumerated all his/her life. Mark this box (In transit []Y) when the person does not reside in the place or is in transit through it. In this box also, mark students who only live in the place where they are being enumerated during the period of classes. In both cases, skip question 8.
If the person lived before in another city, town or hamlet, write down in the corresponding space (Since ____ year) the year in which the person moved to the city, town or hamlet where the person currently resides. Example: 1939. If the person does not remember the year well, try to find it out through some references: (the age of the person; marriage dates, when the first child was born, etc.).

Panama 1980 — source variable PA1980A_RESDURYR — Year of residence
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7. How long have you lived in this locality or hamlet?
This refers to the place or hamlet of enumeration. Mark the appropriate box. If marking none of the boxes, write the month and year.

[] Always
[] Temporarily (de paso)
[] In transit (en tránsito)

[In the case of these three options,] skip to question 9.

Since ____ (month), 19_ _ (year)

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Question 7 How long have you lived in this locality or hamlet?

Mark the box "Always" if the person declares to have always lived in the locality where enumerated. Be certain that the person has always lived in this locality without having resided for some amount of time away from it. In this case, the date in which the person returned to settle down will be written down and question 8 will be asked.
Mark the box "In passing" when the person declares to not reside in or to be in passing through the enumerated locality. This box also should be marked for students who only live in this locality during the period of classes.
Mark the box "In transit" en the case of persons who live abroad and are found in this dwelling because of vacation or personal reasons.
If the person claims to have lived before in another locality or hamlet, write down in the corresponding space the month and year of moving to the locality or hamlet lived in currently. Example: December 1975. If the person does not remember well the month and year of moving to this locality or hamlet try to guess it through some reference; the age of the person; completion of studies, employment search, etc.
For those who claim to have "always" lived in the same locality or hamlet of enumeration, or are "in passing" or "in transit", continue the interview with question 9.

Paraguay 1992 — source variable PY1992A_YRIMMIG — Year of arrival to current place of residence
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Section IV. Population information

7. Where were you born?

(Place where the mother was living at the time of the enumerated person's birth)
Mark "here" if born in this place, if not, mark "other place" and write the name of the district and the department. If born abroad, write the name of the country and the year of arrival as a permanent resident in Paraguay. (If a tourist, write 98 in "year of arrival")

[] 1 Here
[] 6 Other place

____ District
____ Department or country
_ _ Year of arrival

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Question 7: Where was he/she born?

This refers to the place where the mother of the person being enumerated lived when the person being enumerated was born. You should not confuse the geographic location, for example, the hospital, the maternity hospital, or another place where the mother went to give birth to her child.

7. Where was he/she born?

(The place where the mother lived when the person being enumerated was born. Mark "here" if he/she was born in this place, if not, mark "other place", and write the name of the district and the department. If he/she was born in another country, write the name of the country and year of arrival in Paraguay to stay here. If he/she is a tourist, write 98 for "year of arrival".)

[x] 1 Here
[] 6 Other place
District ____
Department or country ____
Year of arrival [ _ _ ]

Example: If he/she was born in the National Maternity [hospital] and his/her mother lived in San Lorenzo, you should consider that the place of birth is San Lorenzo and not Asunción.

[page] 27

Mark "here" if he/she was born in the place where you are enumerating, without noting district or department. If it is not the case, mark "another place" and write the name of the district and the department in the blank spaces.

If he/she was born in another country, write the country and the year of arrival to stay in Paraguay. If he/she is a tourist, write the country of origin and as year of arrival, write 98.

Philippines 1990 — source variable PH1990A_MOVEYR — Year moved to current city/municipality
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5 Years Old and Older
[Questions P15-P22 apply to persons 5 years old and over]

P16. When did [respondent] move to this city/municipality?

___ Enter "0" if since birth.

Otherwise, enter month and year.
__ Mo.
__ Yr.

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P15 and P16 Previous Residence

Data on previous residence are vital for projects concerning housing and industrial development. Estimates of migration are needed for preparing population projections necessary for planning and policy purposes. Distribution of internal migration at certain geographic level will be better judged as to its implications to social changes given a detailed analysis of the volume and trend of internal migration.

The questions on previous residence pertain to the place where a person has lived before his present residence and when he moved to his present residence.

Ask the question in P15, "In what city/municipality did _____ live before moving to this place?" for all persons 5 years old and over. Enter code 8 in P15 if the person's previous residence is the same as his present residence. However, if his previous residence is in another city/municipality, write the name of the city/municipality and province on the space provided.

For those whose previous residence is in a foreign country, enter code 7 in the code box provided in P15.

If the respondent does not know the previous residence of the members of the household, ask the person himself about his previous residence. However, if the person does not recall or know the name of the city/municipality where he lived before his present residence after exhaustive probing, enter code 9 for unknown in the code boxes.

Ask the respondent the question in P16, "When did move to this city/municipality?" for all members of the household who are 5 years old and over. Specify the month and year where each person moved to the city/municipality (present residence).

For example:

Mo. JAN.
Yr. 1978

If the person has lived in his present residence since birth, enter 0 (zero) in the code box.

Poland 2002 — source variable PL2002A_YRARR — Year of arrival to the locality
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17. Since when have you lived/stayed in this locality? (urban, rural community - gmina)
If at length of your stay outside a current place of residence in years 1989-2002 was 12 months or more - please fill in answer 3. If the answer is: 1 or 2 - go to question 19; 3 - fill in the year (for years 2001 and 2002 - month and year) and go to question 18

[] 1 Since birth day, go to question 19
[] 2 Since 1988 or longer, go to question 19
[] 3 Since 1989 or shorter, go to question 18
_ _ Month
_ _ _ _ Year
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Question 17. Since when have you lived/stayed in the locality? (urban, rural community -- gmina) [p. 36-37]

Please Notice: The locality is a village or city. Warsaw which is divided into 11 communities (gmina) should be treated as one city of Warsaw.
Page 10
Answer 1. since birthday should be indicated for every person living in the locality since birthday if they did not leave the locality for longer than 12 months. The answer should also be chosen if a person left the locality for longer than 12 months due to:
Military service,


Being abroad when working in embassies,

Relocation due to war.
2. Answer 1 does not correspond to an exact address but the locality (village, city). When the locality is a combination of urban and rural area, moving from one to another is not treated as living in the same locality.

3. If a person is enumerated in his/her family locality but was born abroad due to a mother?s temporary stay abroad -- answer 1 should be chosen and the country of birth should be specified in question 15.

4. A person who came back to his/her family locality after an absence lasting longer than 12 months, the year of arrival should be written in and answer 2 or 3 should apply. If a person left the locality for minimum 1 year more than once, the last date of arrival should be taken into account.

5. In case of repatriates, reemigrants, foreigners born in Poland but having no stay permit should choose answer 2 or 3.

Poland 2002 — source variable PL2002A_YRLOC — Time living in locality
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17. Since when have you lived/stayed in this locality? (urban, rural community - gmina)
If at length of your stay outside a current place of residence in years 1989-2002 was 12 months or more - please fill in answer 3. If the answer is: 1 or 2 - go to question 19; 3 - fill in the year (for years 2001 and 2002 - month and year) and go to question 18

[] 1 Since birth day, go to question 19
[] 2 Since 1988 or longer, go to question 19
[] 3 Since 1989 or shorter, go to question 18
_ _ Month
_ _ _ _ Year
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Question 17. Since when have you lived/stayed in the locality? (urban, rural community -- gmina) [p. 36-37]

Please Notice: The locality is a village or city. Warsaw which is divided into 11 communities (gmina) should be treated as one city of Warsaw.
Page 10
Answer 1. since birthday should be indicated for every person living in the locality since birthday if they did not leave the locality for longer than 12 months. The answer should also be chosen if a person left the locality for longer than 12 months due to:
Military service,


Being abroad when working in embassies,

Relocation due to war.
2. Answer 1 does not correspond to an exact address but the locality (village, city). When the locality is a combination of urban and rural area, moving from one to another is not treated as living in the same locality.

3. If a person is enumerated in his/her family locality but was born abroad due to a mother?s temporary stay abroad -- answer 1 should be chosen and the country of birth should be specified in question 15.

4. A person who came back to his/her family locality after an absence lasting longer than 12 months, the year of arrival should be written in and answer 2 or 3 should apply. If a person left the locality for minimum 1 year more than once, the last date of arrival should be taken into account.

5. In case of repatriates, reemigrants, foreigners born in Poland but having no stay permit should choose answer 2 or 3.

Romania 1977 — source variable RO1977A_RESYR — Year moved to current locality
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If the persons had changed his domicile from the address where it was born, it will be mentioned:

08. Year of establishing the domicile _ _ _ _
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55. The year of establishing in the actual legal residence locality (column 08). The year of establishing the actual legal residence locality will be recorded for the persons who had a different previous legal residence than the present place.

The cassette designated with the year of establishment of the actual legal residence for the persons who lived permanently, after the birth, in the actual legal residence place (locality) will be not filled in. The enumerator will inscribe the last two digits of the year when the person has established its legal residence, the first two being preprinted on the form. If the person has established the legal residence before 1901, the enumerator will inscribe the figures 00.

The persons born in a locality where they have the actual legal residence, but in the past they changed, for a certain period, the legal residence to other place, returning later to the birthplace, will be considered as the year of establishment the returning year to the present legal residence. In addition, the pupils and students which have studied in another locality, but who came back to their parents' home, are considered as having changed their legal residence.

For pupils and students who came in the locality for studying, the year when they started the classes in this locality will be written.

Persons who were absent from the place for one of the following reasons will be considered also as living permanently, after the birth: for [text not readable] year of establishment the returning year to the present legal residence. Her address [text not readable] persons in compulsory military service; persons who have to expiate a punishment privative of liberty; persons who have been inmate of sanitary units for treatment; persons on duty outside the country; persons on seasonal working; persons evacuated during the war, whether they returned to the birth place.

Romania 1992 — source variable RO1992A_YRLEGRES — Year of establishing legal residence
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5 Year of establishment in the locality of legal residence
19 _ _

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Chapter IV - Data on Persons Registered in Households

44. All persons in the household will be recorded in this chapter, regardless whether they were present in the household or absent at the census reference point - "0" hour on the night of January, 6 to 7, 1992, or whether persons had left the household temporarily or for a longer period to work, to study, or for some other reason. Persons temporarily present in the household at the census reference point will not be recorded in this chapter, but in Chapter V.

Q. 5 Year of establishment in the legal locality of residence

52. The year of establishment in the legal locality of residence (that legal residence recorded at Q. 3 as it appears on the identification card of the enumerated person), will be recorded in the right-hand boxes only for persons who had different previous legal residence (recorded at Q. 4) than the present place.

The effective year when the persons have established their legal residence in the locality will be recorded as the year of establishment. In this respect only the last two figures of the establishment year will be written in the boxes, the first ones being pre-printed on the form. If the person came to the locality before 1901, the enumerator will record the year 1900.

For persons born in a locality where they have actual legal residence who, in the past, changed legal residence to another place for a while but later returned to their birthplace, consider the year of establishment as the year the person returned to the present legal residence.

For persons who lived permanently since birth in the actual legal residence locality, this box will be not filled.

Also considered to have lived permanently in the locality are persons who, since birth, have been absent from the place for one of the following reasons: persons in compulsory military service; persons serving a sentence; persons who have been inmates of sanitary treatment units; persons on duty outside the country; persons at seasonal work; persons evacuated during war, whether or not they returned to their birthplace. In the same situation are persons who left the locality for an extended period of time for work, school, or for other reasons, because in this case no change of the legal residence occurred, only that of usual residence.

Romania 2002 — source variable RO2002A_RESYR — Year of establishing actual legal residence
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_ _ _ _ 7. Year legal residence was established
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The year of establishing the actual legal residence (item 7)

54. The year of establishing the actual legal residence (that legal residence written at the item 5 -- as it appears on the identification card of the enumerated

[p. 40]

person), will be recorded only for the persons who had different previous legal residence (recorded on the item 6) than the present place.

As year of establishment will be recorded the effective year when the persons have established their legal residences. In this respect all the four figures of the establishment year will be written on the boxes.

The persons born in a locality where they have the actual legal residence, but in the past they changed, for a certain period of time, the legal residence to other place, returning later to the birth place, will be considered as the year of establishment the returning year to the present legal residence.

Will not fill up the cassette designated to the year of establishment the actual legal residence -- for the persons who lived permanently, after the birth, in the actual legal residence place (locality).

Will be considered as living permanently, after the birth:

-- the persons who were absent from the place for one of the following reasons:

a) persons in compulsory military service;
b) persons who have to expiate by a liberty-depriving punishment;
c) persons who have been inmate of sanitary units for treatment;
d) persons on duty outside the country;
e) persons on seasonal working;
f) persons evacuated during the war, whether they returned to the birth place.

-- the persons who left the locality for a longer period of time (for work, study, for other reasons), because on this case no changes of the legal residence occurred, but only of the usual residence.

Romania 2011 — source variable RO2011A_LOCYRS — Years residing in current locality

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Russia 2002 — source variable RU2002A_RESDUR2 — Year moved to current locality
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21. Have you lived continuously in this town (municipality or rural district) ever since you were born?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[If answer no in question 20]
1. Indicate the year from which you have lived here continuously. If a year between 1989 and 2002 is shown, go to sub-question 2. ____
2. Indicate where were you living in January 1989?
(a) Name of autonomous district, region, district or republic of the Russian Federation or name of another State ________
(b) Type of location in which you were living
[] Urban
[] Rural
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Question 12. Have you been living continuously in this city (urban settlement or rural area of the district) since birth?
The continuity of residence does not depend on the registration or its type (permanent or provisional).
The "Yes" prompt should be checked off for those who have been living in this population center since birth.
The continuity of residence is not deemed disrupted by:

- The movement from one rural population center to another within the boundaries of the same administrative district;
- The movement within the boundaries of the same city (town);
- All departures from the given locality not implying a change of the place of permanent residence (on vacation, visit to friends or relatives etc.).

Check off the "No" option for those who have not been living in a population center or rural area of the district since birth, including those who were born here but left the locality for permanent residence elsewhere for some time. For example, a respondent went to study at an institute and lived at the place of learning, or served a sentence in a penal institution. The "No" option should be chosen for those who moved from urban population centers to rural areas (or the opposite) within one and the same administrative distinct.
Ask the persons with the "No" option checked off the following sub-question:
1. Indicate the year since which you have been continually residing here.
Put down the year (in digits) reported by the respondent since which he/she has been continually residing in the given town or rural area of the district. For those who left this population center for permanent residence in other places, indicate the year since which they have been living here upon their return. For example, if a person was born in this locality in 1945, left it to study in another town in 1962, and came back in 1967, you should indicate " 1967".
If you indicated years from 1989 to 2002, ask another sub-question:
2. Where did you reside in January of 1989? (Children born after January 1989 do not have to answer the question).
a) Name of the autonomous republic, autonomous region, territory, region, autonomous area of the Russian ·Federation, republic of the former Soviet Union or another state.
[p. 65]
For those who in January of 1989 resided in the Russian Federation, put down in writing the name of the autonomous republic (territory, region, autonomous region or area, cities of Moscow or Leningrad) in the respective field (box). For those who in 1989 lived outside the Russian Federation, ind1cate the name of the state (including republics of the former Soviet Urn on).
Administrative and territorial changes wh1ch took place after January 1989 are disregarded.
Do not complete the field for digits located after the entry of the place of residence made in writing.
b) Type of the population center you were residing in.
Check off the prompt corresponding to the type of population center where the respondent lived in January of 1989. If he, she lived in a town or urban-type community (industrial or resort community), check off the "Urban" option, if he/she lived in a rural locality - check off the "Rural" option. The administrative and territorial changes which took place after the departure of the respondent from the former place of residence are disregarded. For example, if the status of a rural population center where a respondent resided before departure to the present locality was later upgraded to the status of an urban community or incorporated into a town, choose the "Rural" option.

Russia 2010 — source variable RU2010A_RESDUR2 — Year moved to current locality
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12. Migration

12.1 Since what year have you permanently resided at this settlement (locality)?

[] From birth
[If since birth] For women - please, go to Question 13. For men - the end of interview on the Form L.
[] Year _ _ _ _
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Section 12. Migration

Question 12.1. From which year do you permanently live in this settlement?
Those who since birth permanently live in the settlement where they are enumerated, shall be marked as "since birth".
If "since birth" is marked:

- Women - go to question 13;
- Men - end of questionnaire of form L.

Those who don't live in this settlement since birth, including those, who were born here, but moved away from this settlement for permanent residence in another settlement, shall mark in figures the year since which the respondent permanently lives in this settlement.
The continuity of residence doesn't depend on the presence of registration (certificate of residence) and its nature (permanent or temporary).
The following departures from this settlement that are unrelated to relocation do not break the continuity of residence:

- Journeys for vacation, treatment, to friends, relatives;
- Boarding school service;
- Short term (up to 1 year) departures on business trips, for work (including rotation based work) or study;
- Annual military trainings.

The continuity of residence in this settlement is broken by:

- Departures for studying in professional education institutions (college, university, academy, technical school etc.) with residence at the place of education;
- Long business trips (for 1 year and longer);
- Military service (by call-out);
- Sentence serving in detention place.

For those who left the settlement for permanent residence in other places, a year since which they live here after the return shall be indicated. For example, if the person was born in this settlement in 1945, departed for studying in another city in 1962, and returned here in 1967, then "1967" shall be written.
If the year of move is 2008 and earlier:

- Women - go to question 13;
- Men - end of questionnaire of form L.

Those, who moved to this settlement in the period from November 2009 to October 2010, shall answer the question 12.2.

Rwanda 1991 — source variable RW1991A_RESDUR — Duration of residence in the current township
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For all persons
[Questions P1 to P15 were asked of all persons]

P10. Duration of residence _ _

How long, in years, have you lived in this commune (township)?

Rwanda 2002 — source variable RW2002A_RESDUR — Duration of residence
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A. Questions to be asked to all members of the household
[Questions 1-14.]

P09. Duration of residence

How long has ____ lived in this place?

If less than a year, write 00
If since birth, write 99. In this case, go to P11

_ _ In years

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P09: Duration of residence

One must fill in column P09 with the number of years spent by the person in the current place of residence, without migrating in between.

If the enumerated person has never migrated from the place where he/she was born, one will write in the (appropriate) boxes "99" and one will go to question P11.

Slovenia 2002 — source variable SI2002A_RESDUR — Duration of residence

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

South Sudan 2008 — source variable SS2008A_DURRES — Duration of residence
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Details of persons in the household -- All household members
[Questions 1 to 14: All persons]

10. How many years has [the respondent] lived continuously in the state of usual residence?

If less than one year, code "0". If foreigner less than one year, code "99"
_ _

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Q10 "How many years has [the respondent] lived continuously in the state of usual residence?"
  • You may refer back to the state and county mentioned in question 9, "How many years has [the respondent] lived in Wulu county in Lakes State?" for example.
  • Write the number of years of residence as of census night in the boxes provided and shade the corresponding digits.
  • If the person has lived in the state for less than one year, write code "00" and shade the corresponding digits.
  • If the person is a visitor and has no usual state of residence, write "99" and shade the corresponding digits.

Be sure to check the duration of residence with the age of a particular person. If a person's age was given or estimated as 32 and the respondent states that this person has been a resident of the state for 35 years, then you should stop and verify which answer is correct -- the person's age or their duration of residence. A person cannot live in a state longer than they have been alive.

Spain 1981 — source variable ES1981A_MOVEYR — Year of change of municipality
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7. Place of residence on December 31, 1970.
To be answered only by those persons who are over age 10 and who came to live in this municipality after 1970.
-The municipality where you were living on December 31, 1970.
-The province (or country, if you came from another country) where you were living on December 31, 1970.
-The year you arrived in this municipality.
___ Municipality
___ Province _ _
1 9 _ _ year
_ _ _ _

Spain 1991 — source variable ES1991A_YRMUNI — Year of arrival to municipality of residence
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17. To be answered only by persons who have resided in another municipality in the past ten years
Indicate the year in which you made this municipality your place of residence. Also specify your previous place of residence.
1 9 _ _ Year

[] 1 Moved from another municipality in Spain:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
[] 6 Moved from a foreign country
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Spain 2001 — source variable ES2001A_YRMUNI — Year of arrival in municipality
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5. Since what year have you resided in the following places? (answer even if it is since birth):
_ _ _ _ Spain
_ _ _ _ This Autonomous community
_ _ _ _ This municipality
If you previously resided in another municipality or country, write it below:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Spain 2011 — source variable ES2011A_ARRIVMUN — Year of arrival to municipality
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Attention! Answer the questions in order and following the indications.

1. Since what year does he/she reside in this dwelling?

Since this year _ _ _ _
[] Since he/she was born (continue on to question 3)
And in this municipality?
Since this year _ _ _ _
[] Since he/she was born (continue on to question 3)
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1.B.3 Year of arrival to the municipality

The definition and justification is the same as in the previous variables. Complete with details about the last interior migrations.

Categories of this variable

Resided in another municipality at some point and arrived to this one before 1960
Resided in another municipality at some point and arrived to this one between 1960 and 1969
Resided in another municipality at some point and arrived to this one between 1970 and 1979
Resided in another municipality at some point and arrived to this one between 1980 and 1989
Resided in another municipality at some point and arrived to this one between 1990 and 1999
Arrived to the municipality after 1999 (this information will be disaggregated year by year)

Sudan 2008 — source variable SD2008A_DURRES — Duration of residence
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10. How many years has [the respondent] lived continuously in the state of usual residence?
If less than one year, code "0". If foreigner less than one year, code "99"

_ _

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Q10 "How many years has [the respondent] lived continuously in the state of usual residence?"
  • You may refer back to the state and county mentioned in question 9, "How many years has [the respondent] lived in Wulu county in Lakes State?" for example.
  • Write the number of years of residence as of census night in the boxes provided and shade the corresponding digits.
  • If the person has lived in the state for less than one year, write code "00" and shade the corresponding digits.
  • If the person is a visitor and has no usual state of residence, write "99" and shade the corresponding digits.

Be sure to check the duration of residence with the age of a particular person. If a person's age was given or estimated as 32 and the respondent states that this person has been a resident of the state for 35 years, then you should stop and verify which answer is correct -- the person's age or their duration of residence. A person cannot live in a state longer than they have been alive.

Thailand 1970 — source variable TH1970A_DURRES — Length of residence
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[Questions 11-16 are asked of persons 5 years and over]

11. Length of residence in this village or Municipal Area (Number of years) ______

If recorded fewer than 5 years in question 11, answer questions 12 and 13.

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[From column 11 to column 16, record only persons who are 5 years or older. For children who are 4 years old or younger, write a dash.]

Columns 11 through 13: Migration in the last 5 years

Column 11: Length of stay
Ask: "For how long has the person been living in this village or this municipal area?"
Record the number of years that the person has lived in that village or municipal area.

If that person has lived there less than 1 year, record "0".

If the number of years is less than 5 years, consider that person as "moved" and continue asking questions in columns 12 and 13.

If the number of years is 5 years or more, consider that person as "not moved" and write a dash in columns 12 and 13.

For children younger than 5 years old, write a dash.

Thailand 1980 — source variable TH1980A_DURRES — Length of residence
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For person 5 years and older or those who were born before and in the year 1974 (tiger year)
[Questions L16-L20 were asked of persons age 5 and over.]

L18. How long has [respondent] been living in this village or municipality consecutively? ____

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Column 18 - 21 Migration

Ask those who are 5 years old and over, or who were born before or in 1974 (Tiger year)

Column 18

Ask "How long have you been living in this village/municipality?"

For those temporarily leaving for aboard and being there on the date of census, do not ask this column.

Record "number of years" the person has been living in the village/municipality as of the date of census. If that person has lived less than 1 year, record "0."

Thailand 1990 — source variable TH1990A_DURRES — Length of residence
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L15. Duration of present residence
How many years has (name) been living in this village/municipal area? _ _
Record number of year. If less than 1 year record 0. If over 5 years skip to L19. If do not know, ask whether living over or less than 5 years. Record over 5 years or less than 5 years.

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Columns 12-18:
[Ask everyone]

Columns 15-18: Migration

Column 15: Duration of Present Residence
Ask: "............ (name) ............. how many years you have been living continuously in this village or in this municipality.?"
Record the "number of years" for which a person has lived continuously in the village or municipality until 1 April, 1990.

If the respondent has lived there for less than 1 year, record "0".
If the respondent cannot tell the number years for which he/she has lived in the village or municipality, ask whether he/she has lived there for more than 5 years or less than 5 years.
[] If it is less than 5 years, record "less than 5 years".
[] If it is more than 5 years, record "more than 5 years".

Thailand 2000 — source variable TH2000A_DURRES — Years at present residence
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L24. Duration of present residence
[] 0 Less than 1 year
[] 1 1 year
[] 2 2 years
[] 3 3 years
[] 4 4 years
[] 5 Less than 5 years
[] 6 5 years and over
[] 7 Children age 0-4 year who are living here since birth

If record code "6-7", end interview

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Column L24: Duration of present residence

[p. 121]

[Table summarizing column L24 in not presented here]

Procedure for recording the form
Question asked [of respondent]: "How many years have you been staying continuously in this village or in this municipality?"
Record the code for the number of years a person has lived continuously in the village or municipality until April 1st, 2000. If the answer is "Do not know", ask the person whether he/she has been staying here for fewer or more than 5 years.

[] 0 Less than 1 year

Record code "0"
[] 1 1 year
Record code "1"
[] 2 2 years

Record code "2"
[] 3 3 years
Record code "3"
[] 4 4 years
Record code "4"
[] 5 Less than 5 years

Record code "5"
[] 6 5 years and over
Record code "6"
[] 7 Children aged 0-4 years who living here since birth
Record code "7"
If record code "6" or "7", do not ask column L25-L27

Togo 1960 — source variable TG1960A_RESDUR — Years living in municipality
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Length of residence
[] Years _ _
[] Months _ _
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Column 14: Residence in the municipality
Two parts relate to this question:

a) Presence or absence during the census, to be entered as indicated in code number 11;
b) The length of residence expressed in years and months
[p. 8]

For 3 years, complete as:

Year: 03; Month XX

For 6 months, complete as:

Year: 00; Month 06

For unknown, complete as:

Year: XX; Month XX

If the length of residence declared is expressed in years and months, only retain the years.
In the event that an occasional presence (letter 0) if the length of stay is not indicated enter ZZ: ZZ (letters Z).

Verify the plausibility of the response to this question in relation to the age of the declarant, this latter should be higher than or equal to the period of residence. In the contrary case, consider the completion of column 14 as incorrect and enter x.

c) For persons born in the municipality of residence.

When the period of residence is equal to the age of the interested party, the latter is born in the municipality in which they reside: enter 0 in the margin on the right, at the level of line concerning it.

Togo 2010 — source variable TG2010A_RESDUR — Years living in canton of current residence
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Resident persons
[Columns P11 - P15 were asked of all resident persons.]

(P11) Duration in current residence _ _

Record the length in past years and put 00 for less than one year. For those residing since birth put 98 in the boxes
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A- Sociodemographic characteristics

Columns P11, P12, P13, P14 and P15 concern all the resident members of the household.

Column P11: Period in current residence

Ask the person surveyed how long they have lived in the canton where they are counted by posing the following question: "How long has [the respondent] lived continuously in this canton?"

In the case of Lomé municipality, you will pose the question in relation to the neighborhood in which the persons surveyed live.

Record the period of residence in complete years in the boxes reserved for this purpose. For persons who have never left their canton of birth, record 98 in the boxes.


- For those whose period of residence is less than one year, record: /_0_0/
- For those whose period of residence is equal to 1 year and 11 months, record: /_0_1/
- For those whose period of residence is equal to 3 years, record: /_0_3/
- For those whose period of residence is equal to 40 years, record: /_4_0/
- For those who have never changed canton of residence since their birth, record: /_9_8/

Trinidad and Tobago 1970 — source variable TT1970A_RESDUR — Years living in this county in Trinidad and Tobago
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Section III. Migration

[Question 13-15 asked of all persons.]

13. Number of years lived in this county _ _

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C. Section III - Migration

Questions 13 to 15 deal with movements from one major area to another, whereas question 16 applies only to persons born abroad. Answers to questions 14 and 15 depend on answers to question 13.

42. Question 13 - Number of years lived in this area

Mark the number of years that the individual has been residing in this major area. If the individual was born in this area and has never resided elsewhere in the country, the number of years will be the same as the age of the individual recorded at question 7. This holds even where he has been involved in intermediate movements.

Uganda 1991 — source variable UG1991A_RESDUR — Duration of residence in district
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For All Persons

10. Duration of residence (for how many years has person lived in this district? if less than one year, write 0)

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[Question 1 - 13 apply to all persons]

Question 10 Duration of residence

106. "For how many years has this person lived in this district?"

107. Write the number of years the person has lived in the district where you enumerate him/her. If the person was born in the district and has lived here ever since, write "Born". If the person has lived in the district for less than one year, write "0". If the person does not live in the district but is a visitor or is in the district temporarily, write "Visitor".

108. By "living" we mean either that the person is permanently resident in the district, or that the person is resident in the district for most of the time.

Uganda 2002 — source variable UG2002A_RESDUR — Duration of residence in district
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For all persons

P12 Duration of residence in district How many years has (name) lived in this district continuously? (If less than 1 year, write 00 and if >= 95 write 95, otherwise, write the actual years.) ___

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[Question P1 - P15 apply to all persons]

Question P12: Duration of Residence
Ask, "How many years has (name) lived in this district continuously?"
113. Write the number of years (using a 2 digit code) the person has lived continuously in the district where you enumerate him/her. If the person has lived in the district for less than one year, write "00". If the person has lived in the district for between 1 and 94 years, write the number of completed years lived. If the person has lived in the district for 95 years or more, write 95.
114. If the person does not live in the district but is a visitor or is in the district temporarily, write code 97 for "Visitor". If the person was born in the district and has lived here ever since, write code 98 for "Born".

Uganda 2014 — source variable UG2014A_RESDUR — Years lived continuously in current district
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Section 1: Particulars of household members

For all persons

P13 How many years has [the respondent] lived in this District continuously? For less than one year, record 00. For visitors, record 97 for "N/A". _ _

Uruguay 2006 — source variable UY2006A_YRSLOC — Years lived in this locality
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MI3. How much time has it been since you live without interruption in this city or locality?
[] 1 Always lived here (go to MG1)
[] Not always lived here

[] Number of years living here _ _
[] Living here less than 1 year "00"

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J. Migration

For everyone in the household

MI3. How much time have you lived in this city or locality without interruption?

If the person answers that he always lived here, circle the code 1 "Always lived here" and go to the next module (MG1).

In the contrary case, note the number of years since he resides in the locality or place where he is being interviewed by the person. If it is easier for the person to remember the year in which he established residency in the locality or place where he is being interviewed, make the calculation and record the number of years that he has living in that locality or place. If it's been more than a year, circle the code "00". If the person left the locality for short periods (less than 1 year), since it was because he lived in another locality or country, it is considered that he has always lived in the locality.

Uruguay 2011 — source variable UY2011A_RESDURR — Years of residence
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14. How long has [the respondent] lived without interruptions in this locality or area?
[] 1 Always resided here (finish the module) (PerMi05)
[] 2 Not always resided here
Note the number of years resided here (PerMi05_1) _ _
(00 for those that have resided here less than one year; 30 for those who have resided here 30 years or more)
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How long has he/she lived without interruptions in this locality or area?

If the person answers that he/she always resided here, select this option and go on to the following module.

Keep in mind that if in the previous question he/she has declared that he/she was not born in this locality, the person should respond that he/she did not always reside here.

When the person responds that he/she did not always reside here, you must note the number of years that the person has residing in the locality or area where being interviewed. If it is easier for the informant to remember the year in which the member of the household fixed residency in the locality or area where being interviewed, make the calculation and note the number of years that he/she has residing in this locality or area.

If the person has left the locality for short periods (less than a year), because of living in another locality or country, it is considered that he/she has always lived in that locality.

If it has been less than a year that he/she resides there, note 00. If it is more than 20 years that he/she resides there, note 30.

Venezuela 1981 — source variable VE1981A_TIMEPOPA — Time in populated area
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8. How long have you lived in this populated area?
[] Always lived here [Go on to question 10]
[] Less than a year
[] 1 Year
[] 2 to 4 years
[] 5 to 9 years
[] 10 to 14 years
[] 15 to 19 years
[] 20 years or more

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Question 8

-- How long has the person lived in the populated area [locality]?

This question refers to the uninterrupted time that the person has spent living in the populated area where they usually reside.

If the answer is that they have always lived here, skip to question 10. Otherwise, fill in the oval corresponding to the number of years of continuous residence in the locality and proceed to question 9.

The number of times the person has changed dwellings in the same populated area is not important since it does not interrupt the time of residence there.

Care should be taken to not mark "20 years or more" if the person has lived there all their life.

Zambia 1990 — source variable ZM1990A_RESDURYR — Duration of stay in current district (years)
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P-10 How long has [respondent] been continuously living in this district?
(Enter completed years and months)

Years _ _
Months _ _
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P - 10 How long has [name] been continuously living district?
(District of enumeration)
23.A person can live in the same district from birth without moving. Others may move from district to district, changing residence over time. For those who move it is possible to keep coming back to the same district. What we are interested in is the length of their present unbroken or continuous residence in this district. Enter the number of completed years in the first two boxes and the number of months in the next two. Thos who have not completed a month yet will have 01 entered in the boxes for months and 00 in the boxes for years.

[Example is omitted here.]

Zambia 2000 — source variable ZM2000A_DURYEARS — Duration of residence in years
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10 . Residence
Enter Completed years and months living continuously in this district

Year: __ __
Months: __ __
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P10: How Long Has Been Continuously Living in this District? (District of Enumeration)

A person can live in the same district from bi' th without moving. Others may move from district to district, changing residence over time. Fot those who move, it is possible to keep coming back to the same district. What we are interested in is the length of their present unbroken or continuous residence in this district. Enter the number of completed years in the first two boxes


and the number of months in the next two. For those who have not completed a month yet, enter 00 in the boxes for months and 00 in the boxes for years.

Zambia 2010 — source variable ZM2010A_DURRES — Years living continuously in current place of residence
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P15. How long was [the respondent] been living continuously in (name of current place of residence)
_ _ Years
_ _ Months
Same as head of household [ ]
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P- 15: How long has [the respondent] been living continuously in (name of the current place of residence)?

A person can live in the same district from birth without moving. Others may move from district to district, changing residence over time. For those who move, it is possible to keep coming back to the same district. What we are interested in is the length of their present unbroken or continuous residence in this district. Enter the number of completed years in the first two boxes and the number of months in the next two boxes. For those who have not completed a month yet, enter 00 in the boxes for years and 00 in the boxes for months. If the period that the household member has been living continuously in the current place of residence is the same as that of the head of the household, shade the small box provided and do not enter anything in the boxes for years and months.

Suppose you are in Chinsali District and you come across a person who was born in Serenje District and

lived there until 1991. This person then went to live in Chinsali District where he/she stayed up to 2000, after which he/she moved to Mansa District and then returned to live in Chinsali District in June 2004 where he/she is living up to now. His/her continuous period of residence in this district is from June, 2004 to October 2010 that is 6 years and 4 months. Enter Shade 06 and 04 in the respective boxes. You are not to consider the period of his/her previous residence in the district, eg, the period from 1991 to 2000.