Questionnaire Text

Argentina 1970 Ethiopia 1994 Laos 2015 Romania 2002
Argentina 1980 Ethiopia 2007 Lesotho 1996 Romania 2011
Argentina 1991 Fiji 1966 Lesotho 2006 Russia 2002
Argentina 2001 Fiji 1976 Liberia 1974 Russia 2010
Armenia 2001 Fiji 1986 Liberia 2008 Rwanda 1991
Armenia 2011 Fiji 1996 Malawi 1987 Rwanda 2002
Austria 1971 Fiji 2007 Malawi 1998 Rwanda 2012
Austria 1981 Fiji 2014 Malawi 2008 Saint Lucia 1980
Austria 1991 Finland 2010 Malaysia 1970 Saint Lucia 1991
Austria 2001 France 1962 Malaysia 1980 Senegal 1988
Austria 2011 France 1968 Malaysia 1991 Senegal 2002
Bangladesh 1991 France 1975 Malaysia 2000 Senegal 2013
Bangladesh 2001 France 1982 Mali 1987 Sierra Leone 2004
Bangladesh 2011 France 1990 Mali 1998 Sierra Leone 2015
Belarus 1999 France 1999 Mali 2009 Slovakia 1991
Belarus 2009 France 2006 Mauritius 1990 Slovakia 2001
Benin 1979 France 2011 Mauritius 2000 Slovakia 2011
Benin 1992 Germany 1970 Mauritius 2011 Slovenia 2002
Benin 2002 Germany 1971 Mexico 1960 South Africa 1996
Benin 2013 Germany 1981 Mexico 1970 South Africa 2001
Bolivia 1976 Germany 1987 Mexico 1990 South Africa 2007
Bolivia 1992 Ghana 2000 Mexico 1995 South Africa 2011
Bolivia 2001 Ghana 2010 Mexico 2000 South Africa 2016
Bolivia 2012 Greece 1971 Mexico 2010 South Sudan 2008
Botswana 1981 Greece 1981 Mexico 2015 Spain 1981
Botswana 1991 Greece 1991 Mexico 2020 Spain 1991
Botswana 2001 Greece 2001 Mongolia 1989 Spain 2001
Botswana 2011 Greece 2011 Mongolia 2000 Spain 2011
Brazil 1960 Guatemala 1964 Morocco 1982 Sudan 2008
Brazil 1970 Guatemala 1973 Morocco 1994 Suriname 2004
Brazil 1980 Guatemala 1981 Morocco 2004 Suriname 2012
Brazil 1991 Guatemala 1994 Morocco 2014 Switzerland 1970
Brazil 2000 Guatemala 2002 Mozambique 1997 Switzerland 1980
Brazil 2010 Guinea 1983 Mozambique 2007 Switzerland 1990
Burkina Faso 1985 Guinea 1996 Myanmar 2014 Switzerland 2000
Burkina Faso 1996 Guinea 2014 Nepal 2001 Switzerland 2011
Burkina Faso 2006 Haiti 1971 Nepal 2011 Tanzania 1988
Cambodia 1998 Haiti 1982 Netherlands 1960 Tanzania 2002
Cambodia 2004 Haiti 2003 Netherlands 1971 Tanzania 2012
Cambodia 2008 Honduras 1961 Netherlands 2001 Thailand 1970
Cambodia 2013 Honduras 1974 Netherlands 2011 Thailand 1980
Cambodia 2019 Honduras 1988 Nicaragua 1971 Thailand 1990
Cameroon 1976 Honduras 2001 Nicaragua 1995 Thailand 2000
Cameroon 1987 Hungary 1970 Nicaragua 2005 Togo 1960
Cameroon 2005 Hungary 1980 Pakistan 1973 Togo 1970
Canada 1971 Hungary 1990 Pakistan 1981 Togo 2010
Canada 1981 Hungary 2001 Pakistan 1998 Trinidad and Tobago 1970
Canada 1991 Hungary 2011 Palestine 1997 Trinidad and Tobago 1980
Canada 2001 Indonesia 1971 Palestine 2007 Trinidad and Tobago 2000
Canada 2011 Indonesia 1976 Palestine 2017 Trinidad and Tobago 2011
Chile 1960 Indonesia 1980 Panama 1960 Turkey 1985
Chile 1970 Indonesia 1985 Panama 1970 Turkey 1990
Chile 1982 Indonesia 1990 Panama 1980 Turkey 2000
Chile 1992 Indonesia 1995 Panama 1990 Uganda 1991
Chile 2002 Indonesia 2000 Panama 2000 Uganda 2002
China 1982 Indonesia 2005 Panama 2010 Uganda 2014
China 1990 Indonesia 2010 Papua New Guinea 1980 Ukraine 2001
China 2000 Iran 2006 Papua New Guinea 1990 United Kingdom 1961
Colombia 1964 Iran 2011 Papua New Guinea 2000 United Kingdom 1971
Colombia 1973 Iraq 1997 Paraguay 1962 United Kingdom 1991
Colombia 1985 Ireland 1971 Paraguay 1972 United Kingdom 2001
Colombia 1993 Ireland 1979 Paraguay 1982 United States 1960
Colombia 2005 Ireland 1981 Paraguay 1992 United States 1970
Costa Rica 1963 Ireland 1986 Paraguay 2002 United States 1980
Costa Rica 1973 Ireland 1991 Peru 1993 United States 1990
Costa Rica 1984 Ireland 1996 Peru 2007 United States 2000
Costa Rica 2000 Ireland 2002 Peru 2017 United States 2005
Costa Rica 2011 Ireland 2006 Philippines 1990 United States 2010
Cuba 2002 Ireland 2011 Philippines 1995 United States 2015
Cuba 2012 Ireland 2016 Philippines 2000 United States 2020
Côte d'Ivoire 1988 Israel 1972 Philippines 2010 Uruguay 1963
Côte d'Ivoire 1998 Israel 1983 Poland 1978 Uruguay 1975
Dominican Republic 1960 Israel 1995 Poland 1988 Uruguay 1985
Dominican Republic 1970 Israel 2008 Poland 2002 Uruguay 1996
Dominican Republic 1981 Italy 2001 Poland 2011 Uruguay 2006
Dominican Republic 2002 Italy 2011 Portugal 1981 Uruguay 2011
Dominican Republic 2010 Jamaica 1982 Portugal 1991 Venezuela 1971
Ecuador 1962 Jamaica 1991 Portugal 2001 Venezuela 1981
Ecuador 1974 Jamaica 2001 Portugal 2011 Venezuela 1990
Ecuador 1982 Jordan 2004 Puerto Rico 1970 Venezuela 2001
Ecuador 1990 Kenya 1969 Puerto Rico 1980 Vietnam 1989
Ecuador 2001 Kenya 1979 Puerto Rico 1990 Vietnam 1999
Ecuador 2010 Kenya 1989 Puerto Rico 2000 Vietnam 2009
Egypt 1986 Kenya 1999 Puerto Rico 2005 Vietnam 2019
Egypt 1996 Kenya 2009 Puerto Rico 2010 Zambia 1990
Egypt 2006 Kyrgyzstan 1999 Puerto Rico 2015 Zambia 2000
El Salvador 1992 Kyrgyzstan 2009 Puerto Rico 2020 Zambia 2010
El Salvador 2007 Laos 1995 Romania 1977 Zimbabwe 2012
Ethiopia 1984 Laos 2005 Romania 1992
Argentina 1970 — source variable AR1970A_MARST — Marital status
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Other Characteristics
[Questions 18-19.]

19. What is your current marital status?

For all individuals 12 years of age and older.

Ask each question in the order given and upon receiving an affirmative response, mark the appropriate box.

[] 1 Consensual union?
[] 2 Married?
[] 3 Separated or divorced?
[] 4 Widowed?
[] 5 Single?
[] 6 Unanswered

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Other Characteristics

1. In this section there are two questions: number 18 and number 19. Remember that you should ask question 18 of all women who are twelve years old and older.


5. The last question on the census is number 19. This question will be answered by all of the [persons] of [12] years or older (consult the census form).

Ask one question at a time in the indicated order, and when you receive an affirmative response, mark the corresponding box.


6. How would you place the following answers in the census form next to question number 19?

--Single person who lives with her partner under martial condition and in stable condition, without having contracted legal marriage.

[x]1 Consensual union?
[]2 Married?
[]3 Separated or divorced?
[]4 Widow?
[]5 Single?
[]6 Don't know

-- Single person who has never been married and also does not live in a consensual union.
[]1 Consensual union?
[]2 Married?
[]3 Separated or divorced?
[]4 Widow?
[x]5 Single?
[]6 Don't know


7. If you receive this answer:
"Three years ago I was widowed and then I remarried; currently I live with my second wife."

Would you mark box 2 or 4?: [Box 2]


8. If in the previous case you mark box number 4 you will be making a mistake, because you should consider the marital status on the day of the census.

If another person tells you: "Five years ago I got married, shortly after, I separated from my wife and now I live in a union without contracting legal marriage. For the effects of the census, the marital status is:
[x]1 Consensual union?
[]2 Married?
[]3 Separated or divorced?

Argentina 1980 — source variable AR1980A_MARST — Marital status
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C. Population

For all of the persons 14 years and more

[Questions 10-15 were asked of persons age 14 and older.]

15. What is your current civil status?

[] Married
[] Consensual union
[] Separated or divorced
[] Widowed
[] Single
[] Unanswered

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C. Population

Census home is a person or group of persons, related or not, who occupy the same dwelling. You will write down first the name and surname of the head of the household, then ask all the corresponding questions.

You will ask the following questions to all persons 14 years old or older.

15. What is your current civil state?
You will ask the questions in the order that they are presented.

You will ask about the civil state of the enumerated person on the day of the census.

Persons who live in a stable form in apparent matrimony without being married in accordance with the laws will be included filling out the cell "united de facto".

Argentina 1991 — source variable AR1991A_MARST — Marital status
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For all women and men fourteen years of age or older.
[Questions 17-25 were asked of persons age 14 years +.]

[Questions 21-24 were asked of persons age 14+ who had a job last week (did formal or informal work or did not work due to sickness, vacation, etc.), per questions 17-19.]

25. [Marital status]

Currently, you are:

[] In a consensual union
[] Married in a legal union
[] Separated from a union or marriage
[] Divorced from a marriage
[] Widowed from a consensual union or marriage
[] Single, never formed a union or married
[] Unanswered

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The next questions (from 17 to 25) are asked to all women and men 14 years old or older

25. Currently, you are?

Here we mark the de facto conjugal situations at the moment of the Census, not the civil state.
If an enumerated person is male, with this question we end the interview.

Argentina 2001 — source variable AR2001A_MARST — Marital status
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[Questions 20-36 were asked of persons age 14+.]

20. What is your legal civil state?

[] Single
[] Married
[] Divorced
[] Legally separated
[] Widowed
[] Unknown

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Starting here, men and women who are 14 years old and more should answer the questions.

Follow the order of the questions strictly.

Pay attention to the sequence indicated by the arrows and the steps to continue asking the questions.

The questions 20 to 23 refer to the marital status of the persons 14 years old or more.

Question 20: What is your marital status?

The "legal civil status" refers to the situation of every person who is 14 years old or more at the reference date for the Census in relationship to the laws regarding marriage that exist in the country.

Armenia 2001 — source variable AM2001A_MARST — Marital status
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Is not completed for temporary presents
[Questions 16-32 were asked of persons absent and permanently present only. Persons who are temporarily present are not included.]

Q24a: What is your marital status?

[] 1 Never married
[] 2 Married, legally registered
[] 3 Married, unregistered
[] 4 Married, living separately
[] 5 Widowed
[] 6 Divorced, legally registered
[] 7 Divorced, unregistered

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Questions 22-32 are registered only for the people of 15 years old and higher.

Question 24

For the people age 15 and older.

Your marital status

"Never married" prompt code is written for those people who have never been married.

"Married (registered)" prompt code is written for those people who are married at the time of the census and their marriage is registered in the city hall.

"Married/actually (without registration)" prompt code is written for those people who are factually married but they are not registered.

"Married but living separately" prompt code is written for those people who are married (registered or not) but they are living separately.

"Widowed" prompt code is written for those people whose marriage (regardless of being registered or not) was interrupted because of the death of one of the spouses.

"Divorced (registered)" prompt code is written for those people whose marriage was registered but in the present those people are divorced and those facts are registered.

"Divorced factually (without registration)" prompt code is written for those people who were married before (registered or not) but now they are divorced and these facts are not registered.

Armenia 2011 — source variable AM2011A_MARST — Marital status
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[Questions 18-20 are filled in for persons 15 years and over.]

18. Marital status

[] Never married
[] Married (registered)
[] Married (not registered)
[] Marriage carried out only with church canonical ritual
[] Widowed
[] Divorced (registered)
[] Separated (not registered)
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Question 24

Your marital status
The question is registered only for the people of 15 years old and higher.

"Column 24A"
The marital status

"1" "Never married" prompt code is written for those people who have never been married.
"2" "Married (registered)" prompt code is written for those people who are married at the time of the census and their marriage is registered by the Civil Registry Agency.
"3" "Married in fact (not registered)" prompt code is written for those people who are factually married but their marriage is not registered by the Civil Registry Agency.
"4" "Married, only by ritual canon in church" prompt code is written for those people who are married at the time of the census and their marriage is registered only by the ritual canon in Armenian Apostolic church.
"5" "Widowed" prompt code is written for those people whose marriage (regardless of being registered or not) was interrupted because of the death of one of the spouses.
"6" "Divorced (registered)" prompt code is written for those people whose marriage was registered but in the present those people are divorced and those facts are registered by the Civil Registry Agency.
"7" "Divorced in fact (not registered)" prompt code is written for those people who were married before (registered or not) but now they are divorced and these facts are not registered by the Civil Registry Agency.

Austria 1971 — source variable AT1971A_MARST — Marital status
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[Questions 1 - 9 were asked of all persons]

6. Marital status:

[] Single
[] Married

________ Date of marriage (day, month, year)

[] Widowed
[] Divorced

For Question 6, Marital status: The date of the marriage should only be given by married persons, namely for existing marriages.

Austria 1971 — source variable AT1971A_COHAB — Cohabitation status
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[Questions 1 - 9 were asked of all persons]

6. Marital status:

[] Single
[] Married

________ Date of marriage (day, month, year)

[] Widowed
[] Divorced

For Question 6, Marital status: The date of the marriage should only be given by married persons, namely for existing marriages.

Austria 1981 — source variable AT1981A_MARST — Marital status
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(3) Marital Status:
[] Single
[] Married

Date of marriage (current marriage)
Day _ _
Month _ _
Year _ _ _ _

[] Divorced
[] Widowed

Austria 1981 — source variable AT1981A_COHAB — Cohabitation status

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Austria 1991 — source variable AT1991A_MARST — Marital status
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3. Marital status
[] Single
[] Married

Date of marriage (of the present marriage)

Day _ _
Month _ _
Year _ _ _ _

[] Divorced
[] Widowed

3. Marital status: mark your legal marital status

Single: to be marked by all persons who have never been married.
Married: to be marked by persons who are living in not-dissolved marriage, even when they are separated from their spouse.
Divorced: to be marked by those persons who have not remarried, regardless of whether the former spouse is still alive or not.
Widowed: is to be marked if the marriage was ended due to the death of the spouse.
Persons living in a common-law partnership: mark "single", "widowed" or "divorced", depending on what their marital status is. "Married" is only to be marked if the marriage with the separately living spouse is still valid (yet not divorced).

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3, Marital status:
Possible answers: "single," "married," "divorced," "widowed"
For married persons: three writing fields (2-digit) for the date of marriage (day, month, year).

Your legal marital status should be marked.

Single should be marked by all persons who have never been married.

Married should be marked by persons who are living in valid (not divorced) marriage, even if they are separated from their spouse.

Divorced should be marked by those persons who have not remarried, regardless of whether the former spouse is still alive or not.

Widowed should be marked if the marriage was ended due to the death of a spouse.

Persons living in a consensual union should mark "single," "widowed," or "divorced" depending on what their marital status is. "Married" should only be marked if the marriage with the separately living spouse is still valid (not yet divorced).

Purpose of the question:
Marital status is, next to gender and age, a further basic characteristic of the population that is needed for a differentiation of the results (e.g. employed wives, married students) and for projections. The marital status breakdown was subjected to severe changes through the decrease in marriages and increase in divorces.

The date of marriage enables the break down and updating of existing marriages according to duration of marriage. From the comparison of length of marriage and number of children, certain regularities can be derived which make it easier to pre assess the development of the number of births.

Austria 1991 — source variable AT1991A_COHAB — Cohabitation status

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Austria 2001 — source variable AT2001A_MARST — Marital status
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3. Marital status (legal marital status):
[] Single
[] Married, since _ _ _ _ (year of marriage)
[] Divorced
[] Widowed

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3. Marital status:
Explanation: Enter whatever your legal marital status is.
"Married" should be marked for persons living in wedlock (not divorced) even if they live separately from their spouse.
"Divorced" should be marked for persons who are not remarried, regardless of whether their former spouse is still living or not.
"Widowed" should be marked for persons whose marriage ended with the death of the spouse and who are not remarried.

[p. 74]

"Single" should be marked for all persons that have never been married.

Persons living in a consensual union mark the marital status that they legally belong to. "Married" should only be marked, if the marriage with the separate living spouse is still legal (not divorced).
The marital status structure was subjected to severe changes through the decrease in marriages and increase in divorces.

Marital status is also important for the projection of the population development (e.g. how many widowed pensioners will accrue in the future).

The year of marriage is gathered as an aid characteristic for family development (married couples).

Unmarried consensual unions are also accounted for in the results, however, indirectly derived from question 7.

Austria 2001 — source variable AT2001A_COHAB — Cohabitation status

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Austria 2011 — source variable AT2011A_MARST — Legal marital status

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Bangladesh 1991 — source variable BD1991A_MARST — Marital status
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17. Marital status
[] 1. Never married
[] 2. Married
[] 3. Widowed
[] 4. Divorced/Separated

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17. Marital status:
If it is easily understandable from his/her age and relationship that he/she is married then don't ask the question and mark (2) oval cell. Ask "Have (person) ever married?" if you cannot understand. If the answer is "No" then mark (1) under unmarried and if "Yes" ask again "Is he/she currently married?" mark(2) under married if the answer is "Yes" and ask "Is she widow" female respondent and ask for men "Is he is widower?" if the answer is "No". If yes fill the oval cell (3) below widow/widower, and if no fill oval cell (4).

Bangladesh 2001 — source variable BD2001A_MARST — Marital status
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21 Marital status
[] 1 Unmarried
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widow/widower
[] 4 Divorced/Separated

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Question 21: Marital Status
There are four alternative answers of this question, Fill out the appropriate answer oval box for this question.

Question 21: Marital Status
Ask whether the reported person is unmarried or married or having no wife. Fill out the actual oval box for valid information. Fill out oval box (1) for unmarried, oval box (2) for married, oval box (3) for not having wife, and oval box (4) for divorced or separated.

Bangladesh 2011 — source variable BD2011A_MARST — Marital status
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17. Marital status
[] Unmarried
[] Married
[] Widowed
[] Divorced/separated

For questions 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 22, 23, 24 and 25, put x in the relevant box.

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Question-17. Marital Status:
Marital status has been categorized into four categories.
For unmarried enter cross in the 1st check box;
For married enter cross in the 2nd check box;
For widowed enter cross in the 3rd check box;
For divorced/separated/left cross in the 4th check box.

Belarus 1999 — source variable BY1999A_MARST — Marital status
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8. Marital status (for persons aged 15 and over)
[] 1 Never married
[] 2 Registered marriage
[] 3 Common law marriage
[] 4 Widowed
[] 5 Divorced
[] 6 Separated

___ No. of the spouse in the list of residents in the dwelling

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Question 8. Marital status (for persons aged 15 years and over)

For persons aged 15 years and over the code is to be marked, which corresponds to one of the prompts listed.

"Never married" should be marked for persons who have never been either in a registered or in a common law (unregistered) marriage.

"Registered marriage" is to be marked for persons presently married, their marriage being registered with the registry office.

"Common law marriage" is to be marked for persons presently married without registration with the registry office.

For those married the serial No. of the spouse within the dwelling is to be entered, i.e. the number indicated against his/her family name in the list of residents in the dwelling (column 1) if the spouse lives in the same household.

"Widowed" is to be marked for persons having been married earlier (whether their marriage registered or not) whose marriage has been stopped because of the death of the spouse and who have not remarried.

"Divorced" is to be marked for persons who have been earlier in a registered marriage, but at the moment are unmarried, their divorce being registered with the registry office.

"Separated" is to be marked for persons who have been earlier in a registered marriage, but at the moment are unmarried, their divorce not being registered with the registry office, as well as for persons who have been earlier in unregistered marriage and at the moment are separated.

For persons under 15 years of age the answer to this question is usually not to be completed. Only if a person questioned is de facto married, the corresponding response should be marked.

Belarus 2009 — source variable BY2009A_MARST — Marital status
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Form 2H: Personal Questionnaire

4. Your marital status?

For individuals 15 years old and senior.
[Question 4 was asked of persons age 15+.]
[] 1 Was never married
[] 2 Married
[] 3 In common law marriage
[] 4 Widow, widower
[] 5 Officially divorced
[] 6 Split
Number of (cohabiter) spouse (from column 1 of the list of household members in Form 1-premise) _ _ _
[This question was asked of persons who were married or were in common law marriage.]
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33.3. In question 4 "Your marital status?":
- the answer "married" is to be completed for persons in a married couple registered with the civil registry offices;

- the answer "in common law marriage" should be completed for persons in a consensual union who live in the same household and have marriage-like relationship with each other that are not registered with the civil registry offices;

- the answer "widow, widower" is to be completed for persons previously married whose marriage was stopped due to death or adjudication of death case of the spouse and who did not remarry;

- the answer "divorced" is to be completed for persons previously in a registered marriage who at the census moment were unmarried with their divorce being registered with the civil registry office;

- the answer "separated" is to be completed for persons in a registered marriage who do not jointly keep the house. These also include persons previously in unregistered marriage who at the census moment were separated;

Benin 1979 — source variable BJ1979A_MARST — Marital status
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Demographic characteristics (for all person)

(9) Marital status

[] 0. C [single]
[] 1. M, M1 [married with one wife]
[] 2. M2 [married with two wives]
[] 3. M3 [married with 3 wives]
[] 4. M4 [married with 4 wives]
[] 5. M5 [married with 5 or more wives]
[] 6. V [widowed]
[] 7. D [divorced]
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Demographic Characteristics (for each household member)

Column (9): Marital Status
Ask the interviewee if he/she is single, married, widowed, or divorced.

- If single, write down the letter C [first letter of the word single in French]
- If it is a married woman, write down M;
- If it is a married man with one wife (monogamous), write down M1;
- If it is a married man with 2 wives, write down M2;
- If it is a married man with more than 5 wives, always write down M5;
- If the person was married and later lost his/her partner due to death (widow, widower) and has not yet remarried at the time of the census, write down the letter V [first letter of the words widower, widow in French];
- If the person was married and the marriage ended through divorce or separation of the couple (divorce), write down the letter D;
- For each person living with another of the opposite sex and who declares to be living in concubinage or a free union (unmarried), write down M before the name of the person was not widowed or divorced.

Benin 1992 — source variable BJ1992A_MARST — Marital status
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Persons of 10 years or more of age

[Questions in columns 17 - 21 were asked of persons age 10 or older.]

(17) Marital status

[] 0 Single (C)
[] 1 Monogamous marriage (M1)
[] 2 Polygamous marriage with 2 wives (M2)
[] 3 Polygamous marriage with 3 or more wives (M3)
[] 4 Divorced (D)
[] 5 Widowed (V)
[] 6 Separated (S)
[] 7 Free union (UL) [unmarried couple]
[] 9 Undeclared (ND)
[] 8 Not applicable (SO) [persons younger than 10]
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II. How to fill out the questionnaire (Document RGPH 2 Number 1).

Columns (17) to (21): These columns are only for persons older than 10 i.e. born before February 1982.

Column (17): Marital Status
Is considered married, each individual whose union was celebrated in a civil, religious, or customary rite. The census agent shall circle the codes according to the interviewee's answer.

[] 0 Single i.e. a man or a woman who was never been married.
[] 1 M1: monogamous marriage
[] 2 M2: polygamous marriage with 2 wives
[] 3 M3: polygamous marriage with 3 wives
[] 4 M4+: polygamous marriage with 4 or more wives
[] 5 D: divorced for each person whose marriage ended through divorce and has not remarried.
[] 6 V: widowed for each person who was married and has lost his or her partner through death and was not remarried at the time of the census.
[] 7 S: separated for each person previously married but declares to be separated at the time of the census.
[] 8 UL (free union) [unmarried couple] for each person living with a partner without an official celebration of a legal marriage, religious or customary.

Benin 2002 — source variable BJ2002A_MARST — Marital status
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For all persons
[Questions in columns 1 to 11 were asked of all persons]

Now we would like to ask for information on you and the persons habitually living in your household or currently residing in your home

Persons of 10 years or more of age
[Question 23 was asked of persons 10+ years old]

(23) Marital status

[] 0 Single
[] 1 Monogamous marriage
[] 2 Polygamous marriage with 2 wives
[] 3 Polygamous marriage with 3 wives
[] 4 Polygamous marriage with 4 or more wives
[] 5 Divorced
[] 6 Widowed
[] 7 Separated
[] 8 Free union [unmarried couple]
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v) Sociocultural characteristics

Column (23): Marital status
Column (23) only concerns residents of 10 and more years of age. For residents of less than 10, this column does not apply and the census agent shall leave it empty. (To this effect, verify with column 6 i.e. age).
The marital status is a person's situation in relation to marriage defined as the union between a man and a woman according to the laws and customs.
Ask the following question: "What is [the respondent]'s marital status?" and circle the code corresponding to the interviewee's declaration according to the following options.

[] 0. C: Single i.e. a man or a woman who was never been married;
[] 1. M1: monogamous marriage;
[] 2. M2: polygamous marriage with 2 wives;
[] 3. M3: polygamous marriage with 3 wives;
[] 4. M4+: polygamous marriage with 4 or more wives;
[] 5.D: divorced for each person whose marriage ended through divorce and has not remarried;
[] 6. V: widowed for each person who was married and has lost his or her partner through death and was not remarried at the time of the census;
[] 7. S: separated for each person previously married but declares to be separated at the time of the census;
[] 8. UL (free union) [unmarried couple] for each person living with a partner without an official celebration of a legal marriage, religious or customary.

Benin 2013 — source variable BJ2013A_MARST — Marital status
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For persons aged 10 years or older
[Question 25 was asked of residents aged 10 years or older]

25. Marital status

[] 0 Single
[] 1 Monogamous marriage
[] 2 Polygamous marriage with 2 wives
[] 3 Polygamous marriage with 3 wives
[] 4 Polygamous marriage with 4 or more wives
[] 5 Divorced
[] 6 Widowed
[] 7 Separated
[] 8 Free union (unmarried couple)
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25. Marital status

The question on marital status shall only be asked to men and women household residents age 10 or more.

For person younger than 10 years, leave columns 26, 27, 28, and 29 blank then skip to the person on the following line, if there is no other person, skip to question 30.

Marital status is defined as the existence or not of conjugal relations between two persons of the opposite sex. In light of existing laws and customs, one can distinguish:

Single: is considered single any person who has never been married;

Married: is married any person united by law, custom, or religion to another person of the opposite sex;

Monogamous marriage:

A man in a civil, religious, or customary union with one woman;
A woman in a civil, religious, or customary union with one man

Polygamous marriage with 2, 3, 4, or more women:

A man in a civil, religious, or customary union with 2, 3, 4, or more women;
A woman in a civil, religious, or customary union with a man who has 2, 3, 4, or more wives.

Divorced: is divorced any person who has severed all ties [legal or customary] that linked them to their partner and who has not remarried; however, a man in polygamous marriage who divorces one of his spouses remains married.

Widower/widow: is a widower/widow any person whose partner has died and who has not remarried; however, a man in polygamous marriage whose wife dies remains married.

Separated: is separated a person who has been abandoned or is separated from their partner, legally or not, but whose divorce has not yet been pronounced; however, a man in polygamous marriage who is separated from one of his spouses remains married.

Free union: is considered living in a free union, any person living with another person of the opposite sex without having had a civil, customary, or religious marriage celebrated.

The modality codes of the variable marital status are:

[] 0. Single
[] 1. Monogamous marriage [with 1 wife]
[] 2. Polygamous marriage with 2 wives
[] 3. Polygamous marriage with 3 wives
[] 4. Polygamous marriage with 4 or more wives
[] 5. Divorced
[] 6. Widow[er]
[] 7. Separated
[] 8. Free union
[Page 74]

Q: "Are you/is [the respondent] married?"

If yes, ask:
Monogamous marriage, polygamous marriage with 2 wives, polygamous marriage with 3 wives, polygamous marriage with 4 or more wives, or free union?

If no, ask:
Single, divorced, widow[er], or separated?
Circle the code corresponding to the declared answer.

Bolivia 1976 — source variable BO1976A_MARST — Marital Status
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E. Marital Status Information

Only for those 12 years of age and older

17. What is your current marital status?

[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married or cohabiting
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Divorced or separated

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d. Civil state information This question is for men and women 12 years or older.

Question 17.What is your current civil state?

Mark the box corresponding to the given response.

Bolivia 1992 — source variable BO1992A_MARST — Marital or conjugal status
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5. What is your current marital status?
Ask in the order given.

[] 1 Married or cohabiting
[] 2 Widowed
[] 3 Separated or divorced
[] 4 Single

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Question 5. What is your current marital or conjugal status?

With this question we want to know what the current marital or conjugal status of the person being enumerated is, that is, on the date of the Census. After asking the question, read the alternatives as they are presented on the Form, wait for the response and mark the corresponding box, keeping in mind the following concepts.

1. Married or Consensual Union: Married person, is a person who has entered into matrimony, whether civil, religious, or both and currently lives in that state.

Person in a consensual union, is a person who currently is joined to their partner in a stable way, without having celebrated a legal wedding.

2. Widower (Widow): Is a person who, having been married or in a union, has lost their partner through death and who at the time of the Census has not remarried nor lives in a consensual union.

3. Separated or Divorced: Separated person, is one who, having entered into legal matrimony or having been in a union, doesn't currently live in that state due to having a de facto separation.

Divorced person, is one who, having entered into legal matrimony, doesn't currently live in that state, due to having legally separated, that is, through a judicial pronouncement.

4. Single: Is a person who has never entered into matrimony, either civil or religious, nor been in a union with another person.

[p. 39]

Important: the marital status of the head and of their spouse should coincide, as should that of the other couples who live in the household.

Bolivia 2001 — source variable BO2001A_MARST — Marital or conjugal status
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Chapter G. Only for persons 15 years old or more.
[Questions 48 and 49 were asked of all persons 15 years or older.]

48. What is your current civil status?

[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Consensual union or concubine
[] 4 Separated
[] 5 Divorced
[] 6 Widowed

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Chapter G. Only for those 15 years of age and older

If the person is 15 years of age or older, question 48 is presented. If younger, the interview is ended and the next person is interviewed.

Question 48. What is your current marital status?

The question is presented to the person and the corresponding oval is filled in.

Bolivia 2012 — source variable BO2012A_MARST — Marital status
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F4. Only for people at least 15 years old

45. What is your civil or marital status?

[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Domestic partner or cohabiting partner
[] 4 Separated
[] 5 Divorced
[] 6 Widowed
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
F4. Only for people at least 15 years old.

45. Civil or marital status
On the census form, the question about civil or marital status is closed-ended and allows only one answer. Mark the appropriate circle or bubble.
Civil or marital status means each person's circumstance in relation to the laws or customs regarding marriage. The civil or marital status categories are:

1. Single: This is a person who has never had a civil or religious marriage and has never been in a domestic partnership.
2. Married: This is someone who has had a civil and/or religious marriage and currently lives in that state.
3. Domestic partner or cohabiting partner: This is someone currently in a stable relationship with their partner without having a legal marriage.
4. Separated: This is someone who entered into a legal marriage or a domestic partnership but does not currently live in that state because of the couple's de facto separation.
[p. 19]
5. Divorced: This is someone who entered into a legal marriage but does not currently live in that state because the couple has separated legally, i.e., through a judicial decree.
6. Widowed: This is someone who lost their spouse or domestic partner through death and who at the time of the census has not remarried or formed a new domestic partnership.

Botswana 1981 — source variable BW1981A_MARST — Marital status
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6. Marital status
[] 1 Never married
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Separated
[] 4 Divorced
[] 5 Widowed
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Column [P6] marital status
Enter the appropriate answer code against each person's name. A person should be regarded as married if he/she has been through any form of marriage ceremony whether tribal, civil, Christian or other. Accept the answer of the person without question. Single means never married and this includes children. Widowed means that either the husband or the wife has died and that the surviving partner has not remarried. A person should be regarded as divorced if his/her marriage has been terminated by a court order. A person should be regarded as separated if he/ she had been ordered to live apart from his/ her spouse by a court of law or he/she is no longer living together with his/her spouse.

Botswana 1991 — source variable BW1991A_MARST — Marital status
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Section A

(12 years and over)

11. Marital status

Is [the respondent] currently married?

[] 1 Married
[] 2 Living together
[] 3 Never married
[] 4 Separated
[] 5 Divorced
[] 6 Widowed
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Column A11: Marital Status

Is [the respondent] currently married?

Enter the appropriate one-digit code in the shaded area:

1 Married: A person should be regarded as married if he/she has been through any form of marriage ceremony, whether tribal, civil, religious or other, and is still married.

2 Living Together: A man and a woman may "live together" like husband and wife (even if they do not stay together in the same locality) without having gone through any form of marriage ceremony.
3 Never Married: A person who has never gone through any type of formal or informal marriage (tribal, civil, religious or other) and does not consider that he/she is presently "living together" with anyone is to be coded as never married.

4 Separated: A person who has been formally married should be regarded as separated if he/she is living apart from his/her spouse by Court order, or by mutual or unilateral decision.

5 Divorced: A person should be regarded as divorced if his/her marriage has ended. If the person has remarried then he/she is to be coded 1, as married.

6 Widowed: This means that either the husband or the wife has died and the surviving partner has not remarried. If the surviving partner has remarried he/she is coded 1, as married.

[Diagram on page 26 omitted]


In the sample questionnaire on page 26, James and Anne are coded as living together (code 2) in column A11. Mimi and Molelo are under 12 years old, so the question does not apply to them and dashes are entered. Anthony and David have never been married, so they are coded 3, while Thembe was widowed a few years ago and is coded 6.

Note that James had indicated to the enumerator that Anne was his spouse, yet, in response to the question on marital status, he said that they were living together, not married, since they had never formally married. You should accept what people tell you concerning their marital status and simply record their response; do not change the relationship code in A2. If the respondent tells you that the head and his/her "spouse" are "living together".

Botswana 2001 — source variable BW2001A_MARST — Marital status
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
All persons 12 years and over
[Questions A16-A26]

A20. What is [the person] marital status?

[] 1 Never married
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Living together
[] 4 Separated
[] 5 Divorced
[] 6 Widowed
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
109b. Column A16-A26: These questions apply only to persons aged 12 years and more. If the person is under 12 years of age, then when you reach column A16 you should put dashes in the shaded areas for columns A16 -- A32 and proceed to the next listed person in the household.

110. Column A20: Marital status

Q: What is [the person's] marital status?

Enter the appropriate one-digit code in the shaded area:

[] 1 Never married:
A person who has never gone through any type of formal or informal marriage (tribal, civil, religious or other) and does not consider that he is presently "living together" with anyone is to be coded as never married.

[] 2 Married:
A person should be regarded as married if he has been through any form of marriage ceremony, whether tribal, civil, religious or other, and is still married.

[] 3 Living together:
A man and a woman may "live together" like husband and wife (even if they do not stay together in the same locality) without having gone through any form of marriage ceremony.

[] 4 Separated:
A person who has been formally married should be regarded as separated if he is living apart from his spouse by Court order, or by mutual or unilateral decision.

[] 5 Divorced:
A person should be regarded as divorced if his marriage has ended. If the person has remarried then he is to be coded 2, as married.

[] 6 Widowed:
This means that either the husband or the wife has died and the surviving partner has not remarried. If the surviving partner has remarried he or she is coded 2, as married.

Note that someone may indicate to you that the person is his spouse, yet, in response to the question on marital status, he said that they were living together, not married, since they had never formally married. You should accept what people tell you concerning their marital status and simply record their response; do not change the relationship code in A2 if the respondent tells you that the head and his "spouse" are "living together".

Botswana 2011 — source variable BW2011A_MARST — Marital status
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A. Person Information

Marital status
18. What is [the respondent's] marital status?

[] 1 Married
[] 2 Never married
[] 3 Living together
[] 4 Separated
[] 5 Divorced
[] 6 Widowed
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
All Persons Aged 12 years and over

145. Column A18-A25
These questions apply only to persons aged 12 and years and over. If the person is less than 12 years of age, then when you reach column A16 you should put dashes in the shaded areas for columns A16-A31 and proceed to the next listed person in the household.

147. Column A19: Marital status
Q. What is the respondent's marital status?
Enter the appropriate one-digit code in the shaded area:

a. Never married [1]
A person who has never gone through any type of formal or informal marriage (tribal, civil, religious, or other) and does not consider that he/she is presently "living together" with anyone, is to be coded as never married.
b. Married [2]
A person should be regarded as married if he/she says they are married, or when he/she has been through any form of marriage ceremony, whether tribal, civil, religious, or other, and is still married.
c. Living together [3]
A man and a woman may "live together" like husband and wife (even if they do not stay together in the same locality) without having gone through any form of marriage ceremony.
d. Separated [4]
A person who has been formally married should be regarded as separated if he/she is living apart from his/her spouse by Court order, or by mutual or unilateral decision. Those people who were living together and have separated should revert to their original status, i.e. never married, divorced, etc. They should only be regarded to be in separation if they are in such a separation through a court order, tribal, religious, mutual, or unilateral arrangement.
e. Divorced [5]
A person should be regarded as divorced if his/her marriage has ended. If the person has remarried then he/she is to be coded 2, as married.
f. Widowed [6]
This means that either the husband or the wife has died and the surviving partner has not remarried. If the surviving partner has remarried he/she is coded 2, as married.

Brazil 1960 — source variable BR1960A_MARST — Marital status
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Only for people 10 years and older
[Applies to questions O - U]

P. If living with a partner, spouse, companion, consort, etc., indicate the nature of the union. If not living with a partner spouse, companion, consort, etc., indicate if person is:

[] 56 civil and religious marriage
[] 57 civil marriage only
[] 58 religious marriage only
[] 59 other
[] 60 single
[] 64 separated
[] 65 abandoned [desquitado]
[] 66 divorced
[] 67 widowed

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question P - (1st part) If the [person] lives in the company of wife, husband, common-law spouse, consort, etc. - indicate the nature of the union

Question P is divided into two distinct parts; each person age 10 or over will answer only one of the parts.
The first part will be answered only by those who live in the company of a wife or husband and refers to the nature of the union with the spouse with whom the person currently lives (on the Date of the Census).
One of the following answers should be marked:

Civil and religious marriage - for persons who are married civilly and religiously;
Only civil marriage - For those who are married civilly without there having been a religious ceremony;
Only religious marriage - For those who are married only religiously;
Other - For those who are not married either civilly or religiously.

It should be noted that a ceremony held in any religion or sect should be considered a religious wedding.

Question P - (2nd Part) If [the respondent] does not live in the company of wife, husband, common-law spouse, consort, etc. - indicate whether he or she is:
In the 2nd part of Question P (which will be answered only by those who do not live in the company of spouse), the enumerator should indicate one of the following:

[p. 33]

Single - for those who have not contracted a civil or religious matrimony and do not live in the company of spouse;
Separated - for married persons (married civilly, civilly and religiously, or only religiously) who have separated without a legal separation or a ratified divorce and do not live in the company of another spouse;
Legally separated [desquitado] - for those who have ratified this marital status and do not live in the company of another spouse;
Divorced - for those who, having married pursuant to foreign law, have obtained a divorce and do not live in the company of another spouse;
Widow or widower - for any person whose spouse has died, when they were united by a civil, a civil and religious, or only a religious marriage and do not live in the company of another spouse.

Brazil 1970 — source variable BR1970A_MARST — Marital status
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Only for people 10 years and older
[Applies to questions 18 - 22]

19. If living with a partner spouse, companion, etc., indicate the nature of the union. If not living with a partner spouse, companion, etc indicate if person is:

[] 1 civil and religious marriage
[] 2 civil marriage only
[] 3 religious marriage only
[] 4 other
[] 5 single
[] 6 separated
[] 7 legally separated [desquitado]
[] 8 divorced
[] 9 widowed

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question 19 - Part 1 - If the respondent lives in the company of spouse, indicate the nature of the union

(Only for persons age 10 or over)

Record the appropriate case:

Civil and religious marriage - for persons who are married civilly and religiously, including those who, although having had only a religious ceremony, pursuant to the legislation in effect, now have valid documents referring to a civil act;
Only civil marriage - For those who are married only civilly;
Only religious marriage - For those who are married only religiously in any sect or religion;
Other - for those who live maritally, without having carried out a civil or religious wedding with each other.

Question 19 - Part 2 - If the respondent does not live in the company of a spouse, indicate whether he or she is:

(Only for persons age 10 or over)

Record the appropriate case:

Single - for those who have not contracted a civil or religious matrimony and do not live in the company of spouse;
Separated - for married persons (married civilly, civilly and religiously, or only religiously) who have separated without a legal separation or a ratified divorce and do not live in the company of another spouse;
Legally separated (Desquitado) - for those who have ratified this marital status and do not live in the company of another spouse;
Divorced - for those who, having married pursuant to foreign law, have obtained a divorce and do not live in the company of another spouse;

[p. 40]

Widow or widower - for those whose spouses have died and who were united by marriage (civil, civil and religious, or only religious) or in a consensual union and do not live in the company of another spouse.

Brazil 1980 — source variable BR1980A_MARST — Marital status
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The following questions are to be filled out only for the person 10 years or older
[Applies to questions 25 -49]

26. If living with a partner - spouse, companion, etc indicate the nature of the union.

[] 1 civil and religious marriage
[] 2 civil marriage only
[] 3 religious marriage only
[] 4 other

If not living with a partner spouse, companion, etc indicate if person is:
[] 5 single
[] 6 separated
[] 7 abandoned (desquitado)
[] 8 divorced
[] 9 widowed

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

The following questions will only be filled out for persons age 10 or over, that is, those born before September 1, 1970.

[Applies to questions 25-49]

Question 26 - 1st part - If the person lives in the company of his or her spouse, indicate the nature of the marriage bond

Civil and religious marriage - for persons who live in the company of a spouse to whom they are married civilly and religiously, including for those who, although having had only a religious ceremony, have valid documents pursuant to the legislation in effect;
Only civil marriage - for persons who live in the company of a spouse to whom they are married only civilly;
Only religious marriage - for persons who live in the company of a spouse to whom they are married only religiously, in any sect or religion; or
Other - for persons who live in the company of a spouse without having carried out a civil or religious marriage with this spouse.

Question 26 - 2nd part - If the person does not live in the company of a spouse, indicate if he or she is

Single - a person who has not contracted a civil or religious matrimony and does not live in the company of spouse;
Separated - a married person (married civilly, civilly and religiously, or only religiously) who has separated without a legal separation or a ratified divorce and does not live in the company of another spouse;
Legally separated - a person whose separation has been and does not live in the company of another spouse;

[p. 50]

Divorced - a person who has had this marital status ratified by a legal decision and does not live in the company of a spouse; or
Widow or widower - a person whose spouse has died and who was united to this person by marriage (civil, civil and religious, or only religious) or by a common-law marriage, and does not live in the company of another spouse.

Brazil 1991 — source variable BR1991A_MARST1 — Married, nature of union
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[Questions 31 to 34 were asked of those who live or have lived in the company of a spouse, common-law husband or wife, etc.]

32. If live with partner - spouse, companion, etc., indicate the nature of the relationship

[] 1 civil and religious marriage
[] 2 only civil marriage
[] 3 only religious marriage
[] 4 consensual union

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question 32 - 1st part - if the person lives in the company of his or her spouse or common-law spouse, mark the nature of the marriage bond
1 - Civil and religious marriage - for persons who live in the company of a spouse to whom they are married civilly and religiously, including for those who, although having had only a religious ceremony, have valid documents pursuant to the legislation in effect;
2 - Only civil marriage - for persons who live in the company of a spouse to whom they are married only civilly;

[p. 71]
3 - Only religious marriage - for persons who live in the company of a spouse to whom they are married only religiously, in any religion or sect; or
4 - Common-law marriage - for persons who live in the company of a spouse without having carried out a civil or religious marriage with this spouse.

Brazil 1991 — source variable BR1991A_MARST2 — Non-married status
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[Questions 31 to 34 were asked of those who live or have lived in the company of a spouse, common-law husband or wife, etc.]

33. If not living with partner - spouse, companion, etc., indicate if it is:

[] 5 non judicial separation
[] 6 separated
[] 7 abandoned (desquitado)
[] 8 divorced
[] 9 widowed

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Question 33 - If the person does not live in the company of a spouse or common-law spouse, mark if he or she is.
5 - Separated - a married person (married civilly, civilly and religiously, or only religiously) who has separated without a legal separation or a ratified divorce and does not live in the company of another spouse;
6 - Legally separated (desquitado) - a person whose separation has been ratified by a legal decision and does not live in the company of a spouse;
7 - Divorced - a person who has had this marital status ratified by a legal decision and does not live in the company of a spouse; or
8 - Widow or widower - a person whose spouse has died and who was united to this person by marriage (civil, civil and religious, or only religious) or by a common-law marriage, and does not live in the company of another spouse.

Brazil 1991 — source variable BR1991A_MARRNO — Current marital situation
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[Questions 31 to 34 were asked of those who live or have lived in the company of a spouse, common-law husband or wife, etc.]

31. If answer to question 30 was 1, indicate the month and year entered into first union

_ _ month
_ _ year
[] 13 don't remember

34. If responded to question 32 indicate the month and year the current union began. If responded to question 33, indicate the month or year that indicated situation began.

_ _ month
_ _ year
[] 13 don't remember

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Question 34 - Indicate the month and year when the current conjugal state began
For persons who marked one of the boxes in Question 32, the month and year when the person began living with the current spouse will be recorded.
For persons who marked one of the boxes of Question 33, record the month and year when the indicated situation began.
When the number of the month is less than 10, complete with a zero to the left.
When the person is unable to say exactly or does not remember the month or year, mark Box 13 - Does not remember.

Brazil 2000 — source variable BR2000A_MARST — Marital status
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For persons 10 years old or older (born until July 31, 1990)
[Applies to questions 4.36 - 4.61]

4.38 What is your marital status?

[] 1 married
[] 2 abandoned or legally separated
[] 3 divorced
[] 4 widowed
[] 5 single

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

For persons age 10 or over (born on or before July 31, 1990)
[Applies to questions 4.36 - 4.61]

Question 4.38 - What is your marital status?

1 - Married - for persons whose marital status is married;
2 - Legally separated - for persons whose marital status is separated (desquitado or separado), ratified by a legal decision;
3 - Divorced - for persons whose marital status is divorced or separated, ratified by a legal decision;
4 - Widowed - for persons whose marital status is widow or widower;
5 - Single - for persons whose marital status is single;

Brazil 2000 — source variable BR2000A_SPOUSE — Live with spouse or partner
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For persons 10 years old or older (born until July 31, 1990)
[Applies to questions 4.36 - 4.61]

4.36 Do you live in the company of a spouse or partner?

[] 1 yes
[] 2 no, but did live with one
[] 3 never lived with one

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For persons age 10 or over (born on or before July 31, 1990)
[Applies to questions 4.36 - 4.61]

Question 4.36 - Do you live in the company of a spouse or common-law wife or husband?

Mark, as the case may be:

1 - Yes - only when the spouse or common-law wife or husband is a resident of the household;
2 - No, but has lived in the past - including in cases where the spouse or common-law wife or husband is no longer a resident; or
3 - Never lived - for persons who never lived in the company of a spouse or common-law wife or husband.

Brazil 2000 — source variable BR2000A_LSTUNION — Type of last union
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For persons 10 years old or older (born until July 31, 1990)
[Applies to questions 4.36 - 4.61]

4.37 What was the nature of the last union?

[] 1 civil and religious marriage
[] 2 only civil marriage
[] 3 only religious marriage
[] 4 consensual union
[] 5 never lived

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For persons age 10 or over (born on or before July 31, 1990)
[Applies to questions 4.36 - 4.61]

Question 4.37 - What is (was) the nature of the most recent conjugal union?

1 - Civil and religious marriage - for persons who live or lived the company of a spouse, to whom he or she is (was) married civilly and religiously, including for persons who were only present at a religious ceremony but later obtained legal documents attesting to a civil act pursuant to the legislation in effect;
2 - Only civil marriage - for persons who live or lived in the company of a spouse to whom he or she is (was) married only civilly;
3 - Only religious marriage - for persons who live or lived in the company of a spouse to whom he or she is (was) married only religiously in any religion or cult;

[p. 116]

4 - Common-law marriage - for persons who live or lived in the company of a spouse but contracted neither a civil nor a religious marriage.
5 - Never lived - for persons who never lived in the company of a spouse or common-law wife or husband.

Brazil 2010 — source variable BR2010A_MARST — Marital status
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6. Resident characteristics

For persons 10 years of age or older
[Questions 6.37 to 6.40 were asked for persons 10 years of age and older.]

6.40 What is your marital status?

[] 1 Married
[] 2 Separated or legally separated
[] 3 Divorced
[] 4 Widowed
[] 5 Single

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

For residents 10 years of age or older

The purpose of this section is to know the marital status of the population, in order to conduct studies on family structures and marriage patterns.

6.40 - What is your marital status?
Depending on the situation, record:

1 - Married: A person who has civil marriage status.
2 - Separated or legally separated: A person who is separated or legally separated.
3 - Divorced: A person who is divorced, by law.
4 - Widowed/widower: A person who has a deceased legal partner/spouse.
5 - Single: A person who is single.

Brazil 2010 — source variable BR2010A_LIVESP — Live with spouse/partner
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6. Resident characteristics

For persons 10 years of age or older
[Questions 6.37 to 6.40 were asked for persons 10 years of age and older.]

6.37 Do you live with a spouse or partner?

[] 1 Yes
(If woman in indigenous area, go to 6.38)
(If woman, in a non-indigenous area, and relationship with the responsible person from 04 to 19, go to 6.38. Otherwise, skip to 6.39)
[] No, but have lived with spouse or partner before (Skip to 6.40)
[] No, have never lived with spouse or partner (Skip to 6.40)

(In the system, the serial number of the person indicated should be recorded)
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For residents 10 years of age or older

The purpose of this section is to know the marital status of the population, in order to conduct studies on family structures and marriage patterns.

6.37 ? Do you live with a spouse or partner?

Depending on the situation, record:

1 - Yes: when the spouse or partner is a resident of the household.
2 - No, but I had lived with partner/spouse: when the spouse or partner does not live or is not in a relationship to the resident.
3 - Never had partner/spouse: when the person never lived with/had a spouse or partner.

Brazil 2010 — source variable BR2010A_UNION — Nature of union
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6. Resident characteristics

For persons 10 years of age or older
[Questions 6.37 to 6.40 were asked for persons 10 years of age and older.]

6.39 What is the nature of the union?

[] 1 Civil and religious marriage
[] 2 Only civil marriage
[] 3 Only religious marriage
[] 4 Consensual union

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

For residents 10 years of age or older

The purpose of this section is to know the marital status of the population, in order to conduct studies on family structures and marriage patterns.

6.39 - What was the nature of the union?
Depending on the situation, record:

1 - Civil and Religious Marriage: A person who is married by civil and religious ceremony, even if it one of the parties was not present, but the marriage was done according to religious and civil law.
2 - Civil marriage only: A person who is married only by a civil union.
3 - Religious marriage only: A person who is married only by a religious union.
4 - Cohabitation: A person who lives with someone without being married in civil or religious union. Consider this option even for those who live in stable relationships with notarized contracts.

Burkina Faso 1985 — source variable BF1985A_MARST — Marital status
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Residents 12 years of age and older
[Questions 16-20 were asked for residents age 12 and older.]

16. Marital status ____

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D) Marriage and children

Column sixteen - marital status:

This is the information concerning the marital status of residents of both sexes age 12 years or older.

Use the following abbreviations:

CEL: single (man or woman);
MA 1: man married to one woman;
MA 2: man married to two women;
MA 3: man married to three women;
MA 4: man married to four women;
MM: woman married to a monogamist;
MP: woman married to a polygamist;
VE: widowed (man or woman);
DS: divorced or separated (man or woman).

Burkina Faso 1985 — source variable BF1985A_STATUS — Residential status
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All persons
[Questions 1-8 were asked for all persons.]

5. Residential status ____

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Column five - residence status:

Residence is defined in relation to the household in which a person usually resides. Each person counted in the census must be classified in one of the four following residence status categories:

- Present Resident (RP) if he/she is present in the household;
- Absent Resident (RA) if he/she is absent from his/her usual household;
- Visitor (VIS) if he/she is a visitor in the household concerned;
- Emigrant (EM) if he/she resides outside of Burkina Faso.

[p. 22]

a) Present Resident (RP)

Someone is classified as a present resident if they have habitually lived in the household for more than 6 months and are present on the reference date. In most cases, the reference delay (six months) is sufficient for determining residence. However, there are exceptions. For example, people that have lived in a given location for less than six months but express the intention of staying there are classified as Present Residents (RP). In this case, they will not also be counted at the location they left less than six months prior.


- A woman who has just married is a resident at her new home where she resides with her husband;
- A government worker who has been recently transferred to a new location should be counted as a resident in the new location. His/her family or household that is waiting elsewhere in order to move and join him/her will not be counted with him/her.
- A person, whether single or with a household, who has just changed their residence and intends on staying in the new location for whatever reason becomes a resident in the new location.

Other Present Resident cases:

The following persons shall be classified as "present residents", even if they have not spent the reference night in their household:

-- Doctors and other medical personnel on call;
-- Sentinels;
-- Factory workers who work overnight shifts;
-- Workers that work at night, either regularly or temporarily -- examples: truck drivers, persons commuting home during the reference night.

[p. 23]

b) Absent Resident (RA)

This is a person usually residing in the household who was absent the night preceding the interview, but whose absence was less than six months in duration. For this person, you will record "RA" in the corresponding box in column 5. The person must be absent from the household for a period of time lesser than six months.

However, in certain cases, persons absent from their household for less than six months are still not considered "absent residents" in their household. They are recorded as present residents at the location in which they are present during the census counting and will not be counted in the households to which they are linked. This is the case for persons who are part of a collective household, such as:

- Detainees in a penitentiary;
- Workers staying in the rudimentary camp of a temporary construction site;
- Members of the military staying in barracks;
- Members of a religious community living in a convent or seminary;
- Persons finding themselves in analogous situations;
- Students residing in a dormitory at the time of the census reference date.

However, if students are on vacation from school and home with their families at the time of the census, count them with their parents as visitors and in the dormitory as absent residents.

Certain categories of people absent from their household for a period longer than six months will be considered absent residents (RA) in these households. This includes women who have just given birth with their family and who are staying there for longer than six months.

c) Visitors (VIS)

This concerns persons present in the household the night before the interview but who don't live there, because their primary residence is elsewhere.

[p. 24]

For these people, it is necessary to record "VIS" in column 5. These persons should be visiting for a period less than six (6) months. In general, persons staying in hotels are "visitors".

But if they do not have a residence and they work in Burkina Faso, they are then considered present or absent residents, according to their situation on reference night (ex: a person undergoing a transfer or a foreign expert/specialist who has not yet found housing).

A person who is a member of a collective household but staying the reference night with their family should be recorded as "VIS", because they are "RA" in their establishment.

d) Emigrants (EM)

The following are considered emigrants and shall be recorded as EM in column 5:

- Persons who have been outside of Burkina Faso for more than six months.
- Persons who have been outside of Burkina Faso for less than six months and have the intention of staying there for more than six months.

Other special cases:

- Burkinabe students who are abroad shall be classified in their household as RA regardless of the length of time of their absence;
- Workers (either seasonal or permanent) who are working abroad will be counted in their households if they are absent for a period of less than six (6) months;
- Persons working abroad in lieu of military service and foreign experts/specialists whose contracts are longer than six months are counted as residents: RP or RA.
- Foreign students are counted as residents: RP or RA.
- Tourists and other foreign visitors in Burkina Faso at the time of the census will be counted as visitors in their respective ordinary or collective households if the length of

[p. 25]

their stay is less than six months.

Burkina Faso 1996 — source variable BF1996A_MARST — Marital status
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Residents age 12 years or older:
[Question P23 was asked for persons 12 years of age or older who were household residents.]

Marital status
P23. Does [person] live with one or more women (a man)?

Circle the corresponding code.

[] 0. Single
[] 1. Married and monogamous
[] 2. Married to two women
[] 3. Married to three women
[] 4. Married to four or more women
[] 5. Widowed (man or woman)
[] 6. Divorced or separated (man or woman)
[] 7. Civil union

Burkina Faso 1996 — source variable BF1996A_RESID — Resident status
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Entire Population
[Questions P01 to P14 were asked for all persons.]

P05. Resident status

Circle the corresponding code.

[] 1 - RP if the person typically lives in the household and spent the preceding night in the household
[] 2 - RA for persons that typically live in the household, but were absent the preceding night
[] 3 - VIS for visitors
[] 4 - EM for emigrants

Burkina Faso 2006 — source variable BF2006A_MARST — Marital status
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P25. Marital status
For residents 12 years of age or older

Does [the person] live with one (or more) women (or a man)?

Circle the corresponding code.

[] 0 Single
[] 1 Married and monogamous
[] 2 Married to two women
[] 3 Married to three women
[] 4 Married to four or more women
[] 5 Widowed (man or woman)
[] 6 Divorced or separated (man or woman)
[] 7 Civil union

Cambodia 1998 — source variable KH1998A_MARST — Marital status
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6 Marital Status (Marital Status - Enter Code))
[] 1 Never Married
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Divorced
[] 5 Separated

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Column 6: Marital Status

85. Codes are provided in the column heading itself. You have to ask this delicate question carefully and record the appropriate code numbers according to the answers given. Record Code 1 for Never Married, i.e. for those who have never entered into any form of marital union. Record Code 2 for Married, 3 for widowed, 4 for divorced and 5 for separated.

86. The category "Married" will include those persons who are contractually married but not yet living as a man and wife. Even if a marriage is disputed in the neighborhood write Code 2 if the person concerned says he or she is married and is in stable de facto union. The category separated will include both legal and de facto separations. Persons who were widowed or divorced but have remarried must be recorded as married.

Cambodia 2004 — source variable KH2004A_MARST — Marital status
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Form B: Household questionnaire Part 2

Individual particulars
For all persons
[Questions 1 to 6 were asked of all persons]

[8] Marital status

For all persons. Enter code.

[] 1 Never married [skip to column 10]
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Divorced
[] 5 Separated
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52. Instructions for filing-in Column 1 to 23 of Form B: Part 2
You have to collect information in part 2 for all persons mentioned in Statement and Statement 1.2 of Part 1. Some of the following questions have been answered in Part 1. Therefore there will be no need to ask these questions again. In such cases all you have to do is to copy the information in the appropriate columns.

61. Column 8: Marital status
Codes are provided in the column heading itself. You have to ask this delicate question carefully and record appropriate code numbers according to the answers given. Record Code 1 for Never Married i.e. for those who have never entered into any form of marital union. Record Code 2 for Married, 3 for widowed, 4 for divorced and 5 for separated.
61.1 The category "Married" will include those persons who are contractually married but not yet living as a man and wife. Even if a marriage is disputed in the neighborhood write Code 2 if the person concerned says he or she is married and is in stable de facto union. The category separated will include both legal and de facto separations. Persons who were widowed or divorced but have remarried must be recorded as married.

Cambodia 2008 — source variable KH2008A_MARST — Marital status
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6. Marital status
[] 1 Never married
[] 2 Currently married
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Divorced
[] 5 Separated

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Column 6: Marital Status
85. Codes are provided in the column heading itself. You have to ask this delicate question carefully and record the appropriate code numbers according to the answers given. Record Code 1 for Never married, i.e. for those who have never entered into any form of marital union. Record Code 2
for Married, i.e. currently married, 3 for Widowed, 4 for Divorced and 5 for Separated.

86. The category "Married" will include those persons who are contractually married but not yet living as a man and wife. Even if a marriage is disputed in the neighborhood, write Code 2 if the person concerned says he or she is married and is in a stable de facto union. The category "Separated" will include both legal and de facto separations. Persons who were widowed or divorced but have remarried must be recorded as married.

Cambodia 2013 — source variable KH2013A_MARST — Marital status
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For all persons
[Questions 1 to 6 were asked of all persons]

8. Marital status

For all persons

Enter code

[] 1 Never married (skip to column 10)
[] 2 Married (i.e. currently married)
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Divorced
[] 5 Separated
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52. Instructions for filling-in column 1 to 25 of Form B: part 2

You have to collect information in part 2 for all persons mentioned in statement 1.1 and statement 1.2 of part 1. Some of the following questions have been answered in part 1. Therefore there will be no need to ask these questions again. In such cases all you have to do is to copy the information in the appropriate column.

61. Column 8: marital status

Codes are provided in the column heading itself. You have to ask this delicate question carefully and record appropriate code numbers according to the answers given. Record code 1 for Never Married i.e. for those who have never entered into any form of marital union. Record code 2 for Married, 3 for widowed, 4 for divorced and 5 for separated.

61.1. The category "Married" will include those persons who are contractually married but not yet living as a man and wife. Even if a marriage is disputed in the neighborhood write code 2 if the person concerned says he or she is married and is in stable de facto union. The category separated will include both legal and de facto separations. Persons who were widowed or divorced but have remarried must be recorded as married.

Cambodia 2019 — source variable KH2019A_MARST — Marital status
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Form B household questionnaire part 2

Individual particulars
[This section except for questions 6 and 8 are to be completed by all persons]

7. Marital status:

[] 1. Never married
[] 2. Married (i.e. currently married)
[] 3. Widowed
[] 4. Divorced
[] 5. Separated

Cameroon 1976 — source variable CM1976A_MARST — Marital status
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Population 4 years old or older

25) Marital status

[] 10 Single
[] 20 Married (woman)
[] 21 Man married to 1 woman
[] 22 Man married to 2 women
[] 23 Man married to 3 women
[] 24 Man married to 4 women
[] 25 Man married to 5 women
[] 26 Man married to 6 women
[] 27 Man married to 7 women
[] 28 Man married to 8 women
[] 29 Man married to 9+ women
[] 30 Widowed
[] 40 Divorced

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b) Column 17 to 25:

To be filled out individually for the people ages 4 and over (mark a line in column 17 to 25 for children under 4.

Column 25: Marital status

-C for a single person (person who was never married)

-M for a married woman

-M1 for a man married with 1 wife

-M2 for a man married with 2 wives, and so on

-V for a widow (person whose partner is deceased and who isn't remarried)

-D for a divorced person (person divorced from his/her partner and who isn't remarried) or separated from his/her spouse

In all cases you should consider statements from the concerned party: a married person is someone who declares himself/herself as such

The number of wives to mark for each married man is the number of current wives.

[Example omitted]

The fourth page of the questionnaire: to be filled out for each household.

N.B. These questions should be asked once per household. In cases where several sheets are used for the same household, only fill out the back of the first sheet and mark a line on the back of the extra sheets that are already filed on the inside of the first sheet once the household has been surveyed.

Events occurring in the household over the last 12 months.

These questions are meant to create an inventory of the births and deaths that occurred in the household over the course of the 12 months that came before the first day of surveying, meaning from April 9 1975 to April 8 1976.

Mark this period once in its reserved space, under the following form: "period from 4/9/75 to 4/8/76".

Cameroon 1987 — source variable CM1987A_MARST — Marital status
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Population of 11 years and older (born before April 1976)
[Questions 23-26 were asked of persons 11 years old or more.]

P24. Marital status ________

Put the appropriate symbol, according to the instructions at the bottom of the page.

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Columns P23 to P25: Population of 11 years and older (born before April 1976)
Note that these columns concern only persons who are 11 or more years old, in other words persons born before April 1976.
1) For persons who are less than 11 years old, put a dash in columns P23, P24 and P25.
2) For persons who are 11 or more years old. Fill in the following columns in compliance with the instructions below.

Column P24: Marital status
Write one of the following abbreviations as the case may be:

C. For any man or woman who has never married since birth
M1. For any man who has only one wife or any woman whose husband has only her as wife.
M2. For any man who has two wives or any woman whose husband has two wives.
M3. For any man who has three wives or any woman whose husband has three wives.
M4. For any man who has four or more wives or any woman whose husband has four or more wives.
V For any man whose wife is dead and he has not remarried or any woman whose husband is dead and she has not remarried (widower or widow)
D. For any divorced man or woman who has not remarried, or for any man or woman separated from his (her) spouse and who has not remarried.
NB. The number of wives to be taken into account is the number at the time of the census living with the husband or elsewhere (even out of Cameroon) provided that they are not divorced or separated.

1) A man had four wives, one of them died, he is divorced or separated from another, he therefore has only two wives left

You should write M2 for the man
M2 for the wives

2) A man had five wives, one died, he is divorced or separated from another, two live with him, one lives in the village, he therefore has three wives left.

You should write: M3 for the man
M3 for each of the wives

In this last case and, in general, where one or more wives do not live with the husband, indicate the total number of wives and specify in the 'remarks' space that some of the wives live elsewhere to show that you have not made a mistake in filing in the questionnaire.

Cameroon 2005 — source variable CM2005A_MARST — Marital Status
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8. Marital status _
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8. Marital status

N.B. The question on marital status is only asked to men over the age of 15 and women over the age of 12.

Marital status is defined by the existence or not of a marital relationship between two people of opposite sex. Considering laws and customs in effect, we distinguish:

Single: all people who have never been married are considered single.

Married: all people joined by law, tradition, or religion to another person of opposite sex are considered married.

Separated: all people who were left by or separated from their spouse, legally or not, but for whom the divorce hasn't been declared are considered separated; nevertheless, a polygamous man separated from one of his spouses remains married.

Divorced: all people who broke all ties (legally or traditional) which joined them to a spouse and who did not remarry are considered divorced, nevertheless, a polygamist who divorced one of his wives remains married.

Widow: All people whose spouse is deceased, and who did not remarry are considered widows, nevertheless, a polygamist with a spouse who died remains married.

Cohabitation: all people who cohabitate with a person of the opposite sex without a civil, traditional, or religious marriage

The codes of the terms of the marital status variable are:

0 = single
1 = man married to 1 spouse or woman married to 1 man having 1 spouse
2 = man married to 2 women or woman married to 1 man having 2 spouses
3 = man married to 3 women or woman married to 1 man having 3 spouses
4 = man married to 4 women or woman married to 1 man having 4 spouses
5 = man married to 5 or more women or woman married to 1 man having 5 or more spouses
6 = cohabitation
7 = separated
8 = divorced
9 = widow
Q. Are you, is _______ married?
-Mark in the proper space the marital status code provided.

Canada 1971 — source variable CA1971A_MARST — Marital status
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4. Marital status
Fill one circle only.
[] Single (never married)
[] Now married
[] Widowed
[] Divorced
[] Separated

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4. "Now married" is to be marked for each person whose husband or wife is living, unless the couple are separated or divorce has been obtained; e.g. "Now married" should be marked for the following:
(i) persons temporarily living apart because one person is employed elsewhere or is in the Armed Services;
(ii) persons living apart because one person is in a hospital or sanatorium.

"Separated" is to be marked for persons (whether or not legally separated) who have been deserted or who have parted because they no longer want to live together but have not obtained a divorce.
"Divorced" is to be marked for each person who has obtained a legal divorce and has not remarried.

Canada 1981 — source variable CA1981A_MARST — Marital status
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Question 5. Mark "Now married" if you have a husband or wife who is now living, even if you are temporarily living apart because one of you is employed away from home, hospitalized, etc., but not if you are actually separated or have obtained a divorce.
For census purposes, couples living in a common-law type of arrangement are considered as "Now married", regardless of their legal marital status.
Mark "Separated" if you are separated from your husband or wife due to causes such as desertion or marriage breakdown, or because you no longer want to live together, provided that no divorce has been obtained.
Mark "Divorced" if you have obtained a divorce and have not remarried.

5. Marital status
What is your marital status?
(See guidelines for further information.)

Mark one box only.
[] Now married (excluding separated)
[] Separated
[] Divorced
[] Widowed
[] Never married (single)

Canada 1991 — source variable CA1991A_MARSTH — Historical comparability indicator of marital status
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5. Legal marital status.
Mark one circle only.
[] Legally married (and not separated)
[] Legally married and separated
[] Divorced
[] Widowed
[] Never married (single)

Canada 2001 — source variable CA2001A_MARSTHP — Historical comparability indicator of marital status
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4. Marital status
Mark "x" one circle only.
[] Never
[] Legally married (and not separated)
[] Separated, but still legally married
[] Divorced
[] Widowed

5. Is this person living with a common-law partner?
Common-law refers to two people of the opposite sex or of the same sex who live together as a couple but who are not legally married to each other.
[] Yes
[] No

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Basic population information
Question 1 asks for the name of each person in the household so that no one is left out or counted twice. Names are not put on the census database.
Questions 2 to 6 ask about the people living in the household. From these questions we can learn about living arrangements, family size, the number of children living with one parent or two parents, and the number of people who are alone. This information is used for planning social programs, such as Old Age Security and the Child Tax Benefit. It is also used by towns and cities to plan a variety of services such as day-care centers, schools and senior citizens' homes.
[p. 5]
If you have questions or require further information, please phone the free Census Help Line at 1 800 591-2001.
Question 1 -- Name
Question 2 -- Sex
Question 3 -- Date of birth
Question 4 -- Marital status
Question 5 -- Common-law status
Question 6 -- Relationship to Person 1

Canada 2011 — source variable CA2011A_MARST — Marital status (de facto)
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4. Is this person?

Mark an x in one circle only. People who are married according to traditional First Nations or aboriginal customs should be considered as legally married.

[] Never legally married
[] Legally married (and not separated)
[] Divorced
[] Widowed

5. Is this person living with a common-law partner?

Common-law refers to two people who live together as a couple but who are not legally married to each other.

[] Yes
[] No
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The Questions
Basic population information
Question 1 (on the paper survey) asks for the name of each person in the household so that the Questions can be asked person by person.

Questions 2 to 6 provide information about the living arrangements of people in Canada, family size, the number of children living with one parent or two parents, and the number of people who live alone. This information is used for planning social programs. It is also used by communities to plan services such as daycare centers, schools and senior citizens' residences.

Your NHS questionnaire contains all the information needed to answer questions 1 to 6. If you still have questions or require further information, please visit the NHS website at or phone the StatCan Help Line at 1-877-308-2777.

Question 4 -- Marital status
Mark the circle that indicates the person's current legal marital status. This does not include the person's common-law status, which is asked in a separate question.

If the person is the adult son or daughter of person 1 and still lives at home, mark the circle that most closely describes that person's marital status. Provide one response only for each person.

It is important to indicate the marital status of every person in the household-- even babies and young children. Children under age 15 should be marked as 'never legally married'.

Chile 1960 — source variable CL1960A_MARST — Marital status
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5. Marital status ____

Write as appropriate: S single, C married, CV consensual union, V widowed, SP separated de facto or legally, A annulled
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Column 5: Marital Status. Write down [the appropriate status for] each case, according to the following definitions:

Single: One who has ever been married and doesn't live in a marital situation [maritalmente].

Married: One who has established marital bonds (civil or religious, or both) and continues in that state.

Consensual Union: One who, without having married another person, lives in a marital union with that person.

Widow/er: One who, having been married, has had their spouse die and who has not remarried nor lives in a marital union.

De facto separated: A married person who lives separately from their spouse without a judicial ruling of legal separation or annulment of the marriage.

Legally separated: One who, having been married, lives separately, temporarily or transitionally, from their spouse due to a judicial ruling and who does not live in a marital situation.

Annulled: One who ceased to be married because their marriage was annulled by a judicial ruling, and who does not live in a marital situation.

If the first and last name of a woman who declares herself to be married don't include the last name of her spouse, the enumerator should make sure that this is the true marital status. Nevertheless, this question should be asked very discretely, as in any case where there is doubt about the reported marital status.

Chile 1970 — source variable CL1970A_MARST — Marital status
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5. Current marital status: Only for those 12 years of age and older.

What is your current marital status?

[] 1 Married
[] 2 Consensual union
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Separated or annulled
[] 5 Single
[] 6 Unknown

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Question No. 5--Current Marital Status

Only for those 12 and older

When asking this question, you should mention one marital status at a time and await a response before mentioning the next one. Be careful not to alter the order of the alternatives.

There are five marital statuses that we are interested in knowing about, and they are defined as follows:

1) Married: A person who has entered into matrimony before an appropriate authority and who lives in this state with their legal spouse.

2) Consensual Union: A person who lives maritally with another in a stable situation, without having legalized the union and who can have any of the other legal marital statuses.

3) Widowed: A person who, after the death of their spouse, has not remarried nor lives in a de facto union.

4) Separated or annulled: A person who, having been married or in a stable de facto union, doesn't live with their spouse or partner.

5) Single: A person who has never married and doesn't live maritally with another person.

Chile 1982 — source variable CL1982A_MARST — Marital status
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For all persons

For all persons 15 or older

18. What is your marital status?

1. Married ____
2. Live-in partner ____
3. Single ____
4. Widowed ____
5. Separated ____
6. Annulled ____

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18. What is your marital status?

Read the alternatives in the order in which they appear on the questionnaire. You will ask about the marital status of the person being enumerated on the day of the census.

[The above directions refer to a picture of question 18 in this section of the enumeration form.]

Chile 1992 — source variable CL1992A_MARST — Marital status
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For all individuals 14 years of age and older [applies to questions 10 to 16]

10. What is your current marital status?

[] 1 Married
[] 2 Consensual union
[] 3 Single
[] 4 Widowed
[] 5 Separated
[] 6 Annulled

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

10. What is your marital status?

Read the options in the order in which they appear on the questionnaire, asking about the current marital status of the person being enumerated.

[The above directions refer to a picture of question 10 in this section of the enumeration form.]

Chile 2002 — source variable CL2002A_MARST — Marital status
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For all individuals 15 years of age and older

27. What is your current marital status?

[] 1 Married
[] 2 Consensual union
[] 3 Single
[] 4 Annulled
[] 5 Separated
[] 6 Widowed

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Question 27

Don't forget that you have to ask about the current civil or marital status of the person being enumerated. [These instructions refer to a graphic of question 27 on the census form.]

China 1982 — source variable CN1982A_MARST — Marital status
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Persons aged 15 and above
[Applies to questions VIII - XI]

Marital Status

[] 1. Never Married
[] 2. Married
[] 3. Widowed
[] 4. Divorced

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11. Marital status. People age 15 and above should register their marital status. Those who are not married at the census time should be recorded as "never married"; whoever has a spouse at the census time including those who remarried after being bereaved or divorced should be classified as "married". Those who remain single since bereavement or divorce at the census time, should be identified as "widowed" or "divorced" accordingly.

The real marital status should be reflected in the form, notwithstanding the illegal status of the marriage.

China 1990 — source variable CN1990A_MARST — Marital status
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[Questions 10-13 were asked of persons age 15 and older.]

13. Marital status:

[] 1 Never married
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Divorced

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13. Marital Status --- Those aged 15 and above. At the time of Census, for those never-married people, circle "1" (Never-Married). At the time of Census, for those who have spouses (including those who are re-married after being widowed or divorced), circle "2" (Married). For those whose spouse is deceased but who are not married at the time of Census, circle "3" (Widowed). For those who is divorced but are not married at the time of Census, circle "4" (Divorced).

The answer to the marital status should reflect the actual situation, rather than only the legal marriages.

China 2000 — source variable CN2000A_MARST — Marital status
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23. Marital status

[] 1 Single
[] 2 First marriage
[] 3 Remarried
[] 4 Divorced
[] 5 Widow
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Part One. Personal Records

R17 through R24 apply to persons who are 15 years or older.

R23. Marital status
This question asks a person's "actual" marital status rather than legal marital status at the time of census. Those who are below the legal marital age but in marital relations should answer according to their real status.

1. Single. Those who are in domestic partnership, if they reject to report themselves as married, choose single.
2. First-time married with spouse.
3. Re-married with spouse. It also covers those who married for more than twice.
4. Divorced, meaning those who already divorced or in the process of filing divorce.
5. Widowed, meaning those who lost their spouse but not yet re-married.

Colombia 1964 — source variable CO1964A_MARST — Marital status
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6. Marital status code ____ _
Write accordingly, single, married, consensual union, separated, widow.

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Marital status

Column No. 6 - What is your current civil state? The civil state that a person has on the census date should be registered, writing down according to the case the determination of single, married, consensual union, widowed, or separated.

It is necessary to establish clearly the current civil state of each enumerated person. This should be only one response that is registered in column 6. The corresponding civil state should be written down of all persons, even the youngest of age.

The definitions of civil state are as follows:

Single: A person is single when they have never married, and on the census date they do not live in a consensual union or as married without being so.

Married: When a person says they are married and having legalized their union with legal ties.

Consensual Union: If a person lives as married without being so, or one who lives as husband or wife without having legalized the union, they are not considered as a single person but rather as in "Consensual Union".

Separated: When a person is legally married and does not live with their spouse due to reasons other than temporary absence for work, vacation, on leave, business, etc.

Widowed: When a person declared to be widowed, has not married again and does not live in consensual union or as married without being so.

Colombia 1973 — source variable CO1973A_MARST — Marital status
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A. General characteristics (for all the persons in the household).
[Applies to questions 1 - 9]

5. What is his/her current marital status?

[] 1 Consensual union
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Separated or divorced
[] 4 Single
[] 5 Widowed

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Section A. General characteristics

[Below the text is a form.]

Section A. General characteristics will be filled out for all the persons of a census household who spent the night of October 23 to 24 in the dwelling.

Do not forget to include newborns, minors and the elderly.
[Applies to questions 1 - 9]

Question No. 5. Current marital state

[Below the text is a form.]

Mark with an "x" the box that corresponds to the civil state of the person at the moment of the Census. Remember that the different alternatives are exclusive; therefore, you should not mark more than one of them.

[p. 42]

Read the question and the alternatives in their order until obtaining an affirmative response.

For minors mark with an "x" the box "single".

Consensual union: Persons are found in free union who without existing civil or religious matrimonial ties, live in marital union and are a family.

Married: They are persons who have been civilly or religiously legally married and live in this state at the moment of the census.

Single: Persons are considered single who never have married and do not live in free union.

Widowed: They are persons who were married or in free union and have not married again and do not live in free union after the death of their companion.

Separated or divorced: In this category are included:

a. - Persons who having lived in free union, at the moment of the census do not live with their companion.

b. - Persons married civilly and/or religiously, but who at the moment of the Census do not live with their companion

c. - Persons whose marriage was dissolved by legal means and have not married again or live in free union.

Do not write down as separate of divorced persons who have to separate occasionally for reasons of work, vacation, sickness, etc.

Colombia 1985 — source variable CO1985A_MARST — Marital status
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D. For persons ten years old or more.
[Applies to questions 42 - 45]

42. Actually you are:

[] 1 Consensually united
[] 2 Separated or divorced
[] 3 Married
[] 4 Widowed
[] 5 Single

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D. For persons 10 years old or older
[Applies to questions 42 - 45]

Question No. 42 Civil or conjugal state

[Below the text is a form.]

Mark "x" in the corresponding box.

If necessary explain the following definitions:

[p. 46]

Consensual union. A person who lives in marital union without being married by the law or the church.
Separated. It is a person who, having been married or in free union, at the moment of the census now does not live with the spouse or companion.
A person who has to be absent occasionally for reasons of work, vacation, sickness etc. should not be considered separated.
Divorced. It is a person whose wedding was dissolved for legal or religious means and did not marry again or does not live in free union.
Married. It is a person who was legally married according to the Civil Law (before a Judge) or according to the religious rites of any creed (catholic, baptist, jewish, etc.) and continues living with their spouse.
Widowed. It is a person whose wife or companion died and has not married again and does not live in free union.
Single. It is a person who has not married and does not live in free union.

Colombia 1993 — source variable CO1993A_MARST — Marital status
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F3. Ask these questions of all persons who are ten years old or more.

36. He/she is currently. . .

[] 1 In a consensual union
[] 2 Separated
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Married
[] 5 Single

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F3. Ask these questions to all persons 10 years old or older

36. Currently [the respondent] is:

This question refers to the civil or conjugal state of a person at the moment of the census. That is to say, the personal state of each individual in relation to the laws or customs of the country about matrimony.

[Below the text is a form.]

Take into account the following criteria:

In consensual union
Persons are in this category who, at the moment of the census, live in marital union and have constituted a family, without existing civil or religious marital ties. This union should be of stable character.

Separated or divorced
A person whose union (married or free union) has been dissolved by legal or de facto means and have not married again and do not live in free union.

A person who was married or in free union and has not married again and does not live in free union after the death of their last spouse.

It includes persons who have been legally married according to the religions of any creed (Catholic, Baptist, Jewish, etc.) or according to civil law (in front of a judge or notary) and who at the moment of the census live in this state.

Persons who never have married and do not live in free union are considered singles.

Colombia 2005 — source variable CO2005A_MARST — Marital status
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For persons 10 years old or more (generated by the DMC)
[Questions 53-54 were asked of persons age 10+.]

53. [The respondent] currently: (basic)

[] 1 Is not married and has been living with his/her partner for two years or more?
[] 2 Is not married and has been living with his/her partner for less than two years?
[] 3 Is separated, divorced?

[p. 26]

[] 4 Is widowed?
[] 5 Is single?
[] 6 Is married?

Costa Rica 1963 — source variable CR1963A_MARST — Marital status
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5. Marital Status

Mark only one box

Single: one who has never contracted matrimony and does not live in a consensual union

Married: one who has contracted matrimony and lives in that estate

Widowed: one who has not contracted matrimony since the death of a spouse and who does not live in a consensual union

Divorced: one who definitively undid a marital bond through legal means

Consensual union: one who lives in a marital union without having contracted matrimony

Married Separated: one who contracted matrimony and lives apart from the spouse
[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Divorced
[] 5 Consensual union
[] 6 Married separated
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Line No. 5.- Marital State

For this characteristic you should mark the box that corresponds to the definitions that appear in the form and which are commented on here.

You should always write down the current civil state; like for example: if a person has separated from their spouse and currently lives in "Free [consensual] Union" with another, you should classify them as "Free [consensual] Union" since that is the current state.

Single: is one who never has married, except those who live in "Free [consensual] Union".

Married: is one who is legally married and lives in this state.

Widow: is one who has not married again after the death of their spouse, nor lives in "Free Union" at the moment of the Census.

[p. 45]

If a person has married again or lives in "Free Union", you should indicate the current civil state.

Divorced: one who has broken their matrimonial ties in a definite form through legal means, and also has not married again or lives in "Free Union".

Consensual Union: It is said that a couple lies in "Free Union" when without any marital ties existing that bind them, the members constitute alone or with other family members, a well defined family. This is a delicate aspect and you should proceed with tact and very gently in the interview, avoiding discussions or expressions that could spoil the success of your job.

Married Separated: is one who has separated from their spouse and does not live in free union. The separation can be de facto or separation "de cuerpos" declared by competent authority. It should not be confused with divorce, which is a total and definitive separation.

Keep in mind that the previous concepts are mutually exclusive and that therefore, you should mark only one box for each person.

When it is possible, the enumerator should abstain from suggesting the response of the person, over all in the case of Divorced, Married Separated, and Free Union; so you will avoid an unfavorable atmosphere when the person is very sensitive in this sense. Some times the person does not give this information in a truthful form, principally in some of the cases cited before; so for example, they say that they are married and in reality they live in Free Union. In many of these cases, the enumerator will realize the falseness of the information in the course of the interview, but you should never insist in this matter; when this happens you should explain it in the space for "Observations", and write down there the information that you consider correct. You should be careful to do it later after you have finished the interview, to avoid displeasure or resentment of the person.

Costa Rica 1973 — source variable CR1973A_MARST — Marital status
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7. Current marital status: Mark only one circle.
Single: a person of any age who has never contracted matrimony and does not live in a consensual union.
Married: one who contracted matrimony and lives in that state.
Widowed: one who has not contracted matrimony since the death of a spouse, nor lives in a consensual union.
Divorced: one who is legally separated and has neither remarried nor lives in a consensual union.
Consensual union: one who lives in a marital union.
Married separated: one who contracted matrimony and lives separately from the spouse, and does not live in a consensual union.

[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Divorced
[] 5 Consensual union
[] 6 Married separated

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14.- Question No. 7.- Current Marital Status

Mark the corresponding circle according to the case; remember that you should only mark one circle.

14.1.- Single: A person of any age who is legally married and does not live in Consensual Union.

14.4.- Married: One who is married as a catholic or civilly and lives in this state.

[p. 42]

14.3.- Widowed: One who has not married again after the death of their spouse, nor lives in Consensual Union.

If a person has married again or lives in Consensual Union, you should indicate this current civil state.

[14.4.-] Divorced: One who legally separated and has not married again or lives in Free Union.

14.5- Married separated: One who was legally married and lives separately from the spouse and does not live in Free Union.

The separation can be de facto or physical separation declared by competent authority. It should not be confused with divorce, which is a total and definitive separation.

14.6.- Consensual Union: It is said that a pair lives in Free Union when without being married, its members are thought to be a well defined family by themselves and their family members. You should proceed with tact at the time of the interview, avoiding discussions or expressions that could spoil the success of the interview.

When it is possible, the enumerator should abstain from suggesting the response of the person, over all in the case of divorced, married separated, and free union; so you will avoid an unfavorable atmosphere when the person is very sensitive in this sense.

Some times the person does not give this information in a truthful form, principally in some of the cases cited before; so for example, they say that they are married and in reality they live in Free Union. In many of these cases, the enumerator will realize the falseness of the information in the course of the interview, but you should never insist in this matter; when this happens you should explain it in the space for "Observations", and write down there the information that you consider correct. You should be careful to do it later after you have finished the interview, to avoid displeasure or resentment of the person.

Costa Rica 1984 — source variable CR1984A_MARST — Marital status
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Only for those 10 years of age and older
[Applies to question 10 - 11]

11. Marital Status

[] 1 Consensual union
[] 2 Separated
[] 3 Married
[] 4 Widowed
[] 5 Divorced
[] 6 Single

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Third block of questions: only for persons 10 years old or older

The two questions that form this block should be asked only to persons who have ages of 10 years or more. If a person is found who is not this old, then you should cross out the whole block with diagonal crossed lines and go to the next person.

Question 11: Marital Status

The objective of this question for census purposes is to get the marital situation of the persons in relation with the marriage laws and customs of the country.

[Below the text is a form.]

[p. 52]

Ask this question in the following manner: "What is the current marital state?"

Remember that it refers to the person about whom you are requesting information.

The question offers 6 possibilities of response: "United", "Separated", "Married", "Widowed", "Divorced" and "Single".

{Types of Marital Status}

Below we will review the 6 types of Marital Status that you can find with reference to the census moment. We will try to make it so each concept is clear to you so that you carry out a correct enumeration.

1. Consensual union: A person who lives in marital state without having been legally married with someone they coexist with.
2. Separated: A person who lives separated from their spouse and does not live in a de facto union.
3. Married: A person who has been legally married and lives with the spouse, that is to say, who has not been widowed, nor has been divorced or separated.
4. Widowed: A person who after the death of their spouse has not been married again and does not live in a de facto union.
5. Divorced: A person who having dissolved their marriage by legal means has not married again and does not live in a de facto union.
6. Single: A person who has never been married and who does not live in a de facto union.

If you find a person who says that their last or only marriage was annulled, classify them according to the marital state that they had before beginning the annulled marriage.

Costa Rica 2000 — source variable CR2000A_MARST — Marital status
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For those 12 years of age and older [Applies to questions 13-18]

13. Currently, is ____

[] 1 in a consensual union?
[] 2 married?
[] 3 separated?
[] 4 divorced?
[] 5 widowed?
[] 6 single?
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Third Block

Only for persons 12 years old or older

Question 13: Marital Status

This question has as its objective obtaining the current marital situation of all persons 12 years old or older at the moment of the census in relation with the laws and customs of the country (not the civil state). Together with the relation or relationships, it permits identifying different family nucleuses in the same home.

[To the right of the text is a form.]

Ask the question as it appears in the questionnaire, reading each one of the alternatives until getting an affirmative response.

Six types of marital state situations have been considered:

[All marital situations end in "o(a)" indicating that the person could be man or woman.]

1. Consensual Union: A person who lives in marital state without having been legally or civilly married with a person with whom they coexist ["de facto union"].

2. Married: A person who has been legally married and lives with the spouse or mate or is temporarily separated for special purposes like work, sickness, incarceration, etc.

3. Separated: A person who lives separated from their spouse (of marriage or union) and does not live in a "de facto" union.

[Below the text of a picture of a man in a woman in two different houses.]

4. Divorced: a person who having dissolved their marriage legally, has not married again nor lives in "de facto" union.

5. Widowed: a person who after the death of their last spouse, has not married again nor lives in "de facto" union.

[Below the text is a picture of a widow.]

6. Single: a person who has not been married and never has lived in "de facto" union.

If a person is encountered who says that their last and only marriage was annulled, they are classified according to the marital state that they had before the annulled marriage.


The following questions (14 to 18) correspond to the economic characteristics of the population 12 years old or older. This part requires a careful understanding of a series of concepts related among themselves and that should not be confused, with the purpose of collecting the correct information.

Costa Rica 2011 — source variable CR2011A_MARST — Marital status
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Only for people 12 years or older
[Questions 20 through 23 are asked only of persons aged 20 and older]

20. [The respondent] is currently...?

[] 1 In a consensual union or partnership
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Separated
[] 4 Divorced
[] 5 Widowed
[] 6 Single
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Questions 20 to 31 are asked only of people 12 years of age or older.

Question 20: Marital status

Only for people 12 years or older

20. [Name] is currently ...?

[] 1 in a consensual union or partnership
[] 2 married
[] 3 separated
[] 4 divorced
[] 5 widowed
[] 6 single

This question refers to the marital status and not the civil or legal status of the population.

Consensual union or partnership: people that live in a consensual union without having contracted legal or civil matrimony with the person with which they cohabitate. This category includes those people of the same sex that declare to be cohabitating as a couple.

Married: person that has contracted legal matrimony and lives with his/her spouse or partner, even if they do not live in the same dwelling for circumstantial reasons such as work, sickness, imprisonment, hospitalization, or other reason that does not allow them to live under the same roof; whenever the union has not been dissolved.

Separated: person that contracted legal matrimony or was in a consensual union and currently does not live with his/her spouse or partner because they dissolved the union without recurring to legal mechanisms, or solicited legal separation without having consolidated the divorce.

Divorced: person that having dissolved his/her matrimony in a legal way has not married again nor lives in consensual union.

Widowed: person that after the death of his/her spouse has not contracted matrimony again nor lives in a consensual union.

Single: person that has never married nor lived in a consensual union.

Remember that this deals with the marital status and not the civil status. Because of this you may find the case of a couple where one of the partners is legally married and the other single; in this situation, the marital status of both is "consensual union."

Cuba 2002 — source variable CU2002A_MARST — Marital status
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16. What is your civil or marital status?
(Mark only one)

For persons 12 years old or more

[] 1 Married
[] 2 Civil union
[] 3 Divorced
[] 4 Separated
[] 5 Widowed
[] 6 Single

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Question 16. What is your civil or marriage state?

The objective of this question is to know the civil status or marriage status of the enumerated persons.

You should ask the question and then you should read each of the boxes so that the person can select his/her civil or marital status.


16. What is your civil or marriage state? (only one mark)
[] 1 Union
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Divorced
[] 4 Separated
[] 5 Widowed
[] 6 Single

You should memorize the following definitions:

Union: This is the person who lives as in a marital relationship in a stable manner with a person of the opposite sex, without a legal contract that recognizes the relationship. The conjugal status is also called consensual union.

You will mark this box if the person is found in this condition even if he/she is divorced, widowed, or if he/she is only separated from the previous spouse.

Married: This is the union of two persons of opposite sex, formally and legally recognized.

Divorced: This is person who has terminated his/her civil status as married, through the dissolution of the marriage by judicial decree and who currently does not live in a consensual union.

[Header: Instructions for the use of the Enumerator / Section IV. Information about the Person -- 66 ]

Separated: This is the person who, being legally married or in a union with another person, is currently found separated, which means that he/she does not live in a marital relationship with the person from whom he/she is not divorced, nor lives in a stable consensual union with another person.

Widow: This is the person who, being legally married or in a consensual union, has lost his/her spouse or companion through death and has not remarried nor is currently in a consensual union.

Single: This is a person who has never been legally married, nor lives in a consensual union.

Remember that the persons who declare to be married or in a union, if they live in the same household as their partner, should have the annotation in question number 3 that corresponds to this questionnaire. If the spouse does not reside in the household, it should be noted in the space designated for "Spouse of" as "00".

With this question we have concluded the part of Section IV that corresponds to persons twelve years old and more and we will begin to work with the segments of the population that are fifteen years old and more, with questions about their economic situation.

Cuba 2012 — source variable CU2012A_MARST — Marital status
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Section IV. Personal data
[Applies to questions 1-23]

For persons 12 years and older
(End of interview for persons under this age.)
[Question 16 was asked of persons age 12 and older.]

16. What is your civil and/or marital status?

(Only mark one)

[] 1 Married
[] 2 In a civil union
[] 3 Divorced
[] 4 Separated
[] 5 Widowed
[] 6 Single
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Section IV. Personal Data.

For persons 12 years and older (end of interview for those under this age)

Question 16. What is your civil and/or marital status?
The purpose of the question is to determine the marital status of the listed persons. You will need to ask the question and then read each of the boxes for the person to select their civil or marital status.
You must memorize the following definitions:

Married: The union of two people of the opposite sex formally recognized by law.
In a civil union: This refers to a person that lives together in a marital, stable form without having completed the legal steps to be recognized as marriage. This marital state is also called consensual union. Box 2 will be checked if the person is in this situation, even if they are divorced, widowed, or were only separated from their previous partner and are current in such a union.
Divorced: A person who terminated their legally married status through the dissolution of their marriage by juridical or notarial means, and does not currently live in a consensual union.
Separated: A person who is legally married, but is currently separated; that is, they no longer live with that person but have not yet divorced, nor do they live in a stable consensual union with someone else.
Widowed: A person who was married whose spouse or partner is deceased, who has not remarried and is not in currently in a civil union.
Single: A the person who has never legally married or lived in civil union.

Remember that people who claim to be Married or In a Civil Union, if they live in the same household with their spouse, should be marked with the corresponding number on question 3 of this Questionnaire. If the spouse does not reside in the household, "00" must be written in the space intended for "Spouse of."
This question ends the part of Section IV for those 12 years and older; from here on the survey applies only to those 15 years and older with questions about their economic situation.

Côte d'Ivoire 1988 — source variable CI1988A_MARST — Marital status
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All individuals
[Question 17 through 28 were asked of all individuals]

25. Marital status

Ask the question in accordance with the instruction manual

[] 1 Single (s)
[] 2 Cohabitation (ch)
[] 3 Man married to 1 wife (m1)
[] 4 Man married to 2 wives (m2)
[] 5 Man married to 3 or more wives (m3)
[] 6 Married woman (w)
[] 7 Separated or divorced (sd)
[] 8 Widow/widower (w)
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4.3.2 The inside of the questionnaire: data on the household

To complete the inside of the questionnaire, you must have:

- Read and fully understand the contents of this manual.
- If any points are unclear to you, ask your team leader for an explanation.
- Know the definitions perfectly and the meaning of the abbreviations used.
- The presence of the person you are surveying to obtain reliable information. If the head of the household is absent, speak with his representative to get the necessary information.


- Ask each person to be surveyed to present an identification document (national identification card, birth certificate, passport, driver's license, etc.) in order to quickly obtain answers to questions regarding first and last names, date of birth, etc.

Carefully follow all instructions you have been given, especially regarding how to ask the questions.

Question 25: Marital status
Marital status indicates an individual's situation with respect to marriage.

He or she is considered "married" when they are in a union that was celebrated civilly or religiously or in accordance with the traditional rites.

After conducting the interview, as applicable, circle the code that corresponds to the situation of the surveyed individual.

The possible answers are:

[] l S = Single. A single person is an individual who has never been married.
[] CH = Cohabitation. An unmarried individual is considered to be "Cohabitating" if the union has lasted for at least one year.
[] M l = Man married to one spouse
[] M 2 = Man married to two spouses
[] M 3 + = Man married to three or more spouses
[] W = Married woman
[] S-D = Separated or Divorced. A person is separated when they are married but live separately from his/her spouse and have not gotten a divorce. A person is divorced when his/her marriage has been broken by divorce, and he/she has not remarried. If his/her former spouse died after the divorce, he/she is still considered divorced. A polygamist who divorces one of his wives is considered still married, not divorced.
[] W = Widow/Widower. A person is a widow/widower when his/her spouse has died, and he/she has not remarried. A polygamist who loses one of his wives is still considered married, not a widower.

How to conduct the interview about marital status.

For all individuals under 12 years of age, systematically circle code 1 = S (single).
For all individuals 12 years of age or older, ask, "Do you live with a woman (or a man?)."
If "Yes," ask: Have you celebrated your union civilly or religiously or in accordance with traditional rites?"
If "Yes"
1) If it is a man, ask: "How many women are you married to?" and circle one of the following codes, as applicable:
3 = M l (Man married to 1 woman)
4 = M 2 (Man married to 2 women)
5 = M 3+ (Man married to 3 or more women)
2) If it is a woman, circle code 6 = W (married woman).
If "No," circle the code 2 = CH.
If "No," ask: "Have you ever been married"?
If "no," circle the code 1 = S (single)
If "Yes," ask: "Are you separated or divorced from your spouse?"
If "yes," circle the code 7 = S-D (separated or divorced)
If "No," ask, "Are you a Widow/Widower?"
If "yes," circle the code 8 = W (widow/widower).

Côte d'Ivoire 1998 — source variable CI1998A_MARST — Marital status
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Residents of age 12 years and over
[Question 34 and 35 are asked of resident persons age 12+.]

34. Marital status

[] 1 Single (c)
[] 2 Cohabiting/common-law marriage (ul)
[] 3 Married to a woman without a co-wife, with 1 co-wife, 2 co-wives, etc. (follow the instructions in the manual) (m1, m2, m3, m4)
[] 7 Separated or divorced (sd)
[] 8 Widowed (v)
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Question 34: Marital status
Marital status indicates a person's status in relation to marriage. Any individual whose union has been formalized in a civil or religious ceremony or according to customary rites is considered "married." After conducting the interview, select the appropriate code that corresponds to the situation of the person interviewed. For example:

1 = C: single. A single person: is a person who has never been married and who is not living with a person of the opposite sex.
2 = UL: cohabitation. Any individual who is unmarried (civilly, religiously, or according to customary rites) and living with a partner is considered to be cohabitating.
3 = M1: man married to one wife (monogamous union)
4 = M2: man married to two wives or to one wife and one co-wife (polygamous union)
5 = M3: man married to three wives or to one wife and two co-wives (polygamous union)
6 = M4+: man married to four wives or more, or to one wife and three or more co-wives (polygamous union)
7 = SD: Divorced/Separated. Any person whose marriage has been broken by divorce and who has not remarried is divorced. Even if his/her former spouse died subsequent to the divorce, he/she is still divorced.

Note: People who are separated are considered divorced.
A polygamist who divorces from one of his wives is not considered divorced, but remains married.

8 = Ve: Widow(er). A widow(er) is a person whose marriage has ended due to the death of his/her spouse and who has not remarried. A polygamist who loses one of his spouses is not a widower, but is still married.

How to conduct the interview on marital status?
For each resident 12 years of age or older, ask: "Do you live with a woman (or a man)?"

2.1 - If "yes," ask: Has your union been formalized in a civil or religious ceremony or according to customary rites?
a) If "yes," the person is married
If the individual is a man, ask: "How many women are you married to?"
If the individual is a woman, ask: "How many co-wives do you have?"
And circle one of the following codes as appropriate:
3 = M1: Man married to a married spouse or wife without co-wife
4 = M2: Man married to one wife, or married woman with one co-wife
5 = M3 Man married to three wives, or married woman with two co-wives
6 = M4: Man married to four or more wives, or married woman with three or more co-wives.
b) If "No," the person is not married, but is cohabitating; circle code 2 = UL: Cohabitation.
2.2 - If "No" (to the question, "Do you live with a woman (or a man)?" ask: "Have you ever been married?"
- If "no," circle code 1 = C: single
- If "yes," ask: "Are you divorced from your spouse?"
- If "yes," circle code 7 - SD: divorced/separated
- If "No," ask: "Are you a Widow(er)?"
- If "yes," circle code 8 = Ve: widow(er)
- If "no," there must be an inconsistency in the answers; go through the interview again

Dominican Republic 1960 — source variable DO1960A_MARST — Marital Status
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6. Marital status (For those 12 years of age and older)
S = single
C = married
U.L. = consensual union
V = widowed
D = divorced
S.L. = legally separated

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57. Question 6. Marital Status. According to the following definitions, the letter "S" is recorded for single, "C" for married ["casado"]; "U.L." for consensual union ["union libre"]; "V" for widowed ["viudo"]; "D" for divorced; and "S.L." for legally separated:

a) "Single" - All persons who have never been married and who do not live in a consensual union.
b) "Married" - All persons legally united, whether they live with their spouses or not.
c) "Consensual Union" - Living in a conjugal union that is not legalized.
p. 25
d) "Widowed" - A man or woman whose spouse has passed away and who has not remarried or entered into a consensual union.
e) "Divorced" - The man or woman whose marriage has been legally dissolved and who does not live in a consensual union.
f) "Legally separated" - The man or woman who is married and not divorced and whose separation has been legally recognized.

Dominican Republic 1970 — source variable DO1970A_MARST — Legal marital status
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All persons [Applies to questions 1-5]

5. Legal marital status. What is the legal civil marital status of the enumerated person?

[] 1 Single (never married)
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Divorced
[] 5 Legally separated
[] 6 Annulled
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11.5.1 Personal characteristics. The first five questions dealing with personal characteristics are presented to persons of all ages, from newborns to the very oldest persons. The last question, relating to de facto conjugal status, is only presented to those 15 years of age and older.

e) Question 5. Legal marital status. On the census form, the legal marital status or the de facto conjugal status is requested separately of all enumerated persons. Question 5 refers exclusively to the legal marital status of the enumerated person. In order to avoid confusion, each of the states appearing on the census form are defined below: i) unmarried: one who has never been married; ii) married: one who has entered into a valid and lawful marriage and who maintains that status at the time of the census. Included in this group are those persons in de facto separation because this circumstance does not affect the validity of their marriage. A de facto separation is one that takes place through the initiative or agreement of both parties, without legal intervention. iii) widowed: a married person whose spouse had passed away by the time of the census and who has not remarried. iv) divorced: a person who has obtained a legal separation from his/her spouse and who is legally authorized to remarry. v) legally separated: a married person who lives separated from his spouse due to a legal judgment and who cannot remarry. This definition excludes those in a de facto separation. vi) annulled: a person whose marriage was declared null or invalid by a legal judgment.

Dominican Republic 1981 — source variable DO1981A_MARST — Marital Status
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For individuals 12 years of age and older[Applies to question 65.]

65. Are you currently in a consensual union, married, separated, divorced, widowed, or single?

[] 1 Consensual union
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Separated
[] 4 Divorced
[] 5 Widowed
[] 6 Single
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For all persons 12 years of age and older

Question 65: Are you currently in a consensual union, married, separated, divorced, widowed, or unmarried?

The options are read and the corresponding circle is filled in.

This information refers to the [conjugal] situation of the person at the moment of the census and not to their legal marital status.

Dominican Republic 2002 — source variable DO2002A_MARST — Marital status
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For persons of 15 years old and more
[Questions 60-63 were asked for persons age 15+.]

60. At the present time [the respondent] is...

(Read all options and select just one)

[] 1 Married
[] 2 Cohabiting
[] 3 Widow/widower
[] 4 Divorced
[] 5 Separated from legal or religious marriage
[] 6 Separated from cohabitation
[] 7 Single
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For people age 15 or older:

Question 60: Currently, is (NAME):

Read each option and fill in the correct answer.

1. Married. If the person is married legally (by Law) or by the church.
2. In union. If the person lives with a partner without being married legally or religiously.
3. Divorced. If the person was married and is divorced legally or religiously and has not been married or living in union with another person.
4. Widow/widower. If the person was married and his/her partner died and has not been married or living in union with another person.
5. Separated legally or religiously. If the person lived in legal union or religiously and separated from his/her partner and has not been married or living in union with another person.
6. Separated from union. If the person live in union with a partner (free union or concubinage) and now is separated and has not been married or living in union with another person.
7. Single. If a person has never been married or in union.

Dominican Republic 2010 — source variable DO2010A_MARST — Marital status
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For people age 15 and older

55. Currently, is [the respondent]: (Read all answers and mark only one)

[] 1 Separated legally or religiously
[] 2 Divorced
[] 3 Widow/widower
[] 4 Separated from a civil union
[] 5 Married
[] 6 Living together
[] 7 Single (Never married or in a civil union)
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Question 55. Currently, is [the respondent]:
This question is designed to establish the marital status of the informant. The marital status is different from the civil situation of the relationship. In the Dominican Republic there are only two categories of marital status: single and married. However, in demographic terms what is important is the civil situation, which has the following categories: separated, divorced, widow/widower, separated from a civil union, married, living together and single.

  • Separated legally or religiously represents the status of a person who is legally or religiously married, but that currently is separated from his/her partner and does not have another partner.
  • Divorced is the person who was married but is legally divorced from his/her partner and currently does not have another partner.
  • Widow/widower is the person who was married but his/her partner is deceased and currently does not have another partner.
  • Separated from a civil union is the person who was in union with a partner but currently does not have a partner.
[Page 81]
  • Living together is a person that currently is living together with a person in civil union or by consent.
  • Single (Never married or in a civil union) is the person that does not have a partner and was never married or in a civil union with anybody.

Ecuador 1962 — source variable EC1962A_MARST — Marital status
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Only for those 12 years of age and older
[Applies to items 14 through 18]

IX. (14) Marital Status

1 Single
2 Married
3 Consensual Union
4 Widowed
5 Divorced

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Column 14: Marital status. In this column record the information for people 12 years old and up, according to the marital status stated by the person being enumerated, that is: single, married, divorced, widowed, consensual union (de facto), in accordance with the definitions given on this subject.

Ecuador 1974 — source variable EC1974A_MARST — Marital status
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E. Marital status
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D. Marital and fertility characteristics

[This is the second section D. in the enumerator's manual. On the enumeration form, this section has the title "fertility characteristics."]

Question No. 21

[The following directions refer to a graphic representing question 21, "what is your marital or conjugal status?", in this section of the enumeration form.]

Read each one of the alternatives and ask all members of the census household who are 12 or older in which of them they classify themselves. Mark the corresponding box.

[Note that this question corresponds to question 19 (in section E. marital status) on the enumeration form. The enumeration form includes two response options ("separated" and "unknown") that do not appear in the enumerator's manual.]

Ecuador 1982 — source variable EC1982A_MARST — Marital status
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E. Marital Status

For all individuals 12 years of age and older

21. Are you in a consensual union, single, married, divorced, widowed, or separated?
[] 1 Consensual union
[] 2 Single
[] 3 Married
[] 4 Divorced
[] 5 Widowed
[] 6 Separated
[] 9 Unknown

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E. Marital or conjugal status

This question is for men and women 12 years of age and older.

Question 21. Are you in a consensual union, single, married, divorced, widowed or separated?

Read the question as it is written. Mark the box corresponding to the answer given.

Ecuador 1990 — source variable EC1990A_MARST — Marital status
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For all individuals 12 years of age and older
[Applies to question 23.]

23. Are you currently: In a consensual union, single, married, divorced, widowed or separated? Mark only one box.

[] 1 Consensual union
[] 2 Single
[] 3 Married
[] 4 Divorced
[] 5 Widowed
[] 6 Separated
[] 9 Unknown

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Question 23. Currently, are you: in a consensual union, single, married, divorced, widowed, or separated?

This question is the last question on the form and is for all persons 14 years old or more.

Always ask the question, under no condition should you suppose the civil or marital status of the persons being enumerated. Remember that you are finding out the current civil or marital status. For example: if a person was married and currently is in a consensual union, mark an X in box 1, consensual union.

Currently, are you: in a consensual union, single, married, divorced, widowed, or separated?
Mark only one box.

[ ] 1 In a consensual union
[ ] 2 Single
[ ] 3 Married
[ ] 4 Divorced
[ ] 5 Widowed
[ ] 6 Separated
[ ] 9 Don't know

Ecuador 2001 — source variable EC2001A_MARST — Marital status
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28. Currently, are you: in a consensual union, single, married, divorced, widowed, or separated? Mark only one box.
[ ] 1 In a consensual union
[ ] 2 Single
[ ] 3 Married
[ ] 4 Divorced
[ ] 5 Widowed
[ ] 6 Separated
[ ] 9 Don't know

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For all people 12 years of age and older

E. Marital or conjugal status

Question 28.- Are you currently in a consensual union, single, married, divorced, widowed or separated?

[There is a picture of question 28 from this section of the enumeration form.]

Always ask this question. In no case should you assume the marital or conjugal status of a person being enumerated. Remember that the current marital or conjugal status is being investigated. Example: If a person was married and currently is in a consensual union, mark box 1, In a consensual union, with an x.

[There is a drawing of a man wearing a ring and the box for "married" is checked.]

[Pages. 58-59 were not translated into English.]

Ecuador 2010 — source variable EC2010A_MARST — Marital status
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Persons twelve years old and older
[Questions 34-35 were asked of people 12 years and older.]

34. [The respondent] is currently:

[] 1 Married?
[] 2 In a consensual relationship?
[] 3 Separated?
[] 4 Divorced?
[] 5 Widowed?
[] 6 Single?

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[Section 4]

Step 15: Continue with section 4, information about the population / E: Marital status and social security.

[A copy of section 4E of the census questionnaire is omitted here.]


  • Follow the sequencial order of the questions.
  • Remember that these questions are for persons twelve years old and older.
  • Marital status of the person who holds the position of head of household should be the same as his/her spouse; therefore, you will register the current marital status of the persons.
  • The persons who do not contribute to the agricultural insurance and are only beneficiaries of the same should register alternative 7 (does not contribute).
  • Pay attention to the indications of question 35.

Egypt 1986 — source variable EG1986A_MARST — Marital status
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Part B: Individual data

13. Marital status
[Question 13 was asked of males 18 years and over and females 16 and over.]

[] 1 Underage
[] 2 Never married
[] 3 Married
[] 4 Engaged
[] 5 Divorce
[] 6 Widowed
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Marital status: Column number (13)
For male less than (18) years and female less than (16) years and he has not previously got married and she has not previously got married, put a circle round Number (1) for male (18) years and over and female (16) years and over, put a circle:

Circle number (2) for those who have not married.
Or circle number (3) for those who are married.
Or circle number (4) for those who are contractually married but, they are not living as a husband and wife.
(The Number of this person and the date in year of the marriage contract is filled in part (d) of this questionnaire at the same time).
Or circle number (5) for the divorced female or male.
Or circle number (6) for the female whose husband has died or the male whose wife has died

Egypt 1996 — source variable EG1996A_MARST — Marital status
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13. Marital status
[] 1 Underage
[] 2 Never married
[] 3 Married
[] 4 Engaged
[] 5 Divorce
[] 6 Widowed

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The marital status
For male person who is less than (18) years and female less than (16) years and they are not previously married, fill in ink the circle in front of No.(I)

For male who is (18) years and over female (16) years and over fill in ink the circle:

In front of No.(2) for the persons who are never married or in front of No.(3) for the married person or in front of No.(4) for those who are contractually married but, they are not living as husband and wife or in front of No.(5) for divorced persons male and female or in front of No.(6) for widowed persons male and female

Egypt 1996 — source variable EG1996A_WIVES — Number of wives
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14. Number or current wives ____
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The number of current wives column No.(14)
Record for the married male the number of his current wives at the time of enumeration and the female that is contractually married is counted within this number. Put (-) in any of the following cases:
for male (18 years and over) and never married
for all female even those who are less than marriage age
for male less than (18 years) and never married write underage

Egypt 2006 — source variable EG2006A_MARST — Marital status
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[Questions 15-20 for all persons]

15. Marital status

[For males 18 years or older]
[For females 16 years or older]

[] 1 Under age
[] 2 Never married
[] 3 Contractually married
[] 4 Married
[] 5 Divorced
[] 6 Widowed

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Table 1: Household characteristics

7. Marital status
[For males 18 years or older and females 16 years or older]

There is one square to write one of the following answers according to the status of each member. There is also a line below the square to write the verbal responses.

1. Below age: for the previously specified age categories that have never been married. If they were married, like what happens in some villages, their answer would be (4) "Married".
2. Has never been married: for males 18 years or older and females 16 years or older that have never been married.
3. Contractually married: for members who have been contractually married but haven't had a wedding yet.
4. Married
5. Divorced
6. Widowed

Egypt 2006 — source variable EG2006A_WIVES — Number of wives
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[Questions 15-20 for all persons]

16. Number of current wives ____

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Table 1: Household characteristics

8. Number of wives currently married to
This question is filled only for married men of all religions.

There is one square to write a number from (1) to (4) only, since it is logical that he doesn't have more than (4) wives for Muslims and not more than (1) for non-Muslims.

El Salvador 1992 — source variable SV1992A_MARST — Marital status
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V. Information on members of the household

1. All persons

5. What is your current marital status?

[] 1 Under 12 years old
[] 2 Consensual union
[] 3 Married
[] 4 Widowed
[] 5 Separated
[] 6 Divorced
[] 7 Single

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5. Marital status
What is your marital status?
Marital status is understood as the situation of each person with regard to the laws or family customs for marriage or common law marriage that exist in the country. For the identification of marital status the following definitions should be taken into account:

[pg. 42]

  • Children younger than 12: This includes all people, children and youth, who are younger than age 12.
  • Consensual union: This is a person who is not legally married to the person he/she cohabitates with in a stable manner.
  • Married: This is a person who is legally married to their spouse.
  • Widow/widower: This is a person who, after their marriage with their partner, whether through legal or common-law marriage, is not married and does not live with a spouse.
  • Separated: This is a person who is separated from their spouse of legal or common marriage and doesn't live with another partner.
  • Divorced: This is a person who, having legally dissolved their marriage, has not married again nor do they live with a partner.
  • Single: This is a person who has never been married nor lived with a partner.

El Salvador 2007 — source variable SV2007A_MARST — Marital status
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[Questions 13-24 are for persons age 10 or older]

13. What is your marital status?

[] 1 Partnered [acompañado]
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Separated
[] 5 Divorced
[] 6 Single

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[Questions 13-24 are for persons age 10 or older. If the person is younger than 10, end the interview and cross out the corresponding page]

Question 13: What is your marital status?
"Marital status" is understood to mean each person's status with respect to the laws or customs related to matrimony or cohabitation in this country.
Take the following definitions into account to help you identify marital status:

This is a person who has not married the person with whom he/she lives in a stable relationship. This is also called cohabitating.

This is a person who was legally married before a lawyer or competent municipal authority (mayor) and lives with his/her spouse.

This is a person who has not re-married and is not cohabitating after the death of his/her spouse.

This is a person who lives separately from his/her spouse or partner and who is not living in matrimony with another person.

This is a person who has legally dissolved his/her marriage ties and has not remarried and is not cohabitating.

This is a person who has never married and has not cohabitated with another person.

Ethiopia 1984 — source variable ET1984A_MARST — Marital status
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31. Marital status

[] 1 Never married
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Divorced
[] 4 Widowed
[] 5 Separated
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Column 31 Marital Status

This column must be for all members of the household aged ten years and over. For household members aged below ten years, /--/ will be entered in column 31. Marriage means union between man and woman through legal or traditional ceremony and living together as husband and wife.

Categories of marriage and their codes are given below to indicate marital status.

1 = Never married.
2 = Married
3 = Divorced /Married before the census day and divorced legally or traditionally before the census day. /
4 = Widowed /Person whose spouse has died and has not remarried until census day/
5 = Separated /Husband and wife whose marriage is not annulled legally or traditionally but separated on the census day due to misunderstanding/

Based on the listing of categories of marital status given above the correct code of marital status will be entered in column 31 card column 57 for household members ten years and over.

Ethiopia 1994 — source variable ET1994A_MARST — Marital status
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Section III: Detailed particulars of household members

33. Marital status

[] 1 Never married
[] 2 Married/currently married
[] 3 Divorced
[] 4 Widowed
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Column 33: What is (NAME's) current marital status?

Every member of the household whose age is 10 years and above are asked currently married or not. People who live together as husband and wife and who regard themselves as husband and wife should be recorded as married. The marriage may be taken place either legal, religious or traditional basis or those married persons should live together as husband and wife. The answer for this question must be accepted as given by the respondent and not to question the legal aspect of the marital status. Thus, it is the respondent who defines his/her marital status. The definition for different types of marital status and the assigned codes are given below:

1 = Never married: Are persons who have never married before the census date.

2 = Married: Are persons who at the reference time (October 10, 1994) had marriage partners whether they were staying in the same house or not. The marriage may be both under the legal system of the country, religious or the customs of the local area. For partners who are in dispute but their marriage case is in court or under traditional dispute resolution methods is considered as married unless their marriage is formally annulled.

3 = Divorced: For all persons who at the reference time have had their marriage formally annulled either in court or by custom and have not married again during the census time.

4 = Widowed: For all persons who at the reference time have had lost their marriage partners through death and have not remarried.

Ethiopia 2007 — source variable ET2007A_MARST — Marital status
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Section 3: Details of persons in the household

[Questions 21-25 were asked of long form respondents' age 10+.]

25. What is [the respondent]'s current marital status?

[] 1 Never married
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Divorced
[] 4 Separated
[] 5 Widowed
[] 6 Cohabiting/living together
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Question 25:- What is [the respondent's] current marital status?

Every member of the household whose age is 10 years and above are asked currently married or not. People who live together as husband and wife and who regard themselves as husband and wife should be recorded as married. The marriage may be taken place either legal, religious or traditional basis or those married persons should live together as husband and wife. The answer for this question must be accepted as given by the respondent and not to question the legal aspect of the marital status. Thus, it is the respondent who defines his/her marital status. The relevant codes to be marked for the various marital status categories are:

1 = Never married: - Are persons who have never married before the census date.

2 = Married:- Are persons who at the reference time (May 28, 2007) had marriage partners whether they were staying in the same house or not. The marriage may be both under the legal system of the country, religious or the customs of the local area.

3 = Divorced:- For all persons who at the reference time have had their marriage formally annulled either in court or by custom and have not married again during the census time.

4 = Separated :- For all persons who because of dispute or other reasons were no longer staying in the same house as "married partners " but whose marriage had not declared culturally or legally dissolved. At the enumeration date if the husband and wife full fill this condition then mark this code (code 4).

5 = Widowed:- For all persons who at the reference time have had lost their marriage partners through death and have not remarried.

6 = Living together/Cohabiting:- Are persons who at the reference time ( May, 2007 ) living together as husband and wife. The marriage is not in the legal system of the country or the customs of the local area. These persons may or may not have had common child.

Fiji 1966 — source variable FJ1966A_MARST — Marital status
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[Questions 6-10 were asked of all persons.]

6. Marital status

NM-Never married

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40. Column 6: Marital status: The abbreviations shown at the top of the column should be used to describe whether a person has never married (N.M.), is married (M), is widowed (W), or is divorced (D). Persons whose husband (or wife) has died or who have been divorced should be recorded as widowed or divorced only if they have not married again. The only people who should be recorded as divorcee are those who have received a certificate confirming their divorce.

Fiji 1976 — source variable FJ1976A_EVERMARR — Ever married
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For all persons born in 1962 and before

16. Marital status
(a) Has [the person] ever been married?

Write Yes or No

(b) If yes is [the person] now married (M), widowed (W), or divorced or separated (D)?

(c) Has [the person] been married more than once?
Write Yes or No

(d) Is [person's] first husband/wife still alive?
Write Yes or No

Fiji 1976 — source variable FJ1976A_MARST — Current marital status
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For all persons born in 1962 and before

16. Marital status
(a) Has [the person] ever been married?

Write Yes or No

(b) If yes is [the person] now married (M), widowed (W), or divorced or separated (D)?

(c) Has [the person] been married more than once?
Write Yes or No

(d) Is [person's] first husband/wife still alive?
Write Yes or No

Fiji 1976 — source variable FJ1976A_MARRMULT — Married more than once
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For all persons born in 1962 and before

16. Marital status
(a) Has [the person] ever been married?

Write Yes or No

(b) If yes is [the person] now married (M), widowed (W), or divorced or separated (D)?

(c) Has [the person] been married more than once?
Write Yes or No

(d) Is [person's] first husband/wife still alive?
Write Yes or No

Fiji 1976 — source variable FJ1976A_SP1STLIVE — First spouse alive
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For all persons born in 1962 and before

16. Marital status
(a) Has [the person] ever been married?

Write Yes or No

(b) If yes is [the person] now married (M), widowed (W), or divorced or separated (D)?

(c) Has [the person] been married more than once?
Write Yes or No

(d) Is [person's] first husband/wife still alive?
Write Yes or No

Fiji 1986 — source variable FJ1986A_MARST — Marital status
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For all persons
[Questions 1-13 were asked of all persons]

6. Marital status

Never married, married, widowed, divorced or separated

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Question 6 - Marital status

98. "Is this person married?"

99. For persons who have never been married, including children, write "NM".

100. People living together as man and wife should be shown as married whether or not they have been through any civil or religious ceremonies. The census is not concerned with who is legally married and who is not. Accept the answer as it is given to you.

101. Widowed is for a person, male or female, who has been married but whose spouse has died and who has not remarried at the time of the census.

102. Separated or divorced is for a person who has been married but who has divorced or separated and is living as such at the time of the census. Accept the answer as it is given you.

103. You may use the following abbreviations:
NM - for never married
M - for married
WID - for widowed
SEP - for separated
DIV - for divorced

Fiji 1996 — source variable FJ1996A_MARST — Marital status
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For all persons
[Questions D1-D10 were asked of all persons.]

D6. Marital status
Never married, married, widowed, divorced or separated

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Question D6 - Marital status

98. Ask,
'Is this person married?'

99. For persons who have never been married, including children, write 'NM'.

100. People living together as husband and wife should be shown as married whether or not they have been through any civil or religious ceremonies. The census is not concerned with who is legally married and who is not. Accept the answer as it is given to you.

101. Widowed is for a person, male or female, who has been married but whose spouse has died and who has not remarried at the time of the census.

102. Separated or divorced is for a person who has been married but who has divorced or separated and is living as such at the time of the census. Accept the answer as it is given to you.

103. You may use the following abbreviations,

NM for never married
M for married
WID for widowed
SEP for separated
DIV for divorced

Fiji 2007 — source variable FJ2007A_MARST — Marital status
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For all persons
[Questions D1-D18 were asked of all persons.]

D6. What is [person's] marital status?

(Enter marital status from inside front cover)
[ ] 1 Single (never married)
[ ] 2 Legally married (not separated)
[ ] 3 Separated but legally married
[ ] 4 Defacto / consensual union
[ ] 5 Divorced
[ ] 6 Widowed

Fiji 2014 — source variable FJ2014A_MARST — Marital status
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For all persons
[Question D1 through D9 were asked of all persons.]

[D6] What is this person's marital status? _ _

Enter marital status from inside front cover.

Finland 2010 — source variable FI2010A_MARST — Marital status
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[7] Population structure
These statistics on the structure of the population describe Finnish and foreign citizens permanently resident in Finland at the turn of the year.

The divorce statistics are based on data on granted decrees of divorce transmitted to the Population Register Centre by courts of law. The statistics also include cases where a permanent resident of Finland is granted a divorce by a foreign court. If the divorce is granted abroad, it must be reported to the register keeper for registration of divorce. Exceptions are divorces granted to Finnish citizens in Sweden, on which the Swedish register keeper notifies the Finnish counterpart directly.
A divorce granted to a Finnish citizen abroad usually requires validation by the Helsinki Court of Appeal before registration. Divorce decisions given in the Nordic Countries and in the EU countries as of 1 March 2001 can be registered without validation.
In 1980 to 2016, divorces referred to divorces of women living permanently in Finland unless otherwise stated. Starting from the statistical reference year 2017, divorces where at least one of the spouses has resided permanently in Finland on the day the divorce was granted are included in the statistics as divorces. The amendment to the Marriage Act that entered into force on 1 March 2017 enabled same-sex couples to enter into marriage (156/2015). Since 2017, the total number of divorces consists of the number of divorces of marriages between opposite-sex and same-sex couples.
The amendment to the Marriage Act (411/1987), effective from 1 January 1988, simplified divorce proceedings. Divorce figures began to rise towards the end of 1988, when the first divorces (after a reconsideration period of six months) became effective under the new legislation. The Marriage Act no longer has regulations on 'cancellation of marriage' or 'nullification of marriage'. Before the new act came into force in 1988 these were in separate groups, now among divorces.

Marital status
The information on marital status is derived from the Population Information System of the Population Register Centre. It should be noted that common-law marriage or cohabiting is not a marital status. People representing all marital status categories may be cohabiting, including those who are still officially married.
The current divorce regulations no longer recognise the concept of legal separation. Those persons who are legally separated on the basis of the old divorce provisions prior to 1 January 1988 and still living apart have been slotted under married persons in the statistics.
The possibility to register partnerships started in Finland on 1 March 2002 and ended on the last day of February 2017 (Act to amend the Act of Registered Partnerships 250/2016). Starting from the beginning of March 2017, same-sex couples have been able to enter into marriage (156/2015). Same-sex couples had been able to register their partnership in Finland as of 1 March 2002.
The amendment to the Marriage Act that entered into force on 1 March 2017 didn't change the classification of marital status.
For reasons of data protection, in municipal tables those living in a registered partnership are classified together with married persons, as are those divorced or widowed from a registered partnership with divorced and widowed persons.

The classification of marital status is as follows:

-- Unmarried
-- Married
-- Divorced
-- Widowed
-- Partner in a registered partnership
-- Divorced from a registered partnership
-- Widowed after a registered partnership
Starting from the statistical reference year 2017, contracted marriages refer to marriages where at least one of the spouses has resided permanently in Finland on the day when the marriage was contracted. The amendment to the Marriage Act that entered into force on 1 March 2017 enabled same-sex couples to enter into marriage (156/2015).
The number of marriages contracted annually is, thus, the number of marriages entered into by same-sex and opposite-sex spouses.
In 1980 to 2016, contracted marriages referred to marriages of women living permanently in Finland unless otherwise stated.

Registered partnership
Registered partnership of two persons of the same sex aged 18 or over (Act on Registered Partnerships of 9 Nov. 2001/950). Partnership is registered by an authority entitled to perform civil marriage ceremonies. Registered partnership is dissolved when one partner dies or is declared dead, or when it is dissolved by court order.

France 1962 — source variable FR1962A_MARST — Marital status
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3. Marital Status

Mark an X in only one of the boxes that corresponds to your present status. Thus, a widower (or divorced person) who has remarried should mark the 2nd box.

[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Divorced

France 1968 — source variable FR1968A_MARST — Marital status
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3. Marital status
Put a cross in the only box which corresponds to your current situation. Thus, a widower (or a divorced man) who is remarried will mark the second box.
[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widow(er)
[] 4 Divorced

France 1975 — source variable FR1975A_MARST — Marital status
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4. Marital Status

Put a cross in the only box which corresponds to your current situation: so, a widower (or a divorced man) who is remarried will mark the second box

[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widow(er)
[] 4 Divorced

France 1982 — source variable FR1982A_MARST — Marital status
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[Questions 1 - 6 apply to all persons]

4. Marital Status

Mark an X in only one of the boxes that corresponds to your present status. Thus, a widower (or divorced man) who has remarried should mark the 2nd box.

[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Divorced

France 1990 — source variable FR1990A_MARST — Marital status
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4. Legal marital status
A person living in free union will check the box corresponding to his or her legal status. If single, for example, check the first box.
A divorced person, or a person separated from his or her legitimate partner will check the second box.
[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married or remarried
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Divorced

France 1999 — source variable FR1999A_MARST — Marital Status
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4. Legal marital status
[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widow(ed)
[] 4 Divorced
A person cohabitating will check the box corresponding to his/her present legal status. If, for example, the status is single, this person will check the first box. A person in the middle of a divorce or separated from his/her legitimate spouse will check the second box.

France 2006 — source variable FR2006A_MARST — Legal marital status
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[6. The rest of the questionnaire is for persons age 14 or older.]

8. What is your legal marital status?

[] 1 Single (never been legally married)
[] 2 Married (or separated, but not divorced)
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Divorced

France 2011 — source variable FR2011A_MARST — Legal marital status
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Individual form

6) The following portion of the questionnaire is for individuals age 14 or older.

8) What is your legal marital status?

[ ] 1 Single (never legally married)
[ ] 2 Married (or separated but not divorced)
[ ] 3 Widower, Widow
[ ] 4 Divorced

Germany 1970 — source variable DE1970A_MARST — Marital status
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3. Marital status
[] Single
[] Married
[] Widowed
[] Divorced

Germany 1971 — source variable DE1971A_MARST — Marital status
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5.a. Marital status
[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Divorced

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5a. Marital status:
[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Divorced

Germany 1981 — source variable DE1981A_MARST — Marital status
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5. Marital status
[] 1 Married

Year of marriage: _ _ _ _

[] 2 Single
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Divorced

Germany 1987 — source variable DE1987A_MARST — Marital status
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For all persons
[Questions 1-8 were asked to all persons]

3. Marital status

[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Divorced

Ghana 2000 — source variable GH2000A_MARST — Marital status
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P10 Marital status: What is (name's) current marital status?
If (name) is 12 years or older:

[] 1 Married
[] 2 Informal/loose union/living together
[] 3 Separated
[] 4 Divorced
[] 5 Widowed
[] 6 Never married (single)

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P10 Marital status: "If (name) is 12 years or older", what is (name's) current marital status?

Question P10 is to be asked of persons who are 12 years or older. Six main options, "Married", "Informal/Loose union/living together", "Separated", "Divorced", "Widowed", "Never married (Single)" have been provided. Only one answer must be marked and your answer must refer to marital status at Census Night.

Married: are persons who at the reference time (26th March 2000) had marriage partners whether they were staying in the same house or not. "Married" includes persons in all types of marriages e.g. civil, traditional and common law.

Occasionally, you may come across a respondent who has been divorced or widowed before his or her present marriage. You must treat such a person as married now. Enter code 1 and mark X in the appropriate box for all such persons.

Informal/loose union/living together: Write 2 in the cross check header code and mark an X in the box for this if a relationship has been contracted by two adults and living together without civil or traditional recognition.

Separated: Enter code 3 and mark an X for all persons who because of a dispute or other reasons were no longer staying as "married partners" but whose marriage had not been declared customarily or legally dissolved. Note that the mere fact that the two married partners are not staying in the same house does not necessarily mean that the two are separated. Normally a "Separated" person has his/her case before the "elders of one of the families" or before a law court. A separation need not lead to a divorce.

Divorced: Enter code 4 and mark X for all persons who at the reference time have had their marriage formally annulled - either in court or by custom and have not remarried.

Widowed: Enter code 5 and mark X for persons who at the reference time had lost their marriage partners through death and have not remarried.

Never married (single): Write and mark X for persons who have never been married.

Ghana 2010 — source variable GH2010A_MARST — Marital status
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[Questions P00-P20 were asked for persons in both the household and non-household populations.]

Marital status: Answer for persons 12 years and older.
P10. What is [the respondent's] current marital status?

[] 1 Never married
[] 2 Informal/consensual union/living together
[] 3 Married
[] 4 Separated
[] 5 Divorced
[] 6 Widowed
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P10. Marital status: What is (name)'s current marital status?
Question P10 is to be asked of persons who are 12 years or older. Six categories, "never married", "informal/consensual union/living together", "married", "separated", "divorced", "widowed", have been provided. The answer that is given must refer to the respondent's marital status as at Census Night.

Never married - Write code 1 in the box for persons who have never been married.

Informal/consensual union/living together - Write 2 in the box for a relationship contracted by two adults who are living together without civil or traditional recognition.

Married - Enter code 3 in the appropriate box for persons who, at the reference time (26th September, 2010) had marriage partners whether they were staying in the same house or not. "Married" includes persons in all types of marriages e.g. ordinance (court, church), customary and Islamic.

Occasionally, you may come across a respondent who has been divorced or widowed before his or her present marriage. You must treat such a person as married.

Separated - Enter code 4 for all persons who because of a dispute or other reasons are no longer staying as "married partners" but whose marriage has not been declared customarily or legally dissolved. Note that the fact that the two married partners are not staying in the same house does not necessarily mean that the two are separated. Normally, a "separated" person has his/her case before the "elders of one of the families" or before a law court. A separation need not lead to a divorce.

Divorced - Enter code 5 for all persons who at the reference time have had their marriage formally annulled - either in court or by custom and have not remarried.

Widowed Enter code 6 for persons who at the reference time had lost their marriage partners through death and had not remarried.

Greece 1971 — source variable GR1971A_MARST — Marital status
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6. Legal Marital Status
[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Divorced

Greece 1981 — source variable GR1981A_MARST — Legal marital status
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Questions 1-9 should be completed for all persons, regardless of their age. (Mark the answers by filling in an X in the appropriate space, wherever applicable.)

5. Legal Marital Status

[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Divorced

Greece 1991 — source variable GR1991A_MARST — Marital status
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6. Legal Marital Status
-Check 2 (married) in the case of a separation without a divorce
-Give only one answer for each person.

[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Divorced

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6. Marital status
The answers to this question were: a) single, b) married, c) widowed, d) divorced and for those that were separated the answer married was checked. In any case, the respondent's answer was checked.

Greece 2001 — source variable GR2001A_MARST — Marital status
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7. Legal marital Status
[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Divorced
[] 5 Separated

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Question 7: This question refers to the legal marital status of persons.

Greece 2011 — source variable GR2011A_MARST — Marital status
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C. Enumeration form of person

5. Legal marital status.

[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Divorced
[] 5 In registered partnership
[] 6 Separated
[] 7 Widow of registered partnership
[] 8 Divorced of registered partnership
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Question 5 "Legal marital status"
The legal marital status is to be recorded. The respondent's answer is to be recorded with X. Persons cohabiting but not registered they are to state their legal marital status. Cohabitation is a private agreement signed with a notary, in which two heterosexual adults organize their coexistence.

Guatemala 1964 — source variable GT1964A_MARST — Marital status
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General characteristics
[For all persons]

5. Marital status

A single person is someone who has never been legally married and is not in a consensual union. A married person is a person who has been legally married. A person in a consensual union lives in a martial union without legal marriage. Widow is a person who has not been legally married after the death of a spouse and does not live in a consensual union. A person who is divorced has legally dissolved a legal marriage and is not in a consensual union.

[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Consensual union
[] 4 Widow
[] 5 Divorced
[] 6 Under 14 years old
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General characteristics

Ask these questions for all of the persons, independent of their age or other situation:

Question 5: Civil status

For this characteristic, you should mark the box that corresponds according to the definitions that appear on the form and with the given information in the following paragraphs.

Take into account that for persons who are younger than 14 years old, you should mark the small box 6 with an X, indicating for persons 14 years old or older the civil status that corresponds to them (single, married, consensual union, divorced, etc.).

In any case, you should write the current civil status. For example, if a person has separated from his or her spouse and currently lives in a consensual union with another person, he or she should be classified as "consensual union" because this is the civil status on the census date.

Single is the person who has never contracted legal marriage, excepting those who live in consensual unions who are living in "consensual union."

Married is the person who contracted legal marriage and continues in it, even when at the date of the census they are separated but without having divorced. In consequence, in this group you should include the "married but separated" and those who have legalized their "common-law marriage."

"Consensual union" refers to a couple who lives in a consensual union without the tie of any marriage, its member constitute it, alone or with their relatives, as a well-defined family. It is a delicate question, for which you should proceed with tact during the interview, avoiding discussions or expressions that can ruin the work.

Widow is that person who has not contracted legal matrimony since that date of death of his or her spouse, nor is living in a consensual union at the census day. If the person has remarried or lives in a consensual union, you should indicate his or her current civil status.

[p. 39]

Divorced is the person who has dissolved his or her marriage in definitive form through the legal process, as long as he or she has not remarried or does not live in a consensual union.

In the investigation of this aspect, in general some factors come up, derived from the tendency to maintain certain social prestige, which make it difficult to have a clear idea of the true situation. The enumerator should avoid suggesting answers to the informant, especially in the cases of the person who is divorced or in a consensual union. In this way, he or she will avoid causing an unfavorable environment for the interviewer, when the informant is susceptible in this sense.

When two persons inform that they are married, but the wife, when giving her name, does not add the last name of the husband, it is convenient to clarify if they are really married or not, since in some places the wives do not have the custom of taking the husband's name. If you confirm that they are married, following the last name of the woman you will write the last name of the husband preceded by "of."

For this reasons, and always when the enumerator suspects that the informants are not married, you should find out, with much caution, the true situation, without insisting in a way that could displease the informant, which is a situation that could be counterproductive for the rest of the investigation.

Guatemala 1973 — source variable GT1973A_MARST — Marital status
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A - Personal characteristics
(For all individuals)

5. Marital status

Are you single, married, in a consensual union, widowed, or divorced?
For those younger than 13, mark an "X" in the box "single."

[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Consensual union
[] 4 Widowed
[] 5 Divorced
[] 9 Unknown

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A) Personal characteristics (for all persons)

Question 5: marital status

1. How to ask the question:
Ask, "Are you single, married, cohabiting, widowed, or divorced?"

The following definitions will help you categorize each person correctly according to his or her marital status:

[p. 66]

a. Single: this person has never been married and is not cohabiting.

b. Married: this person is married, even if he or she is separated (but not divorced) on the census date.

c. Cohabiting: this person (single, divorced or widowed) is living in a consensual relationship with another person and has established a family with that person, without any legal matrimonial ties.

d. Widowed: this person was married and whose spouse died. The person has not remarried and is not cohabiting.

e. Divorced: this is a person whose marriage was legally dissolved by a qualified authority. The person has not remarried and is not cohabiting.

It is not necessary to ask this question of persons younger than 13; simply mark an "X" in the box for single.

2. How to record the answer:
The different categories are mutually exclusive, so you should mark an "X" in only one box according to the marital status of the enumerated person.

3. Example:
[This box contains question 5 of the section VI, "people in the census household."]

Guatemala 1981 — source variable GT1981A_MARST — Marital status
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VII. People in the census household

For all individuals
[Questions 1 - 8 were asked for all persons]

5. Current marital status

Are you married, living together, single, widowed, and divorced or separated?
[] 1 Married
[] 2 Living together
[] 3 Single
[] 4 Widowed
[] 5 Divorced or separated
[] 9 Unknown
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A. First block: personal characteristics (for all persons)

This part of the census form is designed to study the composition of the population according to the following characteristics: relationship to the head of household, sex, age, marital status, maternal orphanhood, ethnicity, and disabilities.

Questions 1-8 are presented to all enumerated persons, without exception, following the specific instructions presented below:

Question 5: current marital status

1. How to formulate the question

Are you married, living in a consensual union, unmarried, widowed, divorced, or separated?

The following definitions will help the enumerator to correctly classify each person according to their marital status at the date of the census:

[p. 67]

a) Married: Those who have entered into a legal marriage and live with their spouse; that is, they are not widowed, divorced, or separated.

b) In union (consensual union): Those who are not legally married but who live in a consensual or de facto union with another person.

c) Single: Those who have never entered into a legal marriage and do not live in a consensual union.

d) Divorced or separated from a marriage or consensual union: Those whose marriage has been legally dissolved or those who are separated from their spouse and who have not remarried or entered into another consensual union.

It is not necessary to ask this question to those under 13 years of age; in these cases, "3. single" is marked.

2. How to record the data

The different categories are mutually exclusive, therefore, only the number corresponding to the marital status of the enumerated person is marked.

3. Example:

[These instructions refer to a graphic of question 5 of the census form]

Guatemala 1994 — source variable GT1994A_MARST — Marital status
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VII. People in the census household

4. Current marital status

What is your current marital status?

[] 1 Under 12 years old
[] 2 Consensual union
[] 3 Married
[] 4 Divorced or separated
[] 5 Widow
[] 6 Single
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3.3.4 Section VII: Persons in the census household

The first seven questions sets in this section refer to family relationship, age, sex, current marital status, ethnic group, death of mother and disability.

Questions 8-12 refer to the person's migration and ethnic characteristics. Only questions 11 and 12 are for persons aged three and older.

Questions 13-15 refer to literacy, level of education and attendance at school and are intended for persons aged seven and older.

The four following questions (16-19) refer to the person's type of economic activity, principal employment, branch of activity, and occupational category. They are also intended for persons aged seven and older.

The last five questions (20-24) cover fertility, and are intended only for females aged 12 and older.

The housing form has enough space to record a maximum of ten person, and so the section is repeated an equal number of times. The information about each person who spends the night in the homeless shelter should be written in the same order as they were listed in section V, "list of persons."

If the homeless shelter has more than ten persons, use an additional form.

Section VII is designed to allow you to record the complete information about one person. Write the person's order number in the grid space according to the list in section V. Spell out completely the first names and complete surnames of each person.

4. Current marital status
If the person is 12 or older, ask, "What is your current marital status?"
If the person, male or female, is less than 12, do not ask this question and mark an X in the circle corresponding to option 1, "less than 12 years old."

[A graphic of box 4, "current marital status," is reproduced on the left-hand side of the page.]

The following definitions will help you determine a person's current marital status:

[p. 48]

- Co-habiting: this is a person who lives in a consensual or de facto relationship with another person, without any marital or legal ties.

- Married: this is a person who has contracted legal marriage and lives with his/her spouse, i.e., is not widowed, divorced or separated.

- Divorced or separated: this is a person whose marriage was legally dissolved or a person who is currently separated from his/her spouse. This person has not married again, nor is he/she cohabiting.

- Widowed: this is a person who was married but whose spouse died, and the person has not remarried and is not cohabiting.

- Single: this is a person who has never been married and is not cohabiting.

Mark an X in the appropriate circle.

Guatemala 2002 — source variable GT2002A_MARST — Marital status
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Chapter VII. Characteristics of the people

For persons 12 years and older
[Question 21 is for persons 12 years and older]

21. What is your marital status?

[] 1 Consensual union
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Divorced or separated
[] 4 Widowed
[] 5 Single
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Section 7: Individual characteristics

This section records individual information for a maximum of ten people - those listed in section 6, "total number of persons in the household." If there are more than ten people in the census household use as many additional forms as necessary.

[A graphic of the "individual characteristics", located at the top of section 7 of the census form, is included here.]

Person number: In the grid spaces on the upper left side of the form, write the number that corresponds to the person according to the order from the list of persons in section VI. The head of household is number 1.

Name: In the appropriate space, write the name of each of the persons who make up the household according to the order in which they appear on the list in question 3 of section VI. Begin with the head of household and continue writing according to the order established.

Information supplied by respondent: This is when the person interviewed gives information about his/her own self. Fill in the appropriate oval according to the information you receive.

Questions 1-11 should be asked for all permanent residents of the household in the dwelling.

Question 21 is for persons aged 12 and over.

21. Current marital status
Ask, "What is the person's current marital status?"

[A graphic of question 21, from section 7 of the census form, is included here.]

Cohabiting: This person is cohabiting with another person.

Married: This person is legally married and lives with his/her spouse, i.e. is not widowed, divorced, or separated.

Divorced or separated: This is a person whose marriage was legally dissolved or is separated from his/her spouse and has not married again and does not cohabit with anyone.

Widowed: This is a person who was married, whose spouse has died, and who has not re-married and is not cohabiting.

Single: This person has never married and is not cohabiting with anyone.

Guinea 1983 — source variable GN1983A_MARST — Marital status
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Section E. Demographic characteristics of the whole population (individual characteristics)
[No label "E" on the questionnaire]

9. Marital status

[] 0 Single (never married)
[] 1 Woman married, or man married, 1 wife
[] 2 Married, 2 wives
[] 3 Married, 3 wives
[] 4 Married, 4 wives
[] 5 Married, 5 wives or more
[] 6 Widowed
[] 7 Divorced

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Column (8): Marital Status
117. Write the status as it is at the time of his/her visit. Write:
C for single men and women (i.e., never married)
M followed by the number of wives for a married man. For example, M1 = married, 1 wife; M2 = married, 2 wives, etc.
M for a married woman
V for widows and widowers
D for divorced men and women

118. The enumerator must ask the question carefully so that those being interviewed do not confuse single (never married) with divorced (marriage ties dissolved) or widow (loss of spouse through death.)

Guinea 1996 — source variable GN1996A_MARST — Marital status
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Resident population aged 12 years and above
[Question P19 was asked of persons aged 12 years and above.]

P19 Marital status

[] 0 Single (never married)
[] 1 Married, with 1 wife
[] 2 Married, with 2 wives
[] 3 Married, with 3 wives
[] 4 Married, with 4 wives
[] 5 Married, with 5 wives
[] 6 Common law union/free union
[] 7 Divorced
[] 8 Separated
[] 9 Widowed

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Column P19: Marital Status
The marital status of an individual is his/her status with respect to marriage. By marriage is understood any union established between a man and a woman before the state, the Church, an Imam, or concluded according to customary or traditional rules.

Thus any person declaring that he/she is married must be considered as such.

[p. 54]

For this variable, the National Census Bureau (BNR) distinguishes 6 basic modalities: single, married, co-habiting, divorced, separated and widowed.

1) A single person is anyone who has never entered into a marriage contract or a conjugal union. He/she has no spouse at the date of the census. Record this as "J Ma ____ 0."
2) A married person is any person who has been married at least once in his/her life and who, at the date of the census, has a spouse or, in the case of men, one or several spouses. Record this as "Mar_ _ _ /_ _ _/." In the box across from "Mar" indicate the number of spouses he presently has if it's a man, and if it's a woman indicate her rank in the number of spouses (i.e., 1st, 2nd, 3rd spouse of her husband).
3) Cohabitation is a consensual union in which neither party claims that they are bound by marriage. They declare themselves to be in such an arrangement.
4) A divorced person is anyone who was previously married and whose marriage was dissolved by reasons other than the death of the spouse, and who is presently without a spouse.
5) Separation is when 2 people who are bound by marriage no longer live together because of disagreement caused by a variety of reasons. It is not yet a question of divorce, properly speaking, but of a stage in married life which most often ends in divorce. Anyone in this situation is considered as separated.
6) A widow or widower, is any person who was previously married and whose marriage was dissolved following the death of the spouse, and who is currently alone without a spouse.

Please note: a polygamous man who has lost one of his wives, either through divorce or death, is still married. What changes is the number of spouses, which has decreased by one.

Ask the following question of all residents of the household aged 12 or more:

"Have you ever been married?"
a) If the answer is no, you are dealing with the case of a single person, a person who has never been married -- "J Ma--0." Circle the code "0."
b) If the answer is yes, ask for confirmation of the marriage or marriages.

"Are you still married?"
If the answer is yes, ask:
a) For men: "How many wives do you currently have?"
b) For women: "Are you the 1st, the 2nd, the 3rd . . . spouse of your current husband?

Write the number indicated in the box located across from "Mar," if the number is less than or equal to 5. If it is more than 5, write 5.

[p. 55]

If the answer is no, the person is no longer married and does not have a spouse. Ask him/her if he/she is widowed, divorced or separated and circle the number of the appropriate code.

Guinea 2014 — source variable GN2014A_MARST — Marital status
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III. Individual characteristics

Residents of 12 years or more
[Questions P26 and P27 were asked of resident persons 12 years or more.]

P27. Marital status

What is the marital status of [the respondent]?

Enter the appropriate code.

[] 0 Single
[] 1 Man in monogamous marriage or woman married to a monogamous man
[] 2 Man married to 2 women or woman married to man having 2 wives
[] 3 Man married to 3 women or woman married to man having 3 wives
[] 4 Man married to 4 women or woman married to man having 4 wives
[] 5 Man married to 5 women or woman married to man having 5 wives
[] 6 Widow / widower
[] 7 Divorced or separated
[] 8 Living together or concubinage

Haiti 1971 — source variable HT1971A_MARST — Marital status
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3. Marital status
Single having never been married or been in an arranged marriage, married in legitimate civil or religious union,
[Rest of this line is illegible]
[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Long-term domestic partner
[] 4 Widow(er)
[] 5 Divorced

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Column 3- Marital Status: Write an 'x' in the appropriate box according to the response given.

a) Single. A single person is anyone who has never been married and who does not live with a domestic partner.

b) Married. Include in this category anyone who is still bound by legal ties

pg 26

(religious or civil).

c) Living in a Long-term Unmarried Relationship [placé]. Placé means any person living in a domestic partnership or declaring themselves to be in a domestic partnership.

Even if the person has been married, he or she must be considered as living in a domestic partnership [placé] if he/she has left his/her legal partner to cohabit with an unmarried partner. The goal of this question is to find out the true marital status of the individual at the time of the census. Make sure that the husband lives in the same dwelling as the domestic partner [concubine] before writing that he is living in a long-term unmarried relationship [placé].

d) Widow(er): Put any person whose spouse is deceased in this category.

e) Divorced: Consider any person whose marriage has been legally dissolved and who is not cohabiting with an unmarried partner as divorced. Any person in the process of getting a divorce or whose divorce has not yet been granted should still be considered 'married', even if he/she is legally separated by a legal judgment.

For example, a married person is classified as follows:
1. [ ] Single
2. [X] Married
3. [ ] Long-term domestic partner Placé, etc.

Haiti 1982 — source variable HT1982A_MARST — Marital status
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5. Marital status: Is this person single, married, cohabiting, divorced, etc.?
[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Cohabiting
[] 4 Divorced
[] 5 Widow(er)
[] 9 Undeclared

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Question 5: Marital status
66. The marital status designates the situation of a person in regards to the laws of his/country concerning marriage. The categories below have been adopted. List as:

[p. 29]

1. Single: All people who have never been married and who have never had a partner.
2. Married: All people still united by the ties of a legitimate union (civil or religious or both.)
3. Partners: Any person living in a "common law marriage" union, meaning as lovers.
4. Divorced: Any person whose marriage has been dissolved by the decision of a judge and who is not married again to someone else. Check partners for a divorced person living with someone but not married.
5. Widowed: Any person previously married whose spouse is deceased and who is not remarried or living with someone.
6. Separated from marriage: Any person in a legal or de facto separation. Any person in "the middle of a divorce" or whose divorce has not yet been pronounced but who is not living with someone else.
7. Separated from a partner: Any person who was in a de facto union, meaning who was living with a partner, and who at the time of the census is no longer in this situation and is living alone.
8. Not declared: Include here any person for whom the marital status is not declared.
9. Other: Include all marital situations that are not included in the categories listed above.

Haiti 2003 — source variable HT2003A_MARST — Marital Status
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F3. Population aged 10 and older
[Questions 21-28 were asked for individuals 10 years of age and older.]

21. Is this person currently:

[] 01 Single
[] 02 Married
[] 03 Cohabiting (with legal rights for children born of the couple) [placé(e)]
[] 04 Living with someone [viv avèk]
[] 05 Divorced
[] 06 Widowed
[] 07 Separated (from marriage)
[] 08 Separated (from cohabitation)

Honduras 1961 — source variable HN1961A_MARST — Marital status
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General Characteristics

5. Marital Status
Write as appropriate:

[] Single
[] Married
[] Cohabitant
[] Widowed
[] Divorced
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Column number 5: Marital Status
Write in this column the marital status of all enumerated persons in the Census Day, using the following words:

Single: those who have never married, including minors. Excluded from this group are those who are not married but live in a consensual union.

Married: those who have been legally married at the time of enumeration. Include in this group those who are married but are not living with their spouse, only if they are not living in a consensual union with another person.

Consensual union: one who lives in a state of marriage without having been legally married.

Widowed: one whose spouse has passed away and who has not remarried or entered into a consensual union.

Divorced: one whose marriage has ended through a legal divorce and who has not remarried or entered into a consensual union.

Honduras 1974 — source variable HN1974A_MARST — Marital status
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A. - Personal and Geographic Characteristics (For all people resident in the dwelling)

5. Are you married, in a consensual union, single, divorced, or widowed?

Mark the appropriate box, according to the instructions on page 32 of your manual.

Married to a spouse who:
[] 0 lives in the dwelling
[] 1 lives elsewhere
[] 2 lives separately
In a union with a partner who:
[] 3 lives in the dwelling
[] 4 lives elsewhere
[] 5 lives separately
[] 6 Single
[] 7 Divorced
[] 8 Widowed
[] 9 Unknown
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A) Personal and Geographic Characteristics

This section is for all residents in the dwelling. It is intended to find out information about the composition of the population according to their relationship with the head of household, sex, age, civil status, whether the mother is alive, place of birth, year of arrival in the country, nationality, and permanent residence in 1969.

Ask questions 1-9 of everyone who is enumerated, without exception and according to the detailed instructions below.

Question set 5: Are you/is the person married, co-habiting, single, divorced or widowed?

The following definitions will help you categorize each person correctly according to his/her civil or marital status.

A) Married. This is a person who has entered into matrimony, even though he/she may be separated but not divorced on the census date. Within this category the following information is of interest:

a) Married to a spouse who lives in the dwelling (box 0)
b) Married to a spouse who lives elsewhere (box 1)
c) Married living apart (box 2)

If a person is married but living with another person because he is separated from his legal wife, check off box 3, co-habiting with a companion who lives in the dwelling.

B) Cohabiting. This is a person (single, divorced or widowed) who lives in a consensual relationship with another person and has established a family with that person, without any legal matrimonial ties. Within this category the following information is of interest:

a) Cohabiting with a partner who lives in the dwelling (box 3)
b) Cohabiting with a partner who lives elsewhere (box 4)
c) Cohabiting living apart (box 5)
[p. 33]

Be very careful when enumerating persons who were cohabiting and are now living apart as they tend to declare themselves single. Check off box 5 for these people (co-habiting living apart).

C) Single (box 6). This is a person who has never been married and who is not cohabiting and has not cohabited.

D) Divorced (box 7). This is a person whose marriage was legally dissolved by a qualified authority. The person has not remarried and is not cohabiting.

E) Widowed (box 8). This is a person whose spouse has died. The person has not remarried and is not cohabiting.

The categories are mutually exclusive. Therefore, check off only one box according to the civil or marital status of the person being enumerated.

Honduras 1988 — source variable HN1988A_MARST — Marital status
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B. Educational characteristics

18. What is your current marital status?

[] 1 Consensual union
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Separated
[] 4 Divorced
[] 5 Widowed
[] 6 Single

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18. What is your current marital status?
Each of the following alternatives is read and an "X" is marked in the corresponding circle.

Be aware that:

Consensual Union: Is the person who lives with his/her spouse without having been married, either civilly or religiously.
[p. 48]
Married: Is the person who has been married, either civilly or religiously, and who lives with his or her spouse.

Separated: Is the married person who does not live with his or her spouse and who does not live in a consensual union with another person.

Divorced: Is the person whose marriage has been terminated by a judicial sentence and who has not remarried or live in a consensual union.

Widowed: Is the person who, after the death of a spouse, has not remarried and does not live in a consensual union.

Single: Is the person who has never been married and who does not live in a consensual union.

Honduras 2001 — source variable HN2001A_MARST — Marital status
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Section F. Characteristics of the persons

For persons 12 years old or more
[Question 17 was asked of persons aged 12 years or older]

17. What is your current marital status?

[] 1 Consensual union
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Separated
[] 4 Divorced
[] 5 Widowed
[] 6 Single
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For persons 12 years old and older
[Questions 17 was asked of persons aged 12 years or older]

Question 17: What is your current marital status?
Read each of the alternatives that appear in the form, and mark the corresponding box.

You should take into account that we want to register the conjugal status of the persons at the census moment, independent of the legal situation.

1. Consensual union: This is the conjugal union that exists between two persons without having contracted civil nor religious marriage.

2. Married: This is the person who has contracted marriage according to the civil law or by any religion.

3. Separated: This is the person with marital ties, who does not currently live with his or her spouse nor in consensual union with another person.

4. Divorced: This is the person who ended the marital tie through judicial sentence, and who has not remarried.

5. Widow: This is the person who after the death of his or her spouse has not remarried nor lives in consensual union with another person.

6. Single: This is the person who has never contracted marriage, nor lives in a consensual union with any person.

Hungary 1970 — source variable HU1970A_MARST — Marital status
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I. General Data of the Person Enumerated
[Questions 1-10.]

4. Marital status

[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Divorced

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4. Marital status
In recording the marital status the actual legal situation should be marked:

"Never married" is the persons in case he/she has never had a marriage;

The person is "married" in case he/she has bound a legal marriage, the marriage had not been dissolved legally and his/her spouse is alive. The married couples might live together or separated from each-other;

"Widowed" is the person in case his/her spouse had deceased and he/she did not make a new match;

"Divorced" is the person provided his/her marriage had been legally dissolved with a final judgment, and he/she did not wed again.

Marital status of the persons living together without wedding will be defined according to their actual legal status. For example, in the case of a never married woman living with a married man, the marital status of the partners will be marked as never married and married respectively.

Hungary 1980 — source variable HU1980A_MARST — Marital status
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2. Marital status
[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Divorced

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2. Marital status

While entering marital status, legal state is taken into account even if the partners live together without having been married; e.g. if a never married female partner is cohabiting with a married male partner, the correct entry is: "single (1)" and "married (2)" respectively.

Hungary 1990 — source variable HU1990A_MARST — Marital status
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6. Marital status:
[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Divorced

Question 6.

The so-called separated person whose marriage has not been dissolved by a final judgment is to be counted as married. A person whose former spouse died after the dissolution of the marriage is not to be counted as widowed but as being divorced.
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6. Marital status

The legal marital status will be taken into account. The legally married person is regarded as such even though his/her spouse is not living with nevertheless the marriage had not been terminated by court. The marital status of the persons cohabiting without legal marriage should be registered according to the legal status, e.g. in case a never married female is living with a married male, their marital status will be marked as "never married" and "married" respectively.

Hungary 2001 — source variable HU2001A_MARST — Marital status
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8. Marital status:
[] 1 Never married (Skip to 10)
[] 2 Married, living together
[] 3 Married but living separately
[] 4 Widowed
[] 5 Divorced

8. In marking the marital status, the legal de jure status is the basis.

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Question 8: Marital status

While marking the marital status the legal state will be taken into account. The legally married person who's wife is alive and the marriage is not terminated by the court is marked as married even if he/she is not living with the spouse. The married person should be questioned if he /she is living with the spouse or separated from her/him. In fact living together or separated is a matter of personal decision. The answer marked is not necessarily the same as the family status entered on the 4th page of the Dwelling questionnaire.

The marital status of the persons living in cohabitation (as consensual partners) should be entered also according to the legal state, e.g. if a never married female is in cohabitation with a married male the family status is never married and married, not living with the spouse respectively.

Hungary 2011 — source variable HU2011A_MARST — Legal marital status
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Personal questionnaire

I. Demography

[Questions 1 through 3 were asked of all persons]

10. What is your legal marital status?

[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widow(er)
[] 4 Divorced
[] 5 Registered cohabiting partner
[] 6 Widowed registered cohabiting partner
[] 7 Divorced registered cohabiting partner
[For responses 5, 6 and 7], these answers can be marked only in case of same-sex cohabiting partners registered after July 1, 2009.
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I. Demography

10. What is your legal marital status?
The legal marital status must be taken into account. Also the legal marital status has to be marked in case of cohabiting partnership.

Never married is a person who has not yet married and not registered as cohabiting partner.

Married is a person whose legal marriage is not dissolved by a legal judgement, independently of the fact whether he/she lives together with his/her spouse or not.

Widowed is a person whose legal spouse deceased and who has not remarried or been registered as a cohabiting partner.

Divorced is a person whose marriage is dissolved by a legal judgement and who has not remarried or been registered as a cohabiting partner.

Registered cohabiting partner is a person who is registered with his/her same-sex partner by official authorities. According to the current legal status, registered cohabiting partnership can be registered since 1st July 2009. Registered at the notary public is not registered cohabiting partnership, as this does not change the person's legal marital status.

In case the respondent is not married, continue the questionnaire at question 12.

Indonesia 1971 — source variable ID1971A_MARST — Marital status
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Individual form
[Section I is the same as Section I: Household and Living Unit Information above]

II. For all ages

4. Marital status

[] Single
[] Married
[] Divorced
[] Widow/widower

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6.5. Question 4: Marital status
6.5.1 Concept and definition
1. Single: For those who are not been married during the enumeration.
2. Married: For those who are married during the enumeration whether they live together or separately. They are considered married not only if by law, religion, custom, and so on, but also if they have been living together and are considered married by the society.
3. Divorced: For those who are divorced from their husband/wife and have not remarried. This is also including those who have separated or have divorced without going through legal action.
4. Widow/widower: For those that have had their spouse pass away and have not remarried.

6.5.2. Procedure
Ask the question:
"Have you been married?"

If the answer is "Single" then fill in the single box. If the answer is "Married" ask the question:
"Are you still married?"

If the answer is "Yes", fill in the married box. If the answer is "No", ask: "Are you divorced or a widow/widower?"

If the answer is "Divorced", fill in the divorce box.
If the answer is "Widow/widower", fill in the widow/widower box.

Indonesia 1976 — source variable ID1976A_MARST — Marital status
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A5. Marital status

Are you currently:
[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Divorced
[] 5 Separated

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Column (9) Marital status

Concept and definitions
An unmarried person is a person who has not yet been legally married either in a civil or traditional marriage ceremony.


a) Persons who are bound in marriage with a wife or husband through a civil or traditional marriage ceremony and now are living together or separated for less than three months.
b) A man and a woman who have been together as husband and wife for a long time but have never conducted a marriage ceremony but are considered married.

Widow: a woman whose husband has died and has not married again

Widower: a man whose wife has died and has not married again.

Divorced: those husbands and wives who have divorced or separated from one another, [whose spouses] are still living, and have not married again.

Married living separately: those who are still married, but who have been living separately for 3 (three) or more consecutive months.

Method of filling in the form
The way to fill in the answers to the question should be as follows:


A5 "Is (mention name of household member) unmarried, married or ever married?"

a. If the answer is unmarried, fill in code "1"
b. If the answer is married (still married), ask whether he/she is now living together with his/her wife/husband.
- If still living with wife/husband, fill in code "2"
- If living apart from wife/husband asks how long they have been separated.
- If not yet 3 months, they will still be considered married, so fill in code "2"
- If separated for 3 month or more, then they will be considered married living separately, so fill in code "5".

c. If the answered is ever married, then ask "Are they divorced and is the former spouse still living?"
- If they are divorced and spouse is alive fill in code "4" (divorced)
- If divorced and spouse has died, then: widow (woman) or widower (man)
Fill in code "3".

Indonesia 1980 — source variable ID1980A_MARST — Marital status
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All persons
VII. Characteristics of individual household members

8. Marital status

[] 1 Single (not yet married)
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Divorced

Indonesia 1985 — source variable ID1985A_MARST — Marital status
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VII. A. All ages
[Questions 1-13 were asked of persons of all ages]

Q.4 Marriage status

1 Single
2 Married
3 Divorced
4 Widowed

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Column (6): Marital status
Ask the marital status of each household member and enter the appropriate code, "1" through "4", in column (6).
  • "Married" is the status of those who were legally married at the time of the enumeration, either living together or separately. This includes not only those who have been certified as married by law (local custom, religion, state, etc.), but also those who live together and are considered as husband and wife by society.
  • "Widow" is the status of those whose spouse passed away and they have not yet remarried.
  • "Divorced" is the status of those husbands and wives who no longer live together because they are legally divorced. This includes those who say they are divorced even though they are not legally divorced. On the other hand, those who live separately and do not consider themselves divorced, are considered married; for example, a husband/wife who has been left by his/her spouse to go to some other place for education, employment, or to look for work may still considered himself/herself married.

Indonesia 1990 — source variable ID1990A_MARST — Marital status
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VI. Household member characteristics

VI-A: All ages
[Questions 1-13.]

5. Marital status

[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Divorced
[] 4 Widowed

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Question 5: Marital status
Married is the status of those bonded in marriage during enumeration, either living together or separated. In this matter not only those who are legally wed (custom, religion, state, etc.) but also those who are living together and are considered to be husband and wife by the community.
Divorced is the separation of husband from wife due to divorce, but the respondent has not remarried. Included in this category are those who admit to being divorced although legally they are not. On the contrary, those who temporarily live separately are not considered divorced; for example, a husband/wife that leaves their spouse to [go to] another place due to studying, working, seeking a job, or the husband/wife is in a fight.
Widowed is the status of those whose husband/wife died and have not remarried.

Circle one of the appropriate codes for the respondent's marital status.

Indonesia 1995 — source variable ID1995A_MARST — Marital status
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V. Characteristics of individual household members

506. Marital status

[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Divorced
[] 4 Widowed

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Question 309: Marital status of women age 10-54
This question is only asked to women age 10 or older. Question: "Has [the respondent] ever been married?" If the answer is "Yes", circle Code 1 and if "No", circle Code 2.

Ever been married is the marital status divorced or widowed.

Married is the status of those bonded in a marriage during enumeration, either living together or separated. In this matter, not only those who are legally wed (custom, religion, state, etc.) are counted but also those who are living together and [are] considered by the community to be husband and wife.

Divorced is the separation between husband and wife due to divorce, but without having remarried. Included in this category are those who admit to being divorced although legally [they] are not. On the contrary, those who have lived separately for some time are not considered to be divorced. Example: husband/wife left the spouse to [travel to] another place due to study, work, seeking work, or the husband and wife are in a fight.

Widowed is the status of a husband or wife having died, and [the surviving spouse has] not remarried.

6.5 Block V. General characteristics of household members
This block is used to record personal characteristics such as sex, age, mobility of living, attained education, school participation and the daily language used by each household members, starting from the first serial number of the household member until the last one.

Block V is asked to all household members
In order to fill in this block, the enumerator should try to directly interview the respondent.

Question 506: Marital status
The concept and definition on marital status is elaborated in P309. Circle one of the appropriate codes based on the marital status of the respondent.

Indonesia 2000 — source variable ID2000A_MARST — Marital status
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6. Marital status
[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Divorced
[] 4 Widowed

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Question 06: Marital status
Single is never married.
Married is a status for those who on the enumeration date were married, regardless of whether they live together or separately. This includes those who by law (e.g. tradition, religion, state, etc.) are formally married but also those who live together and are regarded by their surrounding community as husband and wife.
Divorced is a status for those who divorced their husbands or wives, and have not yet remarried.
Widowed is a status for those whose husbands or wives died, and have not yet remarried.

This question is directed to all household members. Please ask for a marital status of each household member, [and] blacken [the oval] of the appropriate answer in the box.

Indonesia 2005 — source variable ID2005A_MARST — Marital status
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405. What is [the respondent's] marital status?
[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Divorced
[] 4 Widowed

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Question 405: Marital status

Ask each household member his/her marital status. If not married, write code 1, if married write code 2, if divorced write code 3, and if widow write code 4.
Unmarried is a status of those who are not yet legally married at the time of the enumeration.

Married is a status of those who were legally married at the time of the enumeration, either living together or separately. This includes not only those who have been certified as married by law (local custom, religion, state, etc.), but also those who live together and are considered as wife and husband by society.

Divorced is a status of those husbands and wives who no longer live together because they are legally divorced. This includes those who say they are divorced even though they are not legally divorced. On the other hand, those who live separately and do not considered themselves divorced, are considered married; for example, a husband/wife who has been left by his/her spouse to go to some other place for education, employment, or looking for work, or because of some disagreement.

Widow is a status of those whose spouse has passed away and they have not yet remarried.

Question 711: Marital status filter question
If Q405 has code 2, place a check (X) in the box on the left and continued to the next question. If the code for Q405 is not 2, place a check (X) in the box on the right and go to Q718.

Indonesia 2010 — source variable ID2010A_MARST — Marital status
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For persons age 10 or older
[Questions 215-218 were asked of persons age 10 or older.]

215. What is [the respondent's] marital status?

[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Divorced
[] 4 Widowed

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Household Members 10 Years or Older
Questions 215 through 218 are asked to household members who are 10 years of age or older. See Q204; if 10, 11, 12... 98 have been entered, then the relevant household member must be asked Q215 through Q218 where appropriate.

Question 215: Marital Status
Ask the marital status of the household member and mark the appropriate code. If unmarried mark code 1, married mark code 2, divorced code 3, and if widowed mark code 4.
Marital Status

1. Unmarried is the status of those who have not or are not married at the time of the enumeration.
[p. 130]
2. Married is the status of those who are married at the time of the enumeration, whether they live with the spouse or live separately. Here married includes those who are officially and legally married (according to custom, religion, the State, etc.) as well as those who live together and are considered to be husband and wife by society.
3. Divorced is the status of those who do not live together as husband and wife because they are divorced and have not married again. Those who say they are divorced, even though this status is not yet official, are considered divorced. On the other hand, those who temporarily are living separately, but do not considered themselves divorced, for example those who live separately due to school, work, search for work, or some quarrel, are not considered divorced.
4. Widow is the status of those whose husband/wife has died and they have not married again.

Explanation: A woman who is known to have never married but who has a child is considered divorced.

Iran 2006 — source variable IR2006A_MARST — Marital status
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28. Marital status
[] 1 Married
[] 2 Widowed
[] 3 Divorced
[] 4 Never married

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25. Marital status, Column 28
Fill this column out for everyone who is age 10 and older in the household (those born before October 1996) and leave it blank for other members. Identify their marital status and write the corresponding code in the designated box.
[] 1 Married: for those who are married at the time of enumeration, assign code 1. Consider those who have a marriage contract as married, even if they do not live together yet, but do not consider those who are engaged as married.
[] 2 Widowed: assign code 2 for those whose spouse has passed away and they have not yet married again.
[] 3 Divorced: assign code 3 for those who are divorced and have not yet married again. Do not consider those who are separated but not divorced yet as divorced -- assign code 1 to them.
[] 4 Never married: for those who have never been married yet, assign code 4.
- Define the marital status for those who have been married more than once based on their current marital status. For instance, if they are divorced from their first spouse, married again, their second spouse has passed away and they are not yet married again, assign code 2 to them.
- If a man has more than one wife, he and all of his wives are considered as married and should be assigned to code 1.

Iran 2011 — source variable IR2011A_MARST — Marital status
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Activity and marital status - For people aged 10 and over

30. Marital status

[] 1 Married
[] 2 Widowed
[] 3 Divorced
[] 4 Never married
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Column 23 -30, Employment and marital status -General description

[Picture omitted]
Fill these columns for individual 10-year or older.
Column 30, marital status
[Picture omitted]
Fill this column for household members 10-year or older and leave it blank for the rest.
Code 1, married
Check code 1 for married individuals, whether permanent or temporary in intention, even if the couple have not started living together yet. Engaged individuals are not considered married.
Code 2, widowed
If the individual was widowed before but remarried by the time of enumeration do not consider him widowed.
Code 3, divorced
If the individual was divorced before but remarried by the time of enumeration do not consider him divorced.
Code 4, never married
? Document marital status of individuals who married more than once based on their status at the time of enumeration e.g. if an individual got divorced after the first marriage and became widowed in the 2nd marriage and has not remarried by the time of enumeration, check code 2.
? If a man is polygamist, he and all of his wives are considered married. Check box 1 for each.

Iraq 1997 — source variable IQ1997A_MARST — Marital status
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To be filled by people age 12 and older
[Applies to questions 38-45]

38. Marital status

[] 1 Never married
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Divorced
[] 4 Widowed

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38. Marital status:
Filled by persons whose ages (12) years and more means they were born in 1985 and the years before without regarding to the sex and the person have one of the marital statuses:
1. Never married:
Means the person who is not got married before male or female and it is indicated by the sign (x) in square (1) for the one who corresponds this status.
2. Married:
Male or female who has a marriage certification which is signed before the census day and the bond is still continuing the person is considered married if the marriage bond is still continuing and not dwelling together. There are some cases that if the person has two wives and one of them died or divorced before the census day and the other is still with him, in this case the person is counted as married and not counted as widowed or divorced therefore it is indicated by the sign (x) in square (2) from this field.
3. Divorced:
Per person male or female married before the census day and the marriage bond was cut before census day according to the Iraqi law even if it is not registries in court. Indicated by the sign (x) in square (3) opposite to the word (divorced). The Christian who are separated from their husbands or wives counted as divorced and indicated by the sign (x) in square (3).
4. Widowed:
Male or female who got married and their marriage ended before the census day because of the death of the husband or wife and on the census day that person is not connected by other marriage bond the widowed is indicated by the sign (x) in square (4) from this field.

Iraq 1997 — source variable IQ1997A_WIVES — Number of wives
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To be filled by people age 12 and older
[Applies to questions 38-45]

For married males only

41. Number of wives legally under his protection ____

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41. Number of wives legally under his protection (for married males only):
Means the wife that still practice the marriage life with her husband and the marriage bond between them doesn't end legally for any reason till the census day.
This field is filled for the married males only and the numerator has to notice the sex field number (36) and the marital status number (38) before recording the special data concerning the number of wives legally under his protection. If the husband married one wife only we records number (1) in the space indicated for that field but if he is married to more than one wife for example three wives records number (3) and so on.

Ireland 1971 — source variable IE1971A_MARST — Marital status
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8. Marriage ____
If 14 years of age or over, write "Single", "Married" or "Widowed", as appropriate. If under 14 years of age, write "Child"

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Question 8 - Marriage.
An entry is required in this column for all persons. For children under 14 years of age "Child" should be written. The entries in this column should not be inconsistent with those in Columns 3 and 7.

Ireland 1979 — source variable IE1979A_MARST — Marital status
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5. Marital status
The marital status indicated should relate to the person's present legal status.
If under 15 years of age (i.e., born after 1 April, 1964), please check box 1.

[] 1 Child
[] 2 Single
[] 3 Married
[] 4 Widowed
[] 5 Other status

Ireland 1981 — source variable IE1981A_MARST — Marital status
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Q.5 Marital status
The marital status indicated should relate to the person's present legal status. If [the person is] under 15 years of age (i.e., born after 5 April, 1966) please check box 1.

[] 1 Child
[] 2 Single
[] 3 Married
[] 4 Widowed
[] 5 Other status

Question 5: Marital status

(i) The marital status indicated should relate to the person's present legal status.
(ii) If under 15 years of age (i.e., born after 5 April, 1966) please insert the check mark in box 1.
(iii) The category "Other status" relates only to persons who have obtained a divorce in another country.

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Q.5: Marital status
An entry is required to this Question for all persons. For children under 15 years of age (i.e. born on or after 6 April, 1966), "Child" should be ticked. The entries for this question should not be inconsistent with those for Relationship and Date of Birth. If in some cases additional information is inserted by respondents who opt for the category "other status", accept it without question.

Ireland 1986 — source variable IE1986A_MARST — Marital status
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Q.5 Was the person ever married?

[Marital status - for persons born on or before 13 April, 1971]

Please check the appropriate box:

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
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Q.5 and Q.6: Marital status
An entry is required at Question 5 for all persons born on or before 13 April 1971. For children under 15 years of age (i.e. born on or after 14 April l97l), these questions should be left blank. At Question 6 information is required on the present actual marital status irrespective of the legal status. Thus, for example a deserted wife though legally married should have a tick in box 5.

Ireland 1991 — source variable IE1991A_MARST — Marital status
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[Questions Q.5 and Q.6 on marital status apply to persons born on or before 21 April, 1976]

Q.5 Was the person ever married?

Please check the appropriate box

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

[Proceed to Q.6 only if the person answered "Yes" to Q.5]

Q.6 What is the marital status of persons who were ever married?

Indicate the present actual marital status irrespective of the legal status. Please check the appropriate box.

[] 1 Widowed

Remarried following:
[] 2 Widowhood
[] 3 Dissolution of previous marriage (annulment or divorce)
[] 4 Married

Married but separated:
[] 5 Deserted
[] 6 Marriage annulled
[] 7 Legally separated
[] 8 Other separated
[] 9 Divorced in another country
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Appendix 1

Q.5 and 6: Marital status
For children under 15 years of age (i.e., born more recently than 21 April, 1976) these questions should be left blank. An entry is required at Question 5 for all persons born on or before 21 April, 1976. Question 6 seeks information on the present actual marital status regardless of the legal status. Thus, for example, a deserted wife, although legally married, should choose box 5.

Ireland 1996 — source variable IE1996A_MARST — Marital status
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Marital status
Questions 5-6 were asked of persons aged 15 years and over (i.e. those born on or before 28 April, 1981)

Q.5 Was the person ever married?

Please check the appropriate box
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Q.6 What is the marital status of persons who were ever married ("Yes" at Q.5)?

Indicate the present actual marital status irrespective of the legal status.
Please check the appropriate box.
[] 1 Widowed

Remarried following:
[] 2 Widowhood
[] 3 Dissolution of previous marriage (annulment or divorce)
[] 4 Married

Married but separated:
[] 5 Deserted
[] 6 Marriage annulled
[] 7 Legally separated
[] 8 Other separated
[] 9 Divorced
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Questions which cover all persons

Q.5 and Q.6: Marital Status
For children under 15 years of age (i.e. born after the 28 April 1981) these questions should be left blank. An entry is required at Question 5 for all persons born on or before 28 April 1981. Question 6 seeks information on the present actual marital status regardless of legal status. Thus, for example, a deserted wife although legally married should tick box 5.

Ireland 2002 — source variable IE2002A_MARST — Marital status
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10 What is your current marital status?
Answer if aged 15 year or over. Check one box only.

[] 1 Single (never married)
[] 2 Married (first marriage)
[] 3 Re-married (following widowhood)
[] 4 Re-married (following divorce/annulment)
[] 5 Separated (including deserted)
[] 6 Divorced
[] 7 Widowed

A5 What is this person's current marital status?

Answer if aged 15 year or over. Check one box only.

[] 1 Single (never married)
[] 2 Married (including re-married)
[] 5 Separated (including deserted)
[] 6 Divorced
[] 7 Widowed

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10. What is your current marital status?
Answer if [the respondent] is age 15 and older

[] 1 Single (never married)
[] 2 Married (first marriage)
[] 3 Re-married (following widowhood)
[] 4 Re-married (following divorce/annulment)
[] 5 Separated (including deserted)
[] 6 Divorced
[] 7 Widowed

Question 10 will show changes in marital status patterns over time. There will be a lot of interest in this question following the divorce referendum.

Ireland 2006 — source variable IE2006A_MARST — Marital status
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B. Person Form

10. What is your current marital status? Answer if aged 15 years or over. Check one box only.

[] 1 Single (never married)
[] 2 Married (first marriage)
[] 3 Re-married (following widowhood)
[] 4 Re-married (following divorce/annulment)
[] 5 Separated (including deserted)
[] 6 Divorced
[] 7 Widowed
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The major changes occurring in the marital status situation of the population is captured by the responses to Question 10 - current marital status. In particular it is possible to monitor the increased incidence of marital breakdown taking place in Irish society.

10 What is your current marital status?

[] 1 Single (never married)
[] 2 Married (first marriage)
[] 3 Re-married (following widowhood)
[] 4 Re-married (Following divorce/annulment)
[] 5 Separated (including deserted)
[] 6 Divorced
[] 7 Widowed

Ireland 2011 — source variable IE2011A_MARST — Marital status
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Person 1
[Questions 1-35 were asked for each person included List 1, household residents who were present on census night.]

5. What is your current marital status?

Answer if aged 15 years or over. Mark 1 box only.
[Question 5 was asked for persons age 15+.]

[] 1 Single (never married)
[] 2 Married (first marriage)
[] 3 Re-married (following widowhood)
[] 4 Re-married (following divorce/annulment)
[] 5 Separated (including deserted)
[] 6 Divorced
[] 7 Widowed
Absent persons who usually live in the household

[Questions A1-A8 were asked for each usual member of the household who was reported to be absent on census night.]

A5. What is this person's current marital status?

Answer if aged 15 years or over.
Mark one box only

[] 1 Single (never married)
[] 2 Married (including re-married)
[] 5 (Separated (including deserted)
[] 6 Divorced
[] 7 Widowed
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Question 5. The changes occurring in the marital status of the population is captured by the responses to Question 5. In particular, it is possible to monitor the incidence of marital breakdown in Irish society.

This question should only be answered by those aged 15 or over.

Ireland 2016 — source variable IE2016A_MARST — Marital status
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5. What is your current marital status?

Answer if aged 15 years or over
Mark one box only

[] 1. Single (never married or never in a same-sex civil partnership)
[] 2. Married (first marriage)
[] 3. Re-married
[] 4. In a registered same-sex civil partnership
[] 5. Separated
[] 6. Divorced
[] 7. Widowed
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Appendix H. Detailed notes on the household form

[Question 5: What is your current marital status?]

The changes occurring in the marital status of the population is captured by the responses to question 5. In particular, it is possible to monitor the incidence of marital breakdown in Irish society. For Census 2016 the question was revised to incorporate registered same-sex civil partnerships.

This question should only be answered by those aged 15 or over.

Israel 1972 — source variable IL1972A_MARST — Marital status
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10. Marital status
[] 1. Married
[] 2. Divorced
[] 3. Widowed
[] 4. Single

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Question 10: Marital status

Circle the appropriate number.
When the household members have difficulties defining their status, act according to the following guidelines:
(1) A separated couple, not legally divorced, is considered married.
(2) A couple living in the same household, not legally married, is also considered married unless otherwise declared.

Israel 1983 — source variable IL1983A_MARST — Marital Status
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6. Family Status:
[] 1 Married
[] 2 Divorced
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Single

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6. Question 6 -- explanations: Family status

[Instructions refer to a graphic of the census form including question 6.]

Ask the person about his/her family status and accept the answer -- do not ask for any document for verification. Also, do not determine the family status according to your impression. For instance, if a couple lives in the apartment, do not register them as married without receiving this answer from them, since they might be living together without being married.

Israel 1995 — source variable IL1995A_MARST — Marital status
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4. Personal status
[] 1. Married
[] 2. Divorced
[] 3. Widowed
[] 4. Single

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11. Question 4

4. Marital Status

[] 1 Married
[] 2 Divorced
[] 3 Widow/er
[] 4 Single

Ask the person for his marital status. His answer is sufficient. Do not ask for any documentation to verify his answer.

Do not determine his marital status according to your impression. For example, if a couple lives in the apartment, do not write that they are married without getting the answer from them.

For an Agunah ["chained" woman -- a woman bound in marriage by a husband who refuses to grant a divorce or who is missing and not proved dead] answer "married".

Israel 2008 — source variable IL2008A_MARST — Marital status
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Identifying data and demographic data
[Questions 10-32]

26. What is your marital status?

A man who answered 'Single' will go to Question No. 33. A woman who answered 'Single' will go to Question No. 31.
[] 1 Married
[] 2 Separated
[] 3 Divorced
[] 4 Widowed
[] 5 Single
[] 6 Other
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Part D: Identification Details and Demographic Details

2. Instructions for answering questions :

f. Marital status
Data on marital status is needed for completing the information on family structures in the population, and for understanding the changes that occur over time in the composition of families. The data is used for planning education and housing services, which are affected by the changes to families' composition.
Only persons aged 15, or older, are asked about their marital status.
Question 3.180 - What is your marital status?

[] 1 Married
[] 2 Separated
[] 3 Divorced
[] 4 Widow
[] 5 Single
[] 6 Other

- Only read out loud answers 1-5.
- If the answer you receive is not the person's marital status, but a description of another aspect of his life, ask him again about his marital status. For example, if the answer you received is 'single mother', ask again what the marital status is (since her marital status can be any of the suggested answers).
- The answer 'other' is for cases where the respondent is not willing to choose any of the other answers, and has a unique definition for his marital status.

Italy 2001 — source variable IT2001A_MARST — Marital status
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[Questions in points 3 and 4 were asked of everyone, unless otherwise noted]

3.1 Marital Status

[] 1 Single [skip to point 4]
[] 2 Married
[] 3 De facto separated
[] 4 Legally separated
[] 5 Divorced
[] 6 Widow/er

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Question 3.1
Those who are married but no longer live with their spouse because the couple is in crises must cross box 3 ("Separated by fact") and not box 2 ("Married").
Married persons who live separated from their spouse due to contingencies or other needs must cross box 2 ("Married") and not box 3 ("Separated by fact").
"Once married" persons (that is, those who have obtained an annulment or civil separation in accordance with law No. 898 of 1 December 1970) must cross box 5 ("Divorced").

Italy 2011 — source variable IT2011A_MARST — Marital status
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Section II: Individual Form

[For persons in List A]

2. Marital status and marriages

2.1 Marital status

[] 1 Single [skip to question 3.1]
[] 2 Married
[] 3 De facto separated
[] 4 De jure separated
[] 5 Divorced
[] 6 Widow(er)
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Section II - Information about regular inhabitants of the dwellings

Question 2.1
Married individuals who no longer live with their spouse due to personal difficulties with their relationship should check box 3 ("De facto separated"), not box 2 ("Married").

Married individuals who live separately from their spouse due to necessity or other contingencies, alternatively, should check box 2 ("Married"), not box 3 ("De facto separated").

"Formerly married" individuals (i.e., who obtained the dissolution or cessation of the civil status of marriage pursuant to Law no. 898 of 01st December 1970) should check box 5 ("Divorced").

Jamaica 1982 — source variable JM1982A_MARST — Marital status
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Section 2: Characteristics
[All persons]

10. Marital status:

[] Never married
[] Married
[] Widowed
[] Divorced
[] Legally separated
[] Not stated

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Section 2 - Characteristics

5.20 General
Question 7 to 14, which comprise Section 2, provide some basic characteristics about the individual and are to be answered for all members of the population except those exempted as special cases. Special Cases are always handled by Special Census Takers and instructions for identifying and handling these Special Cases are given in Part 6.

5.24 Question 10 - Marital status

[Image omitted here.]

Mark Never Married if the individual is less than 14 years old. For other persons, ask the question (where necessary) this way: For Respondent - "Have you ever been married?" If not Respondent then "Has (name of individual) ever been married?" Emphasis is placed here on the fact of the legal status of the association. Marital Status has been divided into five categories thus:

Married - Mark this position for all persons formally married, whether or not they are living with the partners to whom they are legally married. In those cases where East Indians have been married according to the Hindu Custom (that is, under the bamboo) or the Muslim rites, mark Married whether or not the marriage has been legally registered.

The remaining four categories, Never Married, Widowed, Divorced, Legally Separated, are self-explanatory.

Jamaica 1991 — source variable JM1991A_MARST — Marital status
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3.6. What is your / [the respondent's] legal marital status? For example are you/is he/she married, divorced, widowed or never married?
[] Never married
[] Married
[] Widowed
[] Divorced
[] Legally separated
[] Not stated

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Section 3 - Characteristics

Questions 3.1 - 3.10 which comprise Section 3 provide some basic characteristics about the individual and are to be answered for all members of the household.

5.42 Question 3.6 Marital Status
If the person is less than 16 years, do not ask the question but score never married. For persons 16 years old and over ask the question. Marital status refers to the legal status of the relationship.


Married - Score this for all persons formally married whether or not they are living with the partners to whom they are legally married. In those cases where East Indians have been married according to the Hindu Custom (that is, under the bamboo) or the Muslim rites, score married whether or not the marriage has been legally registered.

The remaining four categories, never married, widowed, divorced, legally separated are self-explanatory.

Jamaica 2001 — source variable JM2001A_MARST — Marital status
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[Questions 1.6-1.8 for persons 16 years old and older only]

1.6 What is your/ [the respondent's] legal marital status? For example, are you/is [the respondent] married, divorced, widowed or never married?

[] 1 Married
[] 2 Divorced (go to question 1.8)
[] 3 Widowed (go to question 1.8)
[] 4 Legally separated (go to question 1.8)
[] 5 Never married (go to question 1.8)
[] 9 Not stated

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5.45 Questions 1.6-1.8: Marital and union status
[Persons age 16 and older. If, however, it is clear that the individual although younger than 16 years is married (as for example among Hindus), then ask the questions and make a note in the visitation record]

Marital status refers to the legal status of the relationship, while union status refers to the actual type of relationship in which a person may be involved. A man or woman can be involved in either of the following relationships:

(1) He or she could be legally married and living with the person to whom he or she is married.

(2) He or she could be living with a partner to whom he or she is not legally married. This is referred to as living common-law.

5.46 Question 1.6

Married: Score this for all persons [who are] formally married, whether or not they are living with the partner to whom they are legally married. In those cases where East Indians have been married according to the Hindu custom (that is, under the bamboo) or the Muslim rites, score whether or not the marriage has been legally registered.

The remaining four categories -- "Widowed", "Divorced", "Legally separated", and "Never married" -- are self-explanatory. Please note the following:

(i) Married persons who are separated but who have not been through the courts are to be scored as married

(ii) A "Decree absolute" must be granted for the person to be considered divorced.

Jordan 2004 — source variable JO2004A_MARST — Marital status
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224. Marital status
[Question 224 was asked of persons age 15+.]
[] 1 Never married
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Divorced
[] 4 Widowed
[] 5 Separated

Kenya 1969 — source variable KE1969A_MARST — Marital status
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g. Marital status: ____ _
(State whether single, married, widowed, divorced or separated.)

Kenya 1979 — source variable KE1979A_MARST — Marital status
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For all persons

l. Marital status: ____

State whether single, married, widowed, divorced, or separated.

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Column (l): Marital status

118. 'Is this person single, married, widowed, divorced, or separated?'

119. Persons who have never been married and children under 12 years of age should be shown as 'single'.

120. People living together as man and wife, and who so regard themselves should be shown as 'married' whether or not they have been through any civil, religious or customary ceremonies. The census is not trying to find out who is legally married and who is not. Accept the answer as it is given you.

121. If a person is widowed at the time of the census, he or she should be shown as 'widowed'. If a person has been widowed but has since re-married and is now married, he or she should be shown as 'married'.

122. If people think of themselves as divorced or separated, show them as such. It does not matter whether they have been to court or gone through other formalities. Accept the answer as it is given you.

123. Accept what people say about their marital status. Do not embarrass yourself or the person by enquiring into the nature of marriage and divorce.

Kenya 1989 — source variable KE1989A_MARST — Marital status
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P13. Marital Status:

What is [the respondent's] marital status?
[] 1 Single
[] 2 Monogamous
[] 3 Polygamous
[] 4 Widowed
[] 5 Divorced
[] 6 Separated

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Column P13 - Marital status

97. Is this person single, married, windowed, divorced or separated?'

98. Persons who have never been married and children under 12 years of age should be code 1 (single).

99. People living together as man and wife and who so regard themselves should be coded 2 or 3 depending on status of marriage; that is, whether or not they have been through any civil, religious or customary ceremonies. The census is not trying to find out who is legally married and who is not. Accept the answer as it is given to you. The married persons category is divided into two (code 2 for monogamous marriage and code 3 for polygamous marriage). Probe and ascertain whether the respondent is in a monogamous or polygamous union before coding.

100. If a person is widowed at the time of Census, he or she should be coded as 'widowed' (code 4). If a person has been widowed but has since remarried, he or she should be coded as 'married'. (2 or 3 as the case may be)

101. If people think of themselves as divorced or separated, code them as such. It does not matter whether they have been to court or gone through other formalities. Accept the answer as it is given to you.

102. Accept what people say about their marital status. Do not embarrass yourself or the person by inquiring into the nature of marriage or divorce.

Kenya 1999 — source variable KE1999A_MARSTAT — Marital status
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P-15. Marital status:

What is [the respondent's] marital status?
[] 1. Never married
[] 2. Monogamous
[] 3. Polygamous
[] 4. Widowed
[] 5. Divorced
[] 6. Separated
[] 7. Not stated/don't know

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Column P15: Marital status
75. Is this person monogamously or polygamously married, widowed, divorced or separated, or never married?

(a) Persons who have never been married including young children should be coded "1" (never married).

(b) People who regard themselves as husband and wife should be coded "2" or "3" regardless of whether or not they have been through any civil, religious or customary ceremonies. The census is not trying to find out who is legally married and who is not. Accept the answer as it is given to you

(c) If a person is widowed at the time of the Census, he/she should be coded as "4", i.e. widowed. If a person has been widowed but -has since remarried, he/she should be coded as married ("2" or "3" as the case may be).

(d) If people think of themselves as divorced or separated, code them as such. It does not matter whether they have been to court or gone through other formalities. Accept the answer as it is given to you.

(e) Accept what people say about their marital status. Do not embarrass yourself or the respondent by inquiring into the nature of marriage or divorce.

Kenya 2009 — source variable KE2009A_MARST — Marital status
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A: Information regarding all persons
[Questions P-00 to P-23 were asked of all persons in conventional households or refugee camps].

Marital status
P-17. What is [person's] marital status?

[] 1 Never married
[] 2 Married monogamous
[] 3 Married polygamous
[] 4 Widowed
[] 5 Divorced
[] 6 Separated
[] 9 Unknown

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- Section A: Information regarding all persons. This information is contained in columns P00 to P23. Questions in this section will apply to all persons.

26. Column P17: Marital status

(Is this person monogamously or polygamously married, widowed, divorced or separated, or never married?)

26.1 Persons who have never married including young children should be coded "1" (never married).

26.2 People who regard themselves as husband and wife should be coded "2" or "3" regardless of whether or not they have been through any civil, religious or customary ceremonies. The census is not trying to find out who is legally married and who is not. Accept the answer as it is given to you.

26.3 If a person is widowed at the time of the Census, he/she should be coded as "4", i.e. widowed. If a person has been widowed but has since remarried, he/she should be coded as married ("2" or "3" as the case may be).

26.4 If people think of themselves as divorced or separated, code them as such. It does not matter whether they have been to court or gone through other formalities. Accept the answer as it is given to you.

26.5 Accept what people say about their marital status. Do not embarrass yourself or the respondent by inquiring into the nature of marriage or divorce.

Kyrgyzstan 1999 — source variable KG1999A_MARST — Marital status
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Persons aged 15 years and over
[Question 10 was asked of persons aged 15 years and over.]

10. Marital status
[] 1 Never married
[] 2 Registered married
[] 3 Not registered married
[] 4 Widowed
[] 5 Divorced
[] 6 Separated

Number of a wife (husband) __

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Question 10. Marital status

This question is usually asked of persons aged 15 years and over, in which case the code corresponding to one of the prompts given is to be circled.
Code 1 "Never married" is to be circled for persons who never were in a registered or in a common law (unregistered) marriage.
Code 2 "Registered marriage" is to be circled for persons presently married, with their marriage being registered with the Civil Registry Office.
Code 3 "Unregistered marriage" (common law marriage) is to be encircled for persons presently married without registration with the Civil Registry Office.
Code 4 "Widowed" is to be encircled for persons who were married earlier (whether their marriage registered or not), but whose marriage stopped because of the death of the spouse and who have not remarried.
Code 5 "Divorced" is to be encircled for persons who were earlier in a registered marriage, but at the moment are unmarried with their divorce being registered with the Civil Registry Office.
Code 6 "Separated" is to be encircled for persons who were earlier in a registered marriage, but at the moment are unmarried and do not jointly keep the house, with their divorce not registered yet with the registry office, as well as for persons who were earlier in unregistered marriage, but at the moment has been separated.

For those married (codes 2 or 3) the serial number under which his wife (husband) is recorded within the dwelling is to be entered in a special box, i.e. the number specified against her/his name in column 1 of the List of residents in dwelling if the wife (husband) is a permanent resident in this household.

For persons under 15 years of age the answer to this question is usually not completed. Only if a person questioned does insist on his/her marriage, the corresponding code should be marked.

Kyrgyzstan 2009 — source variable KG2009A_MARST — Marital status
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10. Marital status
(persons 15 years and over)
[] 1 Never married
[] 2 Registered married
[] 3 Not registered married
[] 4 Widowed
[] 5 Divorced
[] 6 Separated

No. of wife [or] husband (from column 1 of the form [1]) _ _

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Question 10. Marital status (for persons aged 15 and over)

To be filled in for persons aged 15 and over.
Code 1 "never married" is to be encircled for persons who have never been either in a registered or in an unregistered (common law) marriage.
Code 2 "registered marriage" is to be encircled for persons presently married, with their marriage being registered with the Civil Registry Office.
Code 3 "unregistered marriage" (common law marriage) is to be encircled for persons presently married without registration with the Civil Registry Office.
For those married (codes 2 or 3), the enumerator is to specify in a special box the number of spouse assigned him/her in column 1 of the List of residents (the same number is specified against the family name in the spouse's enumeration form).
Code 4 "widowed" is to be encircled for persons who were married earlier (whether their marriage registered or not), but whose marriage stopped because of the death of the spouse and who have not remarried.
Code 5 "divorced" is to be encircled for persons who were earlier in a registered marriage, but at the moment are unmarried with their divorce being registered with Civil Registry Office.
Code 6 "separated" is to be encircled for persons who were earlier in a registered marriage, but at the moment are unmarried and do not jointly keep the house, with their divorce not registered with the registry office, as well as for persons who were earlier in unregistered marriage, but at the moment do not jointly keep the house.
This question is not to be addressed to persons under 15 years of age. Only if a person questioned does insist on his/her marriage, the corresponding code should be marked.

Laos 1995 — source variable LA1995A_MARST — Marital status
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B. For all persons
[Questions 1-10 were asked of all persons]

1. Persons in the household: Who was a member of this household on September 26, 1994?

List the name and surname of all persons who were members of the household on September 26, 1994, whether they were present or absent.

Enter the person who was heading the household as person number one.

Name and surname ____
[Note:] It is very important that all persons who were members of the household on March 1, 1995 are listed.

If there are more than 10 members in the household, use additional questionnaire(s). When this is necessary, tick the box in the bottom right corner and change the person number (1, 2, 3 ... in column a in the questionnaire) to 11, 12, 13 ... in the second questionnaire, 21, 22, 23 ... in the third questionnaire, etc.

Regarding the routines for collective households, see the enumerator's manual.

9. What is [the respondent's] marital status?

[] 1 Never married
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Divorced/separated
[] 4 Widowed
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Section B: For all persons

Question 9: What is [the respondent's] marital status?
People who live together as husband and wife or who so regard themselves without being formally married, should be recorded as married. Thus in the main, the answer must be accepted as given by the respondent and the legal aspect of the marital status should not be questioned. It is the respondents who define their marital status.

If a person has been widowed but has since re-married, s/he should be recorded as married.

A divorce does not have to have gone through the court or other formalities for it to be considered an actual divorce in census terms.

Please note that "never married" is not equivalent to "single" as the latter includes those who have never married and those who have been married but are currently divorced/separated or widowed. "Never married" strictly refers to those who have never entered any marital union. In the very few cases of not known, write "9" in the column for this question.

Laos 2005 — source variable LA2005A_MARST — Marital status
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B. For all persons
[Questions 1- 10 were asked of all persons]

9. What is [the respondent]'s marital status?

[] 1 Never married
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Divorced/ separated
[] 4 Widowed
[] 9 No answer
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Section B: For all persons

Question 9: What is [the respondent]'s marital status?
People who live together as husband and wife or who so regard themselves without being formally married, should be recorded as married. Thus in the main, the answer must be accepted as given by the respondent and the legal aspect of the marital status should not be questioned. It is the respondents who define their marital status.
If a person has been widowed but has since re-married, s/he should be recorded as married.
A divorce does not have to have gone through the court or other formalities for it to be considered an actual divorce in census terms.
Please note that "never married" is not equivalent to "single" as the latter includes those who have never married and those who have been married but are currently divorced/separated or widowed. "Never married" strictly refers to those who have never entered any marital union. In the very few cases of not known, tick alternative "9".

Laos 2015 — source variable LA2015A_MARST — Marital status
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B. For all persons in the household

Q6. Marital status

[] 1. Never married
[] 2. Married
[] 3. Divorced/separated
[] 4. Widowed
[] 5. Stay-together
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4.2 Part B: Use for all households.

Q6: Marital status
Refers to the marital status of the household members: married, never married, divorced or separated, living together, and widowed. The determination of marital status is based on the following:

1) "Never Married": refers to a person who has never been married even once in his/her life;
2) "Married": refers to a person who is married and is living together with their current spouse. If a person has been divorced but has remarried now, record it as "married".
3) "Divorced/separated": divorced means a person who has divorced his/her husband/wife voluntarily and legally and no longer has a relationship as a husband/wife. Separated refers to a married couple who was acknowledged by wedding or non-wedding and no longer live together as husband and wife and "Separated but no divorce certificate yet".
4) "Widow": refers to a person whose husband/wife has died and currently he/she has not remarried yet;
5) "Cohabitation": refers to a couple who lives together without a proper wedding ceremony defined by customs and laws.

The surveyor must write down the answers given by the interviewee and not ask for legal documents about the marital status. If the interviewee answered "single," you have to continue to ask if the single status means he/she has never been married or is single because of the divorce. You will have to highlight in black on the box according to the answer code defined in the questionnaire.

Lesotho 1996 — source variable LS1996A_MARST — Marital status
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Section B. For all persons

8. What is (the respondent's) marital status?

[] 1 Never married
[] 2 Monogamously married
[] 3 Polygamously married
[] 4 Separated
[] 5 Divorced
[] 6 Widowed
[] 9 Don't know
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2. Part B of questionnaire
(Questionnaire concerning the individual members of the household) the questions are marked by numbers to be read from left to right.

The first two columns must be completed before entries are made anywhere else in the questionnaire.

115. Column 8: Marital status
Please code according to list giving the present status; thus a person divorced and remarried is married.
A man who is married to one woman and a woman who has no cowives is monogamously married, irrespective of past status (Code 2). A man who is married to more than one woman or a woman who has cowives (whose husband is married to more than one woman) is polygamously married (Code 3).

Lesotho 2006 — source variable LS2006A_MARST — Marital status
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Section B. List of household members

6. What is (the respondent's) marital status?

[Skip to question 9 if respondent selects 1 or 9.]

[] 1 Never married
[] 2 Monogamously married
[] 3 Polygamously married
[] 4 Living together
[] 5 Separated
[] 6 Divorced
[] 7 Widowed
[] 9 Don't know
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Part B of the questionnaire
For all persons

76. Column 6. Marital status

Please code according to list giving the present status; thus a person divorced and remarried is married.
A man who is married to one woman and a woman who has no co wives is monogamously married, irrespective of past status (Code 2).
A man who is married to more than one woman or a woman who has co wives (whose husband has more than one woman) is polygamously married (Code 3).

Liberia 1974 — source variable LR1974A_MARST — Marital status
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5. Marital status
Ask all persons over ten years

[] 1 Never married
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Divorced/ Separated
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7. Marital status -- Column (5)
a. Never Married: All persons who have never been married. If a person was married sometimes during his or her time they cannot be Never Married. All under ten years are reported as Never Married.

b. Married: All persons who report that they are currently married. "Married" as reported by the respondent is to be accepted as such. If person considers him or herself married, regardless of whether the marriage is legal or not, they are reported to be married. Conversely, if a person is living in the married state buy does not report as being married, accept the reply and circle either (1) or (2). Person with multiple status: If a person is unmarried, as of the enumeration date, and has multiple status, such as being divorced in report to one spouse and widowed in respect to another, classify him according to the more recent of the two events.

c. Widowed: Persons whose spouse is dead and are not currently married or living in the married state.

d. Divorced or Separated: Persons legally or customarily divorced (whether or not legally separated), or, for persons who have been deserted or who have parted because they no longer want to live together but have not obtained a divorced.

Liberia 2008 — source variable LR2008A_MARST — Marital status
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P06. Marital Status
What is [the respondent's] marital status?

Malawi 1987 — source variable MW1987A_MARST — Marital status
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Persons aged 10 years or more
[Questions L through O were asked of persons age 10 or older]

l. Marital status

[] 1 Married
[] 2 Widowed
[] 3 Divorced
[] 4 Never married

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Marital status
55. Ask each person aged 10 years or more whether he or she has ever been married. If "Yes" find out if he or she is currently married, divorced or widowed. If "No", you will record the marital status of the person as never married. Alternatively you may ask a question "Are you married?" In this case it is necessary to ensure that the answer given by respondents to your questions on this topic is precise. For instance when a person says "I am not married", "sindili pa banja ", or "sindinakwatiwe", you may not be able to know whether she is a divorcee or has never married at all unless you probe further.

Persons age 10 years or older

Questions from (l) through (q) should only be asked to persons who are age 10 years or older.

(1) Marital status: Ask each person aged 10 years or more her current marital status. Enter the appropriate code for the response in column 35. The codes are as follows:

[] 1 Married
[] 2 Widowed
[] 3 Divorced
[] 4 Never married

Malawi 1998 — source variable MW1998A_MARST — Marital status
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[Questions B16-B19 are for persons age 10 and older]

B16. Marital status

[] 1 Married
[] 2 Widowed
[] 3 Divorced/separated
[] 4 Never married

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Part B: Characteristics of Individual Household Members

4. Persons age 10 years or older

Marital status: It is important that you first ask if each member of the household age 10 years or older has ever been married. If "Yes", find out if he or she is currently married, divorced or widowed; if "No", you will record the marital status of the person as never married. Alternatively, you may ask the question "Are you married?" In this case it is necessary to ensure that the answer given by the respondent to your question on this topic is precise. For instance, when a person says "I am not married" ("sindili pa banja" or "sindinakwatire") you may not be able to know whether she is a divorcee, or a widow or has never married at all unless you probe further.

B16. Marital status: Ask each person aged 10 years or more about his/her current marital status. Enter the appropriate code for the response in column B16.

Malawi 2008 — source variable MW2008A_MARST — Marital status
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[Questions P28-P29 were asked of residents age 12 years or older]

P28. What is [the respondent's] marital status?

[] 1 Never married (go to P30)
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Divorced / separated
[] 4 Widowed

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Questions to be asked of usual residents age 12 years or older
[Questions P28-P29 were asked of usual residents age 12 years or older]

P28. Marital status
Record 2 if "Married" or not legally married but live together as husband and wife. Record 3 if "Divorced/separated": separated legally from his/her partner/living separately from his/her spouse without legal sanction. Record 4 if "Widowed": a person whose spouse passed away and not currently in marriage.

If "Never married" (code 1), skip to P30.

Malaysia 1970 — source variable MY1970A_MARST — Marital status
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[Questions 25-44 were asked of persons age 10+.]

40. Ever been married?

[] Yes (go to 41)
[] No (Finish)

[Questions 41-43 were asked if the person ever been married.]

41. How many times?

[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4+

42. Present marital status:

[] Married
[] Widowed
[] Div/p.s.

Malaysia 1980 — source variable MY1980A_MARST — Marital status
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For persons 10 years of age and over
[Questions 25-44b were asked of those who are 10 years old or over.]

40. Are you

[] Never married (End)
[] Currently married
[] Widowed
[] Divorced/Permanently separated

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Questions 25-44 are to be asked of persons who are 10 years of age and above.

Question 40
In this question, the current marital status is asked.

You should mark the 'Never Married' box for persons who reported themselves as not having been married. Persons who are currently 'Single' but whose marriages have been dissolved should not be marked in this category.

Marriages should include those which are either registered or accepted by social custom. Therefore persons in consensual and stable 'de facto' unions should be regarded as married.

A person who is presently married, that is whose marriage still exists is to be marked as 'Currently married'. If a person was previously widowed or divorced, but has since remarried, you are to classify him/her as 'Currently married'.

'Currently married' persons should also include those who are separated from their spouses temporarily. In cases of longer or more permanent separations, the person should be classified according to what he/she regards his/her status to be. If the separation is too long, however (e.g. more than 10 years) and there is no possibility of reconciliation, the person should be marked in the category 'Divorced/permanently separated'.

A person is classified as 'Divorced' if the marriage has been dissolved either legally or by social custom or by mutual consent.

Malaysia 1991 — source variable MY1991A_MARST — Marital status
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[Questions C1-27 were asked of persons who live in their households on Census Days.]

C8. What is your marital status?

[] 1 Never married
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Divorced/permanently separated

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Question C8
[Question C8 of the enumeration form is not presented here.]

The purpose of this question is to obtain the current marital status of every individual whether never married, married, widowed, divorced or permanently separated.


Never married (Code 1)
This category is for persons who reported that they never married.

Married (Code 2)
This category refers to persons who are still married at the time of interview.
Here marriage includes marriage by law or living together by common agreement.
Marriage by law is marriage according to laws of the country. For example, registered marriage, civil marriage, marriage through religious rites and social customs.
Living together is agreement between man and woman to live together as "husband and wife" but do not register with the authorities.
Also included in the category of "married" are persons who are separated from their partner temporarily. For cases whose separation is long and permanent, they are to be classified the status which they regard themselves to be.

Widowed (Code 3)
A widow is a person whose husband or wife has passed away.
If a person was a widow before but has remarried at the time of interview, you have to classify he/she is "married", i.e. Code 2.

Divorced/permanently separated (Code 4)
This category includes married couples who have been divorced by law or religious rites.
Couples who are separated for a very long time and are unlikely to be together again have to be regarded as permanently separated.

How to ask the question
You have to ask the question as follows to the respondent:
"Have ____ (member's name) been married/never married, widowed or divorced/permanently separated?"

How to record the answer
Record the answer given in the relevant box.

Special note:
This question should not be asked for those aged less than 10 years.
For persons who have been divorced or permanently separated but have not remarried, they cannot be included in category "Never married" (Code 1). They have to be included in the category "Divorced/Permanently separately" (Code 4).

Malaysia 2000 — source variable MY2000A_MARST — Marital status
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C7. What is your marital status?
(For person aged 10 years and above)

[] 1 Never married
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Divorced/permanently separated

Mali 1987 — source variable ML1987A_MARST — Marital status
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For individuals 12 years of age and older.

23. Marital status


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This category is related to household members (men and women) aged 12 years or more. Put a dash or a hyphen for those aged less than 12 years.

23. Marital Status

A person's marital status is his/her state with respect to marriage and in relation to the laws and customs of the country. It divides the population into: single, married, widowed or divorced. Ask household members aged 12 or more the following question about their marital status: "have you ever been married?"

Then write the following in column 23 according to the answer you receive:

- CEL for single (a person who has never married);
- MA for married (a person who has been married at least once, and who is currently in at least one of the marriages). But you should indicate the following for MA:

a. For men: the current number of wives.
Example: MA2 for a married man currently married to 2 wives
MA3 for a married man currently married to 3 wives
b. For women: the number of marriages already contracted, including the current one.
Example: MA1 for a woman who is in her first marriage
MA2 for a woman who is in her second marriage, etc.

- VEU for widow(er) (a person whose only and last existing marriage was dissolved by death.
- DIV for divorced (a person whose only and last existing marriage was dissolved by divorce)

[Page 36]

Marital status always refers to the individual's present status, or to his/her last status.

Special cases:
a. A man married to two wives whose first wife died and who is divorced from his second wife should be recorded as DIV.
b. A man who was previously married to 2 wives but who lost one of them due to death should be recorded as married to one wife (MA1).
c. A man married to 3 wives but who has divorced one wife and whose other wife has died is recorded as married to one wife. [He is recorded as] MAR because there is still an existing marriage.
d. A married man with just one wife, whose wife recently died, is recorded as widowed: VEU.

Mali 1998 — source variable ML1998A_MARST — Marital status
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Section B: Individual Characteristics

For persons aged 12 years and above
[Questions 27-28]

27. Marital status

[] 0 Not applicable
[] 1 Single
[] 2 Monogamous (man), first marriage (woman)
[] 3 Polygamous 2 women (man), second marriage (woman)
[] 4 Polygamous 3 women (man), third marriage (woman)
[] 5 Polygamous 4 women (man), fourth marriage (woman)
[] 6 Widowed
[] 7 Divorced or separated

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1.2.1. Questions for ALL Household Members

1.2.3. Population aged 12 years and more

27. Column P27: Marital status

The marital status of a person is his or her current status with respect to marriage, given the laws and customs of his or her country. Its determination leads to the distribution of the population between: single (never married), married, widowed, divorced.

The question to be asked to the household members, aged 12 year or more, on their marital status is: "Have you ever been married?"

In Column P27, write down the number corresponding to the answer.

[] 1 Single (never married person)
[] 2 Married man, one wife, or married woman, first marriage
[] 3 Married man, two wives (currently), or married woman, second marriage

[Page 32]

[] 4 Married man, three wives (currently), or married woman, third marriage
[] 5 Married man, four wives (currently), or married woman, fourth marriage
[] 6 Widowed person (person for whom the unique marriage or the last marriage was dissolved by the death of the spouse)
[] 7 Divorced or separated (person for whom the one marriage or the last marriage was dissolved by divorce)

N.B. Marital status always refers to the current status of the person [at time of census], equivalent to his or her last situation.

Particular cases:
a. A man who was married to two wives, who lost the first by death and the second by divorce will be noted (7), that is "divorced".

b. A man who was married to two wives, who lost one of the two by death, must be written as "married to one wife", which corresponds to code (2).

c. A man who was married to three wives, who lost one first by divorce and another one by death, will be noted as married to one wife, and therefore will have code (2), since one marriage still exists.

d. A man who was married to only one wife, who died shortly before, will be noted as "widowed", which corresponds to code (6).

Mali 2009 — source variable ML2009A_MARST — Marital status
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Population age twelve or older
[Questions P29-P30 were asked for persons age 12+.]

P29) Martial status

Determine the marital status of the surveyed individual and record the code corresponding to the response

[] 0 Person not applicable
[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married monogamous
[] 3 Married polygamous
[] 4 Widowed
[] 5 Divorced/separated
[] 6 De facto union/Civil partnership
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Questions P29 to P33 are for people aged 12 years or older. Questions P31 to P33 are only for women aged 12 to 49 years. Marital status (Column P29)
The agent asks the following question: "What is (name)?s marital status?." Before asking, the agent already has an idea of marital status from the asked in questions in P2 (order) and P4 (relationship). Marital status is marriage vis-à-vis the laws and customs of the country. The agent records the code corresponding to the reported marital status.

0 = Person not applicable
1 = Single
2 = Married, monogamous
3 = Married, polygamous
4 = Widow / widower
5 = Divorced / Separated (e)
6 = partnership / Cohabitation

Because marital status is marriage under the laws of his/her country, you may find specific situations for foreigners. The agent must enter the code closest to the reported status.

Mauritius 1990 — source variable MU1990A_MARST — Marital status
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In strict confidence
Ministry of Economic Planning and Development
Central Statistical Office

Population Census

Night of 1-2 July 1990


1. Persons by whom the return is to be made
In the case of:

(i) households: the Head of the household or person for the time being acting as head;
The head of a household is any adult member, whether male or female, who is acknowledged as head by the other members. A household is either (i) a person living on his own or (ii) a group of two or more persons who may or may not be related, but who live together and make common provision for food and other essentials for living. Two families living in one house constitute one household if they have common housekeeping arrangements, but should be considered as separate households if they have separate housekeeping arrangements and should then be entered on two separate census forms.
(ii) hotels, clubs, boarding houses: the Manager or other person for the time being in charge of the premises;
(iii) hospitals, infirmaries, asylums, prisons or any other residential institution: the Chief Resident Officer or other person for the time being in charge of the institution;
(iv) Naval Forces, Air Forces, the Special Mobile Force or the Police Training School: the Commanding Officer or the officer presently in charge;
(v) ships, barges or other vessels in any port or harbor in Mauritius: the Captain, master or other person for the time being in charge of the vessel;
(vi) persons arriving after midnight on the night 1-2 July 1990 and who have not been enumerated elsewhere: the person specified above by whom the return is to be made with respect to the persons present at midnight on 1 July 1990 in any of the premises mentioned above;
(vii) persons not included in any of the above-mentioned categories: the person in respect of whom the return is to be made.

2. Persons in respect of whom the return is to be made

(i) All persons who spend census night 1-2 July 1990 on the premises whether they are members of the household, visitors, guests, boarders or servants;
(ii) all persons who arrive on the premises and join the household on Monday July 2 1990 without having been enumerated elsewhere; and
(iii) all temporarily absent members of the household, i.e. all persons who usually live in the household, but who are away on census night, for example, on a business trip, on vacation, in hospital or studying abroad; include them even if you know that they are being enumerated elsewhere.

3. Legal provisions

(i) The Census is taken by the Central Statistical Office under the Statistics Act. Every person is required by law to give to the person responsible for making the return such information as may be necessary to enable the return to be made. No use may however be made of such information by the person to whom it is given except for the purpose of making the return.
(ii) Any person who refuses or neglects to fill in the form or to supply the particulars required therein or who knowingly makes in this form any statement which is untrue in any material particular shall commit an offence under the Statistics Act, and shall, on conviction, be liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year and to a fine not exceeding Rs. 1,000.
(iii) All information obtained in the course of the Census is treated as confidential. No information about named individuals is ever passed on by the central Statistical Office to any other Government Department or to any other Authority or person. All enumerators and other officers engaged in the taking of the Census are under oath and are liable to prosecution if they improperly disclose any information which has come to their knowledge while performing their duties.

4. Completion of the form

The form should be completely filled in by the person designated in section 1 above. If any difficulty is experienced, particularly with columns 24 to 37, guidance should be sought from the Enumerator when he calls to collect the form. If the answers are incomplete or inaccurate, the enumerator will ask any questions necessary to enable him to complete or correct the form.
The information should be entered in the space provided using ink or a ball-point pen. Nothing should be written in the boxes which are reserved for codes.

5. Collection of the form

The form will be collected on 2 or 3 July 1990 by the appointed enumerator.
Before completing the census form, please consult the guide which is in both English and French.

I declare that the information in this return is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Signature or mark of the person making the return: ____
Signature of authorized officer: ____

Please do not write anything in the boxes
Complete a line for every person present on Census night (1-2 July 1990) and also for every person who usually lives in the household but was absent on Census night.
See instructions in section 2 on front page.

12 Marital status ____

[] W - widowed (not remarried)
[] D - divorced (not remarried)
[] SEP - separated, whether legally or not
[] MRC - married religiously and civilly
[] MR - married religiously only
[] MC - married civilly only
[] C - in a union but not married religiously or civilly
[] S - single
[] UM - other
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7. Instructions on how to fill in the census form
The Census form has to be filled in completely by the head of the household.
A household is either one person living alone, or a group of persons, who may or may not be related, but who live together and make common provision for food and other essentials for living. The head of household is any adult member, whether male or female, who is acknowledged as head by the other members.

The census form can contain information for up to 10 persons. If there are more than ten persons, continue on a new form which can be obtained from the Census enumerator. Please note that nothing should be written in the shaded boxes [][]: they are reserved for inserting codes.

[Next page]

After completing the form, have it ready so that the enumerator can collect it on Monday 2 July 1990 or soon after. If you are not sure how to complete any of the entries, please ask the enumerator to help you when he or she calls. He or she will also check your answers and ask any questions necessary to complete the form and correct inaccurate entries.

Column 12
Marital status
Write as appropriate:

W - for a person who is widowed and has not remarried.
D - for a person who has legally obtained a divorce and has not remarried.
SEP - for a person who is living separately from his wife (or her husband) provided that no divorce has been obtained.
MRC - for a person who is currently married both religiously and civilly.
MR - for a person who is currently married religiously only.
MC- for a person who is currently married civilly only.
C - for a person who is living in a free union with another, without being married religiously or civilly.
S - for a person who has never been married religiously or civilly and has never lived in a free union.
UM - for persons who do not fall in any of the above categories.

Please note that widowed (W) and separated (SEP) can apply to a person who had been previously married, either civilly or religiously, and also to a person who had been in a free union. However, divorced (D) can apply only to a person who had been married civilly, or civilly as well as religiously.

Mauritius 2000 — source variable MU2000A_MARST — Marital status
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[Population census form]

12. Marital status _

Write as applicable:

[] W - widowed (not remarried)
[] D - divorced (not remarried)
[] SEP - separated, whether legally or not
[] MRC - married religiously and civilly
[] MR - married religiously only
[] MC - married civilly only
[] C - in a union but not married religiously or civilly
[] S - single
[] UP - unmarried parent
[] OTHER - other, specify ____
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7. Instructions on how to fill in the census form

Column 12 - Marital status
Write as appropriate:

W- for a person who is widowed and has not remarried;
D- for a person who has legally obtained a divorce and has not remarried;
SEP- for a person who is living separately from his wife (or her husband) provided that no divorce has been obtained;
MRC- for a person who is currently married both religiously and civilly;
MR- for a person who is currently married religiously only;
MC - for a person who is currently married civilly only;
C- for a person who is living in a free union with another, without being married religiously or civilly;
S- for a person who has never been married religiously or civilly and has never lived in a free union;
UP- for an unmarried parent;
Other- for persons who do not fall in any of the above categories (specify).

Please note that widowed (W) and separated (SEP) can apply to a person who had been previously married, either civilly or religiously, and also to a person who had been in a free union. However, divorced (D) can apply only to a person who had been married civilly, or civilly as well as religiously.

Mauritius 2011 — source variable MU2011A_MARST — Marital status
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Individual form

P13. Marital status

State if:

[] 0 Widowed (not remarried)
[] 1 Divorced (not remarried)
[] 2 Separated
[] 3 Married religiously and civilly
[] 4 Married religiously only
[] 5 Married civilly only
[] 6 In a union but not married religiously or civilly
[] 7 Single (never married)
[] 8 Unmarried parent
[] 9 Other - specify____
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6. Population census topics and their usefulness

P13 - Marital status
Marital status is essential for the analysis of other characteristics of the population, and also for planning of services needed by special groups such as single-parent families and elderly widowed persons living alone.

8. How to fill in the Population Census Questionnaire

P13 - Marital status
[figure omitted]

Shade the appropriate box. Please note that:

- 0 Widowed (not remarried) applies to a person who is widowed and has not remarried;
- 1 Divorced (not remarried) applies to a person who has legally obtained a divorce and has not remarried;
- 2 Separated applies to a person who is living separately from his/her spouse (wife or husband) and no divorce has been obtained;
- 3 Married religiously and civilly applies to a person who is currently married both religiously and civilly;
- 4 Married religiously only applies to a person who is currently married religiously only;
- 5 Married civilly only applies to a person who is currently married civilly only;
- 6 In a union but not married religiously or civilly applies to a person who is living in a free union with another, without being married religiously or civilly;
- 7 Single (never married) applies to a person who has never been married religiously or civilly and has never lived in a free union;
- 8 Unmarried Parent
- 9 Other - for persons, who do not fall in any of the above categories; give details in the adjacent boxes.

"Widowed" and "Separated" can apply to a person who had been previously married, either civilly or religiously, and also to a person who had been in a free union. However, "Divorced" can apply only to a person who had been married civilly, or civilly as well as religiously.
If more than one response applies, shade the box that shows the marital status most closely as at Census Night. For instance if a divorced person is living in a free union with another person, then his/her marital status should be recorded as "6 - In a union but not married religiously or civilly" but not as "1 - Divorced (not remarried)".

Mexico 1960 — source variable MX1960A_MARST — Marital status
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Civil Status

[] 23. Single
[] 24. Married - civil ceremony
[] 25. Married - religious ceremony
[] 26. Consensual Union
[] 27. Widowed
[] 28. Legally divorced
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Civil State

Column 23. Single. When the person being enumerated has never been married, and on the census date does not live in a free union, an (X) should be made in column 23.

Column 24. Civilly married. Make an (X) when the [P. 23] enumerated person declares that they are civilly married.

Column 25. Married by the church. Make an (X) when the enumerated person declares that are in a religious marriage. If they are in a civil marriage as well as a religious marriage make an (X) in column 24 and column 25.

Column 26. When two enumerated persons, male and female, declare that they live in a marital arrangement with another person, without having entered into a civil or religious marriage, make an (X) in this column.

Column 27. Widow. A person who has lost their spouse by death (with whom they were married civilly or religiously), has not remarried, nor lives in a free union, is considered a widow. In this case, make an (X) in this column.

Column 28. Legally divorced. Make an (X) in this column when the enumerated person declares that they are divorced, that is, that their marriage has been dissolved by a firm sentence of divorce dictated by the competent authorities, and who has not remarried, nor lives in a free union.

Mexico 1970 — source variable MX1970A_MARST — Marital status
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For persons twelve years old or more

12. Marital status

What is the current martial status of this person? Mark with an X


[ ] 2 Civil and religious
[ ] 3 Only civil
[ ] 4 Only religious

[ ] 5 Lives in a consensual union
[ ] 6 Widow
[ ] 7 Divorced
[ ] 8 Separated
[ ] 9 Single

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Marital Status

Column 12

This regards finding out the marital status of all people, men or women, 12 years old or above in the census moment.

To clear up any possible doubt, the following definitions should be kept in mind:

1. A person civilly and religiously married is one who has entered into marriage in accordance with the civil law and by any religion, and lives with their spouse; that is to say, that has not been widowed, nor has divorced or separated.

2. A person who is civilly married only is one who has entered into marriage only by law and who lives with their spouse; that is to say, that has not been widowed, nor has divorced or separated.

3. A person religiously married only is one who has entered into marriage only by religion and who lives with their spouse; that is to say, that has not been widowed, nor has annulled their marriage, nor has separated.

4. A person who lives in a consensual union is one who lives a marriage-like life with another person as if they were married, without having entered into a civil or religious marriage.

5. A widow is one who has lost their spouse or companion to death, and has not remarried, nor lives in a consensual union.

6. A divorced person is one who, having been civilly married, separated themselves by way of a divorce decree dictated by the competent authority, and has not remarried, nor lives in a consensual union.

7. A separated person is one who lives separately from their spouse or companion after having been married or having lived habitually with another person as if they were married.

8. A single person is one who has never been married and has never lived habitually with another person as if they were married (consensual union).

Mexico 1990 — source variable MX1990A_MARST — Marital status
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Ask only if the person is twelve years old or more

12. Civil Status

What is the current civil status of this person? Mark with an X one circle only.

[ ] 1 Consensual union
[ ] 2 Married with civil and religious ceremonies
[ ] 3 Married only with civil marriage
[ ] 4 Married only with religious ceremony
[ ] 5 Separated
[ ] 6 Divorced
[ ] 7 Widowed
[ ] 8 Single

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Questions for persons who are twelve years old or more.

Questions: 11. Number of children; 12. Civil status; 13. Principal activity; 14. Principal Occupation; 15. Labor situation; 16. Hours; 17. Economic activity and 18. Income, will only be asked if the person about whom you are requesting information is 12 years old or more. If the person is a man, continue directly with the question about civil status. If the person is a woman, ask question 11. Number of children.

12. Civil status

You should always ask this question, even if you consider the person to be very young. What is important is to know the civil status of the person being interviewed at the census moment, according to the conjugal or marriage laws or customs of the country.

-I was married, but I got divorced and now I live with Sara, even though we are not married.
Free union [x] 1
[End of illustration]

Mexico 1995 — source variable MX1995A_MARST — Marital status
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VI Nuptial information

For people 12 years old or older
[Applies to questions 6.1 to 6.4]

Civil state
6.1 Is (Name) currently:

Read the options until getting an affirmative answer.

[] 1 Living in free union?
[] 2 Widowed?
[] 3 Separated?
[] 4 Divorced?
[] 5 Married?
[] 6 Single? Go to 7.1

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VI Civil State

With this section, the distribution of the population according to its current civil state, number of unions (marriages or free unions), age of the first union, and average time in the first union are known.

This section is applied to all people 12 years old or older.

6.1 Civil state

The goal of this question is to identify the conjugal situation or civil state that the person currently has.

Civil state permits us to distinguish the population 12 years old or old being found currently united (by marriage or free union), not united (by death, separation or divorce) or single.

Read each of the options and upon receiving an affirmative answer, register the code that corresponds in the box meant for it. Respect the order of the six options and do not presuppose the civil state of people.

If a person has double civil state (one legal and one de facto), the current one is registered or the one corresponding to the moment of the interview.

[p. 113]

Below the options that this question has are mentioned.

Lives in free union?...1

It refers to people who live as a pair without legally or religiously formalizing their union.

Is widowed?...2

They are people whose pair or companion has died and have not been married again, nor live in free union with a companion.

Is separated?...3

It refers to people who do not live with their pair or companion, without getting divorced, including those who have lived in free union and currently do not live with their pair.

When the dynamic of the interview permits you to know that a person has lived in free union and declares him or herself as single because of not living with the pair, clarify it with the informant, saying "ok, but you told me before that you lived in free union;" if the response is "yes but we separated" then register it in this option.

Is divorced?...4

It alludes to people who legally separated from their pair or companion and currently do not live with another pair or have not married again.

Is married?...5

Corresponds to people who are married, either legally, religiously or both.

People married only civilly, only by the church or both, should be classified in this option.

Is single?

They are people who have not married (civil or religiously) and never have lived in free union.

[p. 114]

When writing this option down, go to 7.1.

In this question, consider that a precedent exists of which a person because of being asked has a pair, because the informant said so, ask the question with option 1, if the answer is "no" continue with option 5, for example: Currently does (Name) live in free union?

Wait for the answer; if it is "yes" write down number 1, on the contrary, continue: Is (Name) married?

If the answer is yes, write down code 5.

Mexico 2000 — source variable MX2000A_MARST — Marital status
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For persons twelve years old or more

21. Marital Status

Currently this person is:
Read all of the options until you receive an affirmative response. Circle only one answer.

1 Consensual union
2 Separated
3 Divorced
4 Widowed

5 Only with civil marriage
6 Only with religious ceremony
7 With civil and religious ceremonies

8 Single

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The following questions should be asked of all people 12 years old or above.

21. Marital Status

This question is meant to find out if the person currently lives in a consensual union, is separated, married, single, or in some other situation, in accordance with the conjugal or marital laws or customs of the country. You should ask the question even if you think that the person is very young.

[Depiction of this completed question on the enumeration form, and a related drawing]

Mexico 2010 — source variable MX2010A_MARST — Marital status
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III. Personal characteristics

Now I am going to ask you about (name): ________
Copy the name of the person from section II

For person age 12 or older
[Questions 24-35 were asked of persons age 12 or older]

24. Marital status
Currently, [the respondent]:

Read the options until you receive an affirmative answer and then circle only one code.

[] 1 Cohabits with his/her partner [free union]
[] 2 Is separated (go to 26)
[] 3 Is divorced (go to 26)
[] 4 Is widowed (go to 26)
Is married:

[] 5 Married in a civil ceremony only
[] 6 Married in a religious ceremony only
[] 7 Married in both civil and religious ceremonies

[] 8 Is single (go to 26)

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6.5 Section III. Characteristics of the people

In this section the information of the people who inhabit the dwelling, like the sex, age, level of studies, income, among others, is obtained.

Before requesting the information for each person, copy all the names in the spaces designated for them, and for each person start with the phrase: "Now I'm going to ask about (mention the name of the person you previously noted)", so that the informer knows about whom you will be asking the information.

For persons age 12 or older
[Questions 24-35 are for persons age 12 or older]

24. Marital status
This question finds out if the person actually lives in a free union or if he/she is married, single, widowed, separated, or divorced.

Ask the question even if the person is young, to avoid omitting adolescent unions or marriages.

[p. 107]

When the informer mentions that at some time the person was married or in a free union, register him/her as separated, divorced, or widowed, according to the case, but never as a single person.

Mexico 2015 — source variable MX2015A_MARST — Marital status
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26. Marital status
Is [the respondent] currently:
[Read the options and circle one code]

[] 1 Living with a partner or in union
[] 2 Is separated [skip to question 28]
[] 3 Is divorced [skip to question 28]
[] 4 Is widowed [skip to question 28]
[] 5 Is married
[] 6 Is single [skip to 28]
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26. Marital Status
This question identifies whether the person lives in free union or marriage, single, widowed, separated or divorced.

Read the question with all the options until obtain an affirmative answer and circle the appropriate code to the response.

[Figures are omitted]
Never make assumptions about the marital status of a person. Ask this question even if the person is young, to avoid omissions of joined or married teenagers.

Register as married to persons who got married through a civil, religious procedure, or both.

When the informant mentions that once he/she was married or cohabiting, register to him/her as separated, divorced, or widowed, depending of the case, but never as a single person.

If the answer is "living with a partner or in union" or "married", continue with question 27 "Partner's identification". For separated, divorced, widowed, or single persons pass to question 28 "Work".

Mexico 2020 — source variable MX2020A_MARST — Marital status
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28. Marital status: Currently, is [the respondent]:

Read the options until you get an affirmative answer and circle one code only

[] 1 Living with a partner in a common-law union
[] 2 Separated (go to 30)
[] 3 Divorced (go to 30)
[] 4 Widowed (go to 30)
[] 5 Only by civil ceremony
[] 6 Only by religious ceremony
[] 7 By civil and religious ceremony
[] 8 Single (go to 30)
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15.3 Section III. People characteristics

In this section, information is obtained for each of the people living in the housing unit.

Before requesting data for each resident, copy the details from Section II. List people and general data, their names, gender, and age, and write them down in the spaces provided. Do not forget to correct the person number when using more than one questionnaire.

[Figure omitted: image with text]

For the respondent to know who to provide the information about, start with the sentence: "Now I'm going to ask you about...", and mention the name of the person you previously wrote down.

Apply questions 1 through 11 for all the people who are habitual residents, including children, as well as elderly people.

Marital status
28. Marital status
This question identifies the population who is of 12 years of age and older who are currently living in a domestic partnership, married, single, widowed, separated, or divorced.

Read the question along with all the options until you get an affirmative answer and circle the appropriate code.

Do not take a person's marital status for granted for any reason. Apply the question, even if the person seems very young to you, to avoid omissions of unmarried or married teenagers.

If the respondent mentions that the person was ever married or in a domestic partnership, record her/him as separated, divorced, or widowed, as appropriate, but never as a single person.

[p. 363]

[Figure omitted: image with text]

If the person was living in a domestic partnership and is now separated, record option 2. He/she is separated.

In case the respondent's answer is that the person is in a cohabitation, consider that he/she is living in a domestic partnership and record option 1. He/she lives with her partner in a domestic partnership.

When the person lives with his or her partner in a domestic partnership or is married only civilly, only religiously, or both, continue with question 29.

Partner identification; for separated, divorced, widowed, or single people, skip to question 30. Activity condition.

The question of marital status is presented in the census manager as shown in the following image:

[Figure omitted: image with text]

Mongolia 1989 — source variable MN1989A_MARST — Marital status
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14. Marital status:
[] 1 Married
[] 2 Widowed
[] 3 Divorced
[] 4 Never married

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Question Fourteen. Marital Status

190. Married. Married or not married section should be filled in based on a if a person answers whether he/she is married or not depending on whether he/she has a marriage certificate.

This question shall only be answered by people who are 18 or above.

However, if a person is younger than 18, then he/she shall be considered as married as well.

191. Widow. A person whose spouse passed away and is not remarried shall be considered as widow.

192. Divorced. A person who is divorced and not remarried shall be considered as divorced.

193. Never Married. A person who is 18 or older and has never been married shall be considered as a person who never married.

Mongolia 2000 — source variable MN2000A_MARST — Marital status
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Persons aged 15 and over should answer.
[Questions 14-19 were asked of persons 15 and over.]

14. Marital status:

[] 1 Never married
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Living together
[] 4 Separated
[] 5 Divorced
[] 6 Widowed

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Question 14

Marital status

This question should be answered by men and women over the age of 18. According to the "Mongolian Law on Marriage", the age of marriage is defined as 18, but in reality, there are many instances of people who were married when they were under the age of 18. In the international methodology for the population census, the age of marriage is 15. The enumerator should ask the question about marriage very gently, especially for the children ages 15-16.

If a teenager at age of 15-16 is married, the enumerator should complete the questionnaire their marriage as "not confirmed marriage."

Never married. Never married person age of 15 and over.

Legally registered or unregistered marriage. Legally registered marriage is whereby couples have registered with a civic marital office and received the marriage certificate.

Unregistered marriage is a marriage that has not been registered in the civic marital office/in any duration of period/but already started living together.

Separated. Persons who are not divorced legally but are living separately.

Divorced. Persons who had not remarried for any duration of period after they got officially divorced.

Widowed. A person who has not remarried for any duration of period after their spouse died.

Morocco 1982 — source variable MA1982A_MARST — Marital status
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Q07: Marital status
[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Divorced

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7. Marital status:
[] 1 Single: never married
[] 2 Married: is anyone legally/religiously married even if the marriage has not been consummated yet
[] 3 Widowed: husband or wife died
[] 4 Divorced: is everyone legally/religiously divorced with a judgment

Morocco 1994 — source variable MA1994A_MARST — Marital status
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Q7. Matrimonial status:
[] 1 Single, never married
[] 2 Married is everyone legally/religiously married even if the marriage has not been consummated yet.
[] 3 Widowed -- the husband or wife died
[] 4 Divorced is everyone legally/religiously divorced through a legal procedure

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Individuals: (multiple records)

Q7. Matrimonial status:

1 Single, never married
2 Married is anyone legally/religiously married, even if the marriage has not been consummated yet.
3 Widowed is anyone whose husband or wife died
4 Divorced is anyone who legally/religiously divorced through a judgment

Morocco 2004 — source variable MA2004A_MARST — Marital status
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Individual form / population structure

8. Marital status

[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Divorced

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Q08: Marital status
1. Single: never married
2. Married: is anyone legally/religiously married even if the marriage has not been consummated yet.
3. Widowed: anyone whose husband or wife died
4. Divorced: is anyone legally/religiously divorced with a judgment.

Morocco 2014 — source variable MA2014A_MARST — Marital status
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13. Marital status

[] 1 Single (C)
[] 2 Married (M)
[] 3 Divorced (D)
[] 4 Widowed (V)

Mozambique 1997 — source variable MZ1997A_MARST — Marital status
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[Questions 6 through 31 were asked of usual residents of the household.]


27. What is (the person)?s marital status?

[] Single
[] Married
[] Living together as married partners
[] Divorced/Separated
[] Widowed
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Questions Only For People With 7 Years And Older

P27. Which is your marital status?
Read each question and answer choices.
Keep in mind that:

- Single is a person of either sex who never married or lived in marital union. Mark X in box number 1;
- Married is the person who has contracted a civil or religious marriage and lives with her spouse. Mark X in box 2;
- Marital Unions is the person who has been cohabiting with his spouse, or according to local custom. Mark X in box 3;
- Divorced or Separated is the person who was married or lived as husband and now it is in a dissolution of marriage (by the law or not). Mark X in box number 4. If the person had remarried, you should consider it as married or under the Marital Union, as appropriate.
- A widower is a person who was married and is no longer due to the death of a spouse. Mark X in box number 5. If that person had remarried after the death of a spouse , then you should declare it as married or under the Marital Union, as appropriate.

Mozambique 2007 — source variable MZ2007A_MARST — Marital status
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[Question 6 through 36 were asked to the residents]

For people aged 12+ only.

32. What is [the person]'s marital status?

[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Living together as married partners
[] 4 Divorced/Separated
[] 5 Widowed
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For people aged 12+ only

P32. What is (the person)'s marital status?

This Question intends to know the marital status of persons who are 12 or more years old. Read the Question and wait for a response. Mark an X in the box that corresponds to the respondent's answer, being aware that:

Single is a person of any sex who is not or has never been married, either by the civil registry, the church or even traditionally. Be aware that some people could say they were single when, in fact, they were divorced. To ensure the correct response, ask all persons who said they were single if they have ever lived a married life with someone. If the respondent answers they are single, mark an X in box number 1.
Married is a person who wedded civilly or religiously and lives with their spouse. Mark an X in box number 2.
Living together as married partners: is the status of a person who lives with their spouse but is not married by the civil religious registry. Mark an in box number 3.
Pay close attention to the following cases:
Persons married by the civil registry or church, but also live with other partners (in polygamous regime) should be included within this category.
Consider as "Living together as married partners" an individual who is officially married but is now separated (not a legal divorce) and is living with another partner.
Divorced/Separated is the person who was married and now is braking the marital bonds (either or nor by law). Mark an X in box number 4. If the person remarried you should consider them as Married or Living together as married partners, depending on the case.

Myanmar 2014 — source variable MM2014A_MARST — Marital status
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For all members of the household (1 through 18)
[Question 1 through 18 were asked of all persons living in the household.]

6. Marital Status

[] 1. Single (never married)
[] 2. Married
[] 3. Widowed
[] 4. Divorced / separated
[] 5. Renounced
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Part 2: For all Members of the Household

Question 6: Marital Status

127. Ask the question "What is [the respondent]'s marital status?" and mark the option corresponding to the person's answer. Note that respondents are not required to provide proof of their marital union, but you are required to record the answer given.

128. The category "5 Renounced" applies mainly to Monks, Nuns and "Yawgi". You must mark "1" for all persons who have never been married. This includes all children who have not yet reached the age of marriage. Do not ask this question to people below the age of 10 years; just record option "1" for them.

Nepal 2001 — source variable NP2001A_MARST — Marital status
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11. What is ____ marital status?
(Codes must be encircled according to the marital status of the person)
Only for persons aged 10 years and above

[] 1 Never married (skip to column 15)
[] 2 Once married/single spouse
[] 3 Married/multiple spouse
[] 4 Re-married
[] 5 Widow/widower
[] 6 Divorced
[] 7 Separated

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Column 11: What is ____ marital status?
(Only for persons aged 10 years and above)
[] 1. Never married
[] 2. Once married / single spouse
[] 3. Married / multiple spouse
[] 4. Re-married
[] 5. Widow/widower
[] 6. Divorced
[] 7. Separated

A marital relation between any woman or man at any time of his/her life cycle by marriage law or by social or ritual norms of the country or by understanding is called marriage. If the married couple are living together with marital relation (same place or in different place with understanding) in the time of enumeration, then it is said to be marriage. The answer category 1 mentioned above is the never married in the lifetime. But codes 2 through 7 are the status of once married and also are the different marital statuses of the marriage.
Marital status refers the marital status category 1 through 7 mentioned above of persons aged 10 years and above at the time of enumeration.

Marital status is categorized from category 1 through 7 on the basis of marital status in the current society and legal provision for the purpose of enumeration. These marital statuses are defined as follows.

Never Married: A person who is not married in any way (legally, religiously or socially), or who has not lived as husband or wife even once at the time of the census is known as a person who has never married. If man and woman have this marital status at the time of enumeration, then encircle code 1.

Married: If a person who has not lived as husband and wife even once in their life time by consensus or by their social, religious, customs norms is known as a person who has never married. If any person (male or female) has this marital status then encircle code "1" to denote never married.

Living with One Spouse: Those persons that are living with only a single spouse at the time of census enumeration are recorded in this category. Even though wife and husband are living separately with consensus and have only a single spouse, they are categorized as "living with one spouse". Even if a person is used to have more than single spouses in the past, but she/he is currently living with only single spouse due to divorce or separation or death of other spouses, then the person is included in this category of marital status. However, a person married again after a divorce or separation or death of a previous spouse/s is not included in this category though s/he is currently living with a single spouse at the time of enumeration. Such person is to be included in the remarriage category. For example, a widowed person marries with a never married person and is living with single spouse at the time of enumeration; they will not be kept in the same category. The married widowed person is categorized as "remarriage" and the other in "living with one spouse" categories.

Note: For those persons having one spouse in the time of enumeration, it should be asked and confirmed that this was the first marriage or if it was the remarriage after the death of spouse, divorce etc... If it was the first marriage, then encircle code "2"; and if it is the remarriage, then encircle code "4".

Living with more than one spouse (multiple marriages): Any person living with more than one spouse at the time of census enumeration is categorized in this group of marital status. Those spouses may live in different places with consensus and all spouses are not bound to live in the same place and to eat in the same kitchen. In this way, this category includes all polyandry (a woman has currently more than one husband) and polygamy (a husband has currently several wives) cases at the time of census enumeration, then encircle code "3" to denote the multiple marriage of the enumerated male and female.

A. Even if a person used to have more than a single spouse in the past, but she/he is currently living with only single spouse due to divorce or separation or death of another spouse, then code 2 should be encircled to denote living with one spouse. But if after the divorce or separation or death of spouse she/he married again with another spouse, then encircle code 4 to denote the remarriage; code "3" should not be encircled. If any person living with the spouse of earlier marriage and also married again with another spouse then this is the status of the multiple marriage; to denote it encircle code "3".

B. If any male has more than one wife at the time of census then the marital status of male should be multiple marriages. But the marital status of his wife should be once married if they have no other husband at the time of enumeration. The marital status of each male and female should be asked clearly and encircled appropriate status of the marriage.

Remarried: This refers to currently married person who is married more than once and is currently living with only a single spouse. If a divorced or separated or widowed person marries again with another person of any marital status, then the person is included in this "remarried" category. If a person has the marital status of remarriage at the time of enumeration, then encircle code "4".

Widow/widower: If the wife is dead at the time of the census, the person is known as a widower. If the wife loses her husband on account of his death she is known as a widow. In the case of such persons, if they have not remarried at the time of census they are known as widower or widow. To specify the marital status of such male or female encircle code "5". But if they are remarried they are considered to be married again.

Divorced: The married person who has broken the marital status legally or by any means is known as divorced. If the husband and wife continue to live separately for ever they are considered to be divorced. If the wife has chosen another husband but if the husband has not yet remarried at the time of the census, the husband is considered divorced. To specify the marital status of such male or female, encircle code "6". But once the husband and wife have divorced and live separately and after sometime both remarry other people, they are considered to be married.

Separated: A person who has not broken the marital union legally or by any means but living separately from his/her husband or wife without any relationship to each other is considered separated. To specify the marital status of such male or female at the time of census, encircle code "7" to denote the separated.

Nepal 2011 — source variable NP2011A_MARST — Marital status
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Personal Information

[7] What is the marital status of [the respondent]?

For persons 10 years and above
[] 1 Never married [Go to 9]
[] 2 Once married
[] 3 Multiple spouse
[] 4 Re-married
[] 5 Widow/widower
[] 6 Divorced
[] 7 Separated
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Individual information
After collecting the introductory and household information of data sheet 1, there are questions for individual information collection on the right side of the page. To write individual information, a row has been allocated for each member of the family. Sequence and rules for information collection have been put accordingly. In line with this, ask the question and fill the information. The response of each individual question should be written in the respective column.

Column 7: what is the marital status of [the respondent]?
[Ask the person aged 10 years and above only]

[] 1 Unmarried [Go to question 9]
[] 2 Single marriage
[] 3 Multiple marriage
[] 4 Remarriage
[] 5 Widow/widower
[] 6 Divorcee
[] 7 Separated

At the time of enumeration of the question related to marital status of this column, ask the persons only 10 years and above. Circle the appropriate reference number of above 7 status to indicate a person's marital status.

Marriage refers to the male and female couple living together as husband and wife in a time period in their life through mutual understanding or social and religious custom or legal process. At the time of enumeration, if any person (male or female) has been living together as husband and wife (in same place or separate), such male and female are considered as married.

Marital status refers to the marriage status of a person aged 10 years and above among the reference numbers from 1-7 above, at the time of enumeration. In the present society, marital status has been stated in the reference from 1-7 above for the purpose of legal regulation and enumeration. Unmarried status of the reference 1 refers to the status that the person has not married yet in his or her life. Rest of the references from 2-7 are the status that a person has married once in his or her life and might have undergone with other status as well. These statuses has been described as follows:

1. Unmarried - If any male or female in their life has not lived together in a couple as husband and wife at any time till date or has never married in their life, this should be understood as unmarried. If any male or female is found with this status or unmarried, circle the reference number 1.

2. Single marriage - If any male or female has married only once in their life and the male is living with only one wife or the female is living with only one husband, this is single marriage status. If this status is found at the time of remuneration, circle the reference number 2.

[p. 50]

But if the male or female married earlier has left a previous husband or wife or any one of them died and married again with another male or female and now living with that single husband or wife, this is termed as remarriage. For the male or female with remarriage status, circle the reference number 4, but don not circle the reference number 2.

Note: Ask the person with single husband or wife that and be clear whether it is their first marriage or married again after the death of previous husband or wife or divorce with previous husband or wife and then only circle the reference 2 if it is first marriage and circle 4 if it is remarriage.

3. Multiple marriage: During the enumeration time, if a male has been living with more than one wife or a female has been living more than one husband at a place or separately place with mutual consent, this should be considered as multiple marriage. Both husband and wife might have such marital status. In other words, if any male or female has more than one wife or husband at the time of enumeration, this is the status of multiple marriages. Circle the reference number 3 to indicate the multiple marriage of enumerated male or female.

a. Even though a person under enumeration had a multiple marriage status at any time before the enumeration, but now he or she has a single wife or husband, consider this as single marriage and circle the reference 2. But if any male or female has married again after the death or divorce of their previous wife or husband, consider this as remarriage and circle the reference 4, do not circle the reference 3.

[Image are omitted]

b. If the male or female, who was already married and living with their previous wife or husband, again marry to another person, this is considered multiple marriage. In such status, circle the reference 3 to indicate the multiple marriage.

c. During the enumeration, the status of a male having more than one wife would be of multiple marriage status. But the status of each wife of such person, if they do not have another husband and it is their first marriage, would be single marriage status.

d. If the previous husband is dead or divorced or left for any reason and married to the present husband, this would be the remarriage status.

Ask the marital status of each male or female in detail and only being clear, circle the appropriate reference number.

4. Remarriage - If any male or female had married once already and left the previous wife or husband for any reason (e.g. death, divorce), and has married again and living with single husband or wife, then it is remarriage status. If there is remarriage status of any male or female, circle the reference 4 to indicate it.

[p. 51]

5. Widow/widower - If a woman who has married once before in her life and her husband was deceased already before the enumeration period, and she has not married again until date, then she is widow. Similarly, if a man has not married again until date after the death of his wife, then he is widower. Whether any male or female married once or remarried again before the enumeration time, but after the death of her or his last wife or husband if the person is not remarried again, the he/she still in the position of widower or widow. If any male or female is in widow or widower status at the time of enumeration, circle the reference 5.

But if any widower or widow has married again before the enumeration period and they are living together as husband and wife, then such status is remarried status. Hence, in the remarried status, circle the reference 4.

6. Divorced - At the time of enumeration, it is found that if a husband and wife got separated or living apart legally or according to social custom due to some differences or unable to continue their life together with ill feeling, this status should be considered divorced. Whatever was their status before the enumeration, but at the enumeration time if they are living separately by getting divorced legally or as per the social custom, their marital status should be considered as divorced. If such male or female is found in divorced status at the time of enumeration, circle the reference 6.

7. Separated - If any married couple (husband and wife) has decided to live separately due to some conflict or differences because they could not live together further, then their marital status should be considered as separated.

Until a husband and wife do not get divorced legally or socially and they are living separately due to some ill feeling, their marital status should be considered as separated for the purpose of the enumeration. If any male or female is in separated status at the time of enumeration, circle the reference 7.

Netherlands 1960 — source variable NL1960A_MARST — Marital status
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6. Marital status ____
Write: single, married, widowed, divorced or judicially separated

Netherlands 1971 — source variable NL1971A_MARST — Marital status
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Questions to be answered by all persons

2. Is he/she

[] Single
[] Married
[] Legitimately separated
[] Divorced
[] Widowed

Netherlands 2001 — source variable NL2001A_MARST — Marital Status

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Netherlands 2011 — source variable NL2011A_MARST — Marital status

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Nicaragua 1971 — source variable NI1971A_MARST — Marital status
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5. Marital status

Are you single, married, in a consensual union, widowed or divorced?

[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Consensual union
[] 4 Widowed
[] 5 Divorced
[] 9 Unknown

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Question #5: Marital status
a. How to ask the question:
Is the person unmarried, married, in a consensual union, widowed, or divorced?

The following definitions will help in the correct classification of each person according to their marital status or conjugal situation:

1) Single: The person who has never been married and who does not live in a consensual union.

2) Married: The person who has entered into a civil and/or religious marriage and who lives conjugally with their legal spouse.

3) Consensual union: A person who, without being legally or religiously married, lives in a conjugal union with another person of the opposite sex and has formed a family.

4) Widowed: A person, having been married or in a consensual union, whose spouse has passed away and who has not remarried and who does not live in a consensual union.

5) Divorced: A person whose marriage was legally dissolved and who has not remarried and who does not live in a consensual union. Included in this category are those in a de facto separation from a religious and/or civil marriage and who does not live in a consensual union.

[p. 50]

b. How to record the information:
The different categories are mutually exclusive; therefore, only one box is marked with an "X" in the box corresponding to the marital status or conjugal situation of the enumerated person. The box unmarried is marked for minors.

c. Examples:

[These instructions refer to a graph of question 5 on the census form]

Nicaragua 1995 — source variable NI1995A_MARST — Marital status
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For persons age 10 or older
[Questions 12-18 were asked of persons age 10 or older]

Marital status
12. What is this person's current marital status?

[] 1 Under 12 years of age
[] 2 Cohabiting/partnered
[] 3 Married
[] 4 Separated
[] 5 Divorced
[] 6 Widowed
[] 7 Single

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Questions only for persons who are age 10 or older
The goals of these questions are to know the current marital status of the persons and the principal economic characteristics of the population that participated in the production of goods and services, as well as those who are dedicated to non-economic activities, such as: household chores, studying, etc.

If the person is younger than 10, continue with the next person.

Question 12: Marital status
For marital status, the census includes the situation of each person in relation to the laws or customs related to marriage or cohabitating that exist in the country.

Mark with an "X" the marital status that the informant declares.

For those younger than 12: If the person, male or female, is younger than 12, do not ask the question about marital status and mark with an "X" the box that corresponds to category 1 ("Younger than 12").

2. Cohabiting/partnered:
This is every person who lives in a married state without having a contract of marriage. This union is also called free union or de facto union.

3. Married:
This is a person who has a contract of civil or religious marriage and lives with his/her spouse.

4. Separated:
This is a person who having separated from his/her spouse or companion has not remarried nor lives in cohabitation.

5. Divorced:
This is a person whose marriage has been legally dissolved and has not remarried nor lives in cohabitation.

6. Widow/widower
This is a person who was married or cohabitating and whose spouse or companion died and he/she has not remarried nor lives in cohabitation.

7. Single
This is a person who has never married or cohabitated.

Note: If a person was already married or cohabitating, for the purpose of the census, this person cannot be considered single; be careful with this question because many persons who have separated or widowed or divorced have the custom of considering themselves single.

Nicaragua 2005 — source variable NI2005A_MARST — Marital status
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5. [The person] is currently:
[] 1 Under 12 years old
[] 2 Cohabiting/partnered
[] 3 Married
[] 4 Separated
[] 5 Divorced
[] 6 Widowed
[] 7 Single

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Question 5. [The person] is currently:

Do not ask this question of people who are younger than 12; just mark off option 1, "Younger than 12".

Read the options one by one and mark an "X" next to the one stated by the informant.

Keep in mind that a single person is one who has never been married or cohabited.

Pakistan 1973 — source variable PK1973A_MARST — Marital status
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6. Marital status
[] 1 Never married
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Divorced

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4.8 Marital status (Col-No.6)
(Persons of ten years age or above)

The question should be asked about them (by entered name) whether he/she is married, unmarried, widowed or divorced. The answer of this question will be written in column-6. If a person is unmarried, code "1" will [Pg. 30] be entered for him/her, for married person code "2", for widowed code "3", and for divorced code"4" will be written in column-6. This question should not be asked of people below ten years old, and code "1" will be entered for them. "Un-married person means those who have never been married," "married are those persons who are married at that time and living like wife/husband." This includes separated persons if their wife/husband is alive and they are not divorced. The widowed are those whose wife/husband is dead and still they have not married second time. Divorced means both individuals, which have been divorced or who gave divorce and have not again married. The entry of marital status will be done in regard of present status.

Pakistan 1981 — source variable PK1981A_MARST — Marital status
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6. Marital status
[] 1 Never married
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Divorced

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2.4.7. Column number 7 - Marital Status

Marital status of every person of twelve years age or more will be entered. The marital status is of the following four types:
[] 1 Unmarried (single). If a person has never married then for him/her the code number "1" will be given. For persons of less then twelve years also the code number "1" will be given.
[] 2 Married. This includes all persons who are married. All such couples which are living separately will also be included. The widowed women or widower males, who have married a second time will also be included. Code number "2" will be written for married persons.
[] 3 Widower/widowed. If husband of any women or wife of a husband has died and he/she had not married again then code number "3" will be written for him/her.
[] 4 Divorced. If someone has been divorced and has not been married again, code number "4" will be written for him/her.

[Questions 4.2.20 - 4.2.22: for married/widow/divorced women]

Pakistan 1998 — source variable PK1998A_MARST — Marital status
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6. Marital status
(Enter "1" for children under 10 years)
[] 1 Never married
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Divorced

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Column No.5: Marital status.
The question about marital status will be asked about the person of ages ten years and above. Those persons whose matrimonial ceremony has been held but who has not accompanied the groom as yet will also be considered as married. For children of less then ten years the related oval of bachelor will be filled/shade without asking this question about them.

Palestine 1997 — source variable PS1997A_MARST — Marital status
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Marital data (for persons 12 years and above)
[Questions 58 and 59 were asked of persons aged 12 years or older.]

58. Marital status

[] 1 Never married
[] 2 Engaged
[] 3 Married
[] 4 Divorced
[] 5 Widowed

Palestine 2007 — source variable PS2007A_MARST — Marital status
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Marital status
[Questions 79-80: Persons age 12 or older]

79. Marital status

[] 1 Never married
[] 2 Legally engaged
[] 3 Married
[] 4 Divorced
[] 5 Widow
[] 6 Separated

Palestine 2017 — source variable PS2017A_MARST — Marital status
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Marital status
[Question 83 and 84 are asked of persons who were over 14 years old]

83. Marital status

[] 1. Never married
[] 2. Legally engaged
[] 3. Married
[] 4. Divorced
[] 5. Widow
[] 6. Separated
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Marital status:
The status of those aged 14 years and over in terms of marriage traditions and laws in the country.
May be one of the following cases:

1. Never married: It applies if the person aged 14 years has not been married or legally engaged (according to customs and traditions applicable in the country).

2. Legally engaged: It applies if the person-aged 14 years has an official marriage document (issued by a competent court) but has not been actually married yet according to customs and traditions applicable in the country. The divorced, widowed, and married twice do not belong to this category.

3. Married: It applies if the person aged 14 years is actually and officially married (according to customs and traditions applicable in the country) irrespective of his/her past marital status as well as of whether the couple were together during the reference period or not. The person married to more than one wife is classified married.

4. Divorced: The person aged 14 years who previously married and legally divorced but was not married again.

5. Widowed: The married person aged 14 years whose marriage was split by the death of the spouse and was not married again.

6. Separated: The individual 14 years old and over who was married, but his/her marriage was revoked for some reason without any legal or official registration, and he/she did not marry again.

Panama 1960 — source variable PA1960A_MARST — Marital status
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5. Marital status:
Mark the appropriate box: Consensual union: lives in a marital union without being married. Single: has never been married and does not live in a marital union. Married: has contracted matrimony, whether living with the spouse or not. Widowed: has neither remarried nor lives in a marital union. Divorced: legally separated.

[] 1 Consensual union
[] 2 Single
[] 3 Married
[] 4 Widowed
[] 5 Divorced

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(Applicable to persons of all ages)
(Questions 1-10)

Question 5 Marital status:

Mark the corresponding box applying the following definitions:

In Union: A person who lives in marital union without being married, that is to say, is not legally married, by Law or by the Church.
Single: A person who has never been married nor lives in marital [consensual] union, that is to say, has no spouse or companion.

[The instructions refer to a graphic of question 5 of the census form.]

[p. 36]

Married: A person who is legally married whether or not the spouse lives with the person.
Widowed: A person who has not married again and is not consensually united.
Divorced: A person who is legally separated and is not consensually united.

Panama 1970 — source variable PA1970A_MARST — Marital status
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5. What is your marital status?
(For those under 15 years of age, do not ask the question and mark the box "minor".) For those who state "single," before marking that box, ask if the person was ever married or in a consensual union. If the response is negative mark "single"; if affirmative mark the appropriate box under "separated."

Consensual union: one who lives in a marital union without being legally married. Single: one who has never married nor lived in a consensual union. Married: one who has legally married and lives in this state. Widowed: a person whose spouse or partner has died and who has not remarried nor lives in a consensual union. Divorced: a person who is legally separated and who has not remarried nor lives in a consensual union. Separated: one who lives separately from the spouse or partner.

[] 1 Consensual union
[] 2 Single
[] 3 Married
[] 4 Divorced
[] 5 Widowed


[] 6 From a marriage
[] 7 From a consensual union

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Question 5 What is your marital status?

Do not ask this question to minors of less than 15 years and mark box 8 (minor). For those older than 15 [15 years and older is implied; census form states clearly those less than 15 are minors], mark the corresponding box applying the following definitions:

[The instructions refer to a graphic of question 5 of the census form.]

[Consensually] United: The person who lives in marital union without being married, that is to say, that the person has not been legally married by Law or the Church.
It should be kept in mind that many persons "consensually united" tend wrongly to declare that they are single.

[p. 32]

Single: The person who has never been married nor lived in marital union, that is to say, has no spouse or companion. Before marking this box, ask if the person has ever been married or consensually united since in many cases the person tends to declare themselves "Single" when actually "Separated" from a Marriage or a [Consensual] Union. In these cases mark the corresponding box (6 or 7).
Married: The person who has been legally married (civil or religious) and lives in this state.
Divorced: The person legally separated who has not married again and does not live in marital union.
Widowed: The person whose spouse or companion has died and has not married again and does not live in marital union
Separated from marriage: The person who lives separated from their spouse and does not live in marital union.
Separated from [Consensual] Union: The person who lives separated from their companion and does not live in marital union.

Panama 1980 — source variable PA1980A_MARST — Marital status
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5. What is your current marital status?
Mark the appropriate box. For those under 15 years of age, mark box 8.

Consensual union: One who lives in a consensual union without being legally married. Single: One who has never married nor lived in a consensual union. Married: One who has contracted legal matrimony and lives in that state. Divorced: a person who is legally separated and who has neither remarried nor lives in a consensual union. Widow(er): a person whose spouse or partner has died and who has neither remarried nor lives in a consensual union. Separated: One who lives separately from a spouse or partner.

[] 1 Consensual union
[] 2 Single
[] 3 Married
[] 4 Divorced
[] 5 Widowed

[] 6 From a marriage
[] 7 From a consensual union

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Question 5 What is your current marital status?

For those under 15 years old, mark box 8. For those 15 years old and older, mark the box that corresponds, applying the following definitions:
[Consensually] United: The person who lives in marital union without being married, that is to say, that the person has not been legally married by Law or the Church.

[The instructions refer a graph in question 5 on the census form.]

It should be kept in mind that many persons "consensually united" tend wrongly to declare that they are single.
Single: The person who has never been married nor lived in marital union, that is to say, has no spouse or companion. Before marking this box, ask if the person has ever been married or consensually united since in many cases the person tends to declare themselves "Single" when actually is "Separated" from a Marriage or a [Consensual] Union. In these cases mark the corresponding box (6 or 7).

[p. 71]

Married: The person who has been legally married (civil or religious) and lives in this state.
Divorced: The person legally separated who has not married again and does not live in marital union.
Widowed: The person whose spouse or companion has died and has not married again and does not live in marital union.
Separated from Marriage: The person who lives separated from his/her spouse and does not live in marital union.
Separated from [Consensual] Union: The person who lives separated from their companion and does not live in marital union.

Panama 1990 — source variable PA1990A_MARST1 — Marital status
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4. What is your current marital status?
[] 1 Consensual union
[] 2 Separated from a marriage
[] 3 Separated from a consensual union
[] 4 Married
[] 5 Divorced
[] 6 Widowed
[] 7 Single

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Question Number 4: What is your current marital status?
Read the alternatives and mark the corresponding circle agreeing with the response of the person.
Example: When enumerating a dwelling in Calidonia, Mr. Roberto says that he was married, but as he had problems he separated with his wife. He has been coexisting with Dalia for a year and now they have a son. The question will be marked as:

[Below the text is a picture of a filled out question.]

Keep in mind the following definitions:
[Consensually] United: is a person who lives in marital union without having been civilly or religiously married with their current companion. The person can be living in the same dwelling with the spouse or not.

[p. 53]

Separated from marriage: is a person who lives separated from their spouse and does not live in [consensual] marital union.
Married: is a person who has been married civilly and/or religiously and lives in this state.
Divorced: is a person legally separated who has not married again and does not live in [consensual] marital union.
Widowed: is a person whose spouse has died and has not married again and does not live in [consensual] marital union.
Single: is a person who never has married or lived in [consensual] marital union, that is to say who never has had a spouse [companion]. Some persons have the tendency to say that they are single because they have never been married, but nevertheless they have lived in [consensual] marital union. In such a case, consider them as separated from [consensual] union.

For those less than 15 years mark the corresponding box. If a person under 15 years declares to be one of the marital states enumerated above, classify her according to their response.

Panama 2000 — source variable PA2000A_MARST — Marital status
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
For all individuals in the household

[Questions 1 - 9 were asked of all individuals.]

4. What is your current marital status?

[] 1 Consensual union?
[] 2 Separated from a marriage?
[] 3 Separated from a consensual union?
[] 4 Married?
[] 5 Divorced?
[] 6 Widowed?
[] 7 Single?
[] 8 Under 15 years of age?

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question No. 4: What is you current marital status?

Read slowly the alternatives and mark the corresponding circle agreeing with the response of the person. There should only be one option marked.
Consider the following definitions:

[p. 69]

[Consensually] United: a person who lives in marital union without having been civilly or religiously married with their current companion. The person can be living in the same dwelling with the spouse or not.

Separated from marriage: a person who lives separated from their spouse and does not live in [consensual] marital union.

Separated from [consensual] union: a person who lives separated from their companion and does not live in [consensual] marital union.

Married: a person who has been married civilly and/or religiously and lives in this state.

Divorced: a person legally separated who has not married again and does not live in [consensual] marital union.

Widowed: is a person whose spouse has died and has not married again and does not live in [consensual] marital union.

Single: is a person who never has married or lived in [consensual] marital union, that is to say who never has had a spouse [companion].

Under fifteen years: a person whose age is less then 15 years.

If one under 15 years declares to be in any of the marital states, accept their response.
Some persons have the tendency to say that they are single because they have never been married, but nevertheless they have lived in [consensual] marital union. In such a case, consider them as separated from [consensual] union.

Panama 2010 — source variable PA2010A_MARST — Marital status
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[Questions 1 - 9 were asked of all individuals.]

5. What is your current marital status?

[] 1 Consensual union
[] 2 Married, but separated
[] 3 Consensual union, but separated
[] 4 Married
[] 5 Divorced
[] 6 Widowed
[] 7 Single
[] 8 Under the age of 15 years old?

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

[For persons of all ages]
[Questions 1 to 12a]

Question No. 5: What is your current marital status?
Read slowly the alternatives and mark the corresponding circle agreeing with the response of the person. There should only be one option marked.
Current marital status: The status of each person in relation to the laws and relative customs [traditions] that exist in the country.
Consider the following definitions:

[Consensually] United: is a person who lives in marital union without having been civilly or religiously married with their current companion. The person could be living in the same dwelling with the spouse or not.
Separated from marriage: is a person who lives separated from their spouse and does not live in [consensual] marital union.
Separated from [consensual] union: is a person who lives separated from their companion and does not live in [consensual] marital union.
Married: is a person who has been married civilly and/or religiously and lives in this state.
Divorced: a person legally separated who has not married again and does not live in [consensual] marital union.

[p. 124]
Widowed: is a person whose spouse has died and has not married again and does not live in [consensual] marital union.
Single: is a person who has never married or lived in [consensual] marital union, that is to say, who never has had a spouse [companion].
Less than fifteen years old: This includes all children less than 15 years old; if a child claims to be in any of the other marital statuses, accept her answer.

Some people tend to say that they are single because they have never been married, although they have lived in [consensual] marital union. In this case, consider them as separated from [consensual] union.
[There is a sample image of the form below the text.]
Example: Mr. Guillermo says that he was married and he is now separated as he had problems with his wife, but he is not divorced; however, he thinks he is single.
[There is a sample image of the form below the text.]

Papua New Guinea 1980 — source variable PG1980A_MARST — Marital status
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
[Questions 4-14 were asked of all persons who stayed in the residence last night.]

7. Are you married now?

Write 'M' (married), 'NM' (never married) or 'O' (others) ____
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Question 7
Are you married now?

To complete this question you ask the person whether he is married now. If he says YES write M (for married). If he has never married write NM (never married).
If a person is divorced, separated or the wife or husband is dead, you write 0 (for others.).
We do not want to embarrass people with this question. You can often complete it from Question 2, the relationship question. For example a man, wife and their small children. In this case simply put M for the man and his wife and NM for the children.
You should ask the question when in doubt for example, older children, brothers, sisters who don't have a husband or wife on the form.
However, always be careful. We don't want to offend people.

Papua New Guinea 1990 — source variable PG1990A_MARST — Marital status
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
[The rural and urban census forms are identical for questions 1-17. Questions 1-17 are provided here in detail under the rural census form, and omitted in the urban census form.]

5. Marital Status

Circle one code only

[] 1 Never married
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Separated/ Divorced
[] 4 Widowed

Papua New Guinea 2000 — source variable PG2000A_MARST — Marital status
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
For all persons
[Questions 1-10 were asked of all persons.]

5. What is the person's present marital status?

[] 1 Never married
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Separated
[] 4 Divorced
[] 5 Widowed
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Questions on Personal Characteristics
Questions 1 to 7 provide information on personal characteristics such as age, sex, marital status and religion. They help us to plan for the needs of communities.

Question 5: Marital Status
This question asks if the person is never married, married, separated, divorced, or widowed. This is called the person's marital status.

Q5. What is the person's present marital status?

[] 1. Never married
[] 2. Married
[] 3. Separated
[] 4. Divorced
[] 5. Widowed
Who to ask: Ask the head of the household or the person responding.

Get this information for: All persons. If is not necessary to ask the question for young children who are obviously not married. Use your judgment and ask only about those people who could be married.

Be very careful not to offend respondents. If they say someone is married or that someone is divorced, accept whatever they tell you. Do not try to find out whether they have a legal marriage or are just living together, or whether they have a legal divorce or not.

How to ask: You should simply ask "Are you/ is he/she single, married, divorced, separated, or widowed?

How to record: Write in the box the correct code, 1-5, from the census form. For example, if a person says he is currently widowed, Code 5 should be written in the box.

--A woman or a man is widowed (Code 5) if the spouse has died.
--If a widow has remarried, record her/him as Married (Code 2).
--If a man has remarried - Record him as Married (Code 2).
--Remember to record Code 1 for children, or anyone obviously never married.
--If a couple is apart for a long time, or if one is far away, (e.g. working in another province), they are still married (Code 2) unless they have decided that their marriage has ended. Separated in the codes does not mean separated by distances.

Paraguay 1962 — source variable PY1962A_MARST — Marital status
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General characteristics

For individuals of all ages

5. Marital status:

Mark the appropriate box.

[] 1 Single


[] 2 Civil and religious ceremony
[] 3 Civil ceremony only

[] 4 Consensual union
[] 5 Widowed
[] 6 Divorced

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Item V: Marriage status

134 - Annotate the case in the corresponding box, in accordance with the following definitions:
Single: Has never been married and does not live in a consensual union.
Married: Has entered marital bonds, maintains that state, and does not live in a consensual union.
Consensual union: Live in a marital union without having married.
Widow: Having been married, survives the other spouse and has not remarried, nor lives in a consensual union.
Divorcee: Has terminated their marital bond with their spouse by judicial decree and has not remarried, nor lives in a consensual union.

[pg. 20]

135 - In the cases in which the first and last name of a woman (Item 1) who declares themselves as married, does not include the last name of the husband, the enumerator should make sure if the marital state given is the true one, basing themselves on the other information obtained.

Paraguay 1972 — source variable PY1972A_MARST — Marital status
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IV. Population information

7. What is your current marital status?

Only for those 12 years of age and older:

[] 1 Married
[] 2 Consensual union
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Separated or divorced
[] 5 Single

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IV. Information about the Population

7. Marital status
This question should be asked only of persons who are 12 years old and more, and in the order indicated on the form, until you obtain an affirmative answer.

Ask first: are you "married or in a union" and mark the corresponding box.
* Married: when the person has entered in a civil or religious marriage and currently lives in this status. We are not interested if one of the spouses if temporarily absent for reasons of work, study, or others, as long as it is not because of definitive separation.

* Union: when the person lives in a free or de facto union without being married by civil or religious manner. Be aware that many of those who live in this condition try to hide it, the men declare that they are simply single and women married. Try to obtain the true information.

* Widow: when the person who had contracted civil or religious marriage, has lost the spouse and has not remarried nor lived in a consensual union.

* Single: when the person has not married nor currently lives in a consensual union.

7. What is your marital status?

Only for persons twelve years old and more.

[] 1 Married
[] 2 Union
[] 3 Widow
[] 4 Separated or divorced
[] 5 Single

Paraguay 1982 — source variable PY1982A_MARST — Marital status
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11. What is your current marital status?
Only for those 12 years of age and older

[] 1 Married
[] 2 Consensual union
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Separated or divorced
[] 5 Single

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question 11. What is your current marital status?

Do not forget that this question is only for persons age 12 and above.

Read each of the options and then make an X in the corresponding box.

[A depiction of question 11 to the right of the preceding text is omitted here.]

Remember that:

Married: A person who has entered into a civil and/or religious marriage bond, and currently lives in that bond.
United: A person who lives with their spouse without having entered a civil and/or religious marriage bond.
Widow: A person who, after the death of their spouse, has neither remarried nor lives in a de facto union.
Separated or divorced: A person who is legally separated from their spouse and who has neither remarried nor lives in a de facto union.
Single: A person who has never been married, nor lives in a de facto or free union. [Free union refers to category "united"].

[A drawing representing marital status is omitted here.]

Paraguay 1992 — source variable PY1992A_MARST — Marital status
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Section IV. Population information

For individuals 10 years of age and older.

13. What is your current marital status?

[] 1 Married
[] 2 Consensual union
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Separated
[] 5 Divorced
[] 6 Single

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question 13: What is your marital status?

There are six options: married, in a consensual union, widowed, divorced, and single.
Mark only one answer.

[page] 29

If the person is single, but has his/her companion, for both of them, write "union".

If the person declared to be married but is in a consensual union with another person, you should also mark "union".

13. What is your marital status?

[] 1 Married
[] 2 Consensual union
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Separated
[] 5 Divorced
[x] 6 Single

Paraguay 2002 — source variable PY2002A_MARST — Marital status
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Chapter G.

For individuals 10 years of age and older

18. What is your current marital or civil status?

[] 1 Married
[] 2 Consensual union
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Separated
[] 5 Divorced
[] 6 Single
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
G. Population information
For persons 10 years of age and older

Question 18: What is your current civil or marriage status?

Single: this is a person who has never been married by a religious or civil ceremony, and is not joined [in a consensual union] with another person.

The civil status of the head of household, male or female, and his/her spouse, must necessarily be the same.

Peru 1993 — source variable PE1993A_MARST — Marital status
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For those 12 years of age and older
[Applies to questions 18 -19]

18. Your marital status is:

Circle the appropriate number:

[] 1 Cohabiting
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Divorced
[] 5 Separated
[] 6 Single

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

For people 12 years of age and older
[Applies to questions 18 -19]

Question No. 18: Your marital status is:
Read the question and each one of the options. Then, circle the corresponding number.
[There is a picture of question 18 in this section of the Enumeration Form.]
Remember that:

Partner in a consensual union: Is a person who lives as if married without having had a civil or religious wedding ceremony.
Married: Is a person who has had a civil and/or religious wedding ceremony and lives with their spouse.
Widowed from marriage or consensual union: Is a person who, after the death of their spouse or partner in a consensual union, has not remarried, nor lives in a de facto or consensual union.
Divorced: Is a person who has ended the marital bond through a legal decision and who has not remarried, nor lives in a de facto or consensual union.
Separated from a marriage or consensual union: Is a person who is separated from their spouse or partner in a consensual union and doesn't live in a de facto or consensual union.
Single: Is a person who has never been married nor lived or lives in a de facto or consensual union.

Peru 2007 — source variable PE2007A_MARST — Civil or marital status
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For people aged twelve or older
[Applies to questions 20-21]

21. What is your current civil or marital status? (Circle only one number)

[] 1 Cohabiting
[] 2 Separated
[] 3 Married
[] 4 Widowed
[] 5 Divorced
[] 6 Single

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

For persons aged 12 and older
[Applies to questions 20-21]

Question 21: What is your current civil or marital status?
Take into account the civil or marital status of the respondent on Census Day.
If the respondent and his/her partner claim a different civil status, politely ask again in order to determine the correct civil status.
Example: If the respondent states that he/she divorced a long time ago and is currently cohabiting, then circle option 1, "Cohabiting."
[p. 59]
Cohabiting (de facto union). This is a person who lives with his/her partner without having married him/her in either a civil or religious ceremony.
Separated (from a marriage or co-habiting arrangement). This is a person who is separated from his/her partner and is not cohabiting or in a de facto relationship.
Married. This is a person who married in a civil and/or religious ceremony and is living with his/her partner.
Widowed (from marriage or cohabitation). This is a person who has not remarried after the death of his/her spouse, nor has this person entered into a de facto union or cohabitation.
Divorced. This is a person whose marriage bonds have been broken by a legal decree and who has not remarried and is not living in a de facto union or cohabiting.
Single. This is a person who has never married or lived in a de facto union or cohabitation.

Peru 2017 — source variable PE2017A_MARST — Marital status
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Section V. Characteristics of the population (continued)

24. Currently, what is your marital status?

(Fill in one oval only)

[] 1 Cohabitant
[] 2 Separated
[] 3 Married
[] 4 Widowed
[] 5 Divorced
[] 6 Single
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
For persons of 12 years of age and older
[Questions 24 to 26 are asked of persons age 12 or older]

Question 24: Currently, what is your marital status

Consider the marital or spousal status of the respondent on Census day.

If he/she declare a different marital status than his/her partner, politely ask again so that you can correctly determine his/her marital status.

[p. 71]

Example: If the respondent answers that he/she was divorced some time ago and is currently in
cohabitation; then fill in option 1, "cohabitant".

Cohabitant: A person who lives with his/her partner without having entered a civil or religious marriage.

Separated: A person who is separated from his/her spouse and is not living in a domestic partnership or cohabitation.

Married: A person who has entered a civil and/or religious marriage and lives with his/her spouse.

Widowed: A person who, after the death of his/her spouse, has not remarried and is not living in a domestic partnership or cohabitation.

Divorced: A person who ended his/her marital relationship by court sentence and has not married again nor is living in a domestic partnership or cohabitation.

Single: A person who has never been married, never lived, and does not live in a domestic partnership or cohabitation.

Philippines 1990 — source variable PH1990A_MARST — Marital status
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P7. Marital Status

What is [respondent] 's marital status?

___ Enter code
1 Single
2 Married
3 Widowed
4 Divorced/Separated
5 Others
6 Unknown

For persons below 10 years old enter "1"'.
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

P7 Marital status

Marital status refers to the personal status of each individual in reference to the marriage laws or customs of the country. It is the same as "civil status", the term usually used in official and private records, documents, transactions, etc., in the country.

For persons 10 years old and over ask: "What is 's marital status?" For persons below 10 years old, enter 1 (Single) without asking the question.

Encircle the code for the person's marital status as reported by the respondent. Avoid antagonizing the respondent. Do not refute the reported marital status of any person. Disregard your personal knowledge about the person or your knowledge of any official record.

Determine the appropriate code for the person's marital status as defined below;

1 Single - for a person who has never been married.

2 Married - for a person married in a religious or civil ceremony, either living together with spouse at the time of the visit, or temporarily living apart because his spouse is employed elsewhere or is in the Armed Forces, etc.

3 Widowed for a married person whose spouse died and who has not remarried up to the time of visit.

4 Separated/Divorced - for a person who is permanently separated from his spouse, legally or through mutual consent. Also for a person whose marriage with another has been annulled or dissolved and can therefore remarry.

5 Others - for persons or couple living consensually together (by mere consent) as husband and wife without the benefit of a legal marriage.

6 Unknown - for a person whose marital status is not known to the respondent, or whose marital
status is being concealed by the respondent.

Philippines 1995 — source variable PH1995A_MARST — Marital status
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All Persons
[Applies to questions P1-P10]

P7. What is [respondent]'s civil status?
Enter code. (See codes sheet)

[] 1. Single
[] 2. Legally Married
[] 3. Widowed
[] 4. Separated/Divorced
[] 5. Common-Law/Live-in
[] 6. Unknown

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Civil Status (P7)

Civil status refers to the personal status of each individual in reference to the marriage laws or customs of the country. In the POPCEN, the person's civil status shall be as of the date of visit.

For persons below 10 years old, enter "1" (Single) without asking the question. For persons 10 years old and over ask: "What is ____________'s civil status?" Record the appropriate numerical code for the person's civil status reported by the respondent as defined below. These codes are also reproduced in the Codes Sheet.

1 Single a person who has never been married

2 Legally married a person married in a civil or religious
ceremony, either living together with spouse at the time of the POPCEN visit or temporarily living apart because the spouse is employed elsewhere or is in the armed forces, etc.

3 Widowed a married person whose spouse has died and
who has not remarried up to the time of the POPCEN visit

4 Separated/divorced a person who is permanently
separated from his/her spouse, legally or by mutual consent, or whose marriage has been annulled or dissolved and can remarry

5 Common-law/Live-in person cohabiting or living consensually
with another as husband and wife without the benefit of a legal marriage

6 Unknown person whose civil status is unknown
to the respondent

[p. 92]

A Word of Caution: Some respondents may find this question too personal or a sensitive issue. Avoid antagonizing the respondent. Do not refute the reported civil status of any person. Disregard any knowledge you may have about the person and record only whatever is reported by the respondent.

Philippines 2000 — source variable PH2000A_MARST — Marital status
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P9. What is [respondent]'s marital status?
(Please cross out one of the selections)
(For persons below 10 years old, cross out single)

[] Single
[] Legally Married
[] Widowed
[] Divorced/Separated
[] Common Law/Live-in
[] Unknown

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

P9 Marital status

Marital status refers to the personal status of each individual in reference to the marriage laws or customs of the country. It is the same as "civil status", the term usually used in official and private records, documents, transactions, etc., in the country. In Census 2000, the person's marital status shall be as of the date of visit.
For persons below 10 years old, draw an "x" mark on the circle before Single without asking the question. For persons 10 years old and over ask:

"What is ______'s marital status?" Cross out the circle before the appropriate marital status reported by the respondent as defined in the next page.

1. Single
A person who has never been married.

2. Legally Married
A person married in a religious or civil ceremony, either living together with spouse at the time of visit, or temporarily living apart because his spouse is employed elsewhere or is in the Armed Forces, etc.

3. Widowed
A married person whose spouse died and who has not remarried up to the time of visit.

4. Divorced/Separated
A person who is permanently separated from his spouse, legally or through mutual consent. Also for a person whose marriage with another has been annulled or dissolved and can therefore remarry.

5. Common-law/
Live in person cohabiting or living consensually with another as husband and wife without the benefit of a legal marriage.

6. Unknown
Person whose marital status is not known to the respondent, or whose marital status is being concealed by the respondent.

A Word of Caution: Some respondents may find this question too personal or a sensitive issue. Avoid antagonizing the respondent. Do not refute the reported marital status of any person. Disregard any knowledge you may have about the person and record only whatever is reported by the respondent.

Philippines 2010 — source variable PH2010A_MARST — Marital status
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Population Census Questions

For all persons.
[Question 2 through 12 were asked of all persons.]

P7. Marital Status -Is [the respondent] single, married, widowed, divorced/separated, or in a common-law/live-in arrangement?

Write X in the box corresponding to answer. For persons 0 to 9 years old, write an X mark in the box for single.

[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Divorced / separated
[] 5 Common-law / Live-in
[] 6 Unknown
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Columns P1 to P12 for All persons
Columns P1 to P12 are to be accomplished for all household members regardless of age.

P7-Marital Status
Marital status refers to the personal status of each individual with reference to the marriage laws or customs of the country. It is the same as "civil status", the term usually used in official and private records, documents, transactions, and others, in the country. For the 2010 CPH, the person's marital status shall be as of the date of visit.
For persons below 10 years old, mark the box opposite "1" for Single without asking the question. For persons 10 years old and over ask: "Is single, married, widowed, divorced/separated, or in a common-law/live-in arrangement?"
Below are the definitions of the categories for marital status:

[] 1 Single: A person who has never been married.
[] 2 Married: A person married in a religious or civil ceremony, either living together with spouse at the time of visit, or temporarily living apart because his/her spouse is employed elsewhere or is in the Armed Forces.
[] 3 Widowed: A married person whose spouse died and who has not married up to the time of visit.
[] 4 Divorced/Separated: A person who is permanently separated from his/her spouse, legally, or through mutual consent. This is also applicable for a person whose marriage with another person has been annulled or dissolved and can, therefore, remarry.
[] 5 Common-law/ Live-in: A person cohabiting or living 0onsensually with another person as husband and wife without the benefit of a legal marriage.
[] 6 Unknown: A person whose marital status is unknown to the respondent, or whose marital status is being concealed by the respondent/person himself/herself to the other members of the household.

Important Notice: Some respondents may find this question too personal or a sensitive issue. Avoid antagonizing the respondent. Do not refute the reported marital status of any person. Disregard any knowledge you may have about the person and record only whatever is reported by the respondent.

Poland 1978 — source variable PL1978A_MARST — Marital status
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10. Marriage status (write in: single, or married, widower, widow, divorced) ____
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
40 Marriage status (write in: single, or married, widower, widow, divorced) (Question 10) [p.54]
1. In accordance with the pieces of information provided by the surveyed individual, write the following:

[] "single"
[] "married"
[] "widower"
[] "widow"
[] "divorced"

2. Only if the said individual has certain doubts and asks the census enumerator for help, shall the said professional clarify that the factual marriage status rather than the legal and formal one shall be provided. Therefore:

- Married individuals are those, who have entered into marriage, even if they are not formally married,
- Divorced individuals are those who no longer live with their partners, even if the formal divorce has not yet been granted to them.

3. Small children
shall have "single" marriage status indicated.

Poland 1988 — source variable PL1988A_MARST — Marital status
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Census of population (inhabitants)

8. Marital status

[] Single
[] Married
[] Widower
[] Divorced
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Part 4: Rules concerning filling in 2nd and 3rd page of the A Form

25. Marital status (question 8) [p.26]
The marital status is registered according to surveyed individual's declaration. If a surveyed person has doubts, how to specify his marital status, a factual not formal one should be stated, so:

- Married people are those, who live in a marriage together, even without formal wedding
- Divorced individuals are those, who left (or are separated with) their spouse and do not live in a marriage, regardless of divorce formalities.
- Children should have 'bachelor' or 'maiden' marital status indicated

Poland 2002 — source variable PL2002A_MARST — Legal marital status
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8. What is your legal marital status? (Persons age 15 and up)
Concern persons born in 1987 and earlier. If the answer is: 2 or 3 or 6 go to question 9; 1 or 4 or 5 go to question 10

[] 1 Single (never married), go to question 10
[] 2 Legally married (and living together), go to question 9
[] 3 Legally married (living separately), go to question 9
[] 4 Widower - widow, go to question 10
[] 5 Divorced, go to question 10
[] 6 Legally separated (de jure status), go to question 9
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Question 8. What is your legal marital status? [p. 32]

1. The legal marital status should be taken into account. For every person born in 1987 or earlier an answer should be chosen.

2. Special attention should be given to separation. Answer 3 concerns married persons who split up but are not legally separated, answer 6 concerns persons who are legally separated on the basis of the decision of the court.

3. For persons being in an informal relationship the legal marital status should be written in. In case of such persons answer 2 should not be chosen.

Poland 2011 — source variable PL2011A_MARST2 — Legal marital status
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1. Module -- Socio-demographic characteristics

21. What is your marital status?

(Concerns people aged 15 years or more)
[] 1. Single
[] 2. Married (in actual status of marriage)
[] 3. Married (in separation adjudicated by court)
[] 4. Married (not in the actual status of marriage but without separation adjudicated by court)
[] 5. Widower/widow
[] 6. Divorced
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Module 1 -- Socio-demographic characteristics (questions 1-23)

Questions 1-8

Question 21. What is your marital status? (concerns people aged 15 years or more)

Only one answer must be indicated in the case of this question.

"1. single" -- should be indicated for individuals, who were not in a relationship while performing the census,
"2. married (in actual status of marriage)" -- should be indicated for individuals, who have been married and is still living with the partner;
"3. married (in separation adjudicated by court)" -- should be indicated for individuals, who are in separation due to decision of a proper court,
"4. married (not in the actual status of marriage but without separation adjudicated by court)" -- should be indicated for individuals, who have been married but do not live together with the partner and there is no separation adjudicated by court,
"5. widower - widow" -- should be indicated for individuals, who are not in a relationship due to death of the partner,
"6. divorced" -- should be indicated for individuals, who have been divorced by means of decision of a proper court.
Question 23. Non-obligatory question.
Was your current relationship formally established in a registry office or in a church (religious association)?

The question is non-obligatory in character, and there is a possibility to refuse to answer it. The answer to this question will be the basis for specifying the number of families divided into: marriages (with or without children) and partners (with or without children).

Portugal 1981 — source variable PT1981A_MARST — Marital status
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[Questions 5-27 were asked of residents of the housing unit, per question 4]

7. Marital status

[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Separated
[] 5 Divorced

Question 7 - Marital Status

  • Married: refers to the person who is legally married or living in an equivalent situation. The married condition (legal or de facto) dominates over any other prior status.
  • Separated: is every person who, after having been married, separated herself from her spouse, even when the separation has not been legally recognized.
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Important: Individuals not residing in the dwelling where they spend 16 March 1981, at 00:00 hours, end the filling-in of the questionnaire here.
[Questions 5-27 were asked of residents of the housing unit, per question 4]

Question 7 - Marital status

Married - By married we must understand the person legally married or just living in a similar situation but not legalized. The marriage situation dominates other status.

Separated - By separated, we understand a person legally separated, meaning that after being legally married, obtained a legal separation from a court.

Divorced - Every person who had a legal dissolution of his/her marriage.

Portugal 1991 — source variable PT1991A_MARST — Marital status
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[Questions 4-28 were asked only of residents present at the time of the census.]

5. Marital status

[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married: with register
[] 3 Married: without register
[] 4 Widowed
[] 5 Separated
[] 6 Divorced

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Note: For individuals that reside elsewhere different from where they are staying at 0:00 o'clock of April 15, 1991, end the filling-in of the questionnaire here.
[Applies to questions 4-28]

Question 11: Did you complete the education level indicated in the previous question?

"Yes" or "No" answer.

Portugal 2001 — source variable PT2001A_MARST — Marital status
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[Questions 3.1-21 were asked of persons who consider this living quarter their usual place of residence, according to question 3]

5. Marital Status:

[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married: with register
[] 3 Married: without register
[] 4 Widowed
[] 5 Separated
[] 6 Divorced

Question 5 - Marital status

The actual situation should always be indicated, independently of whether it coincides with the legal situation.

For example: If you are divorced but at the census moment you are living with another person without legal marriage, you should tick "Married without register".

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Question 5 - Marital status

We must collect the real situation the individual is in ("de facto" situation), even if is not the same as the legal situation.


Options available in this question:

Married : with register
Married: without register - Status where a person, independently of their legal status, is living with a person of the opposite sex in a situation similar to the marriage but without the legal arrangements.
Separated - Every person that after marrying or living together with other person had left the spouse even if the separation has no legal recognition.
Divorced - Every person that had a legal dissolution of a marriage.

Portugal 2011 — source variable PT2011A_MARST — Legal marital status
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Individual questionnaire

6. What is your legal marital status?

Indicate the legal situation regardless of your marital situation.
[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married (Go to question 8)
[] 3 Separated, but still legally married
[] 4 Widowed
[] 5 Separated
[] 6 Divorced
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7.2.4. Individual

Question 6- What is your legal marital status?
[There is an image of question 6]
You need to record the legal marital status of the person, regardless of their marital situation.
Married- Someone legally married and lives with the respective spouse.
Separated, but still legally married- All people who, after getting married have separated but still have not recognized the separation legally or divorce in court or by the Civil Registry.
Divorced- Someone who after being married opted to dissolve the marriage in court or by the Civil Registry (divorce).
[p. 119]
If a person is still legally married but is separated from his/her partner without a legal divorce, you should choose "Separated, but still legally married";
If a person lives in a consensual union and their marital status is single, you should choose the option "Single".
[There is an image of zoomed in response for married skip to question 8]

Puerto Rico 1970 — source variable PR1970A_MARST — Marital status
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7. Marital status
Is this person now:

[] Married
[] Consensually married
[] Widowed
[] Divorced
[] Separated
[] Never married

Puerto Rico 1970 — source variable PR1970A_CONMARST — Consensual marriage
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7. Marital status
Is this person now:

[] Married
[] Consensually married
[] Widowed
[] Divorced
[] Separated
[] Never married

Puerto Rico 1980 — source variable PR1980A_MARST — Marital status
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5. Which one of the following describes the marital status of ____?

Fill one circle.
[] Now married
[] Consensually married
[] Widowed
[] Divorced
[] Separated
[] Never married

Puerto Rico 1980 — source variable PR1980A_CONMARST — Consensual marriage

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Puerto Rico 1990 — source variable PR1990A_MARST — Marital status
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5. Marital status

Mark (X) one box.

[] 1 Now married
[] 2 Consensually married
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Divorced
[] 5 Separated
[] 6 Never married

Puerto Rico 1990 — source variable PR1990A_CONMARST — Consensual marriage
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5. Marital status

Mark (X) one box.

[] 1 Now married
[] 2 Consensually married
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Divorced
[] 5 Separated
[] 6 Never married

Puerto Rico 2000 — source variable PR2000A_MARST — Marital status
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7. What is this person's marital status?
[] Now married
[] Widowed
[] Divorced
[] Separated
[] Never married

Puerto Rico 2005 — source variable PR2005A_MARST — Marital status
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4. What is this person's marital status?
[] Now married
[] Widowed
[] Divorced
[] Separated
[] Never married

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4. Mark the "Now married" box for a married person regardless of whether his or her spouse is living in the household unless they are separated. If the person's only marriage was annulled, mark the "Never married" box.

Puerto Rico 2010 — source variable PR2010A_MARST — Marital status
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[Persons age 15 and over.]

20. What is this person's marital status?

[] Now married
[] Widowed
[] Divorced
[] Separated
[] Never married -- Skip to I
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Answer person questions 19 through 48 if this person is 15 years old or over.

20. Mark the "Now married" box for a married person regardless of whether his or her spouse is living in the household unless they are separated. If the person's only marriage was annulled, mark the "Never married" box.

Puerto Rico 2015 — source variable PR2015A_MARST — Marital status
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20. What is this person's marital status?

[] Now married
[] Widowed
[] Divorced
[] Separated
[] Never married - skip to I
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Questions 7-48 are a continuation of the questions for each person. Questions 7-48 are a continuation of the questions for each person. (Questions 1-6 appear on pages 2, 3, and 4 of the questionnaire.)

Answer person questions 19 through 48 if this person is 15 years old or over.

20. Mark the "now married" box for a married person regardless of whether his or her spouse is living in the household unless they are separated. If the person's only marriage was annulled, mark the "Never married" box. Mark the "Divorced" box only if the person has received a divorce decree.

Puerto Rico 2020 — source variable PR2020A_MARST — Marital status
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I. Answer question 20 if this person is 15 years old or over. Otherwise, skip to the questions for Person 2 on page 12.

21. What is this person's marital status?

[] Now married
[] Widowed
[] Divorced
[] Separated
[] Never married -- Skip to J on the next page
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Person questions 20-24

P21. Mark the "now married" box for a married person regardless of whether his or her spouse is living in the household unless they are separated. If the person's only marriage was annulled, mark the "never married" box. Mark the "divorced" box only if the person has received a divorce decree.

Romania 1977 — source variable RO1977A_MARST — Marital status
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13. Marital status
[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widow
[] 4 Divorced

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60. Marital status (column 13).
For all persons, regardless of the sex and the age, the stated marital status will be recorded by inscribing the x mark on the corresponding box, namely: single, unmarried, married, widowed, or divorced.

In the case of separated married couples in which the husband and wife have a different legal residence, living alone or with someone else, the marital status declared by each of the spouses will be enumerated. The code of unmarried will be marked only for the persons who never were married.

The children below 14 years of age are included also to this code, except for those female persons legally married, divorced or widowed before reaching 15 years of age.

Romania 1992 — source variable RO1992A_MARST — Marital status
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11 Marital status of the person
[] 1 Unmarried
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Divorced

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Chapter IV - Data on Persons Registered in Households

44. All persons in the household will be recorded in this chapter, regardless whether they were present in the household or absent at the census reference point - "0" hour on the night of January, 6 to 7, 1992, or whether persons had left the household temporarily or for a longer period to work, to study, or for some other reason. Persons temporarily present in the household at the census reference point will not be recorded in this chapter, but in Chapter V.

Q. 11 Marital status of the person

58. For all persons, regardless of sex or age, indicate the stated marital status in the corresponding box, namely:

Code 1: unmarried (single)
Code 2: married
Code 3: widowed
Code 4: divorced

The code of unmarried will be marked only for persons who were never married. Children below 14 years of age are also included in this code, excepting those female persons who are legally married with a special age license, divorced or widowed.

In the case of separated married couples in which the husband and wife have different legal residences, whether living alone or with someone else, register the marital status declared by each of the spouses.

Romania 2002 — source variable RO2002A_MARST — Marital status
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11. Marital status
11.1 Legal marital status:
[] 1 Single (unmarried)
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Divorced
[] 4 Widowed

11.2 De facto marital status: Is this person living in a consensual union?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

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Marital status (item 11)

58. The legal marital status will be recorded (to the item 11.1) for all persons regardless of sex and age.

The way of recording:

-- the mark x will be written on the code box 1 (single -- unmarried -- this is meaning: never married) for all persons who never were married (the children below 14 years of age are included in this code);
-- the mark x will be recorded to the code 2 (legally married) - for all the formally/ legally married persons. The lower limit for marriage is 16 years for the females and 18 years for males. Exception: the female persons under 16 years and males persons under 18 years, legally married, on the basis of marriage exemption license, or the persons married abroad.
-- the mark x will be recorded to the code 3 (divorced) -- for all the persons divorced and not remarried;
-- the mark x will be recorded to the code 4 (widowed) -- for all the persons, whose wife or husband have died and are not remarried;

To the item 11.2 will be recorded if the person is living in consensual union, it means that living, cohabiting together with her or him, without any legal forms, having a common residence with her or with him, regardless of the legal marital status.

Romania 2011 — source variable RO2011A_MARST — Marital status
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To be filled in for persons present in the household or who are temporarily absent.

5. Legal marital status

[] 1 Single (go directly to question 7)
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widow(er)
[] 4 Divorced

Russia 2002 — source variable RU2002A_MARST — Marital status
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4. Your marital status
[] 1 Never married
[] 2 Married
Was the marriage registered with the registry office? ____
[] 3 Divorced
[] 4 Separated
[] 5 Widow or widower

If the spouse lives in the same household, indicate the census No. from form P, list A, column 1, under which the spouse is listed

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Question 4. Your marital status
People who are 16 years or older should be identified by the mark corresponding to one of four suggested prompts.
The "Married" option is marked for those who are married at the present moment regardless of the official registration of the marriage at the registry office.
After you have marked the "Married ' option, ask the respondent whether the marriage was registered at the registry office. Depending on the answer, mark the appropriate prompt - "yes" or "no".
For those persons who were identified as married, in a special field indicate the number of the spouse assigned to him/her in column 1, List A, Form S (he/she was recorded under the same number in Forms K or D).
If the spouse is not registered in the given household, no number should be indicated.
The "Was never married" option is for those who were never married, either in registered or unregistered (consensual union) marriage
The "Divorced" prompt should be marked for those who were formerly married, but at the present moment are not; regardless of whether the divorce was registered or not at the registry office, or those who were formerly living in consensual union, but at the present moment are separated.
[p. 46]
The "Widower, widow" option is for those who were formerly married (regardless of the official registration of the marriage), and the marriage ceased to exist because of the death of the spouse, and the person did not marry again.
As a rule, this item is not completed for respondents younger than 16 years. Only if a respondent younger than 16 years is really married, you should mark the proper option.

Russia 2010 — source variable RU2010A_MARST — Marital status
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For persons aged 16 and over and for married persons under the age of 16.

5. Marital status

Mark one of the variants that corresponds to the marital status as of October 14, 2010.
[] I am married
Has your marriage been registered?
[] Yes
[] No
No. of the spouse ____
[] Officially divorced (the divorce is officially registered)
[] Separated
[] Widowed
[] Never married
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Question 5. Your marital status.
Individuals aged 16 years and more and married individuals under 16 put a mark that corresponds to any of the given prompts.
"Married" will be marked by the one who is married at the present time regardless whether his/her marriage is registered with the registry office or not.
After mark "Married" is indicated, census taker shall ask a sub-question "Is your marriage registered?" and depending on the answer put a mark that corresponds to a prompt "yes" or "no".
If a respondent's spouse lives together with her (him) within the same household, an index number shall be put in a special zone, under which a spouse is written in column B of Table 1 of Form S. If a spouse is not enumerated within the same household then no index number is put.
[Omitted example image of form.]
"Officially divorced (divorce is registered)" will be marked by the one who was once married and is not married any more, and the divorce is registered with the registry office.
"Separated" will be marked by the one who was once in unregistered marriage, and now is separated, and also by the one who is in registered marriage and separated, but divorce is not registered with the registry office.
"Widower, widow" will be marked by the one who was once married (regardless of whether it was registered or not), then this marriage ceased because of the death of a spouse and the person has not yet entered a new marriage.
"Never married" will be marked by the one who has never been married (registered - actual or not registered).


When filling in of census papers it is necessary in case of obvious non-compliant answers to the question 5 to specify some information from the respondents. For example, Popova A.A. lives in a premise where the survey is conducted (No. in column B - 1), her daughter Popova G.V. (No. in column B - 2) and Suvorov K.B. - non-relative (No. in column B - 3). Popova A.A. who answered questions on behalf of her daughter told that her daughter was divorced, and Suvorov K.B. answered that he was in unregistered marriage and indicated the index number of a spouse, under which Popova G.V. is registered. In this situation it shall be specified whether Popova G.V. and Suvorov K.B. are in registered marriage and make relevant amendments to the questions 1 and 5.

Rwanda 1991 — source variable RW1991A_MARST — Marital status
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P25. Marital status
For individuals aged 12 years and older.

What is the marital status of [the respondent]?
Circle the number matching the letters corresponding to the answer given, following the abbreviations provided at the bottom of the page.
[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married, legally
[] 3 Married, customary
[] 4 Free union
[] 5 Polygamous, two wives
[] 6 Polygamous, three wives or more
[] 7 Widowed
[] 8 Divorced / Separated

Rwanda 2002 — source variable RW2002A_MARST — Marital status
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D. Population aged 12 years or more
[Questions P26-P30.]

P26. Marital status

What is the marital status of _____?

Circle the code corresponding to one of the abbreviations provided at the bottom of the page, according to the declaration of the interviewee.

1. CEL = Single
2. UL = Free union
3. MM = Married, monogamy
4. HP = Married man, polygamy
5. MP1 = Married woman, first wife in a polygamous marriage
6. MP2 = Married woman, second wife in a polygamous marriage
7. MP3 = Married woman, wife in a polygamous marriage of rank 3 or more
8. D/S = Divorced or Separated
9. VE = Widowed

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D. Questionnaire designed for persons 12 years old or more

Questionnaire for all (P26)

These questions will be asked to persons who are of age 12 years and above, of either male or female sex.
[Questions P26-P30.]

P26: Marital status

One would like to know whether the enumerated person is married or single, that is his/her marital status. This concerns (only) persons aged 12 years or more.

For the persons who have not yet reached that age, one will not write anything in P26.

In this latter column, one will circle the number corresponding to the private situation of each person.

CEL: Single, or persons of either male or female sex who have never been married; unwed mothers who have children in the household but have never contracted a marriage are also considered as single.

UL: Young women or young men who live together on common law agreement. In this case husband and wife live together illegally.

MM: Man or woman living together in a monogamous union, and who are legally married.

HP: Man with several wives.


MP1: First wife of a polygamous husband.

MP2: Second wife of a polygamous husband.

MP3+: Third, fourth, and so forth wife of a polygamous husband.

D/S: A person who is definitely divorced from her spouse, by law, or a person who is temporarily separated while waiting for a legal decision.

VE: Man or women who has lost his/her spouse, and has not yet remarried.

For any married man, it is useful to know the number of wives living with him, not taking into account the legal situation of the unions.

Divorce- final: This concerns a man or a woman who has divorced from his/her spouse by complying to a legal authority.
Divorce- temporary: This concerns a man or a woman who is temporarily divorced (is separated) while waiting for a legal decision on the final situation of their divorce.

Rwanda 2012 — source variable RW2012A_MARST — Marital status
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Section P: Characteristics of population

[Questions 29-32 were asked of residents aged 12 years or older.]

29. What is the respondent's marital status?

If never married and female, go to Question 33.
If widowed or divorced, go to Question 32.
If never married and male, end survey.

[] 1 Never married
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Separated
[] 4 Widowed
[] 5 Divorced
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P29 to P32: For residents aged 12 years or older

P29: Marital status
Ask: What is [the person]'s marital status?

The marriage may be taken place either legal, religious or traditional basis or those married persons should live together as husband and spouse. The answer for this question must be accepted as given by the respondent. Enumerator encircles the code corresponding to the given response.

The relevant codes to be marked for the various marital status categories are follows:

1 - Never married: Single person male or female or not yet married, unmarried mothers with children in the household without having contracted a marriage are also considered to be single.
2 - Married: the young woman or young man living together upon mutual agreement. In this case the husband and spouse might live together either legally or illegally.
3 - Separated person: A person temporarily separated from her/his spouse pending on the decision of the law
4 - Widow/widower: Man or woman who lost his wife [her husband] and had not yet remarried
5 - Divorced: A person permanently divorced from his/her spouse before the law

Saint Lucia 1980 — source variable LC1980A_MARST — Marital status
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8. Marital status
[Persons age 14 years and over]

[] Never married
[] Married
[] Widowed
[] Divorced
[] Legally separated
[] Not stated

Saint Lucia 1991 — source variable LC1991A_MARST — Marital status
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Section 6. Marital status, union status and fertility
For persons 15 years and over
[Questions 6.1 through 6.14 were asked of persons 15 and older.]

6.1 What is ____'s legal marital status- that is, are you/is he/she married, divorced, legally separated, widowed or never married?

[] 1 Married
[] 2 Widowed -- Skip to 6.3
[] 3 Divorced -- Skip to 6.3
[] 4 Legally separated -- Skip to 6.3
[] 5 Never married -- Skip to 6.3
[] 6 Not stated -- Skip to 6.3

Senegal 1988 — source variable SN1988A_MARST — Marital status
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For persons aged 6 years and above, or born before 1982
[Questions 15 through 21 were asked of persons age 6 and older]

P15. Marital status


[] MONO: married, monogamous
[] POL 1: polygamous, first wife
[] POL 2: polygamous, second wife / polygamous 2 wives
[] POL 3+: polygamous, third wife / polygamous 3+ wives
[] CEL: single
[] VEUF: widowed
[] DI: divorced
[] AUT: other cases (free union, for instance)

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P15) Marital status
The question applies to persons aged 6 years and above, therefore born before 1982. The marital status to be recorded is that of the person at the time of the interview.
0) MONOGAMOUS: for men and women married in a monogamous union (only one wife for the men, and no co-wives for the women);
1) POLYGAMOUS 1: for women who are the first wife in a polygamous union (several wives for the husband);
2) POLYGAMOUS 2: for men who have two wives, and for women who are the second wife;
3) POLYGAMOUS 3: for men who have three or more wives, and for women who are the third wife or wife of higher rank;
4) SINGLE: for single men or women, that is those who were never married;
5) WIDOW(ED): for widowed men or women;
6) DIVORCED: for divorced men or women;
7) OTHER: for other cases, such as persons living in free union or couples who live separated while still united by the marriage bond.

The marriage is an act contracted at the city hall, or according to local Senegalese customs. A single person is one who has never contracted a marriage. A married person is a person who has a spouse at time of interview. If a man has two wives at time of the interview, he is a polygamous husband with two wives. If a woman has co-wives, and if her rank in the unions is 2, she is a polygamous second wife: then circle 2. POLYGAMOUS 2.
A man who had two wives, one of whom has died, is married and monogamous. Circle then: 0. MONOGAMOUS.
A man who had two wives, one of which divorced, is also is married and monogamous. Circle then: 0. MONOGAMOUS.

Senegal 2002 — source variable SN2002A_MARST — Marital status
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[For individual 12 years of age or older]

B20. Marital status

Circle the appropriate code:

[] 0 Married, monogamous
[] 1 Polygamous first wife
[] 2 Polygamous, second wife / polygamous 2 wives
[] 3 Polygamous, third wife / Polygamous 3+ wives
[] 4 Single
[] 5 Widowed
[] 6 Divorced
[] 7 Other cases

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B20 - Marital status

Only the persons aged 12 years and above are concerned by this question.
Write an oblique hyphen for the persons aged less than 12 years.

Circle "0 MO" for men and women who are married in monogamy unions (only one wife for men, no co-wife for women).

Circle "1 P1" for men who have two wives, and for women who are the first wife.

Circle "2 P2" for men who have three wives, and for women who are the second wife.

Circle "3 P3" for men who have four wives or more, and for women who are the third wife or wife of higher rank.

Circle "4 CEL" for men or women who are single (never married)

Circle "5 VE" for widowed men or women.

Circle "6 DI" for divorced men and women.

Note: Some persons who are widowed or divorced could have the tendency to claim that they are single. For this reason, you shall never assume that a person claiming to be single has never been married in his or her lifetime.

Circle "7 AU" for the other cases: the persons who live in informal union or in free union, as well as the couples who live separated while still being united by the marriage bond.

Note: A marriage is a status [the French text says a fact] contracted either at city hall, or according to religion, or according to traditional Senegalese customs.

A man who had two wives, one of which died or divorced, is then married, in monogamous union. Circle then "0 MO".

Senegal 2013 — source variable SN2013A_MARST — Marital status
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B. Individual characteristics

Population aged 10 years or older
[Question B41 and B42 were asked of persons aged 10 years or older.]

B41. Marital Status

Determine the marital status of the Respondent and enter the code corresponding to the answer (see instructions at the bottom of the page).
[] 00- Monogamous
[] 01- Polygamous / 1st spouse
[] 02- Polygamous / 2nd spouse / 2 spouses
[] 03- Polygamous / 2rd spouse / 3 spouses
[] 04- Polygamous / 4th spouse / 4 spouses
[] 05- Polygamous / 5th spouse / 5 spouses
[] 06- Unmarried
[] 07- Widow / widower
[] 08- Divorced
[] 09- Cohabitation
[] 10- Separated
[If B41 is code 06 through 10, go to B43]
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4.2. Part B: individual characteristics

B41: marital status
Only persons aged 10 years and older are concerned by this question.

- Record code ''0'' for married men and women in monogamous union (only one wife for men and no co-spouses for women).
- Record code ''1'' for women in polygamous union and who rank first (1st wife);
- Record code ''2'' for men who have 2 wives and for women who are the 2nd wife;
- Record code ''3'' for men who have 3 wives and for women who are the 3rd wife;
- Record code ''4'' for men who have 4 wives and for women who are the 4th wife;
- Record code ''5'' for men who have 5 or more wives and for women who are the fifth or more wives;
- Record code ''6'' for single men or women (who have never been married);
- Record code ''7'' for widows;
- Record code ''8'' for divorced men or women.
[p. 49]
NB: Some divorced or widowed individuals will tend to claim to be single. For this reason, you need to make sure that the person who claims to be single has never been married in his or her life.

- Record code ''9'' for men or women who live in cohabitation or common law.
- Record 10 for couples who live apart while being in the bonds of marriage.
NB: On the PDA, you will choose the answer on a drop-down list.
NB: Marriage is a deed contracted at the town hall or following traditional Senegalese religion and customs.
A man who had two wives and one of them has died is monogamously married. So record 00.
If the response is equal to 06, 07, 08, 09, or 10, go to B43.

Sierra Leone 2004 — source variable SL2004A_MARST — Marital status
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[Questions P22-P25: Persons age 10 years or older]

P22. Marital status
What is the marital status of [the respondent]?

[] 1 Never married
[] 2 Engaged
[] 3 Married monogamous
[] 4 Married polygamous
[] 5 Separated
[] 6 Divorced
[] 7 Widowed

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P22 -- Marital status (Persons age 10 or older)
124. This is a very sensitive issue and you must avoid going into arguments with respondents. Accept the answer as given. Ask, "Are you currently married?" The options for an answer are provided in the code list.

125. For persons younger than 10 years, draw a straight line in columns P22 to P38 against their name to indicate that the questions do not apply to them.

[Questions P22 - P25: Persons age 10 or older]

P22 Marital status
What is the marital status of [the respondent]?

[] 1 Never married
[] 2 Engaged
[] 3 Married, monogamous
[] 4 Married, polygamous
[] 5 Separated
[] 6 Divorced
[] 7 Widowed

Sierra Leone 2015 — source variable SL2015A_MARST — Marital status
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[Section II was answered for all persons who selected living in occupied housing units in question I15]

10 years and above [Questions P25-P33]

P27. Marital status

What is the marital status of [the respondent]?

[] 01 Never married
[] 02 Engaged
[] 03 Married monogamous
[] 04 Married polygamous
[] 05 Co-habitation (less than 5 years)
[] 06 Co-habitation (equal to more than 5 years)
[] 07 Separated
[] 08 Divorced
[] 09 Widowed
[] 10 Don't know
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Section 2: Population characteristics

Columns (P01) to (P20) -- These should provide particulars of all persons who slept in the household on census night. The questions therefore apply to all persons irrespective of age or sex, except P13 which applies to persons 5 years and above.

P27 -- Marital status (for persons 10 years and over)
148. This is a very sensitive issue and you must avoid going into arguments with respondents. Ask what is (name's) current marital status? The options for an answer are provided in the code list. If never married write '01', if engaged write '02', if married monogamous write '03', if married polygamous write '04' etc.

Slovakia 1991 — source variable SK1991A_MARST — Marital status
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Part A - Information about persons
Instructions for completing Part A - Information about persons
[Instructions include an example that is omitted here.]

7. Marital status

[] Single
[] Married
[] Divorced
[] Widowed

Slovakia 2001 — source variable SK2001A_MARST — Marital status
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Personal form

5. Marital status

[] Single [continue with question 8]
[] Married [continue with questions 6 and 7]
[] Divorced [continue with questions 6 and 7]
[] Widowed [continue with questions 6 and 7]

Slovakia 2011 — source variable SK2011A_MARST — Marital status
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A. Data on population

4. Marital status

[] Single
[] Married
[] Divorced
[] Widow/widower
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Census form A. Population data
Census form A. Population data was completed by each member of the household. For a minor citizen or a citizen who could not provide data on his/her own, the data should be provided by their legal representative, a family member or the owner of the house.

Marital status
Marital status is an expression of the legal relationship of the resident. The status indicates whether the resident is single, married, divorced, or widowed. In the 2011 census, the residents stated their marital status according to the legal status valid in the Slovak Republic.

Slovenia 2002 — source variable SI2002A_MARST — Legal marital status
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Data in the pre-census database for buildings, dwellings and persons were taken over as of 9 November 2001.

From the pre-census database data are provided for contents stated in Article 6 of the Census Act. Data that are thus not on the P-3 Census questionnaire for persons are:
Place of birth,
Last migration,
Marital status,
Employment status,
Usual working hours,
Place of work.

For individual groups of population from the pre-census database the following data were provided for questions on the P-3 Census questionnaires for persons:
Question No. - Content
4 - Sex
23 - Address one year before the census, i.e. on 31 March 2001
24 - First residence after birth
35 - Education in the program for obtaining recognised education
36 - Level and type of education after finishing the program
37 - Place of education
42 - Activity status

If on the P-3 Census questionnaire for persons the box left of the question number is marked X, the question needs not be answered because the data have been obtained from the pre-census database.

South Africa 1996 — source variable ZA1996A_MARST — Marital status
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Section A:

To be completed for each person in the household in a separate column. Remember to include babies. Please include yourself.

4. What is (the person's) present marital status? (Circle the applicable code)

[] 1 = Never married
[] 2 = Married: Civil/religious
[] 3 = Married: Traditional/customary
[] 4 = Living together (with partner)
[] 5 = Widower/widow
[] 6 = Divorced/separated

South Africa 2001 — source variable ZA2001A_MARST — Marital status
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Section A: Information for persons in the household -- ask of everyone
[Section A of this form, each question has 10 answer rows for writing individual answers for up to 10 individuals in the household. Only the first is shown here, which is exactly the same as the other nine.]

P-05. Marital status

_ What is (the person's) present marital status? Write only one code per person in the box. If both civil/religious and traditional marriage, indicate civil/religious.
1 = Married civil/religious
2 = Married traditional/customary
3 = Polygamous marriage
4 = Living together like married partners
5 = Never married
6 = Widower/widow
7 = Separated
8 = Divorced
If categories 5-8 go to (P-06).

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Question P-05 -- Marital status

"What is (the person's) PRESENT marital status?"

Only one code should be given. We are interested in the marital status on the census night.

If, for example, a widow remarried before the census night she is classified as married not widowed, but if she married after the census night she is classified as widowed. If however she was widowed, remarried and is now separated from her second husband, she is separated.

The number of times a person has been married is not captured.

Read out all the categories from the questionnaire.

The given classifications on marital status are sufficient, but sometimes you will have to probe. When a person is married you must ask how he or she is married (codes 1-3).

If a person married under both traditional/customary and civil law, civil takes precedence.

A man with more than one wife should indicate "polygamous" rather than civil or customary marriage. The wives indicate category 1 or 2, as they cannot have two husbands. More guidelines about how to treat polygamous households appear in Appendix 5.

[P. 38]

Couples who are not married to each other but live together as if they are married, belong to category 4. This category is for people who live in every respect as a married couple except that they have not undergone a marriage ceremony. Only male/female couples should indicate this category -- the census does not collect data on gay couples.

For children write 5 -- "Never married". If a person says "single" they must choose from categories 4-8.

Now we get our first "skip". People who are not married or living together as married, i.e. all those who fall under categories 5-8, do not need to answer the next question, which is P-05a, so they skip Question P-05a and go to P-06.

Rules for marital status in relation to polygamy:

A. Women cannot have multiple husbands, and women can never have marital status 3 (polygamous).

B. In a polygamous marriage, the man declares his marital status as 3 (polygamous): each of his wives declares her marital status as either 1 (civil/religious marriage) or 2 (traditional/customary marriage). Note that wives in polygamous marriages cannot have marital status 4 (living together).

C. In a non-polygamous marriage, each partner can have marital status of 1 (civil/religious marriage) or 2 (traditional/customary marriage) or 4 (living together).

D. If a man has multiple wives, his marital status must be 3 (polygamous).

E. Each of a polygamous man's wives should make her spouse number person point to the man, and the man's spouse person number should point to the first of his wives.

F. It is possible to have a polygamous man with no spouses or with a single spouse in the household.

In the situation where there is a compound ("kraal") consisting of several huts, each of which has its own separate cooking and eating areas, the people in each of these huts would be enumerated as separate households.

For example, a man lives in his compound with his 3 wives and his son 's family (total of 4 huts). There would be 4 households here to enumerate, and 4 questionnaires filled out. The hut where the husband stayed on census night would have a head (him, marital status 3) and a spouse (the wife from that hut, marital status 1 or 2), and spouse person numbers pointing to each other; each of the other 2 wives' huts would just have a head (the wife, marital status 1 or 2) with spouse person number = 99 (spouse not present in the household), and other occupants (children, etc). The son 's family would also be its own household.

None of these questionnaires should be linked (via barcode on the last page), since they are all separate households. Questionnaires linking /continuation only occurs when a single household has more than 10 people (or 20, or 30, etc.).

When a man lives with his wives in the same household and they share the same cooking/eating facilities, then they would all be enumerated as one household, with one questionnaire. The man would have marital status 3; his spouse person number would point to the first wife. Each wife would have marital status 1 or 2, and her spouse person number would point to the man.

This caters for polygamy while still adhering to the definition of a household, which is not based on financial support.

South Africa 2007 — source variable ZA2007A_MARST — Marital status
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P-08 Marital status
What is (the person)'s present marital status?
Write only one code per person.
If both civil/religious and traditional indicate civil/religious.
[] 1 Married civil/religious
[] 2 Married traditional/customary
[] 3 Polygamous marriage
[] 4 Living together as married partners
[] 5 Never married
[] 6 Widower/widow
[] 7 Separated
[] 8 Divorced
If 5 to 8, Go to P-10

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(P-08) Marital status: What is (the person's) present marital status?
Read out the options to the respondent.

Mark only the present marital status. We do not need a person's marital history.

Any couple living together as married persons without a civil/religious or traditional/ customary marriage should be coded as 'living together (like married partners)' (code 4).

Mark code 5 (never married) for unmarried children in the household, and not code 4 (living together).

For a man with more than one wife, indicate "polygamous" rather than civil or customary marriage. For the wives, indicate category 1 or 2 (married civil/religious or traditional/customary).

If a person is not in a marital union or living together as married partners (i.e., codes 5 to 8), Go to P-10

South Africa 2011 — source variable ZA2011A_MARST — Marital status
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P-03 Marital status
Write the appropriate code in the box _

1. Married
2. Living together like married partners
3. Never married
4. Widower/Widow
5. Separated
6. Divorced
If 3-6, go to P-05
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3. Section A: Demographics (remember to follow instructions)
Purpose: The information is collected to establish the total population of the country, their gender, age and other characteristics.

This section must be completed for every person listed on the questionnaire.
A person who is not married should not answer the question on who their spouse/partner is, e.g. ?If 3-6 on Marital status (P-03), then Go to Population group (P-05)?.

South Africa 2016 — source variable ZA2016A_MARST — Marital status
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3. Person information

[3.7] Household members

[3.7.1] Demographics

[] What is the respondent's present marital status?

[] 1 Legally married [include customary, traditional, religious etc.]
[] 2 Living together like husband and wife/partners
[] 3 Divorced
[] 4 Separated, but still legally married
[] 5 Widowed
[] 6 Single, but have been living together with someone as husband/wife/partner before
[] 7 Single, and have never lived together as husband/wife/partner before

South Sudan 2008 — source variable SS2008A_MARST — Marital status
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Marital status
[Questions 24 - 25: Persons age 12 or older]

24. What is [the respondent's] marital status?

[] 1 Never married
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Divorced

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7.6. LFQ marital status questions 24-25

The remaining questions are only asked of persons aged 12 years old and above. If you are asking questions for a person 11 years old or less, stop and go to the next person listed on the questionnaire.

Q24 "What is [the respondent's] marital status?" Continuing with the first person listed "Person 01" 12 years old or over, ask question 24.

  • Never assume a person's marital status.
  • Be sure to differentiate between never married, divorced and widowed.
  • Shade the number corresponding to the respondents answer.

Spain 1981 — source variable ES1981A_MARST — Marital status
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5. Legal status
Mark the corresponding box with an X.
[] 1 Never married
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Divorced

Spain 1991 — source variable ES1991A_MARST — Marital status
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12. Legal marital status:
Indicate legal marital status, not de facto status:
[] 1 Never married
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Legally separated
[] 5 Divorced

Spain 2001 — source variable ES2001A_MARST — Marital status
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[1] Marital status