Codes and Frequencies
Code | Label |
01 | Paid employee (government) | 13,178 |
02 | Paid employee (parastatal) | 1,914 |
03 | Paid employee (private) | 789 |
04 | Paid employee (state enterprise) | 4,975 |
05 | Employer | 538 |
06 | Own account worker | 122,928 |
07 | Unpaid family worker | 72,712 |
08 | Looking for work, unemployed | 5,427 |
09 | Student | 65,292 |
10 | Household duties | 11,597 |
11 | Retired, sick, or too old | 13,602 |
12 | Other | 3,296 |
98 | Unknown | 257 |
99 | NIU (not in universe) | 141,901 |
Can't find the category you are looking for? Try the Detailed codes
This variable indicates the main activity of the person in the last 12 months.
- Laos 1995: Persons age 10+
- Laos: 1995
Questionnaire Text
[Questions 14-16 were asked of persons aged 10 years and above]
14.What was [the respondent's] main activity the last 12 months?
[] 01 Paid employee (Government)
[] 02 Paid employee (Parastatal)
[] 03 Paid employee (Private)
[] 04 Paid employee (State enterprise)
[] 05 Employer
[] 06 Own account worker
[] 07 Unpaid family worker
[] 08 Looking for work/unemployed
[] 09 Student
[] 10 Household duties
[] 11 Retired/sick/too old
[] 12 Other
Section D deals with employment questions. These questions shall be asked to all who is 10 years and above. For children, less than 10 years, section D and E should be marked "N/A".
Three different questions are asked to collect labour market information. The questions are interrelated and the purpose of each question must be clearly understood. Explain to the respondent that you will start by asking information on his/her employment status, then his/her profession and lastly about the sector s/he was working in.
Question 14: What was [the respondent's] main activity the last twelve months?
The purpose of this question is to collect information on whether s/he was working or not, studying, retired, etc.
Enter code from code list You may need to probe to reassure that the respondent understands the concept of economic activity.
The response categories are: