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Questionnaire Text

Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
B. For all persons
[Questions 1-10 were asked of all persons]

1. Persons in the household: Who was a member of this household on September 26, 1994?

List the name and surname of all persons who were members of the household on September 26, 1994, whether they were present or absent.

Enter the person who was heading the household as person number one.

Name and surname ____
[Note:] It is very important that all persons who were members of the household on March 1, 1995 are listed.

If there are more than 10 members in the household, use additional questionnaire(s). When this is necessary, tick the box in the bottom right corner and change the person number (1, 2, 3 ... in column a in the questionnaire) to 11, 12, 13 ... in the second questionnaire, 21, 22, 23 ... in the third questionnaire, etc.

Regarding the routines for collective households, see the enumerator's manual.

10. What is [the respondent's] religion?

Enter code from code list:

[] 1 Buddhist
[] 2 Animist
[] 3 Christian
[] 4 Muslim
[] 5 Others
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Section B: For all persons

Question 10: What is [the respondent's] religion?
Enter relevant code from code list. The categories are:

[] 1. Buddhism
[] 2. Animism
[] 3. Christianity
[] 4. Islam
[] 5. Other

The list of religion codes is also shown at the back of each questionnaire. For not known
use code "9".

Note that all members of the same household might not have the same religion. If a respondent gives a branch of religion that you do not recognise, probe to find out to which main religion (of alternatives 1-4 above) the branch belongs.

If a person's answer is "no religion", enter code "5 - Other".