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14 Full-Time Education
( a ) Have you ever attended School/ Educational Institution? (Enter Code)
1 Never
2 Now
3 Past

( b ) What is the highest grade completed? (Enter Code from list below)
Codes for Column 14 (b) What is the highest grade completed?

For Never in 14 (a) put dash ( - )
For Now or Past in 14 (a), Code as follows:-
00 No class completed
01 Class 1 completed
02 Class 2 completed
11 Class 11 completed
12 Class 12 completed
13 Secondary School / Certificate / Diploma
14 Undergraduate
15 Graduate / Degree holder
16 Postgraduate
17 ___ Other (specify)

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Column 14: Full Time Education

94. Full-time education refers to education in an educational institution like Primary School, Secondary School, College etc.

Column 14 (a): Have you ever attended School / Educational Institution?

95. This applies to both literates and illiterates. The answer to this question may be recorded as follows:-

(a) Never:- Record 1 if the person has never at any time received full-time education.
(b) Now:- Record 2 if the person is still receiving full-time education at the time of the Census.
(c) Past:- Record 3 if the person received full-time education in the past and is no longer receiving it.

Note that it is possible that a person who is literate (Code 1 in Column 13), had never attended any school at all (e.g. he might have learnt to read and write in a pagoda) and may, therefore, be given Code 1 in Column 14(a).

Column 14 (b): What is the Highest Grade Completed?

96. Enter dash (--) in the two sub Columns in the case of a person who has never attended school/educational institution (Code 1 in Column 14(a)). Categories of educational levels have been provided for recording the highest grade completed in the school, college or any other educational institution attended by the respondents. A last category "other (specify)" (Code 17) has been included to cater for other educational categories not mentioned. In general, you may check whether the educational level of a person is consistent with his/her age. For example, a boy or girl of age 8 could not have completed class 11. If any such inconsistency is noted, please make probing questions and ascertain the correct answer.