15. Population employment
a) Name and activity type of an enterprise you are working in or specify the type of work you do ________ _ _ _
b) Place of work (name of town, rayon, country) ____ _ _ _
16. Main activity (detailed title of position, profession or performed work) ________ _ _ _ _
Question 15. Employment
This question is to be completed for both employed and self-employed.
In subquestion a) "the name and type of activity of the enterprise where you work or the type of work you do" a full name of the enterprise, institution or organization of the person's questioned primary employment is to be completed in order it could be possible to determine the activity of the employment. For instance, it should be recorded not "LLC Bereke", but "LLC cafe Bereke", not "JSC factory named after All-Union Leninist Young Communist League", but "JSC clothing manufactory named after All-Union Leninist Young Communist League". In selected cases only the branch or the kind of production can be specified, e.g.: "Glass manufacturing plant", "Brick works" or "Chemical factory", "Coca-cola production joint venture".
For persons employed at diversified enterprises, e.g., at a company or concern, not the name of the company or concern itself should be recorded, but the names of specific enterprises that company or concern comprises (e.g., not the name of the company "Eridan" is to be recorded, but a detailed name of an extractive, trade or manufacturing enterprise, etc.).
If a person interviewed works as a full-time official of trade union or other public associations, the name of the enterprise and the activity "trade union" are to be recorded.
For persons working in workshops, ateliers, and service centres a full name of a given enterprise should be recorded: "Sewing workshop", "Shoe-repair store".
Dear enumerator! You have made a mistake if in question 15 after the name of the enterprise where the person questioned works you failed to specify the exact activity of this enterprise or the type of work done. Please, go back to this question and, if necessary, revise the record.
When completing question 15, the enumerator is to obey the following:
- if in question 14, codes 1, 2 or 3 are circled for sources of livelihood, the name and by all means the activity of the enterprise should be recorded;
- if in question 14, codes 4, 5 or 6 are circled for sources of livelihood, the name of the enterprise and by all means the specific type of work done are to be recorded;
- if in question 14, code 7 is circled for a source of livelihood, "personal subsidiary plot" is to be entered.
Names of enterprises and institutions should not be recorded as abbreviations (e.g., it is impermissible to specify JPF instead of "Joint peasant farm"). Only well-known abbreviations can be admitted (e.g., ??? (TPP), ???? (Civil Registry Office)).
For persons working in canteens, first-aid posts, barbershops, etc. attached to enterprises or firms, the name of the canteen, first-aid post, barbershop, etc., but not the name of the enterprise or firm, workers of which they serve, is to be recorded (e.g., "Canteen of the worsted-woolen integrated works").
For persons employed by individuals the corresponding type of activity is to be recorded, e.g. for a salesman engaged in retail trade "retail trade" is to be recorded, and for a self-employed person (e.g., a secretary, tutor, baby-sitter, cook, driver) "rendering household services" is to be entered.
For persons engaged in "shuttle business", "wholesale trade" is to be specified if they are only engaged in purchase and delivery of goods. If those persons along with purchase and delivery of goods are also engaged in sale thereof, "retail trade" is to be recorded for them.
For persons engaged in own farming, "agriculture" is to be recorded with indication of a specific area (crop production, animal husbandry, etc.) or the kind of work done.
For self-employed persons the type of their activity is to be recorded, e.g., "overclothes tailoring", but not "business". A specific activity should be indicated, e.g. "real estate business", "wholesale trade", etc.
For unpaid family workers or unpaid workers of farming holding a detailed name of the enterprise and its activity should be recorded or "agriculture" with indication of a specific area (crop production, animal husbandry, etc.) or the kind of work done.
Military servicemen, wage and salary workers of military units and institutions living outside closed territories are to answer in accordance with the instructions of their authorities. If military servicemen, wage and salary workers of military units for any reason (absent from briefing or because of forgetfulness) are not able to answer, "institution" is to be recorded as their place of employment.
For ministers of religion and persons engaged in the field of religious faiths, the name of the religious service place is to be recorded (mosque, church, synagogue, etc.)
For persons having permanent employment and at the same time receiving a pension, benefit, scholarship or engaged in work in own personal subsidiary plot, the name of the enterprise where they work and its activity is to be recorded.
For persons having double (or more) employment the employment which the person questioned regards as main is to be recorded.
For all persons having no employment, children inclusive, "No" is to be filled in.
In subquestion b) "place of work" the answer is to be completed for all persons with the first part of question 15 completed.
For those living and working in Kyrgyzstan the name of the city or district where the place of employment is located is to be entered. For instance, if a person questioned lives in the village of Lebedinovka and works in the city of Bishkek, "city of Bishkek" is to be recorded.
For persons working in the territory of other countries (states) the name of this territory is to be entered. For instance, if a person questioned lives in the city of Kara-Su and works in the city of Andizhan, "Uzbekistan" is to be filled in for him/her.