Questionnaire Text

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A: Information regarding all persons
[Questions P-00 to P-23 were asked of all persons in conventional households or refugee camps].

Birth place
P-18. Where was [person] born? _ _ _

Write district code, if in Kenya, or country code, if outside Kenya. The code list is provided.

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- Section A: Information regarding all persons. This information is contained in columns P00 to P23. Questions in this section will apply to all persons.

27. Column P18: Birth place

Ask: Where was [the respondent] born?
Birthplace is the usual place of residence of mother at the time of the respondent's birth. This question is meant to establish persons who are not enumerated in their places of birth and hence have migrated. Sometimes expectant mothers move from the rural areas to urban areas for purposes of delivery since maternity services are better at the latter. This kind of movement is short lived and must not be confused with a migratory one. For example, if a woman who usually resides in Ruiru district moves to Nairobi to deliver her child, it will be assumed that the woman went to Nairobi purposely for maternity services. Thus the district of birth of the child will be recorded as Ruiru.

27.1 For persons born in Kenya, code district using the list provided. For example, a person born in Kikuyu district, code "209" and for a person born in Tharaka district, code "414".

27.2 Relate the person's birthplace to the present district's frontiers as far as possible. District boundaries have been changed over the years and we want to relate a person's place of birth to the district as it is constituted now. The codes must however be based on the code list provided.

27.3 For districts that have been split, probe to find the actual district of birth and code the name by which it is currently known based on the code list provided.

27.4 For persons born outside Kenya, code the country of birth. For example, a person born in Tanzania will be coded "987", Uganda "983", Somalia "962" etc.

27.5 Code "888" if district of birth is not known and "999" for not stated.