Codes and Frequencies
Code | Label |
01 | None | 2,749 |
02 | Nursery/infant | 8,546 |
03 | Primary/preparatory | 25,532 |
04 | All age/elementary | 86,952 |
05 | Junior secondary | 11,173 |
06 | New secondary | 21,562 |
07 | Secondary high | 24,456 |
08 | Vocational | 3,963 |
09 | Commercial/secretarial | 4,937 |
10 | University | 2,953 |
11 | Other tertiary | 6,315 |
12 | Special school | 498 |
13 | Other | 1,248 |
98 | Unknown | 7,123 |
99 | NIU (not in universe) | 24,618 |
Can't find the category you are looking for? Try the Detailed codes
This variable indicates the type of school the person is attending or last attended.
- Jamaica 1991: Persons age 4+ in private households and some group quarters
- Jamaica: 1991
Questionnaire Text
Section 5: Education
[All persons]
(i) For children under 4 years, mark "No" at question 5.1 and go to question 8.1
(ii) For persons over 50 years, mark "No" at question 5.1 and proceed from question 5.2 in relation to the last institution attended.
(iii) For persons between ages 30 and 50 years, say: "It is known that some people try to further their education as they get older" before asking question 5.1.
(iv) For all other persons, i.e. 4-29 years old, proceed directly to question 5.1.
5.2. What type of educational institution are you / is [the respondent] attending / did you / did [the respondent] last attend?
[] Nursery/infant (go to Question 5.5)
[] Primary/preparatory (go to Question 5.4)
[] All age/elementary (go to Question 5.4)
[] Junior secondary (go to Question 5.4)
[] New secondary (go to Question 5.4)
[] Secondary high (go to Question 5.4)
[] Vocational
[] Commercial/secretarial
[] University (go to Question 5.5)
[] Other tertiary (specify _____)
[] Special school (go to Question 5.4)
[] Other (go to Question 5.4)
[] Not stated (go to Question 5.4)
Section 5 - Education
5.52 General
The aim of the section is to obtain information on the highest level of educational attainment among the entire population. Questions relate not just to current attendance but also to past attendance. As such, this section is relevant not only to school children but also to adults who may be furthering their education full-time or part-time.
You must pay close attention to the instruction on the questionnaire which precede the questions in this section.
5.53 For babies and young children not of school age, the question will obviously not be applicable. You should also be careful in the case of older persons who are not likely to be currently attending an educational institution, but for whom the questions on past attendance are applicable. It is recognized however, that adults do continue their education and the questions are therefore relevant.
5.55 You must remember to word Q5.2 accurately to distinguish between current attendance and past attendance. If the answer to Q5.1 is "Yes" then Q5.2 should be "what type of institution are you/is __ attending?" If the answer to Q5.1 is "No" then Q5.2 should be "what type of institution did you/did last attend?"
Persons on holidays from school are to be regarded as attending school. If however, the person just completed the last term score, "No" at Q5.1.
5.56 It is important for you to be aware of the fact that school attendance outside of Jamaica is also to be included. The Section seeks to obtain information on the educational attainment of the population whether they were educated in Jamaica or not.
5.57 Question 5.2 The emphasis here is on attendance at an institution. Thus, education obtained through private study or correspondence courses would not be reflected here.
Score the position which identifies the school or university being attended or last attended. If the school is on holidays then enter the type attended prior to the holidays.
Nursery/Kindergarten - This is applicable to kindergarten, nursery school, the infant department of a primary or all-age school, a basic school.
Primary/Preparatory - This applies to a preparatory school (commonly called "prep" school), primary school whether junior or senior department
All Age - This applies not only to the All Age School as recognized but also to Elementary and Senior Schools.
Secondary High - Include here with the traditional secondary high school, comprehensive and technical high schools.
Vocational - This applies to secondary level institutions where the emphasis is on skills training. Examples of this type of institution are Knockalva and Elim Agricultural schools and Carron Hall. Include here also trainees registered in the H.E.A.R.T. program.
Commercial and Secretarial - This applies to institutions which offer commercial and secretarial training only. Secondary level institutions offering subjects in addition to the regular curriculum should NOT be included here.
University - This refers to enrollment in degree courses at university whether as a day student or as an evening student
Other Tertiary - This applies to tertiary institutions other than university. Include here Teacher Training Colleges, Community Colleges, CAST, College of Agriculture, Cultural Training Centre, G.C. Fostet: College of Physical Education and Sports, West Indies College.
Special Schools - This category includes schools for the Blind, Deaf, Mentally Handicapped
Other - Include here all persons attending Jamal classes and any other type of educational institution not listed above.