Questionnaire Text

Bolivia 2012 Ecuador 2010 Kenya 2009 Peru 2007
Brazil 2010 El Salvador 1992 Malawi 2008 Peru 2017
Burkina Faso 2006 El Salvador 2007 Mali 2009 Saint Lucia 1991
Cameroon 2005 Guatemala 1994 Nepal 2011 Senegal 2002
Colombia 2005 Guatemala 2002 Nicaragua 2005 Uruguay 2006
Costa Rica 2011 Honduras 2001 Panama 1990
Dominican Republic 2002 Jamaica 1991 Panama 2000
Ecuador 2001 Jamaica 2001 Panama 2010
Bolivia 2012 — source variable BO2012A_MIGN — Number of household members living in another country
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Chapter C. International emigration

In the table below, record the information for each of the people who now live in another country.
Number _
The person is:

[] 1 Female
[] 2 Male

Year of departure _ _ _ _
Age at departure _ _ _
Country where person now lives ____

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Chapter C. International emigration
The purpose of this chapter is to capture information about emigration of the Bolivian population from this country from the year 2001 to the date of the census.
The first part of the question acts as a ''filter'' to find out if one or more people living in the household moved to another country.

If the answer is yes, ask, ''How many people?'' and note the stated number in the appropriate boxes. Then fill in the table by writing the name of each person who emigrated from this country, the person's sex, the year of departure, age at departure, and the country where the person lives now.

If the answer to this question is no, go to question 21, chapter D, of the census form.

Brazil 2010 — source variable BR2010A_NMIG — Number of migration records

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Burkina Faso 2006 — source variable BF2006A_EMIGTOT — Emigrants
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IV. Household Summary Table


R1. Male

____ RP (Present residents) (1)
____ RA (Absent residents) (2)
____ RP + RA (3) = (1) + (2)
____ VIS (Visitors) (4)
____ Total counted (5) = (3) + (4)
____ EM (Emigrants) (6)

R2. Female

____ RP (Present residents) (1)
____ RA (Absent residents) (2)
____ RP + RA (3) = (1) + (2)
____ VIS (Visitors) (4)
____ Total counted (5) = (3) + (4)
____ EM (Emigrants) (6)


____ RP (Present residents) (1)
____ RA (Absent residents) (2)
____ RP + RA (3) = (1) + (2)
____ VIS (Visitors) (4)
____ Total counted (5) = (3) + (4)
____ EM (Emigrants) (6)

Colombia 2005 — source variable CO2005A_PATOT — Total persons abroad
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22. Has one or some persons, who are members of this household, gone to live permanently in another country? (basic)
[] 1 Yes [ ]

1.1 How many in all? _ _

[] 2 No (continue with Control 3)

[p. 13]

1.2 In which countries do they currently live and in which of the following periods did they leave?

Country of current residence

[] 2001-2005 _ _
[] 1996-2000 _ _
[] Before 1996 _ _

United States of America

[] 2001-2005 _ _
[] 1996-2000 _ _
[] Before 1996 _ _


[] 2001-2005 _ _
[] 1996-2000 _ _
[] Before 1996 _ _


[] 2001-2005 _ _
[] 1996-2000 _ _
[] Before 1996 _ _

Costa Rica

[] 2001-2005 _ _
[] 1996-2000 _ _
[] Before 1996 _ _


[] 2001-2005 _ _
[] 1996-2000 _ _
[] Before 1996 _ _


[] 2001-2005 _ _
[] 1996-2000 _ _
[] Before 1996 _ _


[] 2001-2005 _ _
[] 1996-2000 _ _
[] Before 1996 _ _


[] 2001-2005 _ _
[] 1996-2000 _ _
[] Before 1996 _ _


[] 2001-2005 _ _
[] 1996-2000 _ _
[] Before 1996 _ _


[] 2001-2005 _ _
[] 1996-2000 _ _
[] Before 1996 _ _

Other country

[] 2001-2005 _ _
[] 1996-2000 _ _
[] Before 1996 _ _

Costa Rica 2011 — source variable CR2011A_ABRDNUM — Number of household members living abroad
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7. Does any member of this household live in another country?

[] 1 Yes
How many?
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
_ 5 or more, note
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Question 7: Emigration

7. Does any member of this household live in another country?

[] 1 yes
How many?
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
_ 5 or more, note
[] 2 no

This question allows you to count the people of the household that are found living in another country, whenever upon leaving they were habitual residents of the household being visited. If the response is affirmative, ask and clearly mark the number of people that went to live abroad. If the quantity of people is greater than five, not the number, if the quantity is greater than nine, note nine.

Do not include:

The case of those people that have been living in another country for less than six months and plan to return to this same household before the end of the six months, because in that case that person is a habitual resident of the household and should be counted as such.

The case of deceased emigrants.

Costa Rica 2011 — source variable CR2011A_DWTYPE — Dwelling type
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1. Observe, investigate, and mark the type of dwelling:

[] 1 Independent house
[] 2 Independent house in condominium
[] 3 Apartment building
[] 4 Apartment building in condominium
[] 5 Traditional indigenous dwelling (tipi or ranch)
[] 6 Room in bunkhouse
[] 7 Shanty
[] 8 Other (premise, mobile home, boat, truck)
[] 9 Barracks for workers
[] 10 Children?s shelter
[] 11 Home for the elderly
[] 12 Prison
[] 13 Other (guesthouse, convent)
[] 14 Person without dwelling
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Question 1: Dwelling type

1. Observe, investigate, and mark the type of dwelling:

[] 1 Independent house
[] 2 Independent house in condominium
[] 3 Apartment building
[] 4 Apartment building in condominium
[] 5 Traditional indigenous dwelling (tipi or ranch)
[] 6 Room in bunkhouse
[] 7 Shanty
[] 8 Other (premise, mobile home, boat, truck)

[] 9 barracks for workers
[] 10 children's shelter
[] 11 home for the elderly
[] 12 prison
[] 13 other (guesthouse, convent)
[] 14 Person without dwelling (go to Block IV)

The record of the Type of Dwelling is completed by direct observation and investigation with the informant.

The different types of dwellings are described below:

Independent house

An independent house is a structure that contains a single dwelling that has a direct exit to the street, public walkway, plot, or highway. It can be a structure that has a multi-level dwelling provided that the structure is composed of a single dwelling

Independent house in condominium

An independent house in condominium possesses the same characteristics of the previous category (independent house), except that, differently than the independent house, these are part of a condominium, that's to say, the owner of the dwelling is part of an assembly of condominiums and is co-owner of the common areas of the site, such as the gardens, recreation spaces, pools, and others.

You should investigate whether or not it is part of a condominium, as there are closed neighborhoods that could be confused with this category.

Apartment building

Dwellings in apartment buildings are dwellings that form part of a building of two or more floors that have access to a public space through a hallway, corridor, stairs, or elevator. The dwellings from the first floor that have direct access to the street are also considered within this category.

By extension, dwellings that have been transformed or converted, that means that above the dwelling of the first floor a second floor has been constructed with an independent entrance are also considered dwellings in an apartment building.

Apartment building in condominium

Dwellings in apartment buildings in condominiums are dwellings that form part of a building of two or more floors. In contrast to the previous category (apartment building) these are part of a condominium, such that the owner of the dwelling is part of an assembly of condominiums and is co-owner of the common areas of the site, such as the gardens, recreation spaces, pools, and others.

Because of this you should investigate if it is found within the presence of a condominium. These dwellings have access to a public space through a hallway, corridor, stairs, or elevator.

The dwellings of the first floor of the building that have direct access to the street are also considered within this category.

Traditional indigenous dwelling (tipi or ranch)

Non-traditional dwelling that houses one or more indigenous households, which was constructed with natural materials of local origin, or extracted from nature according to the traditions of each village.

On occasion, this type of dwellings tends to combine natural materials with artificial materials, like for example, a zinc roof with

[p. 103]

walls of chonta or wood with a woody grass roof. In this case it will also be considered a traditional indigenous dwelling.

In this way, you could also consider the case of the indigenous households of indigenous that were offered a dwelling of prefabricated materials and in addition use a dwelling made with natural materials. In these cases, both dwellings will be considered one single dwelling, in the category "traditional indigenous dwelling."

Room in bunkhouse

Rooms or small spaces within a single building that are used as a dwelling to house one or various people. Within this construction the rooms are used like individual dwellings to house one or various people. These have a single direct access to the street and each room has its own single exit to a common hallway.

In general the shower and sanitary service is of collective use; they do not have individual basic services (electricity and water) but rather are shared (by a same meter/gauge).

The bunkhouses lodge individual households and each one makes the rules for their room. Each room in a bunkhouse constitutes an individual dwelling.

If it is not possible to obtain interviews in this type of dwellings immediately communicate with the supervisor in order to take the measures necessary to collect the information.


A shanty is an enclosure constructed provisionally with waste materials (generally in poor condition) like cardboard, boards, old cans, among others. It is constructed with the objective of responding to an immediate housing need and is generally an improvised enclosure.


Any other type of dwelling like a mobile home, boat, truck, camp tent or housing enclosures designed originally with purposes other than those of housing people, such as dwellings in premises, within mechanic workshops, warehouses, stables, factories, garages, guard stations, or caves and natural refuges amongst others.


If in your registered area there is a collective dwelling in which there are more than 15 habitual residents, communicate the situation with your supervisor in order to determine the process to follow.

If, on the contrary, you find a collective dwelling with fewer than 15 habitual residents proceed in the following way:

Completely fill in Block 1: Location

Respond to question 1 of Block II: Characteristics of the dwelling, indicating the type of collective dwelling

Then continue on to Block III, question 3, and list all the habitual residents

Complete question 6 and continue according to the sequence of the questionnaire

The collective dwellings are classified as:

Barracks for workers: site dedicated to temporarily housing people that carry out work in a determined place, these tending to be structures adapted as dwellings. These are generally found within a site where labor is carried out for example, large constructions, coffee farms, or another type of plantation, amongst others.

Children's shelter: dwelling or building designed to house children and adolescents that for diverse reasons cannot live with their family members. They can belong to the National Board of Youth (PANI) or they can be private institutions.

Home for the elderly: dwelling or building designed to house the elderly that for diverse reasons cannot live with their family members. They can be public or private.

[p. 106]

Prison: institution designed for the reclusion of people deprived of liberty, like reformatories for youth or jails for adults.

Other (guesthouse, convent): these can be hotels, pensions, rehabilitation centers, guesthouses, boarding houses, student residencies, sanatoriums, convents, monasteries or seminaries, amongst others.

Person without a dwelling

This is the person that does not have an enclosure nor habitual residency in which to lodge, like those that sleep in the streets, parks, vacant lots, abandoned buildings, or under bridges but without having constructed a structure that protects them from inclement weather.

In this case proceed in the following way:

You must complete an individual questionnaire for each person without a dwelling

Completely fill out Block 1: Location

Answer Question 1 from Block II: Characteristics of the Dwelling with the code 14 "person without a dwelling." Go to Block IV and continue the interview respecting the steps of the questionnaire.

Dominican Republic 2002 — source variable DO2002A_ABROAD — Persons living abroad
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Section VI - International emigration and remittances

23. Are any persons who used to live in this household currently living outside the country?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Skip to question 25)
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Question 23: Any of the residents of this household live abroad?

Consider all people living abroad (men, women, adolescents, children and elder people) those who being members of the household live permanently outside of the country in a different one; independently of how long they have lived abroad and are visiting for some days even during the census time in Dominican Republic.

Fill in the bubble to the correct answer. If the answer is "No", skip to question 25.

Dominican Republic 2002 — source variable DO2002A_ABRMALE — Total males living abroad
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Section VI - International emigration and remittances

24. How many men and how many women are currently living outside the country?

_ _ Males
_ _ Females
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Question 23: Any of the residents of this household live abroad?

Consider all people living abroad (men, women, adolescents, children and elder people) those who being members of the household live permanently outside of the country in a different one; independently of how long they have lived abroad and are visiting for some days even during the census time in Dominican Republic.

Fill in the bubble to the correct answer. If the answer is "No", skip to question 25.

Question 24: How many male and/or female residents live abroad?

Record in the boxes the number of male and female residents living abroad. If all are men record the number of them living abroad and 00 in the female boxes; on the contrary, if all are women living abroad record the number and then record 00 in the male boxes.

Ecuador 2001 — source variable EC2001A_MIGNUM — Number of travellers
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How many members of this household traveled?
Number _

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Question 2.- How many members of this household traveled?

[There is a picture of question 2 from this section of the enumeration form.]

Record in Arabic numbers (1, 2, 3... etc.) in the appropriate box the number of members of this household that traveled to another country and have not yet returned and proceed immediately to inquire about: sex, age of the person at the time they left the country, year of departure, reason for the trip, and the name of the country of destination. For those cases where the number of members of the household being investigated who traveled is more than 6 people, record the data solicited in the table in "observations" for the other people.

Ecuador 2010 — source variable EC2010A_EMIGDW — Number of emigrants in the dwelling
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Section 3: Money transfers and emigration
[Questions 1-3 were asked for private dwellings.]

2. Since the last population and dwelling census (November 2001), have one or more people who lived in this household traveled to another country without returning to live here permanently?

[] 1 Yes

How many? ___ [continue with 3.1]

[] 2 No [continue with section 4 (Information about the population)]

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[Section 3]

Step 7: Continue with section 3, money transfers and emigration

[A copy of section 3 of the census questionnaire is omitted here.]

(A) If in question 2, there is a positive answer you should register the amount in the corresponding box.

  • Register only the people who left the country as of November of 2001.
  • The registry of this section is in horizontal format, each row corresponds to the information of one person.
  • If there are more than seven persons in the home that have left the country as of year 2001, you will give priority to the people who left in the latest years.
  • If there are more than seven persons in the home that have left the country you should register this in observation (page 4 of the census questionnaire).

El Salvador 1992 — source variable SV1992A_ABRFHH — Number of females residing in another country
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IV. Mortality and migration
[Section IV was asked of occupied private households, per question 3 and Section 1.]

2. Migration
1. Does any member of this household live in another country?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

2. How many live in another country?
____ Males
____ Females

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4.4.2 Migration
Is there any member of the household who resides in another country?
This will be answered affirmatively if the person listed the household as their residence upon leaving the country and if they emigrated one month or more before with the intention of living permanently in another country.

2. How many people live in another country?

If the previous question was answered affirmatively the number of people living in another country will be asked, disaggregating the answer by gender.

El Salvador 1992 — source variable SV1992A_ABRMHH — Number of males residing in another country
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IV. Mortality and migration
[Section IV was asked of occupied private households, per question 3 and Section 1.]

2. Migration
1. Does any member of this household live in another country?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

2. How many live in another country?
____ Males
____ Females

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4.4.2 Migration
Is there any member of the household who resides in another country?
This will be answered affirmatively if the person listed the household as their residence upon leaving the country and if they emigrated one month or more before with the intention of living permanently in another country.

2. How many people live in another country?

If the previous question was answered affirmatively the number of people living in another country will be asked, disaggregating the answer by gender.

El Salvador 2007 — source variable SV2007A_EMIGTOT — Number of residents emigrated
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2. Did any member of this household go live permanently in another country?
[] 1 Yes
How many persons? /_/_/ Write the information related to each person in the box.

[] 2 No (go to Chapter VI -- Information about persons in the household)
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Question 2: Did any member of this household leave to live permanently in another country?
If the person being interviewed answers in the affirmative, ask and write down how many people left to live permanently in another country. Circle whether it was a male or a female, write the current age, country where the person is actually living and the year he/she left El Salvador.

If the person being interviewed does not remember, help him/her remember by referring to events such as the war years, after the earthquakes, etc.

Guatemala 1994 — source variable GT1994A_NABROAD — Number of persons who live in another country
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VI. International migration and mortality

1. International migration

b. How many people reside in another country?

Write the number _ _

Guatemala 2002 — source variable GT2002A_NMIGTOT — Total number of migrants (last 10 years)
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Chapter V. International emigration

[Questions 2 to 3 are asked of households with international emigrants]

2. How many male? _ _

3. How many female? _ _

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Section 5: International emigration

Ask, "In the past ten years, has anyone from this household gone to live permanently in another country?"

[p. 50]

[A graphic of question 1, from section 5 of the census form, is reproduced here.]

This section deals with the number of persons in the household who have gone to live permanently in another country within the last 10 years.

Make it clear that you are not interested in knowing who left, but rather how many persons have left.

If the answer is positive, ask "how many women?" and "how many men?"

[Two graphics, one of question 2 and 3, from section 5 of the census form, are included here.]

If the answer indicates no person has left, go to section 6, "total number of persons in the household."

Honduras 2001 — source variable HN2001A_NCANM — Males living in Canada (after October 1998)
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Section E. International migration and mortality

International migration

1. After hurricane Mitch (October 1998), has a person from this household gone to live in another country?

[] 1 Yes (Continue to question 2)
[] 2 No (Continue to question 3)

2. Of the people who left after Mitch, how many live in:

A. United States?
Men _ _
Women _ _
B. Canada?
Men _ _
Women _ _
C. Mexico?
Men _ _
Women _ _
D. Central America?
Men _ _
Women _ _
E. Other countries?
Men _ _
Women _ _
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Section E. International migration and mortality

Question 2: Of these persons who left after Mitch, how many currently live in?
After asking the question, mention each of the countries and ask how many men and women live in the mentioned country. Register the number in the corresponding boxes. Remember that the goal is to register the persons who left after Mitch (two years, five months ago). Central America includes Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama.

Honduras 2001 — source variable HN2001A_NCANF — Females living in Canada (after October 1998)
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Section E. International migration and mortality

International migration

1. After hurricane Mitch (October 1998), has a person from this household gone to live in another country?

[] 1 Yes (Continue to question 2)
[] 2 No (Continue to question 3)

2. Of the people who left after Mitch, how many live in:

A. United States?
Men _ _
Women _ _
B. Canada?
Men _ _
Women _ _
C. Mexico?
Men _ _
Women _ _
D. Central America?
Men _ _
Women _ _
E. Other countries?
Men _ _
Women _ _
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Section E. International migration and mortality

Question 2: Of these persons who left after Mitch, how many currently live in?
After asking the question, mention each of the countries and ask how many men and women live in the mentioned country. Register the number in the corresponding boxes. Remember that the goal is to register the persons who left after Mitch (two years, five months ago). Central America includes Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama.

Honduras 2001 — source variable HN2001A_NOTHM — Males living in another country (after October 1998)
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Section E. International migration and mortality

International migration

1. After hurricane Mitch (October 1998), has a person from this household gone to live in another country?

[] 1 Yes (Continue to question 2)
[] 2 No (Continue to question 3)

2. Of the people who left after Mitch, how many live in:

A. United States?
Men _ _
Women _ _
B. Canada?
Men _ _
Women _ _
C. Mexico?
Men _ _
Women _ _
D. Central America?
Men _ _
Women _ _
E. Other countries?
Men _ _
Women _ _
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Section E. International migration and mortality

Question 2: Of these persons who left after Mitch, how many currently live in?
After asking the question, mention each of the countries and ask how many men and women live in the mentioned country. Register the number in the corresponding boxes. Remember that the goal is to register the persons who left after Mitch (two years, five months ago). Central America includes Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama.

Honduras 2001 — source variable HN2001A_NOTHF — Females living in another country (after October 1998)
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Section E. International migration and mortality

International migration

1. After hurricane Mitch (October 1998), has a person from this household gone to live in another country?

[] 1 Yes (Continue to question 2)
[] 2 No (Continue to question 3)

2. Of the people who left after Mitch, how many live in:

A. United States?
Men _ _
Women _ _
B. Canada?
Men _ _
Women _ _
C. Mexico?
Men _ _
Women _ _
D. Central America?
Men _ _
Women _ _
E. Other countries?
Men _ _
Women _ _
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Section E. International migration and mortality

Question 2: Of these persons who left after Mitch, how many currently live in?
After asking the question, mention each of the countries and ask how many men and women live in the mentioned country. Register the number in the corresponding boxes. Remember that the goal is to register the persons who left after Mitch (two years, five months ago). Central America includes Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama.

Honduras 2001 — source variable HN2001A_NUSAM — Males living in the United States (after October 1998)
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Section E. International migration and mortality

International migration

1. After hurricane Mitch (October 1998), has a person from this household gone to live in another country?

[] 1 Yes (Continue to question 2)
[] 2 No (Continue to question 3)

2. Of the people who left after Mitch, how many live in:

A. United States?
Men _ _
Women _ _
B. Canada?
Men _ _
Women _ _
C. Mexico?
Men _ _
Women _ _
D. Central America?
Men _ _
Women _ _
E. Other countries?
Men _ _
Women _ _
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Section E. International migration and mortality

Question 2: Of these persons who left after Mitch, how many currently live in?
After asking the question, mention each of the countries and ask how many men and women live in the mentioned country. Register the number in the corresponding boxes. Remember that the goal is to register the persons who left after Mitch (two years, five months ago). Central America includes Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama.

Honduras 2001 — source variable HN2001A_NUSAF — Females living in the United States (after October 1998)
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Section E. International migration and mortality

International migration

1. After hurricane Mitch (October 1998), has a person from this household gone to live in another country?

[] 1 Yes (Continue to question 2)
[] 2 No (Continue to question 3)

2. Of the people who left after Mitch, how many live in:

A. United States?
Men _ _
Women _ _
B. Canada?
Men _ _
Women _ _
C. Mexico?
Men _ _
Women _ _
D. Central America?
Men _ _
Women _ _
E. Other countries?
Men _ _
Women _ _
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Section E. International migration and mortality

Question 2: Of these persons who left after Mitch, how many currently live in?
After asking the question, mention each of the countries and ask how many men and women live in the mentioned country. Register the number in the corresponding boxes. Remember that the goal is to register the persons who left after Mitch (two years, five months ago). Central America includes Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama.

Jamaica 1991 — source variable JM1991A_EMIGN — Number of persons who lived abroad during previous year (1990)
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2.12. Did anyone from this household go to live abroad during 1990?
[] Yes
[] No (go to Question 2.15)
[] Not stated

2.13. How many persons? _ _

If not stated, record "99".

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5.34 Questions 2.12-2.17
These questions are not related to the characteristics of either the housing unit or the household but have been included in Section 2 because the information is required for the household only. These questions seek to obtain information which will allow for an accurate estimation of migration into and out of Jamaica.

Allowance is made for up to six persons leaving or entering a household. Where the number exceeds six (6) record the additional information in your Visitation Record.

5.35 Questions 2.12-2.14 Persons Leaving to Live Abroad
Write in the sex and age of each person leaving the household to reside permanently abroad DURING 1990 in the space on the left and then score the relevant codes to the right. For babies less than one year old record '00', persons 98 years and over, record '98'. The age to be recorded is the age at the time of migration. For example for a male 14 years write "male 14 years" and then score.

Jamaica 2001 — source variable JM2001A_MIGRANTS — Number of persons lived abroad in 2000
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5.2 Please give me the number of persons from this household who went to live abroad during the year 2000 and the sex and age of each.
If not stated, record 99

Number of persons _ _

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5.37 Questions 5.1-5.2: Persons leaving to live abroad
These questions seek to obtain information that will allow for an accurate estimation of migration out of Jamaica during the year 2000, and the number of deaths occurring in the twelve months preceding the census (between September 10, 2000 and September 9, 2001).

If the answer to Q5.1 is "Yes", at Q5.2 write in the number of persons leaving the household to live permanently abroad during the year 2000. Then score the sex and write in the age of each individual. For babies younger than one year old, record "00", and for persons 98 years and over score "98". The age to be recorded is the age at the time of migration. Score "99" in all instances where the number of persons and age are not given.

Please note that the emphasis is on permanent residence. Persons going on vacation are not to be included if they returned. If however they went on vacation but have not returned after six (6) months, they are to be included.

If the number of persons exceeds four (4), indicate [this] in the visitation record

Kenya 2009 — source variable KE2009A_EMIG15YR — Number of emigrants since 1995
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L: Emigrants
Emigrants in the last 15 years (since 1995)

H-29. How many members of this household have migrated to another country since 1995? _ _
If none write "0" and end the interview.
If not "0" fill the Emigrant Short Questionnaire.

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- Section L: Emigrants: This section covers column H29 and seeks information on any member of the household who may have migrated to another country since 1995. Details of emigrants will be captured using the emigrant short questionnaire.

41. Section L: Emigrants

Column H29 seeks information on any member of the household who may have migrated to another country since 1995. If there is any emigrant, detailed information should be captured in the emigrant short questionnaire.

Malawi 2008 — source variable MW2008A_NMIG — Number of emigrants in last ten years
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E1. Did any member of the household leave Malawi during the last 10 years (from 1998 to 2008)?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (go to section M)

E2. If yes, provide the following information

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

Age _ _

Destination _ _ _

Year of departure _ _

Activity abroad

[] 1 Mines
[] 2 Farms
[] 3 Student
[] 4 Official business
[] 5 Medical
[] 8 Other

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

E1. Members of the household who have emigrated
Ask if there are usual household members who have emigrated in the last 10 years (from 1998 to 2008).
Shade code 1 if the response is "Yes" and then proceed to ask question E2.
Shade code 2, if the response is "No" and skip to Section M (Mortality).

Mali 2009 — source variable ML2009A_EMIGTOT — Total emigrants
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
II. Summary table
[Give the number of males, females, and total members in the household]
0) Residence status
1) Residents present (RP)


2) Residents absent (RA):


3) Subtotal 1 (RP +RA):


4) Visitors (V):


5) Subtotal 2 (RP + V):


6) Total list (RP + RA + V):


7) Emigrants:

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image Date of departure, destination, and reason for departure (Column E7 to E9)
Question E7 is meant to collect information on the departure date of emigrants from the household in the last five (5) years. The agent asks the question: "What was [name]?s date of departure?" and records the month and year of departure in the boxes provided for this purpose. In situations where the month and / or year is not known, the agent records "99" and / or "9999" respectively.

[pg. 39]

The agent then asks, "What is [name]?s country of destination?"(Column E8). The agent records the full name of the destination country. When the country is not known, enter "Unknown." the boxes are left blank for codification.

Finally, the agent asks the question: "For what reason did [NAME] leave?"(Column E9). He records completely the wording of the answer then records the code corresponding to the response in the box provided.

01 = economic reasons
02 = social reasons
03 = professional reasons
04 = political reasons
05 = study purposes
06 = health reasons

Instructions: For the registration of emigrants, make sure that the person was actually a member of the household in question. Probe to avoid recording a single emigrant in several households (related).

All the girls in the household who are married and who have lived in another household in Mali before emigrating are not taken into account.

The boxes of the column E8 should not be filled out (reserved for the coding team).

If the reason given is not one of the codes listed above, the agent records the wording of the response completely on the line and leaves the empty boxes.

Nepal 2011 — source variable NP2011A_NABSENT — Number of household members living abroad
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Schedule 1
Questions in this schedule should be asked to the household head or to a household (HH) member who is able to answer. Answers should be marked by circling the number corresponding to the appropriate answer.

Household members:
Usually live:

____ Total
____ Male
____ Female

Absent [within country]:

____ Total
____ Male
____ Female

Absent [abroad]:

____ Total
____ Male
____ Female
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Part 2: Data - 1
Guide for details collection

In Data 1, three types of details should be collected:

a. Introductory details
b. Family details
c. Personal details
Number of members absent in the family (but are outside the country/or in abroad)
Total: If any member besides the usually living person in the family, who is not separated from the family, are in outside the country/or in abroad, the total numbers of such person should be asked and the total sum of male-female should be written in this section.

Male: The total number of male members who are usually not living in the family, not separated from the family, absent in the family, living outside the country/or abroad should be written.
[p. 22]
Female: The total number of female members who are usually not living in the family, not separated from the family, absent in the family, living outside the country/or in abroad should be written.

Nicaragua 2005 — source variable NI2005A_ABROAD — Household member currently living in another country
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

1. Does any person who was a member of this household currently live in another country?
[] 1 Yes

How many? _ _

[] 2 No (continue to section V)
Begin the list with the last person who left Nicaragua

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image


This is a person who left Nicaragua and moved his/her permanent residence to another country.

Question 1. Does any person who was a member of this household currently live in another country?

Mark an "X" next to the option stated by the informant.

If the answer is "Yes", ask "How many?" Write the number and continue the interview.

If the answer is "No", go to section V, "Deaths in the household".

Keep in mind that the emigrants must have been members of the household being interviewed. It doesn't matter if the person emigrated recently or many years ago.

Nicaragua 2005 — source variable NI2005A_NABROAD — Number of household members living abroad
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

1. Does any person who was a member of this household currently live in another country?
[] 1 Yes

How many? _ _

[] 2 No (continue to section V)
Begin the list with the last person who left Nicaragua

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image


This is a person who left Nicaragua and moved his/her permanent residence to another country.

Question 1. Does any person who was a member of this household currently live in another country?

Mark an "X" next to the option stated by the informant.

If the answer is "Yes", ask "How many?" Write the number and continue the interview.

If the answer is "No", go to section V, "Deaths in the household".

Keep in mind that the emigrants must have been members of the household being interviewed. It doesn't matter if the person emigrated recently or many years ago.

Panama 1990 — source variable PA1990A_LEFTCTRY — Have a member who left the country during the last 10 years
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

14. Has any member of this household left to live permanently in another country during the last 10 years?
[] 1 Yes
[If "yes", fill the following table for up to four individuals]
1. Name of the person ________
2. Left in what year? ____ _ _
3. Went to which country? ____ _ _ _
4. Age at time of departure? _ _
5. Sex (male or female) _ _

[] 2 No (continue with section III, List of Inhabitants)

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Questions 3 to 14 only are asked at dwellings with occupants present classified in one of the circles 01 to 05 of question Number 1 "Type of Dwelling".

Question Number 14: Has any member of this household gone to live permanently in another country in the last 10 years?
Mark "yes" or "no" according to the response of the person.
If the response is yes, ask the name of the person, the year when they left, to which country they went, their age when they left, and their sex; write down the information in the space designated for each question. Write "H" for man and "M" for woman.
If the response is "no", continue with the list of occupants.

[Below the text is a picture of a filled out question.]

Keep in mind that the question refers to persons who have left to live abroad permanently, therefore do not consider those who are studying in another country or persons who are away from the country for vacation, work or other reasons. Persons who left to live in another country in the last 10 years but are present in the dwelling should not be included in this question.

Panama 1990 — source variable PA1990A_SEXH1 — Sex of the first member who left Panama
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

14. Has any member of this household left to live permanently in another country during the last 10 years?
[] 1 Yes
[If "yes", fill the following table for up to four individuals]
1. Name of the person ________
2. Left in what year? ____ _ _
3. Went to which country? ____ _ _ _
4. Age at time of departure? _ _
5. Sex (male or female) _ _

[] 2 No (continue with section III, List of Inhabitants)

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Questions 3 to 14 only are asked at dwellings with occupants present classified in one of the circles 01 to 05 of question Number 1 "Type of Dwelling".

Question Number 14: Has any member of this household gone to live permanently in another country in the last 10 years?
Mark "yes" or "no" according to the response of the person.
If the response is yes, ask the name of the person, the year when they left, to which country they went, their age when they left, and their sex; write down the information in the space designated for each question. Write "H" for man and "M" for woman.
If the response is "no", continue with the list of occupants.

[Below the text is a picture of a filled out question.]

Keep in mind that the question refers to persons who have left to live abroad permanently, therefore do not consider those who are studying in another country or persons who are away from the country for vacation, work or other reasons. Persons who left to live in another country in the last 10 years but are present in the dwelling should not be included in this question.

Panama 1990 — source variable PA1990A_SEXH2 — Sex of the second member who left Panama
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

14. Has any member of this household left to live permanently in another country during the last 10 years?
[] 1 Yes
[If "yes", fill the following table for up to four individuals]
1. Name of the person ________
2. Left in what year? ____ _ _
3. Went to which country? ____ _ _ _
4. Age at time of departure? _ _
5. Sex (male or female) _ _

[] 2 No (continue with section III, List of Inhabitants)

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Questions 3 to 14 only are asked at dwellings with occupants present classified in one of the circles 01 to 05 of question Number 1 "Type of Dwelling".

Question Number 14: Has any member of this household gone to live permanently in another country in the last 10 years?
Mark "yes" or "no" according to the response of the person.
If the response is yes, ask the name of the person, the year when they left, to which country they went, their age when they left, and their sex; write down the information in the space designated for each question. Write "H" for man and "M" for woman.
If the response is "no", continue with the list of occupants.

[Below the text is a picture of a filled out question.]

Keep in mind that the question refers to persons who have left to live abroad permanently, therefore do not consider those who are studying in another country or persons who are away from the country for vacation, work or other reasons. Persons who left to live in another country in the last 10 years but are present in the dwelling should not be included in this question.

Panama 1990 — source variable PA1990A_SEXH3 — Sex of the third member who left Panama
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

14. Has any member of this household left to live permanently in another country during the last 10 years?
[] 1 Yes
[If "yes", fill the following table for up to four individuals]
1. Name of the person ________
2. Left in what year? ____ _ _
3. Went to which country? ____ _ _ _
4. Age at time of departure? _ _
5. Sex (male or female) _ _

[] 2 No (continue with section III, List of Inhabitants)

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Questions 3 to 14 only are asked at dwellings with occupants present classified in one of the circles 01 to 05 of question Number 1 "Type of Dwelling".

Question Number 14: Has any member of this household gone to live permanently in another country in the last 10 years?
Mark "yes" or "no" according to the response of the person.
If the response is yes, ask the name of the person, the year when they left, to which country they went, their age when they left, and their sex; write down the information in the space designated for each question. Write "H" for man and "M" for woman.
If the response is "no", continue with the list of occupants.

[Below the text is a picture of a filled out question.]

Keep in mind that the question refers to persons who have left to live abroad permanently, therefore do not consider those who are studying in another country or persons who are away from the country for vacation, work or other reasons. Persons who left to live in another country in the last 10 years but are present in the dwelling should not be included in this question.

Panama 1990 — source variable PA1990A_SEXH4 — Sex of the fourth member who left Panama
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

14. Has any member of this household left to live permanently in another country during the last 10 years?
[] 1 Yes
[If "yes", fill the following table for up to four individuals]
1. Name of the person ________
2. Left in what year? ____ _ _
3. Went to which country? ____ _ _ _
4. Age at time of departure? _ _
5. Sex (male or female) _ _

[] 2 No (continue with section III, List of Inhabitants)

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Questions 3 to 14 only are asked at dwellings with occupants present classified in one of the circles 01 to 05 of question Number 1 "Type of Dwelling".

Question Number 14: Has any member of this household gone to live permanently in another country in the last 10 years?
Mark "yes" or "no" according to the response of the person.
If the response is yes, ask the name of the person, the year when they left, to which country they went, their age when they left, and their sex; write down the information in the space designated for each question. Write "H" for man and "M" for woman.
If the response is "no", continue with the list of occupants.

[Below the text is a picture of a filled out question.]

Keep in mind that the question refers to persons who have left to live abroad permanently, therefore do not consider those who are studying in another country or persons who are away from the country for vacation, work or other reasons. Persons who left to live in another country in the last 10 years but are present in the dwelling should not be included in this question.

Panama 2000 — source variable PA2000A_ABH — Member in another country
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20. During the last ten years, has any member of this household left to live permanently in another country?
[] 1 Yes

[Under "yes", an arrow points to a table with spaces to fill in the following information for up to three individuals]

____ 1. Name of the person
____ 2. Left in what year? _ _ _ _
____ 3. Went to which country? _ _ _
_ _ 4. Age at time of departure?
____ 5. Sex (male or female) _

[] 2 No (Go on to question 21

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question No. 20: During the last ten years, has any member of this household left to live permanently in another country?

What is wanted with this question is to determine and identify persons, by home, who have left to live in another country in the last decade.
This question refers to persons who have left to live abroad permanently therefore do not consider those who are studying in another country or persons who are outside the country because of vacation, work or other reason.
Mark a single circle according to the response of the person.

[To the left of the text is a picture of a globe.]

If the response is " yes" ask the name of the person, year in which they left, the country to which they went the age when they left and the sex, write it down in the space meant for each question. Write "H" for man and "M" for woman.

Panama 2000 — source variable PA2000A_ABHSEX1 — Sex of the first member who departed
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

20. During the last ten years, has any member of this household left to live permanently in another country?
[] 1 Yes

[Under "yes", an arrow points to a table with spaces to fill in the following information for up to three individuals]

____ 1. Name of the person
____ 2. Left in what year? _ _ _ _
____ 3. Went to which country? _ _ _
_ _ 4. Age at time of departure?
____ 5. Sex (male or female) _

[] 2 No (Go on to question 21

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question No. 20: During the last ten years, has any member of this household left to live permanently in another country?

What is wanted with this question is to determine and identify persons, by home, who have left to live in another country in the last decade.
This question refers to persons who have left to live abroad permanently therefore do not consider those who are studying in another country or persons who are outside the country because of vacation, work or other reason.
Mark a single circle according to the response of the person.

[To the left of the text is a picture of a globe.]

If the response is " yes" ask the name of the person, year in which they left, the country to which they went the age when they left and the sex, write it down in the space meant for each question. Write "H" for man and "M" for woman.

Panama 2000 — source variable PA2000A_ABHSEX2 — Sex of the second member who departed
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

20. During the last ten years, has any member of this household left to live permanently in another country?
[] 1 Yes

[Under "yes", an arrow points to a table with spaces to fill in the following information for up to three individuals]

____ 1. Name of the person
____ 2. Left in what year? _ _ _ _
____ 3. Went to which country? _ _ _
_ _ 4. Age at time of departure?
____ 5. Sex (male or female) _

[] 2 No (Go on to question 21

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question No. 20: During the last ten years, has any member of this household left to live permanently in another country?

What is wanted with this question is to determine and identify persons, by home, who have left to live in another country in the last decade.
This question refers to persons who have left to live abroad permanently therefore do not consider those who are studying in another country or persons who are outside the country because of vacation, work or other reason.
Mark a single circle according to the response of the person.

[To the left of the text is a picture of a globe.]

If the response is " yes" ask the name of the person, year in which they left, the country to which they went the age when they left and the sex, write it down in the space meant for each question. Write "H" for man and "M" for woman.

Panama 2000 — source variable PA2000A_ABHSEX3 — Sex of third member who departed
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

20. During the last ten years, has any member of this household left to live permanently in another country?
[] 1 Yes

[Under "yes", an arrow points to a table with spaces to fill in the following information for up to three individuals]

____ 1. Name of the person
____ 2. Left in what year? _ _ _ _
____ 3. Went to which country? _ _ _
_ _ 4. Age at time of departure?
____ 5. Sex (male or female) _

[] 2 No (Go on to question 21

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question No. 20: During the last ten years, has any member of this household left to live permanently in another country?

What is wanted with this question is to determine and identify persons, by home, who have left to live in another country in the last decade.
This question refers to persons who have left to live abroad permanently therefore do not consider those who are studying in another country or persons who are outside the country because of vacation, work or other reason.
Mark a single circle according to the response of the person.

[To the left of the text is a picture of a globe.]

If the response is " yes" ask the name of the person, year in which they left, the country to which they went the age when they left and the sex, write it down in the space meant for each question. Write "H" for man and "M" for woman.

Panama 2000 — source variable PA2000A_DHSEX1 — Sex of the first deceased member
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

21. Between May 15, 1999 and today, has any member of this household died?
[] 1 Yes

[Under "yes" an arrow points to a table with spaces to fill in the following information for up to four individuals]
____ 1. Name of the person
_ _ 2. Age at death
3. Sex (male or female)
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

[] 2 No (Go on to the List of Occupants, Section IV)

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question No. 21: Between May 15, 1999 and today, has any member of this household died?

This question has the purpose of knowing the general current mortality of the whole population, from the period of May 15, 1999 to the census date, that is to say, the mortality in the last twelve months.

[To the right of the text is a picture of three crosses.]

If the marked response is yes, write down the name, age and sex of the deceased person. Write down the age in completed years of the person on the last birthday.
Remember that this question is concerning the members of this home and not of the family.
If a person declares that the deceased person was 98 or older write down 98. Only completed years are considered; the minors of one year are registered as 00 years.
If the answer is " no" continue to Section IV. List of Occupants.

Panama 2010 — source variable PA2010A_MIGRANTS — Household member left to live in another country in last decade
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

24. In the past 10 years, has any member of this household gone to live permanently in another country?
1. Yes

1. Name of the person ____
2. Sex

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

3. Age when the person left _ _ _
4. Year in which the person left _ _ _ _
5. What country did the person go to? ____

2. No -- Continue with Chapter IV. List of occupants of the household.

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question No. 24: In the last ten years, has any member of this household left to live permanently in another country?
This question is to determine and identify persons by household, who have left to live permanently in another country in the last decade.
This question refers to people who have left to live abroad permanently, therefore do not consider those who are studying in another country or people who are out of the country on vacation, for work or otherwise.
Mark only one circle, agreeing with the response of the person.
Remember that this question refers to persons living in the dwelling, not to relatives living in another house.
If in this household, someone has left to live permanently in another country, ask the person's name, sex and age when she left. Write the answer to three digits. If the person is 99 years or older, enter the real age in the appropriate spaces, if the person is under 10 years precede with two "0" to complete three digits. For persons less than one year write "000". Also, write the year and the name of the country to which the person moved in the space provided for each question.
If nobody in the household has left to live permanently in another country, mark the circle 2 "No" and go to Chapter IV, list of occupants.
[p. 108]
Servando Fernandez, son of the head of household being enumerated, moved to Miami, USA, in April, 2002, at age 30.
[There is a sample image of the form below the text.]

Panama 2010 — source variable PA2010A_MIG1SEX — Sex of first household member who migrated
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

24. In the past 10 years, has any member of this household gone to live permanently in another country?
1. Yes

1. Name of the person ____
2. Sex

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

3. Age when the person left _ _ _
4. Year in which the person left _ _ _ _
5. What country did the person go to? ____

2. No -- Continue with Chapter IV. List of occupants of the household.

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question No. 24: In the last ten years, has any member of this household left to live permanently in another country?
This question is to determine and identify persons by household, who have left to live permanently in another country in the last decade.
This question refers to people who have left to live abroad permanently, therefore do not consider those who are studying in another country or people who are out of the country on vacation, for work or otherwise.
Mark only one circle, agreeing with the response of the person.
Remember that this question refers to persons living in the dwelling, not to relatives living in another house.
If in this household, someone has left to live permanently in another country, ask the person's name, sex and age when she left. Write the answer to three digits. If the person is 99 years or older, enter the real age in the appropriate spaces, if the person is under 10 years precede with two "0" to complete three digits. For persons less than one year write "000". Also, write the year and the name of the country to which the person moved in the space provided for each question.
If nobody in the household has left to live permanently in another country, mark the circle 2 "No" and go to Chapter IV, list of occupants.
[p. 108]
Servando Fernandez, son of the head of household being enumerated, moved to Miami, USA, in April, 2002, at age 30.
[There is a sample image of the form below the text.]

Panama 2010 — source variable PA2010A_MIG2SEX — Sex of second household member who migrated
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

24. In the past 10 years, has any member of this household gone to live permanently in another country?
1. Yes

1. Name of the person ____
2. Sex

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

3. Age when the person left _ _ _
4. Year in which the person left _ _ _ _
5. What country did the person go to? ____

2. No -- Continue with Chapter IV. List of occupants of the household.

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question No. 24: In the last ten years, has any member of this household left to live permanently in another country?
This question is to determine and identify persons by household, who have left to live permanently in another country in the last decade.
This question refers to people who have left to live abroad permanently, therefore do not consider those who are studying in another country or people who are out of the country on vacation, for work or otherwise.
Mark only one circle, agreeing with the response of the person.
Remember that this question refers to persons living in the dwelling, not to relatives living in another house.
If in this household, someone has left to live permanently in another country, ask the person's name, sex and age when she left. Write the answer to three digits. If the person is 99 years or older, enter the real age in the appropriate spaces, if the person is under 10 years precede with two "0" to complete three digits. For persons less than one year write "000". Also, write the year and the name of the country to which the person moved in the space provided for each question.
If nobody in the household has left to live permanently in another country, mark the circle 2 "No" and go to Chapter IV, list of occupants.
[p. 108]
Servando Fernandez, son of the head of household being enumerated, moved to Miami, USA, in April, 2002, at age 30.
[There is a sample image of the form below the text.]

Panama 2010 — source variable PA2010A_MIG3SEX — Sex of third household member who migrated
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

24. In the past 10 years, has any member of this household gone to live permanently in another country?
1. Yes

1. Name of the person ____
2. Sex

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

3. Age when the person left _ _ _
4. Year in which the person left _ _ _ _
5. What country did the person go to? ____

2. No -- Continue with Chapter IV. List of occupants of the household.

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question No. 24: In the last ten years, has any member of this household left to live permanently in another country?
This question is to determine and identify persons by household, who have left to live permanently in another country in the last decade.
This question refers to people who have left to live abroad permanently, therefore do not consider those who are studying in another country or people who are out of the country on vacation, for work or otherwise.
Mark only one circle, agreeing with the response of the person.
Remember that this question refers to persons living in the dwelling, not to relatives living in another house.
If in this household, someone has left to live permanently in another country, ask the person's name, sex and age when she left. Write the answer to three digits. If the person is 99 years or older, enter the real age in the appropriate spaces, if the person is under 10 years precede with two "0" to complete three digits. For persons less than one year write "000". Also, write the year and the name of the country to which the person moved in the space provided for each question.
If nobody in the household has left to live permanently in another country, mark the circle 2 "No" and go to Chapter IV, list of occupants.
[p. 108]
Servando Fernandez, son of the head of household being enumerated, moved to Miami, USA, in April, 2002, at age 30.
[There is a sample image of the form below the text.]

Peru 2007 — source variable PE2007A_MIGRANTS — Number of people in another country
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

3. How many of the people who used to be part of this household are living permanently in another country?
Number of persons _

If the answer is none, write 0.
If the answer is 10 or more, write 9.

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Procedure for the third section, "Housing Characteristics," for all households in the dwelling (primary and secondary).

Question 3: How many of the people who used to be part of this household are living permanently in another country?
There is no period of reference for this question. Include all people who were part of and lived in the household and who emigrated to live in another country permanently.
If the respondent says that no one who was a member of the household left to live permanently in another country, write 0 in the appropriate box. If there were 10 or more, write 9.
Example: German (the head of household) says that his son Fernando, who used to be part of the household, has been living permanently in Argentina for five years. Write 1 in the box that corresponds to "Number of persons."
[Next to the text there is a graphic reproducing box 3 from the Census Form correctly filled out according to the example.]

Peru 2017 — source variable PE2017A_NMIG — Number of household members living in another country
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Section III. Characteristics of the household

3. During the last 5 years, from October 2012 to now, did any person who was a member of this household permanently move to another country?

[] 1 Yes
3A. How many persons? _ _
[] 2 No
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
5. Chapter 5: Specific instructions to fill out Section II: Characteristics and services of the housing unit
If there is more than one household in the housing unit, please fill in Section II, "Characteristics and services of the housing unit" for the main household only.

Question 3: During the last 5 years, from October 2012 to now, did any person who was a member of this household permanently move to another country?

When reading the question, emphasize with the tone of voice the reference period, so that the respondent can remember this information.

Consider all people who lived in the household in the last five (5) years and who have migrated to another country to live there permanently.

If you fill in the oval of the option 1, "yes", proceed to question 3A, "how many persons?", and write in the box how many people emigrated.

If you fill in the oval of option 2, "no", proceed to Section IV, "Persons composing the household".

Example: Mr. Sinche (head of household) reported that his daughter Fabiana went to study in Spain four (4) years ago and that after finishing her studies she found a job, so she decided to stay and live permanently in Spain, and she just returns to Peru for vacations or visiting.

Peru 2017 — source variable PE2017A_ANYMIG — Any household members living in another country
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Section III. Characteristics of the household

3. During the last 5 years, from October 2012 to now, did any person who was a member of this household permanently move to another country?

[] 1 Yes
3A. How many persons? _ _
[] 2 No
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5. Chapter 5: Specific instructions to fill out Section II: Characteristics and services of the housing unit
If there is more than one household in the housing unit, please fill in Section II, "Characteristics and services of the housing unit" for the main household only.

Question 3: During the last 5 years, from October 2012 to now, did any person who was a member of this household permanently move to another country?

When reading the question, emphasize with the tone of voice the reference period, so that the respondent can remember this information.

Consider all people who lived in the household in the last five (5) years and who have migrated to another country to live there permanently.

If you fill in the oval of the option 1, "yes", proceed to question 3A, "how many persons?", and write in the box how many people emigrated.

If you fill in the oval of option 2, "no", proceed to Section IV, "Persons composing the household".

Example: Mr. Sinche (head of household) reported that his daughter Fabiana went to study in Spain four (4) years ago and that after finishing her studies she found a job, so she decided to stay and live permanently in Spain, and she just returns to Peru for vacations or visiting.

Saint Lucia 1991 — source variable LC1991A_EMIGN — Number of emigrants in household

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Senegal 2002 — source variable SN2002A_MIGN — Number of migration records
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4.4 Section D: Out Migration that Occurred in the Household in the Past Five Years

This section deals with out-migrations which occurred in the household during the five years preceding your visit in the household. For this, we advise you to pay attention to the issues of the reference period. This means that you shall avoid to include departures from the household which occurred outside the reference period, or to exclude departures that did in fact occur during the reference period.

Note: Out-migrations apply only to departures from the household for periods of six months or more.

D01. Sequential number

In the questionnaire, a maximum of 6 out-migrations were anticipated, numbered from 1 to 6. If there were more than 6 out-migrations in the household, use a second household questionnaire to register the others. Do not forget to fill in the front page.

Uruguay 2006 — source variable UY2006A_ABROAD — Household member went abroad
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MG1. During the last 6 years, did someone that was living with you leave to live in another country and not return Uruguay? (since January 1, 2000)
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (go to F1)

Uruguay 2006 — source variable UY2006A_ABROADN — Number of household members that went abroad
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MG2. How many people?
[Question MG2 was asked of persons who have someone that was living with them go to live in another country and hasn't returned to Uruguay during the last 6 years, as per question MG1.]

(Tell me the first name of these people: record the names in the heading corresponding to each one of these people)

_ _

Emigrant No.: _ _
Name: ____________