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Questionnaire Text

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A10. Literacy

Can you read and write in Latin characters?
For persons with no school or only elementary school, A9 = code 1 or 2.

If "No": Can you read and write in any other characters?

[] 1 Latin
[] 2 Other
[] 3 Unable to read and write

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Column (8) Ability to read and write
Concept and Definitions.

The intention here is [to identify]:
- Those who can read and write simple letters/sentences in any alphabet.


- Blind people who can read and write Braille characters.
- People who are disabled but before the disability could read and write, but later because of the disability could not read and write.

One who can read only but cannot write or vice versa should be classified as "Cannot read and write".

Method of filling in the form:
These questions should only be asked to those who are not currently in school or are now attending or have ever attended elementary school (column 7 codes "1" or "2"). The way to ask this question is as follows:

"Can (mention name of household member) read and write the Roman alphabet?"
If the answer is "Yes", fill in code "1".
If the answer is "'No", ask the following question:

"Can (mention name of household member) read and write other alphabets: for example, Arabic, Japanese, Chinese, Sanskrit, Braille, etc.?"

If the answer is "Yes", fill in code "2".
If the answer is "'No", fill in code "3" (cannot read and write any letters).

Thus only one of the codes can be entered in column (8) because those who have answered that they can read and write the Roman alphabet will not be asked if they can read and write any other alphabet.