Questionnaire Text

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Only for those who marked answers 10-11 in question 13
[Questions 15.1 through 18.2 were asked of those who marked answers 10-11 in question 13.]

17.1 Your employer's name

____ Name
____ Main activity
____ Address

17.2 Name of your workplace
____ Name
____ Main activity

17.1 You have to fill in the registered name, main activity and address of the enterprise or organization at which you carry on your occupation in question 15.1.

17.2 Fill in your enterprise or organization workplace where you actually work (factory, shop, office, etc.)

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Question 17.1: Employer's

The entry is the official denomination of the business organization (undertaking, enterprise, social security establishment, non-profit organization, etc.) where the enumerated person (as employee or working member of the undertaking) works, which is marked in question 15.1 as the person's employer.

In cases of professional and civilian members, civil servants working for the armed forces -- with the exemption of the elected and nominated civil servants of the Ministry of Defense -- the entry are always "armed forces" and the questions relating to the main activity of the employer and to the actual address will not be answered.

In case of professional and civilian members, civil servants working for the security services (police, professional fire service of the municipalities, civilian security services, detention services, excise and duty offices) -- with the exemption of the elected and nominated civil servants of the Ministry of Interior -- the entry is always "security services" and the questions relating to the main activity of the employer and to the actual address will not be answered.
The elected and nominated employees of the Ministry of Defence and Ministry of Interior respectively should mark the respective ministry as employer. In cases of the persons in civilian security service the workplace is the one where the given person fulfils his/her duties.
In cases of private entrepreneurs and their family helpers, the proper entry is the description of the activity of the person (e.g. repairing motorcars as private entrepreneur).
In cases of persons working for a private household (e.g. as domestic help), it is sufficient to mark "private household" and the question 17.2 (main activity and exact address of the employer) will not be answered.

In cases of institutions in the authority of the local municipalities (schools, health organizations, etc.), the employer instead of the mayor's office is the appropriate establishment (school, hospital etc.).

Main activity?
The main activity of the employer marked above is the business/production activity which ensures the highest revenue or in which activities the majority of the staff members are employed.
The main activity of the employer should be marked even in case the denomination of the company indicates it.