Questionnaire Text

Brazil 1991 Indonesia 1976 Italy 2001 United Kingdom 1991
Brazil 2000 Indonesia 1980 Italy 2011 United Kingdom 2001
Brazil 2010 Indonesia 1985 Panama 1980 Uruguay 2006
Costa Rica 1984 Indonesia 1990 Romania 2002
Greece 2001 Indonesia 1995 Romania 2011
Brazil 1991 — source variable BR1991A_HOURWORK — Hours worked per week in main occupation
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54/55. Hours usually worked per week (when only worked in one occupation write in 00 in spot for other occupations)
[] occupation in question 46
[] other occupations

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Question 54/55 - Hours regularly worked per week
The time worked per week will be entered in whole hours, considering thirty minutes or more as one hour and disregarding periods of less than 30 minutes (e.g., 40 hours and 30 minutes will be recorded as 41 hours; 35 hours and 20 minutes will be recorded as 35 hours).
Compute time spent away from the workplace on tasks related to the occupation. For example, the time a teacher spends at home preparing classes or correcting exercises or tests.
Hours worked in the occupation referred to in Question 46 - Record the number of hours worked per week in the occupation declared in Question 46.
When a person exercises the occupation declared in Question 30 at more than one establishment, business, institution, etc., the sum total of the hours regularly worked at all these establishments, businesses, etc. will be recorded.
[p. 91]
Hours worked in other occupations - When the person exercises only the occupation declared in Question 46, record 00. When he or she exercises one or more additional occupations besides that declared in Question 46, record the number of hours worked per week in the other occupation(s).
1st case - A medical doctor who works 30 hours per week at the Federal Health Service (INAMPS) and 20 hours per week at a private office, record:
In the occupation in Question 46 - 50 hours
In other occupations - 00
2nd case - A medical doctor who works 30 hours per week at the Federal Health Service (INAMPS) and 10 hours per week as a college professor.
In the occupation in Question 46 - 30 hours
In other occupations - 10 hours

Brazil 2000 — source variable BR2000A_HOURWK — Hours worked per week in principal job
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For persons 10 years old or older (born until July 31, 1990)
[Applies to questions 4.36 - 4.61]

How many hours do you typically work per week

4.53 In your principal job?

_ _
4.54 In your other jobs? When person only has one job, mark don't have other jobs.
_ _
[] 0 don't have
Go to question 4.56
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For persons age 10 or over (born on or before July 31, 1990)
[Applies to questions 4.36 - 4.61]

How many hours do you usually work per week:

Question 4.53 - At your main work?

Question 4.54 - At other work?

Record in whole hours, considering 30 minutes or more as one hour. Disregard periods of less than 30 minutes.

Also compute the hours the person regularly occupied outside the workplace in tasks related to his or her occupation. For example, the hours a teacher normally spent at home preparing classes or correcting exercises, should be added to those actually occupied while teaching.

Do not include periods set aside for meals.

Note: Both questions (main work and other work) should be filled out. For persons who had only one type of work, mark the square Does Not Have in the field referring to the other work.

Brazil 2010 — source variable BR2010A_HOURS — Usual number of hours worked at main job from July 25 to July 31, 2010
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6. Resident characteristics

Work and earnings
For persons aged 10 years or older
[Questions 6.41 to 6.59 were asked for persons 10 years of age or older.]

[Questions 6.45 to 6.53 were asked for persons who reported working for pay, being temporarily away from a paid job, or helping another member of the household with a paid job during the reference week.]

6.53 In your main job, how many hours per week do you usually work?

Hours _ _ _

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Working Hours
Question 6.53 is intended to capture working weekly hours in the person's main job during the date of reference.

But what are working hours?
Working hours are those in which a person:
a) Works in the workplace;
b) Works outside the workplace on tasks related to his/her occupation. For example: a teacher prepares lessons and corrects tests in his/her household;
c) Stays in the workplace to perform his/her tasks, even without getting clients or customers;
d) Stays in the workplace, waiting without being able to perform his/her tasks due to machinery failure, accidents, lack of material or task assignment;

[page 268]

e) Works for preparation, maintenance and cleaning of work tools;
f) preparation time to elaborate programs, schedules, reports and forms related to work, including those from legal obligations, and
g) break periods at work, including breaks to drink water, coffee or tea, etc.

During working hours you should not include:
a) lunch or meal breaks, and
b) time spent commuting from home to work.

6.53 - In your main job, how many hours per week do you usually work?
_________________ Hours

Record the number of hours per week that a person usually works in the main job (on the week of reference).

The record must count full hours. For example, 40 hours and 55 minutes should be recorded as 40 hours, and 35 hours and 20 minutes should be 35 hours.

The usual working hours are those that a person spends at work. Therefore, this information is independent if the person worked during the week of reference.

[page 269]

In jobs in which working hours are very irregular, the hours usually should be counted by the average of total hours worked.

For people who began working on the week of reference, or shortly before, you should record the hours specified in the contract, verbally or written, or the hours that the person will work normally.

For example:
- a person was on vacation on the week of reference, but normally worked from 8 am to 5 pm with a lunch break at noon, from Monday to Friday. During his/her workday he/she used to just make a few short breaks (for coffee, drink water, rest and move around the workplace, etc.). For this person, you should record 40 hours.

Costa Rica 1984 — source variable CR1984A_HRSWORK — Hours worked
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Only for those 12 years of age and older
[Applies to questions 12-16]

16. Hours worked

How many hours do you usually work per week?
_ _ Hours

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Fourth block of questions: only for persons 12 years old or more

This block of questions is formed by questions 12 to 16 and should be asked only to persons 12 years old and older. If a person that you enumerate does not meet this requirement, you should cross out the whole block with two diagonally crossed lines and go to the next person. This part has some complexity because of this it is recommended to put much care to each one of the concepts noted here. This block has as its objective gathering information about the work characteristics of the interviewed persons to attain correct information and a good understanding of the questions it is necessary that you keep in mind the following concepts:

1. Working age population
It is the group of persons 12 years old or older.
2. Work Force or Economically Active Population
It is the group of persons 12 years old or older who work, look for work.
3. Economically Inactive Population
It is the group of persons 12 years old or older who do not work and do not look for work.
4. Work
Work is understood to be a labor activity that has as its goal the production of goods and services with economic value in the market.

Question 16: Hours Worked

This question investigates the number of hours that the person usually works and not necessarily those that they worked during the reference week; for unemployed persons, write down the number of hours usually worked in their last job; revising this is very important in order to obtain the information that is wanted.

[p. 57]

[At the top of the page is a form.]

Ask the question as it appears in the form, stressing that they are the hours that are usually worked in the principal occupation. Write down the information in two digits in the corresponding boxes

In some occupations, for example farmers, it is always difficult to determine this information. There are times of very intense work, especially in the harvests, times of little activity. The desired response is the number of hours that were worked in the majority of the weeks in which they are employed. Some persons are going to tell you: "it varies", "it depends", "it is difficult to know", etc. do not comply with this; you should help the enumerated person specify the information, for example asking the time when they start work every day and the time when they end their labors.

Greece 2001 — source variable GR2001A_HRWRK2 — Hours of weekly occupation
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Questions 15-26 below should only be completed for persons born in 1990 or earlier

23. How many hours did you usually work during a typical week?
(Answer only if the response to question 22 is 1, "Working.")

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Question 23: Write down the hours usually worked, including usual overtime, in the main occupation.

Indonesia 1976 — source variable ID1976A_HRSWORK — Hours worked past week
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D. Information on economic activity

Ask of household members age 10 or older. Ask questions person by person.

D3-D7. Primary occupation during the past week
[Questions D3-D8 were asked of persons age 10 or older who worked at least one hour during the past week, as per questions D1 and D2.]

D7. Hours worked

How many hours did you work last week at this job?

_ _

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D. Economic activity

Questions for all columns in this section should only be asked to household members age 10 or older. For household members younger than 10, these columns should not be filled in at all.

Primary activity during the past week
For those who worked or ever worked during the past week, the first thing to investigate is the primary activity. If during the past week someone, besides engaging in his primary activity also engages in a side line or additional work, the investigation here is only concerned with the main activity whereas the side line or additional work will be asked about later. For those whose main activity was not work but had ever worked (at least 1 hour), then the work they did for at least 1 hour will be considered their main activity. What will be asked here is occupation, field of work, status, place of work, and duration of the work during the past week.

Column (10) Number of hours worked during the past week
The number of hours worked is counted/calculated from the time a person starts working until he finishes. Sunday is not counted as a work day. Thus, determine the total number of hours the person actually worked at his job each day during the past week. For housemaids who continuously work in the household, consider that the number of hours worked per day on average is 12 hours.

Filling in the form
Ask the question as follows:

"How many hours did you work at your primary job during the past week?"

Begin counting/calculating the hours worked during the days of the past week. If the enumeration is conducted for example on a Wednesday, then a week ago means the previous Tuesday, Monday, Sunday, Saturday, Friday, Thursday and Wednesday. Count/calculate the number of hours he worked on each of those days and sum up those hours. Fill in the total number of hours in this column.

Indonesia 1980 — source variable ID1980A_HRSMAIN — Number of hours worked in primary activity during the previous week
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[Questions 31-37 were asked of persons who worked for at least one hour last week or had a job to go to, as per questions 27, 28 and 29.]

33. Number of hours worked in primary activity during the previous week

____ hours

Indonesia 1985 — source variable ID1985A_HRSOCC — Number of hours worked at primary occupation
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(Persons age 10 or older)
[Questions 1-17 were asked of persons age 10 or older]

Q.4 Total number of hours worked in main occupation during the previous week

____ hours

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X. Information on household members

A. Block VII: General information on household members
1. The objective of this block is to record information on items such as sex, age, schooling status, and activities conducted during the past week for every household member, starting with the member with serial number "01" and continuing to the last household member.

2. Method of filling out the form
Circle one of the codes corresponding to the respondent's answer, and then write the code in the box on the right.

Block VIII: Labor force (Persons age 10 or older)

Question 4: Number of hours worked during the past week at the primary occupation.
Filled in the number of hours the respondent worked during the past week at the primary occupation.

Indonesia 1990 — source variable ID1990A_HRSMAIN — Number of hours worked in main job last week
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VII. Activity of persons age 10 or older
Household members age 10 or older
[Questions 24-38.]

24. The main activity done during previous week

[] 1 Working
[] 2 Attending school
[] 3 Housekeeping
[] 4 Other

25. Besides [answers] 2, 3, and 4 [in question 24], also worked at least 1 hour during the previous week

[Question 25 was asked of persons age 10 or older who did not work last week, as per question 24.]

[] 1 Yes (go to question 28)
[] 2 No

28. Number of daily hours worked in the previous week

[Question 28 was asked of persons age 10 or older who worked at least one hour last week, per questions 24 and 25.]

Day 1 _ _ hours
Day 2 _ _ hours
Day 3 _ _ hours
Day 4 _ _ hours
Day 5 _ _ hours
Day 6 _ _ hours
Day 7 _ _ hours

Total _ _ hours

29. Total hours of main work during previous week
[Question 29 was asked of persons age 10 or older who worked at least one hour last week, as per questions 24 and 25.]

_ _ hours

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D. Block VII. Activities of persons age 10 or older

1. Purpose
The purpose of the questions in this block is to collect characteristics on the economic activities of every household member age 10 or older, such as field of work, type of work, work status and number of working days/hours during the past week. The work force of the community age 10 or older is divided into two categories: labor force and not in labor force. The population age 10 or older included in the labor force are those who had a job in the past week, those who are working or temporarily not working due to a certain cause such as waiting for harvesting time, or is on leave, etc. Also included in this group are those who do not have a job but are seeking one, hopefully to obtain a job. Populations that are not in the labor force are those who in the [previous] week only attended school, took care of a household, or others who did not do any activities that could be categorized as working, temporarily not working, or seeking work. There are several questions that are specifically asked to people who are either working or seeking a job. Also there are some [questions] for the non-working force that attends school, takes care of a household or elderly people, or [performs] other activities. In order to gain confirmation of the total population that is or is not included in the labor force, several questions will be asked in this block. Pay attention to the arrows and instructions that arrange the sequence of questions.

Question 25: Did you work at least one hour during the past week?
Circle code 1 if the answer is "Yes" then continue to Question 28. Circle code 2 if the answer is "No" then continue to Question 26.

Question 26: Employed but temporarily not working during the past week?
Circle code 1 if the answer is "Yes" then continue to Question 30. Circle code 2 if the answer is "No" then continue to Question 27.

Those who are categorized as employed but are temporarily not working are those who have a job but during the past week did not work because of several causes such as illness, waiting for harvest, or on strike. Also [include] those who had a job but did not start work in the previous week.


a. A freelance professional worker who is not working because he/she is sick or waiting for the next job, such as a puppeteer, masseur, native healer and singer.
b. A civil worker or a private worker who is not working because on leave, sick, on strike, or is temporarily relieved because the establishment has stopped its activities due to for example: machinery problems, lack of raw material, etc.
c. A farmer who is not working because he/she is sick or waiting for a next job, such as waiting for harvest or the rainy season to work at the rice field.
d. A person who is in the process of waiting to be selected as a worker or has received a letter from the company (although has not started working).

Question 28: Total working hours from all work, for each day during the past week
Total working hours is the length of time (in hours) spent working, including work conducted during the past week. The estimation starts from a day ago (7th day) 2 days ago (6th day), etc., up to 7 days ago (1st day), then sum up all the working hours.

Method of interviewing
For those who have an irregular job, it is best to ask every day starting from how many hours the day before, two days ago and so on until 7 days ago, then total all the working hours.

Workdays are the days when someone does a working activity for a minimum of 1 (one) hour continuously during the past week.

Working hours are the time period (in hours) used for working.
Move the code into the box as follows:

Box 73 used for entering total working days during past week.
Box 74 and 75 used for entering total working hours during past week.

- For employees who usually have a fixed working time, the calculation of working hours should exclude official break times.
- For workers who do not have a regular work time, the working time is calculated starting from preparation until the series of work is over, minus the number of hours dedicated to break time and visiting a relative/friend's house.

- Total working days = 6
- Total working hours = 46,1 hour and rounded down to become 46.

Maximum number of working hours for each person is 98.

Question 29: Total working hours of main work during the past week
Write the total [number of] working hours for your main work during the past week. Total working hours in Question 29 should be equal to total working hours in Question 28.

Main work
If a person has only one job, that job must be recorded as the main job. If a person has more [than one job], the main job is based on the quantity of time [spent on each job.] If the time spent at each job is the same, the job that contributes the largest income is considered to be the main job. A person has more than one type of job if the management is done separately, except a food crop farmer who works for several food crop farmers (separate management) who categorized as [having] one job.

a. A farmer who plants rice in his own field, [and] also plants rice in another person's field and receives payment is categorized as having two jobs, which are planting rice in his own field and a food crop worker.
b. A teacher teaches in two schools, in the morning in a state high school and in the afternoon in a state secondary school. The teacher is categorized as having two jobs, which are a high school teacher and a secondary teacher, although the work status and field of work are the same.

Indonesia 1995 — source variable ID1995A_HRSMAIN — Number of hours worked in primary job
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VI. Economic activity of persons age 10 or older
[Questions 601 to 615]

[Questions 604-608 were asked of persons age 10 or older who are employed, worked at least one hour or held a job but were temporarily absent during the previous week, as per questions 601, 602 and 603.]

605. Number of hours worked in primary activity in the previous week

_ _ hours

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6.6. Block VI. Activities of household members age 10 or older
This block is used to collect characteristics on the economic activities of every household member who is 10 or older, such as field of business, type and work status and number of working days/hours during the past week.

The work force of the community age 10 or older is categorized into two groups: work force and non-work force. The work force are those who have jobs during the past week, those who are working or temporarily not working due to a certain cause such as waiting for harvest, on leave, etc. Also included in this group are those who do not have a job but are seeking one/hopefully obtaining a job. The non-working force are those who during the week only attended school, took care of a household, and others who do not do any activities that could be categorized as working, temporarily not working, or seeking a job.

There are several questions that are specifically asked to people who are either working or seeking a job, and also some for the non-working force who attends school, takes care of a household, elderly people, or other non-economic activities. Then there are some that confirm the number of people who are categorized as working force and non-working force.

This block consists of 16 questions: P601 to P615, beginning with the most frequent activity conducted during the week through the field of business during the previous year.

Question 605: Total working hours of main work during the past week
Write the total [number of] working hours of the main work during the past week.

Main work:
If a person has only one job, that job must be recorded as the main job. If the person has more than one job, the main job is based on the length of time worked. If the lengths of time used for the jobs are the same, the job that contributes the most income is considered the main job. A person has more than one type of job if the management is done separately, except for a food crop farmer who works for several food crop farmers (separate management) -- this is categorized as one job.

a. A person who is on leave and during that period does not do any other work -- the main work is the work [for which he/she is] on leave.
b. A person who is on leave and during that period does another kind of work -- the main work is the one done during leave.



a. A marketing manager of a real estate company who is on leave during the past week did not do any other work. This person is categorized as only having one job as a marketing manager of a real estate company.
b. During the past week a doctor who works in Sumber Waras hospital is on leave, and during that period helps his wife sell sports equipment. The main work of this person during the past week is selling sports equipment.
c. A farmer who plants rice in his own field, and besides that also plants rice in another person's field and receives payment, is categorized as having two jobs which are planting rice in his own field and a food crop worker. The working hours recorded in P605 are the longest working hours between those two jobs.
d. A teacher teaches in two schools, in the morning in a state high school and in the afternoon in a state secondary school. The teacher is categorized as having two jobs, being a high school as well as a secondary teacher, although the work status and field of work is the same. The working hours recorded in P605 is the longest working hours from those two jobs.
e. A person works in the morning as a worker who plants rice and in the afternoon works as a worker who plants vegetables for a different person. This person is categorized as having one job which is planting food crops.

Italy 2001 — source variable IT2001A_HRWORKED — Number of hours worked during the week of 14 to 20 October
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Persons over 15 years of age must answer questions starting from point 6.
Persons under 15 years of age must answer questions starting from point 8.

[Questions 6.1-7.12 were asked of persons over 15 years of age.]

7. Work activity
[Questions 7.1 to 7.12 were asked of those who worked one or more hours of paid work, or as contributing family worker.]

To answer questions from 7.1 to 7.12, refer to the main work activities (activities where the greater number of hours were worked)

7.3 Indicate the number

Hours worked ____

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7. Work activity
Answer question 7.1 and question 7.12 by referring to the main job carried out during the week preceding the date of the Census (from 14 to 20 October, 2001).
The term main work activities refers to the job where the greatest number of working hours was employed.
Employed persons who, during the week preceding the date of the Census (from 14 to 20 October, 2001), did not work because they were on vacation, illness, on income support, on leave of absence etc., must refer to the main job usually performed.
Persons who, during the week preceding the date of the Census (from 14 to 20 October, 2001), changed job must refer to their new job carried out at the end of that week.

Question 7.3
Indicate the number of hours actually worked during the week preceding the Census (from 14 to 20 October, 2001), regardless of any employee work agreements (contract, agreements, etc.) or the hours normally or usually worked.
Any paid or unpaid hours of overtime must be included.
The time it takes to get from the home to the work place and to eat a meal during work breaks must not be included.
Persons who are attending professional training courses, including apprentices and trainees, must not include the hours during which they are at school or at the training center, if outside the company.
The actual (or presumable) number of hours worked by persons who are absent for work purposes or business, and members of a crew in navigation must be indicated by another household member.

Italy 2011 — source variable IT2011A_WKHOURS — Number of hours usually worked per week
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6. Vocational or non-vocational status

[These questions are asked of individuals aged 15 years and over]

In your answers to question 6.6 through 6.12 refer to your primary work activity only. If you are not working at present, refer to your most recent job.

6.12 How many hours do (did) you usually work per week?

Hours worked _ _

Skip to question 7.1
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Section II - Information about regular inhabitants of the dwellings

In your answers to questions 6.6-6.12:

- Individuals with more than one job should answer in reference to their primary work activity only. Primary work activity is the job with the most work hours or the one (if you work an equal number of hours for different jobs) that provides the most income.
- Employed individuals who did not work during the week prior to the survey date (October 02nd-08th) because of a holiday, illness, CIG, leave of absence, etc., should refer to the job that usually represents their primary work activity.
- If you are not working at present, refer to the last job you had.
Question 6.12
Overtime (paid or unpaid) should be included as part of your regular weekly hours as long as those hours are worked regularly in addition to the normal number of contracted hours.

Teachers should count the number of hours dedicated to teaching plus the number of hours regularly dedicated to related activities (preparing lessons, correcting homework, parent-teacher meetings, etc.).

This should also include overtime hours, whether paid or unpaid.

The time required for commuting to the workplace and the hours allotted to meal times during work breaks, however, should be excluded.

Panama 1980 — source variable PA1980A_WORKHRS — Hours worked last week
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23. How many hours did you work last week?
(For all currently employed.)
Write the response given by the respondent.

Hours worked _ _

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For persons 10 years old or older
(Apply to questions 14 to 25)

The questions that form this Section are meant to get information about the participation of the population 10 years old or older in the economic activities of this country.
The questions relating to the chapter are applied to the situation existing in the week immediately before the day of the Census (reference week). Reference week is defined below:
Definition of "Reference Week" or "Last Week": It is the complete calendar week, from Sunday to Saturday that, for census purposes goes from May 4, 1980 to May 10, 1980.
The answers obtained in question 13 are the basis for classifying the population of persons 10 years old or older as:
1. Economically active (employed and unemployed).
2. Not economically active (homemaker, student, disabled, retired, pensioner, rentier, others inactive).

[p. 80]

1. Economically active population
This group is understood to be the population of 10 years old or older who supply the workforce available for the production of goods and services of the country and is divided into Employed and Unemployed.

1.1 Employed Population: is understood to be persons who:

a) Have an occupation or job remunerated in money or in kind, during the reference week.
b) Have a private business or job on their own account. Example: The owner of a grocery store, the farmer, the lawyer who has his own practice, etc.
c) Works regularly in a business or company of a member of their family even when not drawing a wage or salary (Contributing family worker).
d) Sell tickets, newspapers, or any other article; make food to sell; wash cars; shine shoes; sew in their house for others; the kind of work, time worked or amount of money that they receive during the reference week does not matter.
e) Have a steady remunerated job but do not work during the reference week because of temporary circumstances: sickness or accident; vacation; work conflicts such as: bad weather; machine breakdowns, strike, on leave, etc.

1.2 Unemployed population: This group constitutes persons who do not have a remunerated occupation or job during reference week, but:

a) Have worked before and look for work (visits employment agencies or offices in search of work, consults friends about the availability of work, is relying on ads in newspapers, that is to say, makes the effort with the goal of finding employment).

[p. 81]

b) Are not looking for work because they have a job that will begin on a previously appointed date.
c) Look for their first job or that is "New Workers". The oldest age for a "New Worker" is 45.

2. Not economically active population
This group is understood to be the flowing persons:

2.1 Homemaker: The person who is dedicated only and exclusively to domestic tasks and chores in their own home and were not looking for work, nor were they retired, pensioned, living on investments, or attending school. In a dwelling there can be more than one homemaker.
2.2 Student: The person who is dedicated exclusively to studying.
2.3 Invalid: The person who is found to be physically or mentally impeded from working.
2.4 Retired: The person who has stopped working and is receiving retirement income.
2.5 Pensioned, rentier: The person who receives auxiliary or pensioned income (pensioned). Equally include in this group all the persons who without working receive money or investments from a business or company (rentier). Do not include persons who receive pension for food, divorce, etc.
2.6 Retired without benefits: Include in this group the persons who in some opportunity had a job but currently are separated from all type of economic activity without receiving retirement benefits or a pension.
2.7 Other condition: The person who without being classified in any of the groups above does not do any economic activity and remains idle.

When classifying the population, special care should be taken with the persons of the female sex who declare themselves to be "Homemaker" and those who declare themselves to be [p. 82] students. In the first case they sometimes also do remunerated jobs like: cleaning, ironing, sewing, styling hair, painting fingernails, making candy etc. in their own home or outside it but because they spend little time in these labors they forget to give this information.
On the other hand, some students after class or on weekends dedicate themselves to cleaning shoes, selling newspapers, washing cars etc. Equal care should be taken with the spouse or companion or the children of farm families, who regularly help with the agricultural labors but do not declare this job.
For reasons already explained, it is necessary that before classifying the population, the enumerator investigates more to find out if the parson did some work during the reference week. If is made known that the person worked during this period, even when it was part time, it should be classified as Employed, that corresponds to the population who is Economically Active.

Question 23 How many hours did you work last week?

For all those employed

Write down in the corresponding space the total number of hours worked in the occupation declared in question 17. Remember that hours worked refer to the week before the census (reference week).

Romania 2002 — source variable RO2002A_HRSWORK — Number of hours worked on current activity during the reference period (March 11-17, 2002)
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20. Time usually worked for current main activity during the reference period, the week of March 11 - 17, 2002:
_ _ Number of hours worked

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Time usually worked for current main activity during the reference period (the week March 11 -17, 2002) (item 20)

68. The number of worked hours - in Arabic figures- will be written on the cassette space for the current main activity, during the week of March 11 -- 17, 2002 (aiming an income in cash or in kind). The overtime working hours, regardless of whether these were paid or not should be included.

[p. 50]

-- The code 97 -- will be written when the persons, during the reference period, were detained;
-- The code 98 -- will be written when the persons, during the reference week, were absent from the working place, but had formal attachment to their job (see paragraph 67 -- "employed persons" -- b). For example: persons on vacation (resting, maternity, medical leave, without pay, for studies);
-- Will be written 0 -- when the persons declare that during the reference week they did not have any economic or social activity.

Will not be recorded:
-- time spent for transportation to/from the working place, if this is not included on the regular working program - (when the persons, during the working program time have to travel, due to duty obligation, then the time spent for this movement to/from the working place will be included in worked time of the current activity);
-- the time spent for household duties, voluntary services, etc.;
-- the time for meal-break (lunch -- break) not included on the working program.

Particular situation:
-- when the enumerated persons are declaring that they worked "24 hours out of 24 hours" (around the clock) -- for example the sailors on duty, home alarm consigned military personnel, foremen on sea oil drilling platform etc. -- will be considered as time worked, during the reference period, the maximum of 72 hours;
-- for teaching staff, should be taken into consideration, besides the teaching hours, also, the hours dedicated to preparing the courses;
-- for persons working in several places - should be taken into consideration as worked time, the hours worked on current activity (for example: the professors who are teaching, in order to fill up the compulsory hour's norm, in several schools).

Will not be considered as worked hours:
-- the hours dedicated to charity and voluntary activities;
-- the hours worked for other activities than the current (for example a professor working as computer operator).

69. Items 21 -- 24 will not be completed for the persons who at the item 20 -- "The time usually worked for main current activity during the reference period" -- were recorded with "0", it means declaring that during the reference week they did not have any economic or social activity

Exception: Unemployed -- seeking another work (item 19 code 2), for whom, even on the row the " Time usually worked for main current activity" was marked number 0, items 21 -- 24 will be filled up with reference regarding the last working place.

Persons who during the reference week of March 11 -- 17, 2002, had several locations of work, the questions of the items 21 -- 24 are referring to the location where most of the activity was performed (where the person worked the most hours during the reference week).

Persons who during the reference week March 11 -- 17, 2002 changed the place of work, should be considered working in place, where during the reference week, they worked the most.

Romania 2011 — source variable RO2011A_WKHOURS — Hours worked in main occupation (during reference week)
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31. Working hours (during the reference week)

31.1 Total number of hours actually worked _ _

United Kingdom 1991 — source variable UK1991A_HOURS — Usual hours worked
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Answer to the remaining questions are not required for any person under 16 years of age (born after 21st April 1975)
[Applies to questions 13 - 19]

[Questions 14 - 18 were asked of persons who currently have or have had a job in the last 10 years]

14. Hours worked per week
How many hours per week does or did the person usually work in his or her main job?

Do not count overtime or meal breaks.

Numbers of hours worked ____

United Kingdom 2001 — source variable UK2001A_WKHRS — Hours worked weekly
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[Questions 16 - 35 were asked of people age 16 to 74.]

[Questions 24 - 35 were asked of persons who are currently working or have ever worked.]

[Questions 32 - 35 were asked of persons who were working last week.]

35. How many hours a week do you usually work in your main job?
Answer to nearest whole hour.
Give average for last four weeks.

Number of hours worked a week _ _

Uruguay 2006 — source variable UY2006A_HRSWORK — Hours worked per week
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F. Work activity

Only for persons age 14 or older

F.2 Characteristics of the main job

81. How many hours per week do you usually work in this job? _ _

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Characteristics of the main job

81. How many hours per week do you usually work in this job?

This is interested in knowing the number of hours habitually worked in the week by the interviewee, avoiding all present situations that could introduce distortions to the normal situation.