Questionnaire Text

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B. Educational characteristics

11. What is the highest level of studies that you have studied or completed?

[] 1 None
[] 2 Literacy center
[] 3 Pre-primary
(For responses 1-3, skip to question 15)
[] 4 Primary
[] 5 Secondary
[] 6 Post-secondary non-university
[] 7 Post-secondary university

12. What is the highest grade you completed?


13. Did you complete this level?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

14. To what educational level did the last year completed belong?

(Write the most important one)

____ _ _ _

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
B. Educational characteristics

11. What is the highest level of study that you have studied or completed?
If the answer corresponds to one of the first three levels (none, literacy center, or pre-primary), the enumerator will skip to question 15.

If the answer is among the alternatives 4, 5, 6, or 7, the corresponding mark is made and the enumerator will proceed to the following question.

Reminder: Post-secondary non-tertiary education takes place after secondary (middle education) but is not at the tertiary level. E.g.: studies in the Teaching School, Pan American Agricultural School of Zamoran, National Agricultural School of Olancho.

12. What is the highest grade you completed?
This refers to the last year completed in the level of studies corresponding to the previous question and not the current year or semester of studies.

[These instructions refer to an illustration of the concept "last year completed"]