Questionnaire Text

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Resident population aged 6 years and above
[Questions P13-P18 were asked of resident population aged 6 years and above.]

To be filled out only for employed and available unemployed persons
[Questions P16-P18 to be asked only for employed and available unemployed persons.]

P16 Occupation ____
[The French text says "Occupation or economic activity practiced"]

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Column P16: Profession or economic activity exercised
By profession or economic activity exercised we mean:
a) "Job employed in" or position held" in the general case of a salaried employee, or;
b) "Profession engaged in" the case of a craftsman or a self-employed manual laborer, or of a professional, or;
c) "Economic activity exercised" in the fields of retail trade; artisanship; small and medium-sized businesses; transportation; agriculture; animal rearing; fishing; and the provision of services, generally for those who are self-employed or who provide the service as employer or owner.

For an employed person, ask the following question:
"In the course of the reference period, what profession did you practice or what economic activity were you engaged in?

The answer should be related to work actually completed by the person, and not to what he knows how to do, i.e., his professional training.

If the person was engaged in more than one economic activity during the reference period, ask him to tell you which he considers the most important, and write this activity in the questionnaire. However, do not write anything in the numbering grid.

For a person acknowledged as unemployed, i.e., who has worked in the past and has been without work, and searching for work, in the course of the reference period, ask the following question:

[p. 49]

"What was the last occupation, profession, position or economic activity that you engaged in before you became unemployed?"

The rules written above are useful to get the correct answer, which should be [written out] completely [in] the questionnaire. Be as strictly precise as possible when indicating the economic activity in question. For example, you should write:

"Banana planter," but never "planter."
"Primary school teacher," "secondary school teacher," "adjunct or graduate instructor," and not "teacher."
"Prefect," "Minister," "Secretary General," National Director," etc.
"Cabinet maker," "woodworker," "blacksmith," "shoemaker," "mason," "tanner," "weaver," "[dry] cleaner," but never "artisan."
"Donut seller," "peanut seller," "kola nut seller," "fish seller," "butcher," "street vendor", but never "seller/salesperson."
"Growing food crops,", rice planter, peanut planter, cattle farmer/breeder, sheep farmer/breeder, goat farmer/breeder but never write "agricultural worker," "cultivator", "breeder," "planter."
"Auto mechanic," "motorcycle mechanic," but never write "mechanic."
"Medical doctor," "lawyer," "university professor," but never write "doctor" or "teacher."
"Electrical engineer," "statistical engineer," "agricultural engineer," "civil engineer," electro-mechanical engineer," "forest resource engineer," but do not write, "engineer," "doctor in engineering," "engineering assistant," "adjunct engineer," etc.