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P08 Nationality (Country of citizenship) ____
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Column P08: Nationality
Nationality is a legal concept, and is acquired by birth or naturalization.

Some legislation foresees cases of dual nationality. For the purposes of the census, the overriding objective is to be able to classify people living in Guinea as nationals (Guinean citizens) and foreigners (citizens of another country or without a country, that is, people without a nationality.) The enumerated person is at liberty to declare his/her nationality. In case of dual nationality the person should declare only one nationality, the nationality of his/her choice.

Ask the following question: "What is your nationality?" For Guinean citizens write "Guinean" in the appropriate space. For foreigners, those who are citizens of another country, write the declared nationality. For example, it may be necessary to write "Senegalese," "Ivorian," "Malian," "Russian," or "Ukrainian" to indicate the nationality of citizens of the respective countries of Senegal, Ivory Coast, Mali, Russia and the Ukraine. In the specific instance of citizens of Niger and Nigeria, simply write the name of the country, Niger or Nigeria, to avoid errors due to an error in the recording of the correct term.
Please note: Do not write anything in the 2 boxes of the numbering grid located below.