Section E. Demographic characteristics of the whole population (individual characteristics)
[No label "E" on the questionnaire]
7. Age ____
(write the age in integer number of years, for persons whose age was estimated)
Column (6): Age or Date of Birth
113. Age is a very important data for the census. It is crucial to make all possible efforts to obtain the most accurate estimate of age possible. For this doing, the census enumerator (AR) must proceed the following way:
Ask the person his/her date of birth. If it is known, write the month and year of birth. For example, for a person born October 12, 1953, write 10/53;
If the person does not know his/her date of birth, ask his/her age. If it is known, verify it and write it in completed years, that is, in the number of complete years lived by the person. For example, write:
00 years for a child aged less than one year old (fewer than 12 months)
09 years for a child aged 9 years and 3 months
43 years for a man aged 43 years and 11 months
-If the person knows neither his/her date of birth or age, ask if he/she has any identification (birth certificate, identity card, professional card or other) which might indicate his/her age. If he/she has nothing like that, estimate the age either through historic events or by comparison with other people whose exact age is known.
114. The census enumerator (AR) will refer to past events, which are recognized, in order to determine the age. If the enumerated person declares an age, the census enumerator (AR) must activate his or her common sense, and check the likelihood of this age.